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«(...) Event 201: “Simulation”?
Bill Gates, his foundation, and his sprawling global “health” empire have become the “go to” authorities on COVID-19. As it happens, only a few weeks before the virus outbreak in China, the Gates Foundation, along with the World Economic Forum and the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, sponsored a “pandemic exercise” known as “Event 201.” The “players” in this high-powered “simulation” included key individuals from the government, corporate, and NGO worlds. A deputy director of the CDC and the chief of China’s CDC also participated in this October 2019 pandemic simulation that involved a novel coronavirus. The entire exercise was spookily similar to the COVID-19 outbreak that occurred only weeks later. Were Bill Gates and his fellow Event 201 players far-sighted planners, the “wisemen” who should be looked to for direction? Were these globalists merely “lucky” that the real virus has provided them an opportunity to be the saviors of humanity? At the very least, they have parlayed this frightening epidemic into a concerted effort to promote the “global health governance” they have been championing for years. A full report on Event 201 is beyond the scope of this article. We will be reporting on it in more depth in a future issue. Gates, Soros, Bloomberg, Turner, Rockefeller, and other globalists of our ruling classes seem to be far more comfortable with totalitarian thugs such as Xi than with the nationalist-minded, freedom-oriented “deplorables” who elected President Trump. Like the pigmen in the final scene of George Orwell’s Animal Farm, who are neither pig nor man, but some kind of freakish morphed creatures, the globalist elites are neither communist nor capitalist, but some kind of creepy and detestable mixture of the two.
They are odious quislings — traitors to God, country, and humanity — who are fomenting and using the current coronavirus panic to build the “global governance” world-government scheme that the CFR and its globalist allies have been pushing for the past century.»
William F. Jasper («Coronavirus as Gateway to "Global Health Governance"», in The New American, 06 April 2020).
«(...) In a Wall Street Journal op-ed entitled “The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order,” Kissinger, calls for greater international cooperation in preventing and addressing future pandemics, arguing that the individual efforts of individual nations are insufficient to deal with crises of this magnitude. “When the Covid-19 pandemic is over, many countries’ institutions will be perceived as having failed,” Kissinger writes, insinuating that this will prime the public into not only accepting, but demanding, radical political change better able to protect them from infectious disease.
In the “post-coronavirus order,” Kissinger asserts:
Leaders are dealing with the crisis on a largely national basis, but the virus’s society-dissolving effects do not recognize borders. While the assault on human health will — hopefully — be temporary, the political and economic upheaval it has unleashed could last for generations. No country, not even the U.S., can in a purely national effort overcome the virus. Addressing the necessities of the moment must ultimately be coupled with a global collaborative vision and program. If we cannot do both in tandem, we will face the worst of each.
Describing the effort needed as akin in scope to the Marshall Plan and the Manhattan Project, Kissinger, who famously said “power is the ultimate aphrodisiac,” proposes honing-in on three “domains” in building the post-virus world.
First, the German-born political scientist says, America must “shore up global resilience to infectious disease.” How? By developing new “technologies for infection control and commensurate vaccines across large populations.”
It should be noted that Bill Gates, the world’s richest man in the years he isn’t edged out by Jeff Bezos, plans to spend billions of dollars (and has already spent hundreds of millions) to develop a coronavirus vaccine.
Gates is a longtime insider of the globalist-socialist elite, perhaps one of its chief members, considering his vast wealth. He has called the free market “inept” at solving climate change (believing a global big government regime would do better) and was even inducted into Communist China’s elite Chinese Academy of Engineering.
The Gates are known proponents of population control, and Bill had a cozy relationship with establishment-connected sex trafficker Jeff Epstein, giving $2 million to MIT at the deceased money man’s request.
Are Bill Gates’ projects what Kissinger has in mind when he says we need “commensurate vaccines across large populations”?
It wouldn’t be surprising, considering the two men run in the same globalist circles. Gates works with the world-government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations, of which Kissinger is a member (as was Epstein).
And curiously, in October of last year, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation partnered with the World Economic Forum and the John Hopkins Center for Health Security in an “exercise” called Event 201, which calculated how the world would respond to a coronavirus pandemic.
Kissinger goes on to say that Step Two should be to “heal the wounds of the world economy.” Hearkening back to the 2008 financial crisis, Kissinger calls for programs to ameliorate chaos, suggesting the big government bailouts and government interventionism we witnessed in response to the Great Recession.
But Kissinger, ever the globalist, wants to make sure we don’t let coronavirus push us toward nationalism rather than internationalism. In his third “domain,” the 96-year-old says the pandemic “has prompted an anachronism, a revival of the walled city in an age when prosperity depends on global trade and movement of people.”
Kissinger wants the nations of the world to resist this urge, the urge of closed borders and national autonomy, and instead “safeguard the principles of the liberal world order,” i.e. a politically and economically integrated world in which nations submit to the authority of regional and international bodies such as the European Union and the United Nations.
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Calling for restraint from all sides in this “epochal period,” Kissinger asserts that failure to preserve the liberal order “could set the world on fire.”
But perhaps the “world” that members of the elite like Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates want so badly to protect isn’t the one everyday citizens like us live in.»
Luis Miguel («Globalist Henry Kissinger: Coronavirus Will Forever Alter the World Order», in The New American, 06 April 2020).
«Outside wartime nothing like it as ever been seen before in modern Western history.
The lockdowns by democratic states with their draconian constraints on civil liberties and private enterprise fly in the face of an historical progression that’s seen the size and roles of governments shrunk and individual liberty boosted.
