Escrito por Miguel Bruno Duarte
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«If liberty means anything at all, it means the right
to tell people what they do not want to hear.»
«(...) in the practice of medicine, we are supposed to employ
the foundational principle of primum non
nocere — first, do no harm.
(…) Listen to the mainstream media, and do the opposite. Remember, if you don’t own the rights to your own body, you are a slave.
And if you are a physician, it is time to choose your allegiance. Will you stand for your patients? Or will you hide behind the medical authorities and say someday, “I was just following orders.”»
Lee D. Merritt MD
methods of deployment for (…) experimental covid vaccines are not indicative of
medicine, either. There is currently NO informed consent for these shots and NO
respect for human dignity or self-decision. The methods of its deployment are
tactics of war, and our own governments and medical systems are being
weaponized against us. The vaccine can more accurately be described as a
bioweapon delivery system because it is deployed through coercion, medical
fraud, bribery, intimidation, discrimination and segregation.
Governments have repeatedly forced citizens into lock down to force uptake. Citizens are told their life will not go back to normal until they submit. Governments have stolen money from taxpayers and are now flaunting it as prizes in vaccine lotteries. The CDC is trying to use vaccine passports to divide the nation [USA], profiling and controlling the vaccinated while segregating and persecuting the unvaccinated.»
D Johnson
«Enquanto a Pfizer e a
agência do medicamento dos EUA admitem que a sua vacina pode provocar
narcolepsia, enfarte, encefalopatia, doença de Kawasaki, reações [sic] alérgicas, meningite, síndrome
inflamatória multissistémica em crianças, abortos espontâneos e mortes,
governantes como o primeiro-ministro de Portugal, António Costa, exortam-nos a
tomar a vacina e ameaçam obrigar-nos a fazê-lo.»
Martín Jiménez
autêntico aviso à navegação
O presente escrito surge
especialmente suplementado pelas mais variadas fontes de informação
estrangeira para tornar ainda mais evidente a incomensurável dimensão
internacional de uma questão que afecta concretamente a vida e a existência de
toda a humanidade numa escala sem precedentes do ponto de vista da sua natural
perdurabilidade. Ora, a questão em causa passa por inocular toda a população do
globo passando por cima dos direitos mais fundamentais e inalienáveis de todo
e qualquer ser humano sob o alegado pretexto de uma crise sanitária global de
contornos altamente duvidosos e seguramente discutíveis a todos os níveis. O
que realmente se passa em Portugal a esse respeito vem sobretudo decorrendo na
sequência de um processo essencialmente político com vista à destruição e ruína da vida, dos haveres e
meios de subsistência dos portugueses à semelhança do que vem sendo
largamente ensaiado, experienciado e abusivamente perpetrado em todo mundo.
De resto, os agentes dessa política destruidora são bem conhecidos da
generalidade da população em geral, pelo que a sua identificação não carece
aqui de um selectivo e minucioso exame, conquanto basta percorrer as absurdas e
prepotentes medidas promulgadas e sancionadas tanto pelo presidente da República
como pelo primeiro-ministro na mais infame e ritual reverência aos diktats do globalismo invasor, para ficarmos a saber até que ponto vai a correspondente colaboração da classe jornalística a par da classe médica em geral e duma não menos conivente, insidiosa e venal casta de
encartados epidemiologistas, professores e pesquisadores universitários versados em perfunctórios modelos de enganosa projecção matemática, impreterivelmente replicada por analistas de
propagada desinformação e outros elementos afins de infecção e intoxicação mediáticas. Contudo, a suprema ironia é
que nada disto teria sido de todo possível se não fosse entretanto a crassa ignorância e a temerosa
cobardia de uma amestrada população que, salvo as devidas
excepções, tem acatado ordeira e docilmente cada uma das sucessivas, absurdas e estremadas medidas
para, ao fim ao cabo, se imolar no auto-isolamento, na solidão e na atomização de uma sociedade-bolha em imoral e precipitada evanescência.
as injecções genéticas e a guerra bioquímica
Avultam agora cada vez mais fortes indícios de
que as “vacinas” Covid-19 comportam efeitos
colaterais graves[2]
para a saúde que não foram segura e previamente acautelados, principalmente ao nível das
doenças neurodegenerativas[3]
que podem perfeitamente vir a desenvolver-se a médio e longo prazo[4].
Por outras palavras, a aprovação prematura de “vacinas” mRNA[5]
poderá, de facto, estar na futura origem de um maior número de malefícios[6] por súbita contrapartida aos alardeados benefícios que amiúde constam da reiterada
propaganda[7] dolosamente dirigida à credulidade pública[8]. E
talvez não estejamos longe da verdade se dissermos que tais injecções a título experimental[9]
perfazem, de alguma forma, uma arma bioquímica[10]
ainda mais perigosa que a "infecção original" até aqui jamais circunscrita e
rigorosamente identificada[11].
No caso, por exemplo, da Noruega, fora apenas levada em conta uma parte ínfima da questão, nomeadamente quanto à vacina da AstraZeneca[12]:
«While waiting for the final decision on the
controversial vaccine, Norway has decided to distribute its stock of
AstraZeneca to fellow Nordic countries that actually want to use them despite
the associated risks.
Norwegians run a greater risk of dying from being inoculated with
AstraZeneca's vaccine than from COVID-19, the National Institute of Public
Health (FHI) concluded in its analysis, recommending the vaccine, previously
linked to serious complications in the form of rare blood clotting and
haemorrhage amid low platelet counts.
Abstaining from the vaccine could possibly prevent up to 10 deaths related to side effects, the FHI said, according to the newspaper Verdens Gang.»[13]
Não obstante as graves implicações provenientes de “vacinas” usando RNA geneticamente modificado[14], investigadores e cientistas americanos do Pentágono, designadamente da Agência de Projectos de Pesquisa Avançada de Defesa[15], têm decerto dado lugar a inovações inéditas na pressuposta busca de soluções para a alegada pandemia[16] de Covid-19, a avaliar pelo seguinte:
«The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA), a secret agency established at the height of the Cold War and tasked
with protecting soldiers from contagious diseases and biological weapons, has
created a “subdermal implant” to detect COVID-19 infection. The implant not
only tests one’s blood for viruses, but also it assists in removing the viruses
from one’s blood when used in conjunction with a dialysis machine (…).
challenge the research community to come up with solutions that may sound like
science fiction. And we’re very willing to take chances with high-risk
investments that may not work. But if they do, we can completely transform the
landscape,” Dr. Matt Hepburn, a retired Army infectious disease physician, told
60 Minutes.
isn’t the only Pentagon agency working on revolutionary medical technologies.
