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Location of Wuhan City jurisdiction in Hubei
«(…) “Italy also has direct flights from Wuhan and reports suggest over 100,000 Chinese citizens were working in Italian factories,” the Times continued. “Chinese made a slow and steady move into Italy and many Italian fashion firms are now owned by them as well. As per a news report, there are more than 300,000 Chinese and over 90% of them work in the Italian garment industry. As per reports, there are thousands of small companies that are active in exports. This region is also very interconnected as well.” (Hat tip: American Thinker.)
Moreover, the Wuhan virus (WV) is like the flu in that it most seriously affects the elderly, and nearly 60 percent of Northern Italy’s population “is aged 40 and over, of which about 23% is over 65 years of age. This puts nearly one-fourth of the population at grave risk,” the Times also informs. Note here that the average age of those dying from the WV in Italy is 79.5. This demographic phenomenon is due to Italy’s low fertility rate, which in some parts of the nation dips below one child per woman (replacement level is 2.1). So, sadly, part of the reason Italy is experiencing great WV-caused death is that it is a dying nation (demographically).
Yet Italy’s socialized medicine system may also be complicit. The nation lacks the healthcare resources to treat everyone, and its health commissars have prioritized tending to the young, say critics. In fact, an anesthetist at a Bergamo hospital admitted that if “someone between 80 and 95 has serious breathing difficulties, you probably don’t proceed [with providing care],” reported The New American yesterday.
As TNA pointed out, this triage decision might be justifiable if the young and old were equally at risk. But given that “only 17 of those who have died have been under age 50,” as TNA also wrote, and that all “Italian victims under age 40 have been persons with serious existing medical conditions” (who should also be prioritized), this is disgustingly immoral.
(…) So what can we learn from this? First, we should be prudent, not panicked. Note that one Stanford epidemiologist even claims that the WV crackdown is based on “bad data.” In fact, states Professor John Ioannidis, if we didn’t know a new virus existed, we might just “have casually noted that flu this season seems to be a bit worse than average.”
Odd statement? Well, note that an estimated 61,000 Americans died of flu during the 2017-18 season alone, and the disease normally claims tens of thousands of victims annually. So we should embrace better hygiene practices — as I outlined here — but it should be a permanent change. It could spare many a flu-related death.»
Selwyn Duke («Italy: The Real Reasons a Chinese Virus Is Ravaging a European People», in The New American, 20 March 2020).
«(...) Lombardy Welfare Councilor Giulio Gallera — who acknowledges that hospitals have become so crowded they have run out of space for patients — responded to the mayor’s claims by denying that hospitals in Lombardy have started prioritizing “who is to be saved and who is not.”
“We have many hospitals that are under great pressure, after which we have a system that is holding up and is helping them,” said Gallera, adding that Lombardy is remedying the overcrowding of health facilities by transferring patients with coronavirus to hospitals in other regions.
“It may be that there are no places available in hospitals, but the regional system intervenes there,” affirmed Gallera.
Gori reacted to the denial by stating that he should have used “more delicacy” with his remarks, but nonetheless, maintains that his initial statement about coronavirus patients being “left to die” is accurate.
“This is what several doctors engaged in dealing with the emergency in our hospitals have told [us],” said Gori, “but I should have said with more delicacy, I apologize.”
Doctors in Italy reportedly say that they have been forced to overlook older, sicker patients to prioritize those who are younger and more likely to survive, reports the Times.»
Alana Mastrangelo («Italian Mayor: Coronavirus 'Patients Who Cannot Be Treated Are Left do Die'», in BREITBART, 11 March 2020).
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WHO Headquarters in Geneva |
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Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
«(…) China’s efforts not only protect the lives and health of its people, but also make an important contribution to the global public health security. China is willing to participate in international cooperation in COVID-19 prevention and control with concrete actions, to support the WHO’s professional and coordination role, and to help developing countries with vulnerable public health systems effectively respond to the epidemic. Virus respects no borders. In the spirit of solidarity, China will continue to work with the WHO and all parties to fight against the epidemic.