As governments mobilize resources and coerce people in a life-and-death struggle to contain the coronavirus and mitigate its impact, the state has been unbound.
People have been confined indoors, police powers have been expanded, data-surveillance increased and businesses shuttered. All with little debate.
(…) State power is now at its most intrusive since the Second World War. For die-hard advocates of free markets and limited government the abrupt change in direction is horrifying. For others it is less so, even something to be embraced, a harbinger of the future, a turning point that will end up re-reordering their countries.
For those on the progressive left, the reemergence of state power is a vindication of long-held beliefs that market-based models for social organization fail the majority of people.
They hope the crisis will provide the opportunity to refashion along less market-oriented and more socialist lines.
(…) But it remains unclear whether the unbound state will relinquish its expanded authority once the crisis is over.
“Some will reassure themselves that it is just temporary and that it will leave almost no mark, as with Spanish flu a century ago,” the Economist magazine editorialized last month.
“However, the scale of the response makes covid-19 more like a war or the Depression. And here the record suggests that crises lead to a permanently bigger state with many more powers and responsibilities and the taxes to pay for them,” the editors noted. Governments are never good at handing back powers they have seized.»
«In this interview with The New American's Alex Newman, author and radio/TV host Brannon Howse of Worldview Weekend exposes a nefarious agenda to force all Americans into "national service" schemes and even draft American girls into the military. The report, produced by a government commission created under the leadership of Barack Obama and John McCain, also calls for mandating national testing on all American children, including homeschoolers. Brannon gets into the history of this agenda, and the many dangers it poses to freedom, national security, family and more.»
National Testing & Drafting Girls Into Military, Coming Soon
«The Brennan Center for Justice, which is heavily financed by George Soros, has submitted a letter to the governors of all fifty states urging them to use executive action to “release as many people as possible from incarceration” due to coronavirus fears “provided they do not pose serious public safety threats.”
The letter cited concern that the U.S. prison population could face greater risk of illness and death than the general public due to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.
The Brennan Center recommended that all governors use the power of clemency where they can.
The document states:
Ideally, people who are older, medically compromised, or nearing the end of their prison terms could have their sentences commuted to time served and be released outright. We urge you to grant the broadest relief to the largest group of people possible, but should this prove impracticable, we urge you to consider clemency relief in other forms, such as reprieves, which temporarily suspend a sentence, or conditional pardons.
The Brennan Center cited its own research to claim that extending clemency to “especially vulnerable” prisoners “will not jeopardize public safety.”
It claimed:
Our own research has shown that state prison sentences are often too long to begin with, and that roughly 14 percent of imprisoned people have “served sufficiently long prison terms and could likely be released within the next year with little risk to public safety.”
Moreover, researchers have shown, time and time again, that the likelihood of recidivism plummets as people age. One seminal study by the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that “offenders over sixty years old at the time of release had a recidivism rate of 16.0 percent” —roughly a quarter the rate of people released before age 21.
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George Soros' group, ACLU, helped a group of criminals, including child abusers, get out of jail early. See here |
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The George Soros-funded group helped free 6 illegal and legal immigrants from jail
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California federal Judge Terry Hatter Jr. mandated the release of the criminals
Clemency relief in other forms should also be considered, Brennan advocated, suggesting the use of conditional pardons or reprieves to temporarily suspend a prison sentence.»
«After he announced he was suspending his presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders’ press secretary expressed relief that she could finally drop the word “democratic” from the term “democratic socialism.”
The mask comes off.
Sanders announced he was bowing out of the race earlier today telling his supporters during a live stream that the decision was “very difficult and painful” while acknowledging there was no feasible path to the nomination.
Briahna Joy Gray, Bernie’s press secretary had a very revealing response, tweeting, “On the plus side, I can drop the “Democratic” from my tweets about why Socialism is good.”
The term “democratic socialism” has long been used by Bernie’s campaign as a thin veil to disguise the fact that he is a command and control socialist and his policies have more in common with dictatorial socialist countries than anything America has ever seen.
“Democratic socialism” was originally coined by social democrats in the 20th century who wanted to emphasize that they saw a path to socialism through peaceful reform, not authoritarian tyranny as seen in Russia.
By eschewing the term “democratic,” Gray is basically admitting that the impetus behind Bernie’s campaign was authoritarian from the very beginning.
This correlates with frightening statements made by Bernie’s hardcore supporters and his own campaign staff.
A series of videos released by Project Veritas earlier this year featured Bernie staffers confirming with their own words just how “democratic” they envisioned their brand of socialism to be.
“I’m ready to start tearing bricks up and start fighting. I’m no cap, bro,” said South Carolina field organizer Martin Weissgerber in one oft he videos. “I’ll straight up get armed, I want to learn how to shoot and go train. I’m ready for the f**ing revolution, bro.”
“I’m telling you. Guillotine the rich,” he added.
Another campaign organizer named Kyle Jurek was captured on camera advocating re-education camps for Trump supporters while vowing that that “Milwaukee will burn” if Sanders didn’t get the nomination.»
«Prior to the Coronavirus outbreak, unemployment projections already forecast up to 20 million lost jobs due to the tech revolution by 2030. Robots are now replacing humans in response to the virus.
Will the unemployed ever return to work?
The Financial Times reported in 2016:
“Scientists have warned that rapid strides in the development of artificial intelligence and robotics threatens the prospect of mass unemployment, affecting everyone from drivers to sex workers.“
A report from Oxford warned that up to 20 million jobs could be lost by 2030 due to advancing technology.
