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Mostrando postagens com marcador Lance D Johnson. Mostrar todas as postagens

quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2022

Spanish government admits to spraying chemtrails on citizens, at behest of the UN

Written by Lance D Johnson

During the strategically-planned covid-19 “state of emergency,” the United Nations (UN) authorized the Spanish government to spray lethal chemtrails from the skies. On April 16, 2020, the Spanish government quietly admitted that they authorized the military to spray biocides on the entire population. This population-wide medical experiment was carried out under the cover of a “state of emergency for the management of the health crisis situation caused by Covid-19.” This desperate, yet well-devised plan violates multiple counts of the Nuremberg Code — a human rights and medical ethics treaty that is not being enforced in any capacity.

Spanish Minister of Health was authorized to use military units to spray citizens en masse

This biocidal chemtrail operation was enabled by Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14th, which enabled the Minister of Health to take “a series of measures aimed at protecting the welfare, health and safety of citizens and the containment of the progression of the disease and strengthen the public health system.”

Royal Decree 463/2020 enables the Minister of Health “to dictate the orders, resolutions, provisions and interpretive instructions that, within their scope of action as a delegated authority, are necessary to guarantee the provision of all services, ordinary or extraordinary, in order to protect of people, goods and places, through the adoption of any of the measures provided for in article eleven of Organic Law 4/1981, of June 1, of the states of alarm, exception and site.”

Furthermore, order SND/351/2020 gave the Spanish Ministry of Health the supreme and unlimited power to activate the Spanish Armed Forces and Military Emergency Units to deploy biocide chemicals over the citizens. Health Minister Salvador Illa Roca used these new powers to “dictate” medical experiments over the entire population, using the military as a tool in accordance with article 15.3 of Organic Law 5/2005, of the National defense.

Spain has a history of using “aerial media” to modify the weather

Spain had previously adopted procedures to spray the entire population with chemicals. The UNE-EN 14476 standard authorizes the Ministry of Health to prepare a list of virucidal chemicals, antiseptics and disinfectants. The Royal decree calls for the Ministry of Health to activate “aerial media” and “aerial disinfection techniques” to be deployed during an emergency. The techniques include nebulization, thermos nebulization and micro nebulization, with the stated goal of reaching “all surfaces” in the country. The CBRN defense units inside the Armed Forces and Military Unit of Emergencies are already equipped to deploy these materials and carry out nationwide aerial disinfectant procedures.

These actions are typically referred to as “conspiracy theory” even though Spain has previously been used as a testing ground for chemtrails that include lead dioxide, silver iodide and diatomite. These chemtrail operations were used in 2015 to engineer the climate. The cocktail increases local temperatures and pushes moisture out of the sky to create conditions conducive for tourism. MEP Ramon Tremosa Balcells testified to the European Parliament on May 19, 2015 that workers from the State Meteorological Agency reported planes spreading the toxic chemicals across Spain.

Globalists such as Bill Gates are also trying to use countries as testing grounds for sun-dimming chemtrail projects. These geo-engineering projects have been proposed as solutions for “climate change.” Bill Gate’s project has been deemed unethical by international scientists. These geo-engineering programs negatively impact weather patterns, agriculture, ecosystems, air quality, human health and food and water security, while calling into question a variety of human rights violations. Who owns the skies and who will be held accountable for experimenting on human populations without their consent?

See for more news coverage of chemtrails.


See herehere, and here

domingo, 12 de junho de 2022

Now vaccine-pushing scientists want to turn your GROCERIES into mRNA vaccines

Written by Lance D Johnson


The global agenda to inoculate every man, woman and child is coming straight to your dinner plate. A team of scientists from the University of California, Riverside are researching ways to turn your GROCERIES into mRNA vaccines. In order to combat “vaccine hesitancy” in the population, these scientists want to distribute coronavirus spike proteins throughout the food supply. This experiment could give rise to a new paradigm of vaccination that gives Big Pharma total control over the food supply, as they venture to genetically alter food to inundate the population with more blood clotting spike proteins.

Is this the reason why GMO/vaccine investor Bill Gates is buying up farmland across the United States? Will all current vaccines and hundreds of future vaccine experiments be carried out through the food supply?

Genetic modification of the food supply could soon be used to vaccinate the population

The future of bio-warfare and human experimentation will likely be carried out through the food supply, and advertised as safe. By altering the cytoplasm of edible plants, scientists hope to introduce foreign spike protein toxins into your food. These vaccine-pimping scientists are already experimenting on lettuce and spinach plants, to develop a new species of greens that can vaccinate people more often and in a less invasive manner. These new designer greens can be grown at home, too. The scientists are working on a way to quantify the correct dosage of spike protein per plant while demonstrating that the plant can replicate enough mRNA to out-perform the current vaccine supply.