Dr Tedros expresses his gratitude and appreciation to the Chinese government for its generosity by extending a helping hand to other developing countries at the critical moment of the global epidemic response, while overcoming its own difficulties. The WHO will continue to strengthen coordination and cooperation with China to promote continuous substantial progress in international epidemic prevention and control efforts.»
China Daily («Chinese government to contribute $20 million to the WHO for supporting developing countries' response to COVID-19», 2020-03-08).
«Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates and nine other American “foreign experts” in engineering and technology have been elected as new members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE). This might seem an odd fit for uber-capitalist Gates, since the CAE is the People’s Republic of China’s elite society of technology professionals who have proven their service to the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Communist State. But like many other super-wealthy westerners, Gates has shown himself sympatico to authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. Together with David Rockefeller, George Soros, Ted Turner, Warren Buffet, and a small clutch of additional billionaires, Gates formed a cabal they dubbed "The Good Club," which seems to be fixated on population control. Its members are uncomfortably comfortable with China's coercive (and murderous) One Child policy as an answer to population "problems."
China's People’s Daily reported on November 27 that “Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and chairman of TerraPower, has been elected as a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), one of the country's top academic institutions.” “The CAE recently elected 67 new domestic members and 18 new foreign members,” the news report stated. “Among the 18 foreign experts, 10 come from US, 3 from the UK, 3 from Australia, 1 from Japan, and 1 from Russia.”»
William F. Jasper («Bill Gates, Other Elites Inducted Into Communist Chinese Academy», 06 December 2017).
«After concurring with the Surgeon General’s call to suspend elective surgeries so as to conserve hospital resources during the COVID-19 outbreak, a group of leading medical organizations is now calling on hospitals to continue performing abortions.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG), along with several other related organizations, issued a statement Wednesday urging the killing of the unborn to continue apace despite the coronavirus pandemic.
“To the extent that hospital systems or ambulatory surgical facilities are categorizing procedures that can be delayed during the COVID-19 pandemic, abortion should not be categorized as such a procedure,” the groups said. “Abortion is an essential component of comprehensive health care.”
Just two days earlier, the same organizations had issued a press release favoring delaying elective medical procedures in which they stated:
The COVID-19 pandemic is a public health crisis that requires the full attention and resources of our health care systems. The pandemic is and will create stress and pressure on health care systems throughout the country, especially in under-resourced areas.... Some health systems, at the guidance of the U.S. Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, are implementing plans to cancel elective and non-urgent procedures to expand hospitals’ capacity to provide critical care.
While elective surgery can serve important roles in furthering patient wellbeing, we endorse the Surgeon General’s statement regarding elective surgery.
Apparently, however, there is one exception to this endorsement. In their Wednesday release, the groups said they “do not support COVID-19 responses that cancel or delay abortion procedures. Community-based and hospital-based clinicians should consider collaboration to ensure abortion access is not compromised during this time.” Their reasoning? “The consequences of being unable to obtain an abortion profoundly impact a person’s life, health, and well-being.”
(…) As of this writing, COVID-19 has killed fewer than 300 Americans. Meanwhile, according to the American Life League, abortion kills over 1,700 unborn Americans every day. It is, therefore, virtually certain that far more lives would be saved by halting abortions until the coronavirus threat has passed than by imposing vast, unprecedented, and unconstitutional restrictions on our civil liberties supposedly to prevent COVID-19 deaths.»
Michael Tennant («Medical Groups: No Elective Surgeries During COVID-19, But Abortion Must Continue», in The New American, 21 March 2020).
«(...) The Secret “Good Club”
What Clinton and Obama do not mention is that the Obama Global Health Initiative is not Obama’s initiative at all, but merely his continuation and expansion of the UN’s global population-control program, which is a priority concern for some of the world’s wealthiest elites who want to see the planet’s human population drastically reduced. The real initiators of Obama’s GHI are Bill Gates, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, David Rockefeller, the World Economic Forum, and similar population-control elitists.