There is the Joint Pathology Institute in D.C. that studies tissue samples from
soldiers and sailors infected with pathogens from all over the world, such as
the damaged lung of a recent COVID-19 victim. Colonel Joel Moncur, who directs
the institute, says they can manufacture RNA antibody antidotes fast enough to
stop a pandemic. It was his lab that delivered an antibody treatment to
drug-maker AstraZeneca in a record 25 days (the company is now facing scrutiny
over the blood-clot concerns as a side effect of the shot, with several
countries curbing its use last month). Messenger RNA, the genetic tool DARPA
helped pioneer that was used to make the coronavirus vaccine in such a short
time, is believed to allow factories to churn out millions of doses a day.
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Quartel-General da DARPA localizado em 675 North Randolph St., Arlington, Virginia, U.S. |
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Some Pentagon scientists are going even further. With the spread of new coronavirus variants, the Army’s Dr. Kayvon Modjarrad is testing an approach to stop them all: “We’re trying to not just make a vaccine for this virus, we’re trying to make a vaccine for the whole family of coronaviruses. This is the core of our vaccine. We engineer the spike so that we can attach it to this protein.” If his concept, now in clinical trials, proves successful, Dr. Modjarrad says in five years a single vaccine could defeat all coronaviruses. That included many common colds, SARS-CoV-2, and thousands of others.»[17]
Isto indicia por si só que existe, de facto, uma estratégia militar biotecnológica[18] largamente desconhecida no âmbito da denominada crise pandémica[19], também especialmente ligada ao «maior banco de vírus da Ásia», consoante relata a jornalista Cristina Martín Jiménez:
«Em Wuhan, encontra-se
o Centro Chinês para a Colheita de Culturas de Vírus (CCVCC), no Instituto de Virologia
de Wuhan (WIV), considerado “o centro mais importante de colheita de culturas a
nível nacional”. O Partido Comunista Chinês (PCC) considera as espécies e
amostras de micro-organismos patogénicos como recursos estratégicos essenciais
para garantir a sua segurança, tanto social como económica e biológica. Assim,
o centro está orientado para as necessidades estratégicas, desempenhando um
papel-chave nos campos da segurança nacional e da investigação nas ciências da
saúde pública. Quer dizer, um centro biológico ao serviço da defesa nacional,
da guerra e do status quo.
O CCVCC estabeleceu-se em 1979 e, dez
anos depois, passou a fazer parte da Federação Mundial de Colheitas de Culturas
(WFCC). Em 2015 uniu-se ao projeto [sic]
European Virus Archive Global (EVAg), sufragado pelo Horizonte 2020, o Programa
de financiamento para a Investigação da União Europeia (UE). Em outubro de
2017, obteve a qualificação mais alta pelo seu sistema de gestão de qualidade.
Ou seja, a China e a UE colaboram no campo científico.
Trata-se do maior banco de vírus da Ásia, sustentado, apoiado e financiado pelos organismos oficiais que controlam e promovem a investigação a nível mundial. Interessante dado a ter em conta para compreender o que se está a passar.»[20]
Interessante, sem dúvida, a avaliar pelo que ora se segue:
«Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), not only funded groups
that collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), but he approved
his subordinates’ attendance at a conference sponsored by China’s Wuhan lab,
which is widely believed to be the source of the novel coronavirus known as
(…) News about the involvement of NIAID
scientists with WIV comes after reports that Fauci’s NIH sent millions of
American dollars to fund research carried out by EcoHealth Alliance, the U.S.
partner of the WIV. NIAID funded six separate grants totaling almost
$3,750,000, which were focused on “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus
Emergence” in China.
research “unlocked a highly specific doorway into the human body,” the same
pathway used by COVID-19.
As commentator Steve Hilton said on Fox News:
“They then built various chimeras: genetically engineered new viruses, man-made in the lab. They infected human cells with them in the lab. And then they then showed that their man-made viruses could replicate as a functional virus. Here is the most important part: the genetic changes they made in the lab unlocked a highly specific doorway into the human body. The virus that causes Covid-19 uses that same exact doorway.”»[21]
Decorrido mais de um ano sobre o surto da Covid-19 na República Popular da China, a sua origem permanece ainda, em parte, um mistério. Apesar de vários congressistas republicanos dos Estados-Unidos insistirem nessa problemática questão devido à deliberada obfuscação do governo chinês, a verdade é que tanto a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) como a Administração Biden[22] se têm liminarmente recusado a lançar uma autêntica investigação para apurar afinal se houve ou não um acidente no laboratório de Wuhan que permita explicar o alegado aparecimento e disseminação do novo vírus pelo globo terrestre[23]. E isto, dizem os críticos e especialistas, é tanto mais relevante quanto já se adivinham novas pandemias[24] que, devido à sua letal perigosidade, conviria desde já prevenir e acautelar face a um impendente futuro.