“Ideally, a single plant would produce enough mRNA to vaccinate a single person,” Juan Pablo Giraldo, lead researcher and associate professor in UCR’s Department of Botany and Plant Sciences. “We are testing this approach with spinach and lettuce and have long-term goals of people growing it in their own gardens,” he added. “Farmers could also eventually grow entire fields of it.”

Giraldo strives to demonstrate that DNA containing mRNA vaccines can successfully be integrated into plant cells. To do this, the researchers intend to alter the chloroplast of the plant cell. The chloroplast takes in the sun’s energy and converts it to sugar and other molecules that the plant needs in order to grow. The scientists want to interfere with this natural process and instruct the cytoplasm to generate spike proteins and other foreign molecules that can be introduced as antigens into humans.

Giraldo and his team have already demonstrated that the chloroplast is capable of expressing foreign genes that are not part of the plant’s natural design. This genetic modification was accomplished by enclosing foreign genetic material in a protective casing and then inserting it into the plant’s cells. The goal is to introduce these GMOs into humans so their immune system can be programmed to fight antigens and viral sequences that scientists have pre-selected and designed.

Is a new paradigm of food-based vaccines upon us?

At UC San Diego, Nicole Steinmetz has already developed nanotechnologies that can deliver genetic material to the chloroplast of plants. Steinmetz tinkers with plant virus nanoparticles and repurposes them to deliver foreign genes into the plant’s cells.

This is not the only edible vaccine experiment currently underway. Scientists from the University of Ottawa have been working on an edible vaccine for coronaviruses for over a year. The Ottawa Hospital is already testing the first prototype. This edible vaccine expresses viral antigens inside the lettuce and spinach plants. Their goal is to deliver the spike proteins to the human body without altering the protein synthesis of human cells. The current vaccine supply must be kept refrigerated at extremely low temperatures. If this research effort can demonstrate the delivery of spike proteins throughout the food supply, the current vaccine supply could be scrapped in favor of a new paradigm of food-based vaccination. This experiment could forever alter the food supply, turning healthy, healing foods into bio-warfare playgrounds that globalists can use to exploit the human race.


quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2022

Globalists want to track your “individual carbon footprint” for total control over your travel, food and consumption of goods

Written by Lance D Johnson

The World Economic Forum (WEF) met in Davos, Switzerland to discuss the future of controlling humanity. J. Michael Evans, president of the Alibaba Group, talked about the development of an “individual carbon footprint tracker.

“We’re developing through technology an ability for consumers to measure their own carbon footprint,” said Alibaba’s Michael Evans. “What does that mean? That’s where they’re traveling, how they’re traveling, what are they eating, what are they consuming on the platform. Individual carbon footprint tracker. Stay tuned, we don’t have it operational yet but this is something that we are working on,” he added.

Chinese mega corporation to unleash new carbon footprint tracking technology

This carbon footprint tracker technology (from China) is designed to track and control every person’s travel and consumption of food, energy and other goods. To accomplish these goals of surveillance and control, the world elite would either have to use injectable or implantable surveillance technology or reset the global economy with a digital currency that can track and restrict everyone’s purchases and travel abilities. This tracking technology could be adapted into vehicles to restrict a person’s travel and interfere with their autonomy and freedom. Individuals have already been primed to accept this technology due to their use of apps and devices that track and record their every move, purchase and behavior.

The Alibaba Group is behind the technology. This Chinese mega corporation operates in a culture that doesn’t respect human rights. The company has great leverage and would be able to implement these tracking systems with ease. The company could easily convince corporations around the world to apply the “carbon footprint tracker” technology and shame companies that don’t go along as being “climate change deniers.” 

Jack Ma, founder and the former executive chairman of the Alibaba Group

Alibaba Group Headquarters

Carbon footprint trackers go hand-in-hand with social credit scores and grander population control schemes

Now that individuals have given up their body sovereignty to mask and vaccine mandates, it wouldn’t be that hard to “mandate” this kind of technology for the “greater good.” Many people will easily go along with the carbon mandates to virtue signal that they are saving one another and “saving the planet.” This is all part of a grander scheme of implementing social credit scores, which have also been introduced in China. People will be pressured to slowly give up their faith in God and put their trust in a global government. In order to have a high social credit score and be acceptable in society, individuals will be cajoled to behave and believe as their masters desire. Social media platforms have already been engineered to prime people to comply with this system of social acceptance and control. The carbon footprint is just one of the main aspects in this system of total control over the population.