The Gates connection to the GHI is so extensive that it is probably not an exaggeration to say that the Obama Global Health Initiative represents the successful transfer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s global health policies into official U.S. policy, with the costs also being transferred — to the U.S. taxpayers. At the conclusion of her January 8 remarks on the ICPD and GHI, Secretary Clinton introduced Dr. Rajiv Shah, the new Administrator of USAID, the State Department agency that administers U.S. foreign aid programs and that will oversee the GHI. Immediately prior to joining the Obama administration, Dr. Shah worked for seven years for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, serving as a director of the foundation’s Global Health Program and its Global Development Program.
On May 24 of last year, the Times of London reported in an online article that a secret meeting of the world’s leading billionaires had struck on a plan for curtailing world population. Entitled “Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation,” it told of a gathering in Manhattan that included some of the planet’s richest titans. The Times reported:
Some of America’s leading billionaires have met secretly to consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world’s population...
The philanthropists who attended a summit convened on the initiative of Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder, discussed joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles to change.
Described as the Good Club by one insider it included David Rockefeller Jr, the patriarch of America’s wealthiest dynasty, Warren Buffett and George Soros, the financiers, Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, and the media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey.
The covert palaver took place, revealed the Times story, “at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, a British Nobel Prize-winning biochemist and president of the private Rockefeller University.” To what purpose? Patricia Stonesifer, former chief executive of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, attended the confab. She told the Times the billionaires met to “discuss how to increase giving.” But, apparently, they were not simply interested in coordinating their own giving; they want to draft you and me into financially supporting their pet programs as well.
The Times reported that, according to an attendee, “a consensus emerged that they would back a strategy in which population growth would be tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social and industrial threat.”
“This is something so nightmarish that everyone in this group agreed it needs big-brain answers,” said the guest. “They need to be independent of government agencies, which are unable to head off the disaster we all see looming.” Bill Gates, it seems, exerted a major influence on their decision. “Taking their cue from Gates they agreed that overpopulation was a priority,” reported the Times.
“Global Cabal,” “Alternative World Government”?
“Why all the secrecy?” the Times asked. Stacy Palmer, editor of the Chronicle of Philanthropy, told the Times the furtiveness might be “because they don’t want to be seen as a global cabal.” An attendee reportedly gave the Times this explanation: “They wanted to speak rich to rich without worrying anything they said would end up in the newspapers, painting them as an alternative world government.”
But, are those descriptions — global cabal and alternative world government — unreasonable depictions of what the “Good Club” billionaires are up to? As private citizens, they should be free to shower their billions on whatever charities they deem worthy. But, clearly, in this particular area (and in others as well), they have hi-jacked our government to fund and implement their agenda. According to their anonymous apologist quoted by the Times, they meet secretly because “they need to be independent of government agencies.” All well and good — if they truly were “independent of government agencies.” But just the opposite is true; they are completely intertwined with government agencies, and with the UN agencies that are intertwined with and funded by our government agencies.
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See here
The so-called Good Club elite that convened at Sir Paul Nurse’s domicile — Rockefeller, Soros, Gates, et al. — are a top subset of a larger circle of key movers and shakers who do indeed call the shots on global political and economic affairs. And many of them are indeed pushing to transform their various global agendas into eventual formal world government. President Obama’s Global Health Initiative is virtually indistinguishable from the identically named GHI launched by the World Economic Forum in 2002.
The Malthusian fanatics of the Good Club and their fellow billionaire population-control elitists may claim to want “independence” from government, but what they really want is independence from public scrutiny, accountability, and oversight, while at the same time enjoying public financing and government implementation of their programs.
It is precisely because this “global health” agenda is being implemented under the authority of the U.S. government and paid for by the American taxpayers that Congress must be held accountable. Members of Congress must be forced by public pressure — for fiscal, moral, and constitutional reasons — to investigate and expose this public-private “global cabal,” which does indeed pose a very real danger of becoming an “alternative world government.” Proper investigation and exposure would result in a cut-off of taxpayer funding to GHI projects, especially the most egregious, such as UNFPA, which not only continues to support and fund China’s brutal population control, but also engages in forced sterilization, coercion, bribery, and eugenics throughout the developing world.
