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Mostrando postagens com marcador Mike Adams. Mostrar todas as postagens

sábado, 18 de setembro de 2021

Fauci bioweapons funding CONFIRMED, smoking gun proves covid vaccines based on govt biowarfare program

Written by Mike Adams

See here, here and here

Thanks to a FOIA request by The Intercept, we now have smoking gun proof that Anthony Fauci directed NIH funding for bioweapons research on SARS-CoV-2 (via “gain-of-function” experiments) under the cover of the Chinese Communist Party. The 900+ pages of once-secret documents also confirm that the United States government originated the bioweapons research and funded it to completion. After Trump banned biological weapons programs in the United States, Fauci and others conspired to criminally conduct illegal research by shifting the technology to China (and laundering US taxpayer money through the EcoHealth Alliance to fund it).

As detailed by The Intercept:

NEWLY RELEASED DOCUMENTS provide details of U.S.-funded research on several types of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The Intercept has obtained more than 900 pages of documents detailing the work of EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S.-based health organization that used federal money to fund bat coronavirus research at the Chinese laboratory.

One of the grants, titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence,” outlines an ambitious effort led by EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak to screen thousands of bat samples for novel coronaviruses. The research also involved screening people who work with live animals.

The bat coronavirus grant provided EcoHealth Alliance with a total of $3.1 million, including $599,000 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology used in part to identify and alter bat coronaviruses likely to infect humans.

Fauci lied, millions died

In essence, thanks to the FOIA revelations, we now know that:

  1. Fauci lied under oath when he claimed he never funded gain-of-function research. (Where is the FBI raid on Fauci?)
  2. The entire COVID “pandemic” was built as a biological weapons program from the very start.
  3. Fauci and others committed not merely criminal acts in violation of biological weapons research bans, he also committed treason against the United States of America by handing weapons of mass destruction to America’s communist enemy (China) when then deployed the weapon system against America.

We also therefore know that the vaccine is an extension of the bioweapons program funded by Fauci, since the spike protein incorporated into covid vaccines was developed through Fauci-funded gain-of-function research.

With this knowledge now being made public thanks to The Intercept, all vaccines should be halted worldwide, and criminal indictments should be leveled against Fauci and the thousands of co-conspirators who were complicit in this operation, which includes Big Pharma CEOs, virology scientists and freedom-hating politicians who used all this as an excuse to push toxic bioweapons onto the population via “vaccine” mandates.

See here

BOMBSHELL: The US government started this as a MERS bioweapons program to mass murder people in the Middle East, but it was switched to murdering Americans when Trump took power

The other huge bombshell now emerging from all this is that it appears the US government was originally planning to deploy its bioweapons as a MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) virus to mass murder political enemies in Iran (and other nations) under “President Clinton” (who was slated to take office in 2017 after the 2016 election was rigged). But when Trump’s military intelligence white hats blocked the election rigging of 2016 and Trump took office, the bioweapons program was redirected to focus on killing Americans and dethroning Trump with the coordinated covid-rigged election scheme of 2020.

So the bioweapons that the US government originally planned to dump on the people of the Middle East ended up being refocused on SARS-CoV and placed into vaccines to be injected into US soldiers and 200+ million American citizens, all in an effort to carry out mass genocide against the American people and its active duty defenders. All along, Fauci was taking orders from the Obama / Clinton cartel which had sought a seamless transition of power to the Clinton regime but was thwarted by the outpouring of popular support for Trump.

Thus, by definition, Fauci, Obama, Biden and the U.S. deep state have been working with communist China to build and deploy weapons of mass destruction against the American people. Nearly all Democrats are fully on board with this effort, since they hate America and openly call for the killing of conservatives. Shockingly, they’re also all-in on committing vaccine suicide by injecting themselves with the very bioweapon that was deployed to stop Trump. So what we’re about to witness in the years ahead is mass death of Democrats and whatever conservatives have been propagandized enough to inject themselves with the death shots labeled “vaccines.”

Vaccines are just the first step in a binary weapon system that has yet to be fully deployed

Finally, the vaccines are not designed to kill people immediately upon being injected. They’re actually designed to impair the immune system and prime the body to overreact to a future release of a viral variant that sends the body into immune reaction overdrive. This is called Antibody Dependent Enhancement, and for it to be fully invoked, a new variant must be introduced and circulated that evades the antibodies produced by the current vaccines (what we call covid vax 1.0). It appears that the Delta variant has already achieved somewhere around a 65% evasion, but upcoming variants will demonstrate even stronger evasion / escape properties.

The real bombshell is that the same Fauci / Daszak / Baric bioweapons program that built SARS-CoV-2 could have already constructed a radical variant that functions as the second part in the binary weapon system. This new variant — perhaps one that’s already released or soon to be released into the wild — would result in mass fatalities of those who took covid vaccines, even if they survived the more immediate vaccine adverse reactions such as blood clotting and heart attacks.


"The vaccine will be the ultimate game changer in this fight against the coronavirus"

Anthony Fauci

sexta-feira, 30 de julho de 2021

CDC confesses: Vaccines are failing, the vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands return to mask mandates for everyone, including the vaxxed

Written by Mike Adams

See here, here and here

See here

Via the words of the CDC’s own director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on vaccines and covid has just self-destructed. While in March of this year, Walenksy had publicly promised that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others, this week she publicly stated that vaccines are failing, and that vaccinated people may now carry higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, contributing to the spread of covid.