Entretanto, sabido de antemão que o nível de risco mortal atribuído ao SARS-CoV-2 em crianças é deveras insignificante[25], e que até mesmo a suposta possibilidade de o virem a transmitir é outrossim diminuto, isso, ainda assim, não obstou a que delas se fizesse, à semelhança dos demais grupos etários[26], tempestivas cobaias de experimentação[27] com o eventual consentimento irresponsável dos pais[28]. Ora, perante tal ominoso procedimento alegadamente científico[29], haverá aqui alguma explicação racional que justifique tamanha arbitrariedade? Absolutamente nenhuma, a não ser, claro, que a procurada justificação possa ser porventura descortinada nas previdentes palavras de Aldous Huxley dirigidas a George Orwell, a saber:
«Creio que, na próxima geração, os governantes do mundo descobrirão que o condicionamento de crianças e a narco-hipnose são mais eficazes, enquanto instrumentos de governação, do que as associações e as prisões, e que a ânsia de poder pode ser igualmente satisfeita quer sugestionando os indivíduos para que adorem a sua escravidão, quer forçando-os a obedecerem pelo chicote e pela violência.»[30]
Trata-se, pois, segundo Huxley, da derradeira revolução, consoante aduz por contrapartida a um sadismo levado às últimas consequências pela minoria dirigente em Mil Novecentos e Oitenta e Quatro:
«O prenúncio de uma filosofia da derradeira revolução - a revolução que ultrapassa a política e a economia e que visa a total subversão da psicologia e da fisiologia do indivíduo - encontra-se já em Marquês de Sade, que se considerava um seguidor, e um consumador, de Robespierre e de Babeuf. A filosofia da minoria dirigente em Mil Novecentos e Oitenta Quatro é um sadismo levado às últimas consequências pela superação, e negação, do sexo. Se, de facto, a política da bota-na-cara pode prosseguir indefinidamente, é algo que me parece duvidoso. É minha convicção que a oligarquia dirigente encontrará formas menos árduas e esgotantes de governar e de satisfazer a sua ânsia de poder, formas estas que se assemelharão às que descrevi em Admirável Mundo Novo. Tive recentemente ocasião de me debruçar sobre a história do magnetismo animal e do hipnotismo, e fiquei bastante impressionado por ver que, durante cento e cinquenta anos, nos recusámos a reconhecer com seriedade as descobertas de Mesmer, Braid e Esdaile, entre outros. Em parte devido ao materialismo prevalecente, e em parte também devido a uma respeitabilidade igualmente prevalecente, os filósofos e os cientistas do século XIX não estavam dispostos a investigar os factos mais invulgares da psicologia, para que os pragmáticos - os políticos, os soldados e os agentes da autoridade - os aplicassem no domínio da governação. Graças à ignorância voluntária dos nossos antecessores, o advento da derradeira revolução foi adiado por cinco ou seis gerações. Outro feliz acaso foi a inépcia de Freud no que toca ao hipnotismo e a sua consequente rejeição por este psicanalista. Este aspecto atrasou o recurso generalizado ao hipnotismo na psiquiatria pelo menos quarenta anos. Mas, actualmente, a psicanálise e a hipnose complementam-se; e esta última tornou-se acessível e indefinidamente abrangente devido ao uso de barbitúricos, que induzem um estado hipnótico e sugestionável até nos indivíduos mais recalcitrantes.»[31]
Seja como for, por que razão devemos
todos, idosos, adultos e crianças[32], ser indiscriminadamente sujeitos a uma injecção mRNA[33] para
supostamente suster um vírus a que a maior parte das pessoas (99.7%) poderá
facilmente sobreviver subtraindo obviamente os utentes dos lares?
Estatisticamente, quis-se fazer crer que a taxa de mortalidade do “vírus
chinês” rondaria os 3% ou mais, consoante assim o preconizaram a Organização
Mundial de Saúde (OMS), o Centros de Controlo e Prevenção de Doenças (CDC) e o
Colégio Imperial de Londres na suspeita qualidade de instituições globalistas que
estiveram e continuam estando na linha da frente através das consecutivas e contraditórias "recomendações" emprestadas à política de lockdowns adoptada por quase todos os países do mundo para
submeter as respectivas populações[34] a
um total e minucioso controlo mental e psicológico[35].
A verdade, porém, é que a taxa de mortalidade sempre andou à volta dos 0.26%
de infectados em vez dos alegados 3%, sendo de 40% o número de mortos nos
lares com condições médicas pré-existentes, para já não dizer que de todas as
mortes atribuídas ao novo coronavírus cerca de 80% reportam-se a pessoas com
mais de 65 anos[36].
Existem actualmente fortes e suficientes razões para
não embarcar no vertente processo de “vacinação” em massa[37],
algumas científicas, outras ainda por uma questão de prudência
basilar, tendo sobretudo em conta os alertas e observações de certos virologistas
quanto à pressuposta segurança das inoculações em curso, designadamente do
ex-vice-presidente da Pfizer no que especialmente toca às reacções adversas a
longo prazo das vacinas mRNA, entre as quais se antecipam a infertilidade e as
doenças autoimunes. Os próximos anos serão, de resto, nessa matéria, bastante
esclarecedores de uma forma nada abonatória, com os governos
dos vários países do mundo particularmente comprometidos na completa ausência de responsabilidade civil das farmacêuticas quanto a possíveis efeitos
adversos pós-vacinação[38]. Perante o avanço do processo inoculativo acresce também o alegado problema das
perigosas mutações virais assaz mencionadas pelos diferentes governos
e pelos dominantes meios noticiosos de desinformação a apregoar uma eventual resistência
das mesmas às “vacinas”[39]
correntemente administradas com vista ao preconizado “vírus original”[40].
Trata-se certamente de mais uma visada
estratégia ardilosamente concertada[41],
o que só vem mais uma vez mostrar que as recorrentes medidas
autoritárias vieram para se instalar indefinida e duradouramente[42].
Por outras palavras, predispor-se alguém a ser “vacinado” não significa de modo algum que a
liberdade perdida voltará a ver a luz do dia, tendo-se de todo evanescido por mais injecções que se tomem em
nome da salvaguarda e do bem comum[43].
E com a torrente de inoculações ao rubro seguir-se-á ainda o espectro dos novos "passaportes de imunidade" que correspondem, no fundo, ao micro-gerenciamento
governamental da vida de um sem-número de pessoas que, caso contrário[44],
ficarão decerto permanentemente excluídas duma sociedade[45] transformada numa tecno-tirania imposta ao cidadão sob o estandarte cívico e paradoxalmente inclusivo da nova comunidade global[46].