Calls for cash handouts were already being made to respond to mass unemployment from the technological revolution. Elon Musk said in 2016:
“There is a pretty good chance we end up with a universal basic income, or something like that, due to automation“.
In response to the Coronavirus, hospitals, grocery stores and others are increasingly using AI and robotics. As the WSJ reports:
“Hospitals, grocery stores and other essential services are enlisting robots in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak, accelerating an already fast-growing market for workplace automation, industry analysts say.
The deployments include both software and hardware robots.”
Robots don’t need vaccines to return to work if mandatory shots are resisted by the masses.
Are we on our way to a permanent Universal Basic Income, long promoted by leftists and transhumanists?»
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«The march towards an Orwellian society is closer than ever, as governments have used COVID-19 as a perfect cover to implement totalitarian measures to track citizens that amount to human rights violations to “flatten the pandemic curve.”
The latest example is coming from France’s health minister Olivier Véran and digital minister Cédric O, who announced in an interview with Le Monde that the French government is developing a smartphone app that will track citizens, by warning them if they come into contact with a COVID-19 carrier.
“In the fight against Covid-19, technology can help,” O told the French newspaper. “Nothing will be decided without broad debate.”
France’s digital minister said the app project is called “StopCovid” – and will be voluntarily downloaded on smartphones — will utilize the phone’s Bluetooth capabilities to notify users if they come into proximity to a carrier. The app only works if virus carriers and others have the software operating on the phone.
“The application would simply inform you that you have been in contact in the previous days with someone who tested positive,” O said, adding that developers have been working on the app for several days.
French law currently prohibits smartphone tracking, unlike China and South Korea, that monitor their citizens to make sure COVID-19 carriers are quarantining at home.
Several lawmakers in France have told President Emmanuel Macron’s parliament that they would be opposed to geo-tracking civilians.
O told the French paper that the app uses Bluetooth and not geolocation and reaffirmed that the government would not track people.
“We shouldn’t start a mind-trip over how repressive an application it would be,” the minister said. “Our scenario is one of a voluntary tool, that could be un-installed at any time. Nobody will have access to the list of contaminated people and it’ll be impossible to know who contaminated who.”
The problem with the surveillance app is that when the virus curve flattens, and a vaccine is found down the line, the government could utilize the app as a means of control. The European Commission has told countries that they must have “appropriate safeguards” before deploying surveillance tools to mitigate the virus spread.
And with France extending lockdowns beyond April 15, it’s only a matter of time before the new surveillance app is released. How long until a similar app is seen in America?»
«(…) Proponents of the test assert that it CAN measure how much virus is in the body. To which I reply: prove it.
Prove it in a way it should have been proven decades ago—but never was.
Take five hundred people and remove tissue samples from them. The people who take the samples do NOT do the test. The testers will never know who the patients are and what condition they’re in.
The testers run their PCR on the tissue samples. In each case, they say which virus they found and HOW MUCH of it they found.
“All right, in patients 24, 46, 65, 76, 87, and 93 we found a great deal of virus.”
Now we un-blind those patients. They should all be sick, because they have so much virus replicating in their bodies. Are they sick? Are they running marathons? Let’s find out.
This OBVIOUS vetting of the test has never been done. That is an enormous scandal. Where are the controlled test results in 500 patients, a thousand patients? Nowhere.
The test is an unproven fraud.
And, therefore, the COVID pandemic, which is supposed to be based on that test, is also a fraud.
“But…but…what about all the sick and dying people…why are they sick?”
I’ve written thousands of words answering that question, in past articles. A NUMBER of conditions—none involving COVID, and most involving old traditional diseases—are making people sick.»
Scott Jensen, a Republican member of the state’s senate and also a physician, told local media he got the message from the Minnesota Department of Health, according to a surfaced Instagram video.
“Last Friday I received a seven-page document that sort of told me that if I have an 86-year-old patient that had pneumonia but was never tested for COVID-19,” said Jensen. “But sometime after, she came down with pneumonia, we learn she had been exposed to her son (who had no symptoms but later on was diagnosed with COVID-19) it would be appropriate to diagnose on the [86-year-old’s] death certificate ‘COVID-19.’” said Jensen.
Jensen assured the interviewer he would do no such thing.
“Now, we have not done that,” said Jensen. “If someone has pneumonia in the middle of a flu epidemic, and I don’t have a test on influenza, I don’t diagnose influenza on the death certificate.”
“I will say, ‘this elderly patient died of pneumonia.'”
Jensen added that a colleague of his confirmed the practice was unprecedented for their field.
“We’ve always been told you always put down just facts [on death certificates], you don’t put down any probabilities, you don’t put any presumptions down.”
When asked to speculate why officials would want to skew the deaths related to COVID-19, Jensen said:
“Well, fear is a great way to control people, and I worry about that.”»
«Data released from New York state show that the vast majority of Empire Staters who supposedly died from the Chinese Virus had at least one underlying disease or condition, and that almost the same number of people were more than 60 years old.
And even those in a younger cohort who died also had other health problems called comorbidities.
The latest data show that healthy young people aren’t likely to die from the disease, and invite the question of why quarantines are directed at the whole population, rather than the most vulnerable — the sick and the elderly.
(…) Wrongly Attributed Deaths?
Yet attributing those deaths to SARS-CoV-2 might suggest the disease is more deadly than it really is.
At a White House news briefing yesterday, Dr. Deborah Birx, who heads the White House virus task force, noted that other countries are not attributing to the virus every death of someone who has it.