This technology will easily go hand-in-hand with future plandemics and climate change lock downs. The WEF previously praised the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 as beneficial to the climate. In social media posts, the WEF advertised lockdowns as “quietly improving cities around the world.” Many of the WEF members supported contact tracing to unlawfully detain and lock people in their homes for two weeks at a time, (multiple times) under the guise of complying with a public health-ordered “quarantine.” These same WEF panelists lecture the world population about their carbon footprint, right before they take off in their private jets, which spew more carbon emissions in one flight than the average person uses in one year.

The WEF endorsed the lockdowns and the labeling of small businesses as “non-essential.” It was these totalitarian actions that rapidly consolidated corporate and government control over the population, quashing property rights and leaving individuals and businesses dependent on the next government stimulus. As WEF founder Klaus Schwab infamously said, “In the future, you’ll own NOTHING — and you’ll be happy about it.” Schwab and the rest of the WEF elite derive their pleasure from manipulating and controlling people and treating us all as expendable blips in a faithless, centrally-planned world.


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quarta-feira, 11 de maio de 2022

World Government Summit: A centralized, digital currency is coming, and there will be no individual privacy or autonomy

Written by Lance D Johnson 

See here, here and here

The World Government Summit recently disclosed new details on the creation of a centralized, programmable digital currency. The Biden regime is now experimenting with a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) on a “multi-country experimental” basis. A totalitarian “new world order” is being normalized; compliance is being financially rewarded.

Covid-19 propaganda and unlawful mandates did not solve infectious disease, respiratory illness, medical error or immunodeficiency. In fact, these problems only worsened over the past two years, as governments instilled mass formation psychosis, suspending civil liberties and the rule of law. But these acts of subjugation and abuse were never intended to improve anything – not treatments, not the quality of life, nothing. Instead, covid-19 mandates have conditioned populations to accept totalitarian control over their lives. The collective subconscious is now adapted to a world that is less free – a world that is more submissive to fraudulent powers and false authorities. This is a necessary step to implement a “great reset” or a “new world order.”

We are on the brink of a new financial world order

Puppet U.S. president Joe Biden recently spoke about the impending “new world order.” “Now is a time when things are shifting,” Biden told a round table of CEOs at a quarterly meeting on March 21. “There’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it. And we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.”

So what is this “new world order” that Biden is talking about? This “new world order” most likely refers to a “new financial order.” Biden recently signed an executive order exploring “a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).” The order places “urgency on research and development of a potential United States CBDC, should issuance be deemed in the national interest.” The government now warns of upcoming Russian cyber attacks. Will these cyber attacks be a false flag operation to implement this digital currency “in the national interest?” The federal government is currently developing the technological infrastructure to implement the digital dollar and working with the Federal Reserve bank to implement this system in the near future. This effort includes “multi-country experimentation” to “ensure U.S. leadership internationally.” America is trying to “lead” a “new world order” that is guided by a centralized, programmable digital currency.

A new system of digital currency control was announced at the World Government Summit

At the World Government Summit in Abu Dhabi, a World Economic Forum (WEF) insider gave hints at what is to come. Pippa Malmgren is an American economist who advised former President George W. Bush. She advises presidents and prime ministers around the world and lectures on “the upside of COVID.” Malmgren’s values align with Klaus Schwab and the WEF, because she sees covid-19 as an opportunity for a great reset that prioritizes population control. During an interview at the World Government Summit, Malmgren ambitiously stated that a cashless society is coming.

“We are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to, and I’ll say this boldly, we are about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new one,” Malmgren said. “And the new one; the new accounting is what we call blockchain… It means digital, it means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what’s going on.” This means NO individual privacy and NO body autonomy rights.

A centralized, government-controlled digital currency is coming. This new system of accounting and currency control would forever change the traditional banking system, upending accounting systems and implementing a new system of monetary control and enforcement of social credit scores and behavioral conditioning.

Malmgren admitted the new digital currency “raises huge dangers in terms of the balance of power between states and citizens.” Malmgren said people will have no privacy, so we’re going to need a “digital constitution of human rights.” The currency will be programmable and could readily be tied to a social credit score that monitors and oversees online activity, carbon footprint, vaccine status, religious beliefs and whatever woke ideas are in fashion at any given time. “The new digital currency will enforce “equitable distribution” of resources, including limits on gun and ammo purchases, food purchases (to regulate the food supply) and gasoline, etc. This digital system of compliance and control will implement a Personal Digital Identity, that will make it hard to buy and sell without it. Vaccine passports, mask mandates, digital certificates of PCR and vaccine compliance are just an appetizer for what is to come.