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Na base desta sociedade autocrática encontra-se, sem dúvida, uma poderosa engenharia social particularmente disposta a dirigir a sua dinâmica inquisitiva para as variegadas formas de comportamento individual, grupal, empresarial e comunitário mediante o cruzamento das ciências sociais e das mais avançadas tecnologias de comunicação com vista, pois, à preconizada ciência preditiva do comportamento humano[47]. No fundo, trata-se da aplicação do paradigma tecnocrático a toda a existência humana nas suas mais variadas vertentes da realidade quotidiana, designadamente nos concomitantes domínios do ambiente, dos transportes, da saúde, da educação e da cultura de massas mediante grandes quantidades de dados destinados a tornar politicamente mais eficiente a regulação tecnocientífica dos sistemas socioeconómicos do novo mundo a haver. E se bem que tudo isso seja continuamente implantado sob o pretexto do aumento exponencial da criatividade e da produtividade, as novas tecnologias no devir do mundo globalizado estão de facto a levar a humanidade por um caminho que, cada vez mais atreito a sistemas de reconhecimento facial[48] e a toda a gama de metadados normalizadora da progressiva simbiose entre humanos e máquinas, redundará por fim num Estado bio-securitário que tornará praticamente irrelevante a distinção entre a esfera pública e privada. Numa palavra, o indivíduo passará a ser uma mera inutilidade num pressuposto mundo científico colectivamente determinado segundo uma burocracia transnacional distante[49] mas, ainda assim, poderosamente eficaz no atestado controlo de um sem fim de questões relativas à alimentação, mobilidade, florestas, poluição, “direitos humanos”, manufactura e produção, emprego, economia e “saúde global”.
Ora, não será, então, de estranhar o tão
requerido dever de “vacinação” na propagandeada base de uma cega confiança
proporcional ao geral desconhecimento do conteúdo bioquímico administrado? E
não haverá, nisto, nada a dizer sobre a simbiose entre os vários governos
nominalmente nacionais e o complexo conjunto de companhias farmacêuticas
apostadas na depuração farmacológica à escala planetária? Tudo passa, portanto, pela iminente implementação de um processo em que já praticamente pululam os chamados
“passaportes imunológicos” como uma medida percursora da nanomedicina magnética[50],
um pouco à semelhança do que fora inicialmente projectado com o uso arbitrário
e compulsivo da máscara[51] e
do “distanciamento social”[52],
visto terem, dalgum modo, representado medidas restritivas antecessoras de um
“novo normal” presentemente extensível à alegada necessidade dos passaportes de
vacinação digital como aventada forma de prevenção e controlo sanitário cabalmente
imposta ao cidadão comum pelo establishment
globalista. Prova disso mesmo é o facto do governador de Nova Iorque, Andrew Cuomo, ter calculadamente anunciado
a dispensa do uso de máscara[53]
unicamente para indivíduos “vacinados” na cidade mais populosa
dos Estados Unidos[54],
dando assim por supostamente adquirido que só quem realmente for portador do Excelsior Pass ou de um certificado equivalente poderá à partida usufruir
da “nova normalidade”, ou, quando muito, ter relativo acesso a negócios,
bens e serviços que estejam na mais perfeita sintonia e conformidade com os novos padrões de conduta doravante estipulados. E daqui até à implantação global de microships[55]
será apenas um pequeno passo já previamente projectado com vista à profusa comunicação entre o cérebro e o mundo digital.
É, de resto, indubitável que os
“passaportes imunológicos” desenvolvidos para supostamente facilitar as viagens
internacionais[56] estão já sendo domesticamente implementados para controlar, restringir
e monitorizar a deslocação e o movimento de indivíduos, grupos e populações[57],
já que certamente não se limitam à informação relativa à “vacinação” e à
condição física e mental de cada sujeito em particular, mas também e, sobretudo,
ao acesso detalhado a informação genética e biométrica, bem como a tudo o que
se reporta à esfera familiar, ao estilo de vida e às relações sociais
susceptíveis de traçar o perfil e a identidade de qualquer cidadão comum[58].
Deste modo, com o “estatuto sanitário” obtido com o processo massivo de
“vacinação”, seguir-se-á, alfim, a compilação progressiva de grandes quantidades
de dados pessoais segundo um sistema permanentemente assente num cartão de
identificação digital[59]
destinado a encurralar a população planetária num mundo distópico dominado por
tácticas de amedrontamento e de controle mental e físico mediante poderosas
redes transfronteiriças de informação e comunicação inteiramente dominadas pelas
grandes corporações transnacionais[60] em
estreita aliança com as empresas tecnológicas[61] e
demais entidades multinacionais globalistas. Trata-se, pois, de um admirável
mundo novo cuja sociedade em rede globalmente estruturada visa essencialmente
substituir, com seus fluxos e mecanismos virtuais, as velhas e tradicionais
territorialidades necessariamente ligadas à soberania política, económica e
cultural dos Estados-nação.