“There are other countries that if you had a pre-existing condition, and let’s say the virus caused you to go to the ICU [intensive care unit] and then have a heart or kidney problem,” she said. “Some countries are recording that as a heart issue or a kidney issue and not a COVID-19 death. The intent is ... if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that.”
Reported Fox News:
Asked whether the numbers could skew data the government is trying to collect, Birx said that would mostly apply more to rural areas where testing isn't being implemented on a wide scale.
“I’m pretty confident that in New York City and New Jersey and places that have these large outbreaks and COVID-only hospitals. ... I can tell you they are testing,” she said.
Yet celebrity pathologist Michael Baden, who has cast doubt on the judgment that Wall Street financier Jeffrey Epstein killed himself, said including those fatalities in the body count would not be unreasonable, at least until an autopsy showed otherwise. “In the normal course, autopsies would then determine whether the person died of the effects of the COVID virus, whether the person had a brain tumor or brain hemorrhage for example that might be unrelated to it and what the relative significance of both the infection and the pre-existing disease is,” he told Fox News.»
R. Cort Kirkwood («86% of New Yorkers Who Died With Chinese Virus Had Other Illnesses, Conditions», in The New American, 08 April 2020).
«(…) Wittkowski maintained “that the coronavirus could be ‘exterminated’ if we permitted most people to lead normal lives and sheltered the most vulnerable parts of society until the danger had passed,” reports the College Fix.
“With all respiratory diseases, the only thing that stops the disease is herd immunity,” Wittkowski told the PPP. “About 80% of the people need to have had contact with the virus, and the majority of them won’t even have recognized that they were infected, or they had very, very mild symptoms, especially if they are children.”
This is not conjecture. For example, consider that among 60 blood donors in one northern Italian town, 40 tested positive for Wuhan virus antibodies — meaning, they’d contracted the disease but had no symptoms and are now immune. Moreover, one study holds that half of Britain was already infected with the virus in late March already.
“So, it’s very important to keep the schools open and kids mingling to spread the virus to get herd immunity as fast as possible,” Wittkowski continued, “and then the elderly people, who should be separated, and the nursing homes should be closed during that time, can come back and meet their children and grandchildren after about 4 weeks when the virus has been exterminated.”
Wittkowski said earlier in the interview that children should “keep going to school and infecting each other.” This may sound odd. But it’s precisely what’s done, purposely, at “infection parties” — events where parents purposely expose their children to, let’s say, a chicken pox-infected kid — to develop group immunity and avoid more serious disease-related issues later in life.
(I don’t support this, mind you. There’s a difference between proactively infecting your child with a disease and what Wittkowski is proposing: letting life continue and nature take its usual course.)
American Thinker explained Wittkowski’s position very well today, writing that when “the percentage of people who’d been infected, recovered, and gained immunity got high enough, there would no longer be enough carriers for it to spread. So even those who hadn't acquired biological immunity nonetheless would become protected through herd immunity.”
Wittkowski also claimed that, insofar as combating the disease at the society-wide level goes, “social distancing” won’t be effective because you can’t completely stop the spread of a respiratory disease. “It will go slowly, and so it will not build up herd immunity, but it will happen,” he warned. “And it will go on forever unless we let it go” (i.e., take its course).
Asked about our common policy of “containment” or “sheltering in place,” Wittkowski said that people are trying to “flatten the curve.” “I don’t really know why,” he continued. “But, what happens is if you flatten the curve, you also prolong, to widen it, and it takes more time. And I don’t see a good reason for a respiratory disease to stay in the population longer than necessary.”
But “why” may be simple: Some health experts admitted early on that the lockdowns wouldn’t stop the disease. The idea was to slow the spread — and thus prolong the outbreak by design — so that our hospitals wouldn’t be “overwhelmed.” The issue?
Our hospitals have been “underwhelmed.”
This is good news, of course. But also news is that the models predicting an overwhelmed healthcare system have been underwhelming, to say the least. As Fox News host Tucker Carlson discussed yesterday evening (video below), they have, in fact, fallen flat.
It must be emphasized that our whole policy of “locking down” the nation — which threatens to collapse our economy and, ultimately perhaps, our civilization — was based on these flawed models.»
Selwyn Duke («Fauci's Folly? Disease Expert: Lifting Lockdowns Would "Exterminate" Coronavirus», in The New American, 08 April 2020).
«Despite being called out last month for misrepresenting footage from an Italian hospital, CBS News was again caught using the video – this time claiming it showed a hospital in Pennsylvania being overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients.
In a recent CBSN report on coronavirus cases spiking in Pennsylvania, the network again showed footage of Italy’s “worst hit” hospital in Bergamo featuring numerous patients sitting in beds while doctors outfitted in medical gowns and surgical masks tend to them.
In the latest CBS clip, the footage is shown as the report attempts to portray an increase in Pennsylvania hospital cases.
“In Pennsylvania, cases are skyrocketing at the rate of 1,000 a day,” a reporter says, as footage from inside the Italian hospital is shown.
The error comes mere days after CBS News had aired the exact same footage late last month during a similar report on New York hospitals being overwhelmed.
Following that report, CBS News in a statement to The Daily Caller blamed the error on an “editing mistake.”
“It was an editing mistake. We took immediate steps to remove it from all platforms and shows,” a CBS rep told The Daily Caller.
In the wake of their previous controversy, CBS was roundly criticized for its “irresponsible” reporting.
“Especially in times of a crisis where people are already in a panic, the Media needs to give accurate information,” wrote TPUSA’s Benny Johnson on Twitter, adding, “Irresponsible.”»