The administration’s Global Health Initiative, the new global ObamaCare, is in reality a major effort to launch a new wave of planetary eugenics and population control under the guise of mitigating human suffering and poverty, promoting “global health,” and saving the environment.»
William F. Jasper («Global ObamaCare & the "Good Club" Billionaires», in The New American, 02 February 2010).
«Germany has closed its border to visitors from Europe due to coronavirus, but migrants claiming asylum from the Middle East and Africa are still allowed to enter the country.
Aside from exemptions for people from France, Luxembourg, and Switzerland who are providing essential services, German authorities closed the country’s border to all foreign citizens last week.
However, according to the German Ministry of the Interior, so-called “asylum seekers,” a catch-all term that basically describes economic migrants fleeing from the Middle East and Africa, are still welcome.
“At Germany’s EU external borders [airports and seaports], there has been no change in the [asylum] procedure,” a representative of the Ministry of the Interior told Junge Freiheit.
This means that Europeans who previously had a right to enter Germany are being treated as second class citizens compared to migrants from the third world, who merely have to utter the word “asylum” to enter Germany and have their case heard, even in the midst of a deadly global pandemic.
“In practice, this means that if a migrant were to illegally enter the European Union’s Schengen Zone via Italy or Greece and make it to France or Switzerland, he can still demand asylum in Germany, and thus must be allowed to traverse these countries so that he can formally request it on German territory,” reports Voice of Europe.
The situation is similar in Sweden, where asylum seekers will continue to be processed and allowed to stay in the country despite a global pandemic.
Given that migrants already in Germany rioted and displayed ISIS flags when told their refugee camp had to be put in quarantine, one wonders whether newly arrived asylum seekers will obey lockdown rules.
As Breitbart highlights, attempts to enforce a quarantine in migrant-heavy areas of Paris are proving “impossible” because migrants just ignore the law and congregate in large crowds if confronted by police. Authorities cannot hand out fines to migrants due to fears of a violent “backlash.”
An Ipsos survey released last week showed that a majority of people in 12 different countries supported closing the borders until the coronavirus outbreak is contained.»
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«The last days and weeks of the coronavirus epidemic give an interesting insight into the human psyche. Elementary liberties are restricted all over the world, such as the freedom of movement or private property. Yet most people accept these restrictions without blinking, as the state declares their indispensability.
A chronology of the events in Madrid: on Sunday, March 8, a large World Women’s Day demonstration against the alleged rule of the Patriachate was held. There were 120,000 participants, and members of the government took part in it, marching side by side in the first row. They had called for strong participation. Just one day later it was announced that starting on Wednesday, March 11, kindergartens, schools, and universities in Madrid would be closed. Since Sunday, March 14, there a curfew has been in place, which is enforced by police and military force. Cyclists and joggers trying to keep fit in the fresh air have been fined heavily. Spaniards are no longer even allowed to be in the private gardens of apartment blocks, even if families take turns using them. In short, we are no longer allowed to use our own gardens. They have been temporarily expropriated.
Most people are little bothered by the fact that the state is violating their freedom massively. They regard it as necessary and good. They do not question the state´s authority to restrict our freedom at all. Rather, they denounce those who want to move freely and make use of their property rights. When two brothers were seen playing soccer in the garden of an acquaintance’s apartment block, the police were called.
People denounce playing children, who are regarded as harmful to public health, and put up posters saying “Quédate en casa” (stay at home). This is a block warden mentality. The most worrying thing is the high number of willing state collaborators. The parallels with the past are unnoticed. No one seems to care, and it is not even discussed.
If people are just scared enough, they entrust themselves to a (temporary) dictatorship without grumbling. They give up their freedom in the hope of being saved by state leaders advised by wise experts. Fear makes people controllable. Instead of protesting against the violation of their property rights, they clap their hands every day at 8 p.m. in Spain. Initially, the applause was mainly to show support for doctors and nurses, but in the meantime cheers for the police have been mixed in.