Relembremos agora que as investigações bioquímicas e psico-farmacológicas começaram por constituir, na segunda metade do século XX, um objecto de manifesto interesse relativamente aos vastíssimos efeitos de certas e determinadas substâncias químicas ao nível das nossas funções mentais e físicas, assim como do estado de espírito a essas funções particularmente associado. Disso, aliás, deu notável testemunho Aldous Huxley ao ter, inclusive, procurado rever e sintetizar as diferenciadas drogas modificadoras da mente utilizadas no passado, como o ópio e o álcool, ou estimulantes clássicos inofensivos como o chá, o café e o mate, ou ainda poderosas e perigosas drogas como a cocaína e o uso viciante de anfetaminas, já para não falar nos alucinantes clássicos como «o peyote do México e do sudoeste dos Estados Unidos, e Cannabis sativa, consumidos, em todo o mundo, sob o nome de hachiche, bhang, kif e marijuana»[62]. O romancista e novelista britânico fora, porém, mais além quando procurou então indagar sobre os produtos mais recentes da investigação psíquico-farmacológica, entre os quais assinala a reserpina, a cloropromazina e o meprobamato administrados a certas classes de psicopatas, bem como o LSD-25 (dietilamida do ácido lisérgico) enquanto «um intensificador da percepção e um produtor de visões»[63], enfim, isso e outros mais produtos susceptíveis de aumentar a actividade e a eficiência do sistema nervoso humano. E, claro está, também não deixou de entrever as implicações do uso das drogas para fins políticos nos seguintes termos:
«Entretanto, a farmacologia, a bioquímica e a neurologia estão a progredir incessantemente, e podemos estar bem certos de que, no decurso de alguns anos próximos, serão descobertos novos e melhores métodos químicos de aumento de sugestibilidade e de abaixamento da resistência psicológica. Como qualquer outra coisa, estas descobertas podem ser usadas para o bem ou para o mal. Podem ajudar o psiquiatra no seu combate contra a doença mental, ou podem ajudar o ditador na sua batalha contra a liberdade. Dado que a ciência é divinamente imparcial, é mais provável que tais descobertas escravizem e libertem, curem e destruam, ao mesmo tempo.»[64]
Mas a verdade é de que não só se limita o uso das
drogas a fins políticos como se poderá hoje fundamentalmente comprovar pelo seu uso comercial em certas companhias farmacêuticas[65]
que devem o seu particular enriquecimento[66]
ao massivo investimento proveniente de governos como, por exemplo, o dos
Estados Unidos que auxiliou em mais de 10 biliões de dólares a produção de
vacinas pela Pfizer e pela Moderna, ao passo que o governo alemão dispensou,
por seu turno, 325 milhões de euros (397 milhões de dólares) à farmacêutica
BioNtech. Por outro lado, as vacinas mRNA das empresas farmacêuticas Pfizer e
ModeRNA baseiam-se, antes de mais, na descoberta-chave atribuída ao National
Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Vaccine Research Center, pelo que nessa medida
detém a patente relativa à proteína Spike usada pelo vírus a fim de penetrar
nas células para, presumivelmente, lograr fabricar anticorpos contra a acção
infecciosa do mesmo. E se bem que seja compreensível a maximização dos lucros
da parte de accionistas e funcionários de empresas públicas e privadas, é no
mínimo destituído de sentido ético e moral a introdução de injecções no mercado
biofarmacêutico que se revelem progressivamente propensas a criar um rol de
efeitos adversos para a saúde pública, incluindo a morte.
Sendo, no entanto, um dado adquirido de
que o uso convencional de vacinas tem, de facto, potencialmente salvo milhões
de vidas e francamente justificado o emprego de billiões de dólares na
prevenção das doenças infecciosas, o designado caso das vacinas COVID constitui
já uma outra questão e negócio à parte[67].
E isto porque segundo a Administração de Alimentos e Medicamentos dos Estados
Unidos (FDA), as injecções em curso são, por definição, experimentais, uma vez
sabido que a terceira fase dos ensaios biotecnológicos destinados a garantir a
eficácia e a segurança das vacinas levou apenas seis meses a decorrer quando
são necessários dois a quatro anos para no mínimo se poder assegurar da sua viabilidade
científica, e mais ainda quando a tecnologia mRNA em causa nunca fora antes testada
em seres humanos. Assim, na melhor das hipóteses, queda apenas por prever e, em último recurso, aguardar relativamente às inevitáveis consequências a médio e a longo prazo referentes a uma tecnologia que deveria antes ter sido cuidadosamente sujeita a um aturado conjunto de ensaios clínicos alargados e de acordo
com uma avaliação precauta, responsável e, por sinal, cientificamente rigorosa de modo a evitar males desnecessários.
Entretanto, vão correndo cada vez mais
abundantes relatórios sobre as reacções adversas causadas pelas inoculações em
em que não pára de aumentar o número de pessoas mortas consoante venha ou
não propriamente registado no CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting system[69].
O pretenso argumento de que milhões de “vacinas” foram já administradas para
assim relativizar ou fazer passar inteiramente despercebido o número alarmante de lesões
provocadas e de pessoas mortas[70]
por comparação aos alegados benefícios baseados num critério de quantificação
indefinida, é simplesmente imoral e desumano[71].
Aliás, como bem têm dito alguns críticos da nova ideologia "sanitária" em curso,
tudo se resume, para quem inconscientemente se sujeita a cada uma das “vacinas”
experimentais correntemente disponíveis, a jogar, preto no branco, à rouleta russa. Neste
momento, há cada vez mais jovens, crianças[72]
inclusive, que se vêem coagidos a entrar no jogo num lance perigosíssimo prestes a ser experimentado sazonalmente, enquanto a
grande indústria de biofármacos vai progressivamente obtendo um desmesurado capital, poder e influência até aqui praticamente inigualáveis.
Relativamente ao grande negócio dos oligarcas globalistas no âmbito da sua geoestratégia mundial, nunca é demais salientar, na esteira de Cristina M. Jiménez, a veraz complexidade daquilo que tem sido a corrida pela vacina através do díspar financiamento das multinacionais farmacêuticas:
«Como lemos no seu website, a CEPI [Coligação para Inovações na Prevenção para
Epidemias] trabalha em coordenação com a OMS, que “lidera o desenvolvimento de
uma resposta internacional coordenada face à pandemia de COVID-19. A CEPI é uma
organização que conta com fundos públicos, privados, filantrópicos e civis, e
foi fundada no Fórum Económico de Davos, em 2017, com o objetivo [sic] de desenvolver vacinas que travem
futuras epidemias. A CEPI conseguiu mais de 750 milhões de dólares dos mil
milhões que tinha como objetivo [sic]
de financiamento[73].
Para além disso, a CEPI também investe em plataformas tecnológicas para o
desenvolvimento rápido de vacinas e imunoprofilaxia contra patogénicos
desconhecidos, a que se dá o nome de “doença X”, mas centra-se unicamente nas
doenças que a OMS determina serem “prioritárias”. Às restantes não presta
atenção alguma.
Para o financiamento da CEPI e da GAVI
(Aliança Global para Vacinas e Imunização), a Fundação Gates e a OMS criaram o
chamado “ACT Accelerator”, que é outra via usada pela rede globalista para unir
os principais atores [sic] no
desenvolvimento, produção e distribuição de vacinas como objetivo [sic] de chegarem a todo o planeta,
especialmente aos países mais desfavorecidos da África e da América Latina.