«Jack Dorsey, CEO and co-founder of Twitter, is allegedly shifting $1 billion of his equity in the digital payments platform Square to his Start Small LLC in a campaign to battle COVID-19.
Dorsey announced the decision on his platform Twitter, writing, “I’m moving $1B of my Square equity (~28% of my wealth) to #startsmall LLC to fund global COVID-19 relief.”
He also noted that after the pandemic slows down, “the focus will shift to girl’s health and education, and UBI.”
“Girl’s health,” means funding will be directed towards abortion clinics and UBI stands for Universal Basic Income.
“Why UBI and girl’s health and education?” Dorsey asked. “I believe they represent the best long-term solutions to the existential problems facing the world.”
He continued, “UBI is a great idea needing experimentation. Girl’s health and education is critical to balance:”
By “balance” does Jack mean balancing humanity’s population by killing millions of the unborn?
The website Dorsey linked to in the above tweet is for a climate change group called Project Drawdown which focuses on “family planning” to combat global warming.
(…) While the announcement outwardly appears to be a generous donation intended to help America in dealing with COVID-19, in reality, it’s a devious way of supporting a liberal agenda including abortion and socialism.»
«A House of Representatives resolution introduced by Representative Guy Reschenthaler (R-Pa.) Tuesday calls for America’s defunding of the World Health Organization (WHO) until its director-general, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, resigns and the organization is investigated for its allegedly soft-on-China handling of the coronavirus outbreak.
Over 20 Republicans cosponsors have joined in the resolution, which says “the United States should withhold the contribution of Federal funds to the World Health Organization until Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus resigns and an international commission to investigate the World Health Commission is established.”
The resolution notes that WHO, in a January 14 tweet, told the world that “preliminary investigations conducted by Chinese authorities” indicated COVID-19 could not be transmitted between people. This despite the fact that “on December 31, 2019, the Republic of China [Taiwan] warned the World Health Organization that COVID-19 could be transmitted human-to-human.” According to the resolution, WHO “ignored their warning as not to offend the People’s Republican of China.”
(...) Among the original cosponsors of the resolution are Representatives Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), Doug Collins (R-Ga.), Chip Roy (R-Texas), and Fred Keller (R-Pa.).
“The United States’ intelligence community has reported that the Chinese government hid the threat of COVID-19 and, as a result, made it difficult for the rest of the world to respond early, appropriately and aggressively,” Keller said in a statement on the resolution. “For reasons beyond understanding, the World Health Organization acted as a silent partner in this effort instead of protecting the lives of millions across the world, including hundreds of thousands of American citizens.”
“The United States is the largest contributor to WHO. It is not right that Americans’ hard-earned tax dollars are being used to propagate China’s lies and hide information that could have saved lives,” Reschenthaler argued.
America is the single largest contributor to the WHO. The organization’s most recent invoice to the United States was for approximately $116 million per year. That doesn’t include an additional $100 million to $400 million per year the United States gives WHO for specific projects. These additional donations totaled more than $400 million in 2017, the most recent dates for which the numbers are available.
Thus, the U.S. gave over $500 million to the WHO that year — roughly a quarter of the organization’s annual budget.»
Luis Miguel («Republicans Want to Defund WHO Until Communist Tedros Steps Down», in The New American, 08 April 2020).
«A mayor in Illinois directed law enforcement to more ‘strictly’ crack down on residents violating statewide stay-at-home orders — just hours before his wife was caught by officers at an illegal gathering at a local bar.
(…) The incident is just the latest example of government officials and their families flouting the draconian lockdown orders they have imposed across the planet, as Infowars has been documenting.
Scotland’s top health official recently resigned after being caught traveling to her holiday home on consecutive weekends.
New Zealand Health Minister David Clark has been caught violating lockdown on multiple occasions, most recently while taking his family on a beach excursion, for which he apologized and called himself “an idiot.”»
Dan Lyman («Mayor Orders Stay-at-Home Crackdown - Then Police Find His Wife at a Bar», in NEWSWARS, April 08, 2020).
«A recurring theme among conspiracy theorists is that the elite are just waiting for the right moment to roll out their ‘mark of the beast’ technology to remotely identify and control every single human being on the planet, thus sealing their plans for a one world government.
And with many people willing to do just about anything to get back to some sense of normalcy, those fears appear more justified with each passing day.
In the Book of Revelation [13:16-17], there is a passage that has attracted the imagination of believers and disbelievers throughout the ages, and perhaps never more so than right now: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark…”
Was John of Patmos history’s first conspiracy theorist, or are we merely indulging ourselves today with a case of self-fulfilling prophecy?
Whatever the case may be, many people would probably have serious reservations about being branded with an ID code even if it had never been mentioned in Holy Scripture.
But that certainly has not stopped Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who has been warning about a global pandemic for years, from pushing such controversial technologies on all of us.
In September 2019, just three months before the coronavirus first appeared in China, ID2020, a San Francisco-based biometric company that counts Microsoft as one of its founding members, quietly announced it was undertaking a new project that involves the “exploration of multiple biometric identification technologies for infants” that is based on “infant immunization” and only uses the “most successful approaches”.
For anyone who may be wondering what one of those “most successful approaches” might look like, consider the following top contender for the contract. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed what is essentially a hi-tech ‘tattoo’ that stores data in invisible dye under the skin. The ‘mark’ would be delivered together with a vaccine, most likely administered by Gavi, the global vaccine agency that also falls under the umbrella of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
“The researchers showed that their new dye, which consists of nanocrystals called quantum dots… emits near-infrared light that can be detected by a specially equipped smartphone,” MIT News reported.