The state leaders plan the violation of liberty centrally. They do not have the necessary information to give a rational answer to the coronacrisis. They take into account the benefits of the curfew and economic shutdown but not the costs, because these are not quantifiable.
One of the immediate costs is the loss of a more rapid immunization of the population. But there are other health costs. Being confined to one’s own four walls, with the corresponding lack of physical exercise, will lead to increased cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, strokes, and thromboses, among other things. The psychological burden of being locked up is especially immense. The psychological strain will cause some marriages and families to break up; trauma and depression will be created.
The economic collapse triggered by the political reaction to the coronavirus has its own health costs, such as entrepreneurs who suffer heart attacks and unemployed people who fall into depression or alcohol.
And then there are the economic costs in the narrower sense. The standard of living will fall, perhaps considerably. That depends on how long economic life remains switched off. Sooner or later, supply chains will be threatened, even for essential medicines and food. Already today the range of products in Spanish supermarkets is reduced. This too can shorten lives. Worldwide, a decline in the standard of living will hit especially the poorest of the poor, whose supply of food and medicines will be greatly diminished.
As the costs and benefits are not quantifiable, it is hubris to rely on central planning to address the COVID-19 epidemic and come to the decision to paralyze an entire country—even entire continents (not to mention the (temporary) disappearance of freedom). Unfortunately, frightened people seem to shed few tears for freedom. There is a shortcut to serfdom, and it is called fear.»
Globalists, Communists Push Coronavirus as Gateway to “Global Health Governance”
“Xi leads people's war on epidemic,” blares the headline for a March 12 story in China Daily, a primary propaganda fount for the Communist Party of China (CPC). Here are the opening stanzas of the China Daily rhapsody to the great Paramount Leader:
WUHAN — Standing in a hospital hall, a man wearing a face mask waved to a big screen. On the screen, a patient seen lying in bed, flanked by two medical workers, waved back.
"What you should do now is stay confident. We all should be confident that we will win this war," the man said through a video link at Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan, epicenter of the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak and capital of Hubei province.
"Victory for Wuhan, victory for Hubei and victory for China!" the man declared with a clenched fist.
The man of the hour was President Xi Jinping, commander-in-chief of China's war against COVID-19, who flew into Wuhan on Tuesday to inspect epidemic prevention and control work on the ground.
“There is no doubt that the Chinese people, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China with Xi Jinping as the core, have made remarkable contributions to the global fight against the epidemic,” declares another China Daily article on March 16.
Hundreds of similar articles have belched forth from the Chinese media since the coronavirus outbreak. That China Daily, People’s Daily, Xinhua News, and other official propaganda outlets would dispense such cartoonish, over-the-top drivel glorifying Xi Jinping is hardly surprising. That’s what propaganda outlets for totalitarian governments do; that’s their job. Disseminating propaganda, lies, and disinformation is the very reason for their existence. And since Xi has climbed to the top of the Beijing dogpile the Communist Party has assumed even more coercive control over the press than was previously being exerted.
As we reported in detail in 2013 (“China’s ‘Journalists’ Ordered to Take New Propaganda Training”), the Communist Party of China’s Central Propaganda Department announced, on October 10, 2013, a mandatory three-month training program for all journalists to curb deviation from the Party line in “news” reporting. Since that time, the Chinese media has built a cult of personality around Xi to rival that of infamous mass-murderer Chairman Mao.
Xi and China Provide a Model of Leadership for the World?
According to the Chinese propagandists, not only is Xi Jinping a heroic leader for China, but the leadership provided by him and the Communist Party of China is a model for the world to emulate. Here is yet another bouquet to Xi from China Daily: “China's response to novel coronavirus pneumonia has set an example for the world in coping with the contagion and offered experience in advancing global public health governance, officials and experts said.”The same article quoted Suerie Moon, director of research at the Global Health Centre of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, as stating that “the world needs stronger and more resilient global governance to deal with outbreaks, adding that as a major global player, China has both the potential and the capacity to play a larger role in global governance processes affecting health.” Moon’s Global Health Center is one of many similar outfits that serve as adjuncts of the Geneva-based World Health Organization (WHO), the bureaucracy slated to lead UN’s long-planned global socialized medicine.