Sinto pavor ao imaginar o genocídio que vão pôr em marcha nestes continentes.
Isto é o que as elites chamam de
“multilateralismo”, estrutura económico-política do poder do século XXI, que se
está a financiar graças à pandemia. A ministra dos Negócios Estrangeiros, União
Europeia e Cooperação, Arancha González Laya, destacou no passado mês de maio
[de 2020] “a aposta da Europa pela cooperação e o multilateralismo” para o
desenvolvimento da vacina contra o coronavírus e a sua fabricação e
distribuição em todos os países para não deixar “ninguém para trás”. Pediu que
a vacina seja desenvolvida “o quanto antes” e chegue a todos os cidadãos de “uma
maneira justa “ e escalonada.
Nesse mesmo dia, Melinda Gates agradeceu ao presidente Sánchez a sua contribuição de 125 milhões de euros à CEPI e à GAVI. É claro que estas duas grandes “alianças” são na atualidade [sic] o equivalente da United Way, em que trabalhava a mãe de Bill Gates, e que estava encarregada de decidir “como alocar o dinheiro depois de analisar as diferentes instituições de caridade.»[74]
Por conseguinte, tudo isto pressupõe uma complexa rede disposta por um conjunto de entidades de planeada coordenação, calculada adaptação e persistente supervisão internacional que, com efeito, também se poderá traduzir nos confluentes termos de Cristina M. Jiménez:
«A pandemia da COVID-19 é uma operação encoberta e secreta de guerra psicológica e biológica contra a população, na qual se enfrentam as elites globocratas (ocidentais e asiáticas, sobretudo chinesas) com os líderes antiglobalistas que não aderem à sua nova ordem mundial. Um dos líderes visíveis do “Eixo” globocrata é Bill Gates, que se colocou na frente de um consórcio de organismos mundiais que, tal como temos visto ao longo do livro, são compostos por dirigentes da NATO, do Partido Comunista Chinês, da ONU, da OMS, da OMT, de universidades e laboratórios de biotecnologia e dinâmicas sociais, de centros de Defesa e Inteligência... Esta operação de guerra contou com a cumplicidade dos meios de comunicação globais, propriedade das elites dominantes. Agora, o que fica por determinar – num novo julgamento de Nuremberga – é a responsabilidade que teve e continua a ter cada um dos membros desta complexa rede no maior atentado programado contra os indivíduos que compõem a comunidade humana do planeta Terra.»[75]
Quanto à nova ordem mundial[76] prevista e acalentada pela Organização das Nações Unidas, não poderia a jornalista de investigação ter sido igualmente mais explícita conforme a oportuna transcrição que se segue:
«No princípio da última semana de maio
[de 2020], a ONU tirou a máscara e apresentou-nos a sua tragicomédia grega:
“O projeto [sic] da nova ordem mundial das Nações Unidas é uma iniciativa
global de alto nível iniciada em 2008 para promover um novo paradigma
económico, uma nova ordem política e, em termos mais gerais, uma nova ordem
mundial para a humanidade, que se baseia nos Objetivos [sic] Globais de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU para 2030, e a
felicidade, o bem-estar e a liberdade de toda a vida na Terra para 2050”.
No Dia Mundial da Felicidade, a 20 de
março de 2020, foi dada a conhecer, numa nota de imprensa, esta nova ordem. Foi
promovida na ONU pelo neto de Nelson Mandela, Ndaba Mandela, e o filantropo e
financeiro Jayme Illien. Mas a revelação pública do “Felicismo” gerou um
conflito no seio da ONU, de maneira que as plataformas de verificação de
fraudes apressaram-se em tentar desmenti-lo. E ainda que tenham feito
desaparecer o nome do jovem Mandela, as suas declarações estavam ali como prova
indelével para aqueles que investiguem o caso.
“A felicidade, como direito humano e
como um novo enfoque holístico do desenvolvimento económico, está espelhada nas
resoluções 65 309 e 66 281 da ONU, bem como a primeira reunião de alto
nível deste organismo sobre a felicidade e bem-estar, que requeria a definição
de um ‘novo paradigma económico’ da felicidade global bruta”, disse Jayme
Illien, fundador do Happytalismo e do Dia Internacional da Felicidade das
Nações Unidas (ONUDIHappiness).
Por seu turno, Ndaba Mandela disse o
seguinte: “O tema da campanha #happinessforalltogether de 20 de março de 2020,
o Dia Mundial da Felicidade, bem como os Dez Passos para a Felicidade Global, é
a nossa chamada para a unidade e união global, e são os ingredientes-chave para
ganhar a luta de toda a humanidade contra este surto global e contra a pandemia
de coronavírus COVID-19. Como disse o meu famoso avô: ‘Parece sempre impossível
até que se faça’”. Ndaba Mandela é embaixador global da ONUSIDA, presidente do
Instituto Mandela para a Humanidade e cofundador do Projeto [sic] da Nova Ordem Mundial da ONU em
conjunto com Illien.
(...) Com a crise pandémica, a ONU está a avançar neste novo paradigma económico de felicidade, para o qual mobiliza 30 biliões de dólares, com o objetivo [sic] de alcançar os seus Objetivos [sic] de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS). De acordo com as Nações Unidas, estes objetivos [sic] têm o poder de criar um mundo melhor para 2030 na sua primeira fase, e na seguinte em 2050, por isso pede que nos unamos ao seu projeto [sic] mágico: “Agora depende de todos nós, os Governos, as empresas, a sociedade civil e o público em geral, de trabalharmos juntos para construir um futuro melhor para todos."»[77]
A transformação radical do planeta
pressuposta nos mencionados Objectivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU
inclui, ademais, a falsa propaganda do fim da desigualdade social, do
flagelo da fome e da pobreza, ao mesmo tempo que vai ganhando corrosivo terreno a absurda “igualdade de género”, a simulada “emancipação” da
mulher, a artificiosa luta contra as “alterações climáticas”, a educação global uniformizante e a saúde universal cientificada pelo recurso às vacinas de manipulação genética, assim como a vertente optimização das “cidades inteligentes” sob o novo paradigma digital e o estrito
controlo dos ciclos de produção e consumo[78]
por forma a supostamente garantir a sustentabilidade dos oceanos, a
salvaguarda e protecção dos migrantes[79],
dos marginalizados e dos desfavorecidos, enfim, um novo e decantado paraíso em nome da felicidade, da justiça e da paz perpétuas. Daqui, aliás,
decorre, bem entendido, um plano mestre de dominação e controlo mundial em que duas crises estruturantes se interligam directamente, ou que curialmente se sobrepõem devido à sitiante propaganda enganosa dos grandes
conglomerados de comunicação global, notadamente a fraudulenta crise climática e a não menos engendrada crise atribuída à epidemia de Covid-19[80].