And if the reader scrolls to the very bottom of the article, he will find that this study was funded first and foremost by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Today, with the global service economy shut down to prevent large groups of infectious humans from assembling, it is easier to imagine a day when people are required to have their infrared ID ‘tattoo’ scanned in order to be granted access to any number of public venues. And from there, it requires little stretch of the imagination to see this same tracking nanotechnology being applied broadly across the global economy, where it could be used to eliminate the use of dirty money. After all, if reusable bags are being outlawed over the coronavirus panic-demic, why should reusable cash get special treatment?
Writing earlier this month in these pages, geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar provided a compelling argument that the coronavirus, which is driving the world towards a New Great Depression, is “being used as cover for the advent of a new, digital financial system, complete with a forced vaccine cum nanochip creating a full, individual, digital identity.
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As one possible future scenario, Escobar imagined “clusters of smart cities linked by AI, with people monitored full time and duly micro-chipped doing what they need with a unified digital currency…”
Those fears took on greater significance when Bill Gates sat down over the weekend for a breathtaking interview with CBS This Morning. Gates told host Anthony Mason that mass gatherings might have to be prohibited in the age of coronavirus unless and until a wide scale vaccination program is enacted.
“What does ‘opening up’ look like,” Gates asked rhetorically before essentially changing the entire social and cultural makeup of the United States in one fell swoop.
“Which activities, like schools, have such benefit and can be done in a way that the risk of transmission is very low, and which activities, like mass gatherings, maybe, in a certain sense more optional. And so until you’re widely vaccinated those [activities] may not come back at all”
[The interview can be watched in its entirety here].
According to Gates, anything that could be defined as a “mass gathering” – from spectators packed into a stadium for a sporting event, to protesters out on the street in demonstration – would be considered an act of civil disobedience without a vaccine. Little surprise that Gates chose the concept of “mass gathering” to snag all of us, for what is modern democratic society if not one big mass event after another? Indeed, since nobody will want to miss the next big happening, like the Super Bowl, or Comic-Con, or, heaven forbid, Eurovision, millions of people would predictably line up for miles to get their Microsoft-supported inoculation, even if it contains tracking technologies.
All of this seems like sheer madness when it is remembered that there are other options for defeating the coronavirus than a mandatory global vaccine regime.
Just last month, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director, told a Senate Subcommittee that over 80 percent of the people who get infected by the coronavirus “spontaneously recover” without any medical intervention. This makes one wonder why the global lockdown was designed for everyone instead of just the sick and elderly. Meanwhile, the drug hydroxychloroquine, which has been downplayed in the media despite being named as the most effective coronavirus treatment among physicians in a major survey, is starting to get a fresh look.
Just this week, following Nevada’s lead, Michigan just reversed course and is now the second democratic state to request the anti-malarial drug from the Trump administration.
So now it looks as though we are off to the races to see what will become the approved method of fighting the global pandemic – a hastily developed vaccine that may actually worsen the effects of the disease in those who contract it, or the already proven inexpensive drug hydroxychloroquine.
If the winner turns out to be a global vaccine, possibly one that carries ID nanotechnology, don’t expect the wealthy to be lining up with their kids to be the first to get it. In 2015, The American Journal of Public Heath surveyed some 6,200 schools in California – the epicenter of biometric ID research – and found vaccine exemptions were twice as common among kindergartners enrolled in private institutions.
It seems that the elite are betting heavily on the development of an ID-tracking vaccine that would bring all races and institutions together under one big happy roof, but clearly they will continue living in their own fenced-off neighborhood in this one world government. Whether or not they will get a ‘special pass’ from receiving the new-age mark is another question.»
«(...) AI and ID2020
The European Commission is involved in a crucial but virtually unknown project, CREMA (Cloud Based Rapid Elastic Manufacturing) which aims to facilitate the widest possible implementation of AI in conjunction to the advent of a cashless One-World system.
The end of cash necessarily implies a One-World government capable of dispensing – and controlling – UBI; a de facto full accomplishment of Foucault’s studies on biopolitics. Anyone is liable to be erased from the system if an algorithm equals this individual with dissent.
It gets even sexier when absolute social control is promoted as an innocent vaccine.
ID2020 is self-described as a benign alliance of “public-private partners”. Essentially, it is an electronic ID platform based on generalized vaccination. And its starts at birth; newborns will be provided with a “portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital identity.”
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At the ID2020 Alliance summit last September in New York, it was decided that the “Rising to the Good ID Challenge” program would be launched in 2020. That was confirmed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) this past January in Davos. The digital identity will be tested with the government of Bangladesh.
That poses a serious question: was ID2020 timed to coincide with what a crucial sponsor, the WHO, qualified as a pandemic? Or was a pandemic absolutely crucial to justify the launch of ID2020?
As game-changing trial runs go, nothing of course beats Event 201, which took place less than a month after ID2020.
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with, once again, the WEF, as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, described Event 201 as “a high-level pandemic exercise”. The exercise “illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.”
With Covid-19 in effect as a pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health was forced to issue a statement basically saying they just “modeled a fictional coronavirus pandemic, but we explicitly stated that it was not a prediction”.
There’s no question “a severe pandemic, which becomes ‘Event 201’ would require reliable cooperation among several industries, national governments, and key international institutions”, as spun by the sponsors. Covid-19 is eliciting exactly this kind of “cooperation”. Whether it’s “reliable” is open to endless debate.
The fact is that, all over Planet Lockdown, a groundswell of public opinion is leaning towards defining the current state of affairs as a global psyop: a deliberate global meltdown – the New Great Depression – imposed on unsuspecting citizens by design.