For those who may have missed it in the media’s coronavirus avalanche, “global health governance” has become the new daily meme from globalist policy “experts.” WHO's Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (more commonly known as Dr. Tedros) has led the pack in proclaiming the need for “global health governance,” with China serving as the model. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, Tedros has been a non-stop media machine, with daily praise for China’s communist regime — helmed by the Great Leader Xi Jinping — along with appeals for more funding and more power for the UN’s WHO bureaucratas. Ditto for other WHO and United Nations officials. That is hardly unexpected, as the UN and WHO have become increasingly dominated by Chinese nationals, along with European, American, and African toadies for the Beijing regime. (See here and here.)
On March 8, China Daily trumpeted Dr. Tedros’ expression of appreciation to China for a $20 million contribution to WHO. Never were hundreds of billions of dollars-worth of global propaganda services so cheaply bought. Not only do XI and communist China receive accolades from UN/WHO officialdom and the world's "free" press, but the communist objective of restructuring the world along the lines advocated by China receives an immeasurable boost. The term “global governance” came to the fore in the 1990s with the UN-appointed Commission on Global Governance. As The New American reported in 1996, (“Target: World Government”) the push for global governance, as promoted in the Commission’s 1995 report, Our Global Neighborhood, was (and is) a push for a socialist world government.
In a China Daily article entitled “China's action draws praise from WHO,” we read of China’s “heroic” efforts:
Beijing's massive response is ‘making us safer’, head of the world health body says
Leaders of the World Health Organization have applauded China's massive response to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus multiple times in recent weeks, and they have also been challenged by some skeptical reporters as to why they kept praising China.When a reporter from Euronews, a French TV network, again raised the question at a news conference on Wednesday evening, asking if it was the Chinese government that asked the WHO for praise in order to save face, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus became emotional.
He told reporters that when the WHO board met lately, almost all member states praised China for what it did, and they said that because China took massive action at the epicenter of the outbreak and shut down Wuhan. It helped to prevent the virus from being exported to other places in China and the rest of the world, he said.
The board members were all saying that China's action "is making us safer", Tedros said. He quoted a board member from the United Kingdom as saying that "this is heroic" when describing China's action because shutting down a city or province bears serious consequences for the economy and other areas.
U.S. Fake News Echoes China/WHO Propagandists: pro-China, pro-WHO, anti-Trump, anti-U.S.
In addition to its unabashed exaltation of Xi and the CPC, China Daily, and the rest of the CPC propagandists have repeatedly bashed the United States and President Trump, calling his references to the “China virus” and “Wuhan virus” explicitly racist and xenophobic.China Daily condemned Trump for using “the widely regarded racist and stigmatized term ‘Chinese virus’ to describe COVID-19, something the WHO has repeatedly warned against.”
Here are a few additional headlines of China Daily stories slamming President Trump with racist label, even though previous epidemic labels — Spanish Flu, Zika Virus, Ebola Virus — have not aroused similar accusations:
• “WHO warns against using virus slurs”;
• “Pompeo faces ire for stigmatizing COVID-19”;
• “US spin on virus's name condemned”;
• “Stigmatization immoral, unfair, Foreign Minister says”;
• “US politicians' virus stigmatization against China is xenophobic and unhelpful: analysts”;
• “Sharing science, not political bashing, needed to fight coronavirus”;
• “Trump criticized for 'Chinese virus' use.”
Again, it should surprise no one to learn that China’s communist propaganda organs are boosting Xi and bashing Trump. But it should serve as an eye-opener to those whose eyes have been wide shut that the global press — and especially the U.S. and European media — have gladly served as an echo chamber for Xi’s propagandists.