Ou seja: a dupla crise em questão acabou sendo especialmente justaposta e propositamente
activada para destruir a velha ordem internacional[81] e
erguer sobre as suas ruínas novas estruturas de “governança” regional sob as quais domínios e esferas distintas de actuação ao nível da imprensa, do
poder político e empresarial concertam-se de modo a posicionar nações, países,
governos, estados e cidadãos sob a deriva totalitária de organismos
internacionais particularmente dispostos ao indelével triunfo de uma única cultura global
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Ver aqui, aqui e aqui |
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See here |
Posto isto, não fora certamente por acaso que em «janeiro de 2015, Bill Gates reivindicava publicamente “uma espécie de governo mundial" para enfrentar a guerra que se avizinhava:
A ONU foi criada para a segurança mundial, estamos prontos para a guerra, porque tomámos todas as precauções. Temos a NATO, temos divisões, jeeps, pessoas capacitadas. Mas o que se passa com as epidemias? Quantos médicos, aviões, tendas de campanha e cientistas temos? Se houvesse algo como um Governo mundial estaríamos mais bem preparados.»[82]
Depois, sabemos hoje, infelizmente, que na base desta guerra encontram-se, acima de tudo, propósitos eugenistas particularmente evidenciados por Ethan Huff na esteira do proeminente testemunho de Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a saber:
«Rather than help “save lives” as they claimed to do, eugenicists Bill Gates and Tony Fauci actually launched a global genocide that is still in motion. It started with lockdowns and business closures and has since progressed to mass “vaccination,” the full impact of which still remains to be seen.
entire gamut of constitutional rights has been trampled on this past year in a
way that we couldn’t have imagined even two years ago,” Kennedy explained,
noting that Fauci bears much of the responsibility for all this.
Fauci has a $7.6 billion annual budget, and that money, $6.1 billion, comes
from United States taxpayers and $1.6 billion comes from the military, and
that’s why he got into all of these bioweapons.”
Immediately after 9/11, the military started pouring money into the
production of new bioweapons, even though this is illegal, Kennedy further
warned. And Fauci has been there all along to see nearly every project through
to completion.
(…) By
categorizing his endeavors as “dual use,” Fauci was able to provide cover for
his bioweapons endeavors by claiming they were for “research” involving new
“vaccines.” It happened decades ago and it is still happening today, with the
Chinese Virus being the current iteration.
Along with Gates, who also has a penchant
for genocide, Fauci has been sending untold millions of taxpayer dollars to
China and elsewhere to be used for bioweapons research. This is also coming to
light, in large part thanks to the #FauciEmails movement.»[83]
«The most highly cited physician on the early treatment of COVID-19 has come
out with an explosive new video that blows the lid off the medical
establishment’s complicity in the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands of
(…) Dr. Peter McCullough said these deaths have been facilitated by a false narrative bent on pushing an all-new, unproven vaccine for a disease that was highly treatable.
He said COVID was a bioweapon and the vaccines represent “phase two” of that bioweapon.
“As this, in a sense, bioterrorism phase one was rolled out, it was really all about keeping the population in fear and in isolation and preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation,” McCullough said in a June 11 webinar with German attorney Reiner Fuellmich and several other doctors.
(…) The vast majority of doctors jumped in lockstep to follow these erroneous “guidelines” handed down by the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Those guidelines neglected to place any focus on the treatment of sick patients and, from the beginning, as early as April 2020, started emphasizing the need for a vaccine as the only real hope of beating back the virus.
The federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [VAERS] logged 5,993 reports of deaths of people injected with the COVID vaccine between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 11, 2021. That’s more than all the deaths reported to VAERS from all other vaccines combined over the last 22 years.
But these numbers, as shocking as they
are, don’t scratch the surface of the actual number of dead Americans, said
“We have now a whistleblower inside the CMS, and we have two whistleblowers in the CDC. We think we have 50,000 dead Americans. Fifty thousand deaths. So we actually have more deaths due to the vaccine per day than certainly the viral illness by far. It’s basically propagandized bioterrorism by injection.» (Leo Hohmann, «Behind the Vaccine Veil: Doctor cites ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC who claim injections have already killed 50,000 Americans», in, June 21, 2021). «The most recent data from the CDC’s VAERS system released last Friday reveals reports of 411,931 total adverse events in the United States following injections of experimental COVID-19 gene therapy vaccines, including 6,985 deaths and 34,065 serious injuries, between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 25, 2021.
If McCullough is right, and the real number of deaths is 10x higher than the report above, this would mean actual deaths in the U.S. would now be approaching 70,000.» (Patrick Delaney, «Eminent doctor: COVID vaccine is ‘bioterrorism by injection’ and has likely caused at least 50K deaths in the US», in, Jul 8, 2021). Ver ainda Selwyn Duke, «Renowned COVID Doctor: Poisonous Vaccine Jabs "an Agonizing Situation"», in The New American, Digital Edition, July 22, 2021.
[2] «O Comité de Avaliação do Risco
em Farmacovigilância (PRAC) estudou 145 casos de miocardite e 138 casos de
pericardite, após serem inoculados com a vacina da Pfizer, tendo analisado
apenas 19 casos de cada inflamação, dos vacinados com a Moderna.