The powers that be, taking their cue from the tried and tested, decades-old CIA playbook, of course are breathlessly calling it a “conspiracy theory”. Yet what vast swathes of global public opinion observe is a – dangerous – virus being used as cover for the advent of a new, digital financial system, complete with a forced vaccine cum nanochip creating a full, individual, digital identity.
The most plausible scenario for our immediate future reads like clusters of smart cities linked by AI, with people monitored full time and duly micro-chipped doing what they need with a unified digital currency, in an atmosphere of Bentham’s and Foucault’s Panopticum on overdrive.
So if this is really our future, the existing world-system has to go. This is a test, this is only a test.»
Pepe Escobar («Ground Control to Planet Lockdown: This Is Only a Test», in Strategic Culture Foundation, April 2, 2020).
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«(...) The Pope has long been extremely vocal on his belief that global warming is man-made and is caused mainly by the consumer culture of western nations. The Catholic Climate Covenant is based specifically on the Pope’s 2015 encyclical on the subject, which refers to the planet as “our sister, Mother Earth.”
“This sister now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her,” the encyclical states.
That doesn’t sound Catholic. It sounds pagan. The Catholic Climate Covenant calls for the world to live more “sustainably” and address “social justice” issues. It could have been written by the United Nations or by the authors of the Green New Deal.
Like many others, Pope Francis thinks that the coronavirus and the world’s response to it has the potential to be a pivotal turning point in human history, an opportunity to rethink how we do things which could lead to a “brighter” and, presumably, more socialist future.
(…) The pontiff also pointed out what he sees as the hypocrisy some political figures have displayed throughout the pandemic. “This crisis is affecting us all, rich and poor alike, and putting a spotlight on hypocrisy,” he said. “I am worried by the hypocrisy of certain political personalities who speak of facing up to the crisis, of the problem of hunger in the world, but who in the meantime manufacture weapons.”
But pretty much everyone is guilty of hypocrisy on some level. The Catholic Church, for instance, is estimated to be sitting on assets worth $30 billion. Why not, as Jesus suggested in Luke 18, sell all that they have and distribute it to the poor?
Because it’s not practical. Everybody understands that. It’s also not practical — or wise — to revamp the entire global economy in response to the coronavirus pandemic. And it’s definitely not wise to change the world in response to a made-up crisis such as anthropogenic global warming.»
James Murphy («Pope Francis: COVID-19 Might Be "Nature's Response" to Climate Change», in The New American, 09 April 2020).
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The fearmongering Fake News is truly the “enemy of the American people,” pushing a totalitarian agenda that is making us more and more like Communist China.
“We are at war with a virus that threatens to tear us apart…. Without aggressive action in all countries, millions could die…. First, fight. Fight hard. Fight like hell. Fight like your lives depend on it — because they do.”
— Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO), March 26, 2020
WHO chief Dr. Tedros, the ubiquitous media face of all things authoritative concerning “global health,” has warned that the COVID-19 pandemic is “the defining health crisis of our time.” In his March 26 address to the G20 Extraordinary Leaders’ Summit on COVID-19, he defined the issue as a “war” and “a global crisis that demands a global response.” He told world leaders to “repurpose the industrial might of your nations for this effort.” His prescription for world political leaders to impose command-and-control schemes over their entire economies is a prescription to emulate Communist China and other dictatorships. Not surprisingly, the same media that have been pushing the panic button since the initial outbreak of the virus were quick to jump on this latest dire pronouncement from the WHO fear factory.
For the globalists and the media leftists, the new coronavirus epidemic offers the perfect opportunity to weaponize fear for multiple gains: 1) to expand and concentrate government control nationally; 2) to expand and concentrate government control globally; and 3) to destroy President Donald Trump, destroy the beginnings of the Trump economic recovery, and destroy the efforts that Trump has initiated to reverse decades of globalist programs, including our build-up of, and dependence on, China.
The “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” meters are running wild as the hate-Trump media alternately blast the president for not going “full-Wuhan” fast enough, while at the same time accusing him of tyrannical designs and intending to make himself king when he implements the lockdowns and spendthrift programs they have demanded. Leading “journalists” of the major media have gleefully called COVID-19 “Trump’s Chernobyl” and “Trump’s Katrina,” hoping to associate the president in the public mind with those deadly disasters. Media so-called legal experts are accusing President Trump of homicide and calling for his prosecution over his supposed “criminal” mishandling of the virus response.
Average citizens and dissenting medical/scientific experts who are against draconian measures by government are also being threatened as “virus deniers” and “conspiracy theorists” who pose a serious “public danger.” Big Tech social-media platforms are being urged to censor and deplatform dissenting views — even more than they were already doing.
Attempts by renowned immunologist Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, to calm the hysteria and debunk the discredited scare scenarios of the bureaucrats and computer modelers have been met with media fury. Notwithstanding the fact that she is a world-recognized expert on communicable disease and was appointed by President Barack Obama as the U.S. global AIDS coordinator, she has become a media target, denounced as a Trump shill. Ditto for other medical and scientific experts who have been attacked by the media elites and/or censored into media oblivion for daring to challenge and contradict the gospel declarations from globalist bureaucrats at CDC and WHO. We have included statements by these genuine, credible experts below to counter the flood of disinformation and fearmongering. But first, we begin with a brief recap, citing a small fraction of the panic-feeding statements and headlines that are being used to stampede us lemming-like into accepting total government as the solution to a “crisis.”