“What I see is superpowers introducing digital currency,” Malmgren said. “The Chinese were the first. I think the US is on the brink of moving in the same direction. The Europeans have committed to that as well.” She asked, “Will that new system of digital money and digital accounting accommodate the competing needs of the citizens of all these locations so that every human being has a chance to have a better life? That’s the only measure for whether a world order really serves.”

Her words reflect statements made by Klaus Schwab and the WEF: “You’ll own nothing and be happy.” Under this new system of surveillance and control, no one will own their own body or property. Their behavior and activity will be controlled by central economic planners who surveil all purchases and dictate what people are allowed to buy and sell and what conditions they must meet in order to do so.


quinta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2022

It’s impossible to achieve immunization with intramuscular covid-19 vaccines because coronaviruses propagate intracellularly and in the mucus

Written by Lance D Johnson

All vaccines for covid-19 are DEAD UPON ARRIVAL because the vaccines augment antibodies in the deltoid muscles, bypassing the mucus and the mucous membranes, where coronaviruses actually attach and replicate. Any measurement of antibodies post-vaccination is all for naught. These vaccine-induced antibodies are produced in the muscle tissue, far from its target environment in the body. Furthermore, these short-lived antibodies cannot neutralize coronaviruses because they cannot travel inside the cells, where coronaviruses propagate. A proper immune response to coronaviruses should include an equal response from the T-cells. Currently, this is best achieved through a full humoral and adaptive immune response via natural infection.

Prevailing immunity comes through natural infection, in the mucus of the nose, and includes a full spectrum, T cell response

Over 9.5 billion doses of mRNA vaccine were delivered into the arms of people in 2021, yet infections continue to multiply, with case counts surpassing numbers recorded in 2020. Masks, vaccines and isolation have failed to stop a class of viruses that are endemic, are always mutating, and are best neutralized in the mucus of the mouth, nose, digestive tract and lungs. This biological reality has been ignored by the fear-mongering media and public health officials who fail to understand how the immune system works.

Not only are there anti-viral treatments and anti-inflammatory protocols to assist the innate immune response, but there are ways to thin mucus and prevent the thickening of the mucus so that the body can properly detect and eliminate viral threats. There are phytochemicals that thin the mucus to help the body respond to infections. Herbs such as mullein (Verbascum thapsus L.) are beneficial for the innate immune response. Isolated saponins from mullein (Ilwensisaponin A and C) are proven anti-inflammatory, anti-viral agents. There are foods  that thicken mucus in the body, too. Upon infection, foods such as sugar and dairy can contribute to excess phlegm and complications in the respiratory tract.

Sterilizing immunity can only occur through natural infection because the exposure process must take place in the mucus as it was intended by nature. After the infection is neutralized, a durable response includes resident memory T and B cells along with neutralizing IgA antibodies. These forces stand ready where they are most needed, and they are poised to take on future infections in their early stages.

The human immune system is not a machine, programmed exclusively by vaccines

There is no doubt that the covid vaccine developers spent tremendous effort developing a correct code (for spike proteins), so the vaccines could elicit a response in humans and theoretically program immune-responsive cells. The vaccine makers also developed and optimized an efficient lipid nano-particle to deliver this program into the cells. Despite years of research into mRNA and lipid nano-particles, the vaccine makers missed the mark entirely with this vaccine because they did not study the best way to deliver this program to the human body. Vaccine makers needed more than a pinpoint solution; they needed more time to develop a holistic, full systems approach that focused on the delivery method. If the vaccine program is to be effective long term, it would need to target specific systems of the body that matter most for developing durable, longstanding immunity. Vaccine developers should be asking: How do we develop a durable immune response in the mucus, while equally activating T-cells?

Vaccine efficacy is promoted with absolutism, but a measurement of antibody levels in serum is only one small part of a much more intelligent system that includes mucus, mucous membranes, glands, the lymphatic system, cellular surveillance proteins, commensal microbes, T-cells, cytotoxic T-cells, and the T-Helper-1 and T-Helper-2 cells which work intracellularly to neutralize viruses like SARS-CoV-2. Vaccine makers trivialize the human immune system, giving off the impression that it is some programmable machine. The immune system is much more sophisticated than it is made out to be. The immune system contains many variables, and it differs from one person to the next.