Never-Trumper Max Boot, a senior fellow on national security at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and one of the Deep State Washington Post’s window-dressing “conservatives,” has used his Post column and his Twitter feed to pound President Trump relentlessly for his alleged leadership failures regarding the virus epidemic. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel (CFR member and brother of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel), a former Obama health policy adviser and currently an advisor to WHO’s Dr. Tedros, has been all over the media attacking President Trump’s coronavirus actions. As the most influential globalist think tank and the main incubator for Deep State operatives that have run the U.S. government throughout Democrat and Republican administrations for much of the past century, the CFR has played a major role in pushing the “global health governance” line, along with the anti-Trump/pro-China narrative. Here are a few of the recent CFR offerings on the above subjects:
• “Why Global Governance of Disease Matters for the Emergence of a Novel Coronavirus”;
• “Examining the Coronavirus Outbreak: China, Markets, and Global Health Governance”;
• “China and Coronavirus: From Home-Made Disaster to Global Mega-Opportunity”;
• “Andrew Yang’s Moment: The Economic Costs of the Pandemic Mean the Time for UBI Is Now”.
The last article mentioned above, referencing former Democratic presidential hopeful Andrew Yang, suggests parlaying the economic havoc wrought by the coronavirus into an opportunity for implementing Yang’s signature Universal Basic Income (UBI) proposal. Just have the government (i.e., the taxpayers, or future taxpayers) spoon out direct cash payments of $1,000 per month to each and every American adult. The author of that socialism-promoting article is CFR bigwig Edward Alden.
The CFR has even launched its own website, thinkglobalhealth.org, to promote the idea of “global health governance.” This new endeavor “was made possible by a generous grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies,” the website says, referring to the foundation of Michael Bloomberg (CFR individual and corporate member), the billionaire media mogul, former New York mayor, and recent presidential hopeful. Thinkglobalhealth.org is run by Thomas J. Bollyky, who is the senior fellow for global health, economics, and development at the CFR. He previously served in the Obama administration in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, and prior to that, as a legal advisor to the World Health Organization and a consultant to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, of course, is at the very center of the matrix of organizations and institutions pushing for “global health governance” and “reproductive health,” and population control. The Gates Foundation is a big financial backer of WHO, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and was a big backer of the Global Health Initiative of President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Bill Gates is also a founding member of the ultra-exclusive group of billionaire population control advocates that calls itself The Good Club, which includes among its handful of members George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner, and Oprah Winfrey. The late David Rockefeller, storied banker and longtime chairman of the CFR, was the organizer and eminence grise of the club.
Gates, Soros, and the rest of their globalist ilk hate President Trump but love communist Supreme Leader Xi Jinping. China Daily proudly notes that Microsoft billionaire Gates recently committed emergency funding of up to $100 million, much of it for China’s coronavirus efforts. “Chinese President Xi Jinping has written back to Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, after receiving a letter from the US business leader on the novel coronavirus disease,” China Daily reported.
“In his letter dated Feb 20, the Chinese president wrote: ‘I deeply appreciate the act of generosity of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and your letter of solidarity to the Chinese people at such an important moment.’” "We are resolute in protecting the life and health of the people of China, and of all countries around the world. We are determined to do our part to uphold global public health security," Xi added.
Bill Gates and his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are leading forces in the moves to bring about socialist-communist-capitalist “convergence” under a system of elite “global governance.” In 2017 Gates was honored by China’s communist regime by being inducted into the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
In 2013, Gates was an honored guest — along with George Soros and the International Monetary Fund’s Christine Lagarde — at the Boao Forum for Asia, where Xi Jinping delivered the keynote address. Gates, Soros, Bloomberg, Turner, Rockefeller, and other globalists of our ruling classes, seem to be far more comfortable with totalitarian thugs such as Xi than with the nationalist-minded, freedom-oriented “deplorables” who elected President Trump. Like the pigmen in the final scene of George Orwell’s Animal Farm, who are neither pig nor man, but some kind of freakish morphed creatures, the globalist elites are neither communist nor capitalist, but some kind of creepy and detestable mixture of the two. They are quislings who are fomenting and using the current coronavirus panic to build the “global governance” world government scheme that the CFR and its globalist allies have been pushing for the past century. (in The New American, 20 March 2020).
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