Even Yahoo News, which typically shills for Big Pharma, could not sugarcoat the devastating narrative shift, reporting:

The CDC updated its guidelines on Tuesday to recommend masks indoors, even for vaccinated people.
The Delta variant makes it easier for vaccinated people to transmit the virus, the CDC said.
Vaccinated and unvaccinated people infected with Delta may have similar viral loads.

USA Today was so alarmed by the CDC confession that they tried to memory hole their own reporting which cited NBC News. In a panic, USA Today scrubbed this sentence from their story:

NBC News, citing unnamed officials aware of the decision, reported it comes after new data suggests vaccinated individuals could have higher levels of virus and infect others amid the surge of cases driven by the delta variant of the coronavirus.

The CDC is currently hiding these data from the public, by the way, most likely because they know that once the data are revealed, any remaining shred of their pro-vaccine narrative will spontaneously collapse.

CDC “confession” just obliterated all the promises made to the vaccinated… now they are slowly realizing they’re the doomed super-spreaders

In making these public statements, the CDC just admitted that the entire promise that vaccinated people were immune to covid and couldn’t spread it to others just unraveled. Immediately, the CDC demanded that the entire nation revert to neanderthal mask mandates, even for those who have been “fully vaccinated.”

It begs the question: If the answer isn’t vaccines but rather just wearing masks, then why does America need the CDC in the first place? And since masks actually don’t work to block viral particles that are orders of magnitude smaller than the gaps in the mask threads, then how can masks stop them?

And if vaccines aren’t working, then what’s the use of vaccine passports?

This is all an open admission that the CDC has no tools against covid and that the last 18 months of pro-vaccine promises were nothing but lies and propaganda. Even worse, the entire medical establishment has suppressed the only legitimate solution to this pandemic, which is natural immunity, which can only function effectively when combined with good nutrition and proper supplementation. Yet the one-size-fits-all medical cult system that dominates society today can only see pharmaceuticals and vaccines as possible answers, never nutrition or natural immunity. Therefore, the CDC has nothing left to offer America other than blind obedience to their quack science lies.

See here

But it’s even worse: CDC director just admitted the vaccines will soon be obsolete

If you can imagine it, the situation is actually far worse than what’s been covered here so far. In her public confessions this week, CDC director Walensky also admitted that covid is “just a few mutations away” from rendering all existing vaccines completely obsolete. She added:

The largest concern that I think we in public health and science are worried about is that virus and the potential mutations. We have a very transmissible virus, which has the potential to evade our vaccines in terms of how it protects us from severe disease and death…

So then, as any rational person might ask, what is the point of taking vaccines in the first place? This is even more alarming when you realize that vaccine-induced “immunity” is now documented to start fading after six weeks. And once the vaccine fades, people become more vulnerable to infections, compared to the unvaccinated or those with natural immunity. That’s why in California right now, the highest count of new covid-19 cases are being recorded in counties with the highest vaccination rates.

Similarly, in pushing for another moneymaking racket of “booster shots,” vaccine companies are now openly stating that their own vaccines stop working after a few months, hence people will need booster shots to keep the vaccine profits flowing.

Actually, it’s worse still: The vaccinated people are the “super-breeders” of covid variants, too

Not only are vaccinated people now the super-spreaders, it also turns out they’re the “super-breeders” of vaccine variants. As vaccine scientist Geert vanden Bossche explains: (emphasis ours)

…[M]ass vaccination promotes natural selection of increasingly vaccine immunity (VI)-escaping variants in the vaccinated part of the population. Taken together, mass vaccination conducted on a background of high infectivity rates enables more infectious, increasingly VI-escaping variants to expand in prevalence. This evolution inevitably results in inclining morbidity rates in both, the non-vaccinated and vaccinated population and precipitates the emergence of circulating viral variants that will eventually fully resist vaccine-mediated immunity (VMI). This is why mass vaccination campaigns should not be conducted during a pandemic of a highly mutable virus, let alone during a pandemic of more infectious variants (unless transmission-blocking vaccines are used!). It is critical to understand that a rapid decline in viral infectivity rates that is not achieved by natural infection but merely results from expedited mass vaccination campaigns will only delay abrupt propagation of emerging, fully vaccine-resistant viral variants and hence, only delay the occurrence of a high wave of morbidity and mortality.

The “high wave of morbidity and mortality,” it seems, has only just begun.

See here

Dr. Robert Malone warns of “worst case scenario” and cites first evidence showing Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) now emerging

Over the next 12 months or so, we are likely going to see a wave of post-vaccine deaths that mirrors the wave of people obtaining vaccines earlier this year. Even Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology, warns that the CDC’s admission is essentially a confirmation that Antibody Dependent Enhancement effects have begun.

In a recent interview with Steve Bannon on War Room Pandemic, Dr. Malone (who is fully pro-vaccine, by the way), stated:

This is exactly what you would see if antibody dependent enhancement were happening… Pfizer protection is waning at six months. Those who received Pfizer, that are now in the waning phase, seem to be getting infected. This exactly what you would anticipate is the window of greatest susceptibility to antibody dependent enhancement, in this long tapering phase as the vaccine response declines.

The government is obfuscating what’s happening here. What seems to be rolling out the worst case scenario where the vaccine in the waning phase is causing virus to replicate more efficiently than it would otherwise, which is what we call ADE.

When one of the world’s leading pro-vaccine scientists — the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology — steps forward and says the covid vaccines now represent a “worst case scenario,” it’s probably worth paying attention.

I cover all this in much more detail in today’s eye-opening Situation Update podcast via


See here