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Voices of Hysteria
• “‘We Are At War,’ WHO Head Says, Warning Millions Could Die From COVID-19” — National Public Radio (NPR)• “We would predict approximately 510,000 deaths in GB [Great Britain] and 2.2 million in the US, not accounting for the potential negative effects of health systems being overwhelmed on mortality.” — study by Neil Ferguson and the British Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team, cited in numerous fevered media reports
• “The coronavirus could kill millions of Americans: ‘Do the math,’ immunization specialist says.” — CNBC story headline
• “Coronavirus could kill 45,000,000 and infect 60 per cent of global population.” — Metro News (U.K.) reporter Eliza Menendez
• “Experts Simulated a Coronavirus Pandemic Last Year and It Killed 65 Million.” — New York Magazine’s Adam K. Raymond
• “Coronavirus Trend: One in 10 of Those Hospitalized Die.” — FXStreet.com headline
• “The coronavirus is Trump’s Cherno-byl — a growing catastrophe in which the government response is deadly because Trump is more worried about protecting the myths that define his alternative reality than protecting vulnerable people who will die.” — Washington Post columnist Brian Klaas
• “Donald Trump may have criminal exposure for some level of negligent homicide or voluntary/involuntary manslaughter for the way he’s mishandled the Coronavirus crisis…. The homicide liability issue MUST be addressed.” — MSNBC legal analyst Glenn Kirchner
• “Let’s Call It Trumpvirus. If you’re feeling awful, you know who to blame.” — New York Times columnist Gail Collins
• “I’ve been saying Coronavirus may be Trump’s Katrina; but this makes the case that it’s more like his WMD [Weapon of Mass Destruction].” — New York Times columnist Paul Krugman
• “Is coronavirus Donald Trump’s Katrina?” — CNN editor-at-large Chris Cillizza
• “[Donald Trump] is unqualified and unfit to be president of the United States. And unfit at one of the most dangerous times this country has seen in, well, I’ll say it, since 9/11.” — Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, on MSNBC’s Morning Joe
• “You know, your campaign put out a critique of President Trump that says if he doesn’t [do] these things, you know, he could cost lives. Do you think there’s already — do you think there is blood on the President’s hands, considering the slow response?” — NBC’s Chuck Todd gives a leading question to Trump’s Democratic opponent Joe Biden
• “These lies can cause immediate and tangible harm to people, and the platforms must act to stop them from spreading. It’s critical that Americans receive verified, trustworthy information about the coronavirus and heed the advice of our country’s public health officials as we learn more about its potential impact here at home.” — Democrat House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr., advocating censorship and condemning those who question the “official” pronouncements of CDC/WHO authorities
• “It’s time for facts, not fear. We appreciate Google, Facebook, TencentGlobal, TikTok and Twitter’s efforts to combat misinformation and rumors on #2019nCoV & direct users to reliable sources.” — tweet from Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of WHO
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Voices of Reason and Sanity
Then there are those who are merely trying to discern the truth and communicate what is happening, as far as the coronavirus goes:• “When people start talking about 20 percent of a population getting infected, it is very scary but we don’t have data that matches that based on the experience…. The predictions of the models don’t match the reality on the ground in either China, South Korea or Italy…. There’s no … reality on the ground where we can see that 60 to 70 percent of Americans are going to get infected in the next eight to 12 weeks.” — Dr. Deborah Birx, White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator, at a March 26 White House briefing
• “I just want to echo again that the risk is low — the risk is low. I encourage Americans to go about their life.” — CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield, at a February 29 White House press briefing concerning airline travel and viral contagion
• “Three months after the outbreak emerged, most countries, including the U.S., lack the ability to test a large number of people and no countries have reliable data on the prevalence of the virus in a representative random sample of the general population. This evidence fiasco creates tremendous uncertainty about the risk of dying from Covid-19. Reported case fatality rates, like the official 3.4% rate from the World Health Organization, cause horror — and are meaningless.” — John P.A. Ioannidis, M.D., epidemiologist and co-director of Stanford’s Meta-Research Innovation Center
• “As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies & does research nearly every day on the Immune System, the #coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest fraud[s] to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, & push MANDATED Medicine!” — Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, holder of four Ph.D.s, inventor of e-mail, founder of several successful companies, and a leading biological engineering researcher
• “Physicians Thank Trump, Say More Freedom Needed to Fight COVID-19” — The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) thanked President Trump in a letter for his “calm, rational approach” to the coronavirus and, unlike WHO/CDC, urged him to allow more medical/health freedom
• “What I have a problem with is the panic and the fact that businesses are getting destroyed, that people’s lives are being upended, not by the virus, but by the panic…. The panic must stop. And the press, they really somehow need to be held accountable because they are hurting people.” — David Drew Pinsky, M.D., author and radio-television celebrity known as “Dr. Drew”
• “The panic over the coronavirus is more damaging than the actual coronavirus.” Professor Leonid Eidelman, outgoing president of the Israeli Medical Association
• “There’s unnecessary, exaggerated panic. We have to calm people down…. Everybody is whipping everybody else up into panic — the leaders, via the media, and the wider public…. We’ve entered some kind of vicious cycle.” — Professor Jihad Bishara, director of the Infectious Disease Unit at Petah Tikva’s Beilinson Hospital in Israel
• “I’ve been handling these emerging contagions for about 20 years now, and I have to tell you, I’ve never seen one handled better.” — Marc Siegel, M.D., professor of medicine at New York University, responding to media criticism of President Trump
(in The New American, 06 April 2020. This article originally appeared in the April 20, 2020 “Freedom Is the Cure” special report of The New American.)
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