Vaccine-induced antibodies are mostly useless because they circulate in the blood and away from the mucus – where they are actually needed. They also cannot work to the body’s benefit inside the cells, where virus replication actually occurs. As a general rule of thumb, antibodies are unable to bind with viruses that are replicating inside the cells. This is the job of the T-cells, which carry out the task of instructing infected cells to self-destruct.

Professor Sucharit Bhakdi (Germany) recently wrote about this systemic vaccine fallibility in a paper titled, “Why intramuscular COVID-19 vaccination must fail.” His conclusions were corroborated by Professor Edward J. Steele (Australia) in an interview titled, “The Origins of Covid-19 & Why the Vaccines Don’t Work.” Professor Michael W. Russel (US) wrote about this topic in an article titled, “Mucosal Immunity in COVID-19: A Neglected but Critical Aspect of SARS-CoV-2 Infection.” Intramuscular vaccines will not work for mucosal viruses, whether for influenza viruses or SARS-CoV-2 and its endless variants.


See here and here

quinta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2022

Bombshell: Vaccinated people are dying from autoimmune attacks against their own organs

Written by Lance D Johnson

See here and here

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Two reputable scientists from Germany, Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. and Arne Burkhardt, M.D., published a bombshell paper entitled, “On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination.” The findings were presented on December 10th at an interdisciplinary symposium where researchers discussed the safety and efficacy of the new vaccines.

The study took a closer look at fifteen vaccinated patients (ages ranging from 28-95) who died within seven days up to six months after receiving an experimental covid vaccine. The vaccines did not save their lives. In fact, fourteen of the deceased vaccinated patients suffered from extensive autoimmune damage in various vital organs. After taking the spike protein mRNA, their antibodies and T-lymphocytes had turned against them, attacking their vital organs.

Spike protein mRNA causes autoimmune attacks in vital organs

Because coroners are not properly trained to link vaccines to various causes of death, most of the fatalities were initially determined to be caused by “arrhythmogenic heart failure.” Most of the patients (eleven) were never hospitalized. They either died in their home, on the street, at work, in their car, or in a home-care facility. Four of the patients were treated in the ICU for more than two days. Therefore, the paper concluded that medical interventions were “unlikely to have significantly influenced the post-mortem findings.”

After the vaccine mRNA encodes spike proteins in the cells, that genetic information is translated in the ribosomes to mass produce a foreign, toxin protein. By subverting the natural protein synthesis of the cell, the vaccine technology reprograms the immune system to fight foreign proteins that were forcibly created by the body’s own cells. The immune responsive cells may see the body’s healthy cells, tissues and organs as a threat. If healthy cells are suddenly creating foreign spike proteins, immune responsive cells may see the healthy cells as a threat to the body as a whole. This could trigger an out-of-control autoimmune reaction, a process of self-destruction.

See here

Covid vaccines train IgG antibodies and T-lymphocytes to target the body’s own organs

Any cell that is penetrated and reprogrammed by spike protein mRNA could ultimately come under attack by the body’s own IgG antibodies and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. After all, the T-lymphocytes are intended to protect the body against cancerous cells and cells that are infected by pathogens. This immune process can take place in any organ.

In 14 out of 15 of the autopsies, the immune system attacked the individual’s heart. In 13 cases, the immune system attacked the individual’s lungs. The liver, brain, salivary glands and thyroid gland were all attacked in two cases each. Every deceased person showed similar inflammatory pathological evidence in their tissues, especially with the death of small blood vessels. The most important evidence was a high concentration of killer T-lymphocytes in blood vessels and the tissues surrounding them.

“Your heart muscle, and your liver and your lungs begin to produce these damn [spike] proteins, [and then] your killer lymphocytes go there … and destroy your heart, your lungs, your liver,” Dr. Bhakdi warned. The evidence of the “immunological self-attack is without precedent,” the doctors wrote. “Because vaccination was the single common denominator between all cases, there can be no doubt that it was the trigger of self-destruction in these deceased individuals.” They warn that more people will suffer similar adverse events as additional booster shots are approved.

The vaccines also penetrate the lymph nodes, teaching these cells to produce spike proteins instead of white blood cells. This may cause the T-lymphocytes to attack one of the body’s critical immune defenses. People who have been vaccinated will be more susceptible to various infections of viral and bacterial origin because one facet of their immune system is being trained to damage other facets of the immune system. This evidence has led one doctor, Dr. Peter McCullough, to declare covid vaccines the “most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history.” Are the covid vaccines part of a depopulation agenda?

Watch the Symposium, Doctors for Covid Ethics.


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