(...) O
PRAC aconselhou atualizar as informações das vacinas, no sentido de incluir os
efeitos colaterais e aumentar a consciencialização entre as equipas de saúde e
os utentes.
comité recomendou ainda a restrição da comercialização da vacina da
Johnson&Johnson para as pessoas com histórico de síndrome de derrame
capilar, doença de Clarkson.
De acordo com o PRAC, é aconselhável adicionar uma advertência para doença de Clarkson, em que o fluido vaza pequenos vasos sanguíneos provocando inchaço, pressão arterial baixa, espessamento do sangue e níveis baixos de albumina no sangue.
O PRAC acrescentou que as informações do produto usado na AstraZeneca incluem um aviso para consciencializar sobre os casos de síndrome de Guillain-Barré (SBG), que podem ter sido relatados após a vacinação.
síndrome provoca inflamação nos nervos e pode resultar em dor, dormência,
fraqueza muscular e dificuldade em andar.» («Covid-19: vacinas da Pfizer e da
Moderna podem estar associadas a inflamações cardíacas», in Agência Lusa, 10/07/2021).
ainda Igor Kuznetsov, «Over 30,000 Vaccine Side Effects Reported in Sweden, With AstraZeneca Undisputed Leader», in Sputnik,
12.05.2021; James Murphy, «Ron Johnson Holds Press Conference Shedding Light on Adverse COVID-19 Vaccine Reactions», in The
New American, Digital Edition, June 29, 2021; «Top Doctor: COVID Vaccines
Killing Babies in First Trimester at Astonishing Rate», in INFOWARS, July 7th 2021; Adan Salazar, «Top CDC Official Admits
Covid Booster Shots May Cause More Serious Side Effects», in INFOWARS, July 13th 2021.
«In a shocking new report on the COVID-19 vaccines, it has been discovered that
the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine may have long term health effects not previously
disclosed, including “ALS, Alzheimer’s, and other neurological degenerative
(…) “The RNA sequence of the [Pfizer] vaccine
as well as the spike protein target interaction were analyzed for the potential
to convert intracellular RNA binding proteins TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43)
and Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) into their pathologic prion conformations,” explains
the report. TDP-43 is a protein known to cause dementia, ALS and even
Alzheimer’s, according to Alzpedia. Similarly, the FUS protein is known to
cause ALS and Hereditary Essential Tremors, according to the Human Genome
The experiment done for the report was to
determine whether or not these two harmful proteins embed themselves into our
[4] «The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) said it has recorded more than 10,000 cases of
so-called breakthrough infections. These infections involve people who contract
the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) at least 14 days after their final COVID-19
vaccine dose. The public health agency still insisted that such instances are
“relatively rare.”
According to a Russia Today (RT) article, the CDC reported 10,262 instances of
fully vaccinated people becoming infected with COVID-19. The figures published
in the May 28 edition of the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report came
from 46 U.S. states and territories. Less than seven percent of those who
suffered breakthrough infections were hospitalized with COVID-19 symptoms.
Meanwhile, a total of 1.6 percent – or around 160 people – died as a result of
these breakthrough infections.
The same RT report said it was “likely” that the number of breakthrough
infections is much higher than reported. According to the CDC, this is because
reporting of such breakthrough cases is voluntary. It also does not include
asymptomatic COVID-19 patients who were never tested.» (Ramon Tomey, «More than 10,000 vaccinated people catch Wuhan coronavirus – leading many to question if vaccines really work», in VACCINE.NEWS,
«Dr. Robert Malone, a pioneer of mRNA technology, is being censored by Big Tech
platforms. According to Malone, the mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines carry some
risks that are being downplayed by public health bodies and his statements are
coming up against misinformation policies on many social media platforms». (Christina
Maas, «mRNA technology pioneer blasts Big Tech censorship», in Reclaim The Net, July 2, 2021); «Inflamação
no coração em militares vacinados [com tecnologia mRNA] é maior do que se
esperava», in Notícias ao Minuto,
30/06/2021; Tyler Durden, «New Study Links "Acute Chest Pain" In Male
Soldiers To mRNA Vaccines», in Zero Hedge,
JUL 02, 2021; S.D. Wells, «Cancer “hijacks” your cells and turns your body against itself, just like mRNA Covid-19 vaccines», in NATURAL NEWS, June 20, 2021;
«Watch: Pro-Vaccine Americans Injured By Experimental COVID Shots Just Want To
Be Heard», in INFOWARS, July 8th 2021;
Adan Salazar, «Italian Neurosurgeon Who Operated on Covid Vaccine Victim Says
“Never Seen Anything Like This”», in INFOWARS, July 9th
2021; Ramon Tomey, «UK research group: Coronavirus vaccine “unsafe for humans”due to adverse events», in VACCINES.NEWS,
07/11/2021; R. Cort Kirkwood, «COVID Infections Among the Jabbed Are Rising; mRNA Vax Worried», in The New American, Digital Edition, July 19, 2021;
“[O]ne of my concerns are that the government is not being transparent with us about what those risks are. And so, I am of the opinion that people have the right to decide whether to accept vaccines or not, especially since these are experimental vaccines,” Dr. Malone told Tucker Carlson last month, noting that the vaccines are under Emergency Use Authorization and haven’t yet been formally approved by the FDA.
“This is a fundamental right having to do with clinical research ethics,” he said. “And so, my concern is that I know that there are risks. But we don’t have access to the data and the data haven’t been captured rigorously enough so that we can accurately assess those risks. And therefore…we don’t really have the information that we need to make a reasonable decision.”
Malone represents a particularly unique threat to the COVID-obsessed medical establishment and Big Pharma because he’s a sober and reputable scientist, and being the inventor of mRNA technology, possesses unparalled expertise on the subject.»
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Ver aqui |
«A new May 4 report by independent researcher, Virginia Stoner, reveals US
vaccine-death figures. The report is titled, “The Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine Coverup.”
Stoner uses the US government’s own
Here are key quotes from her report:
“There has been a massive increase in
deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) this
year. That’s not a ‘conspiracy theory’, that’s an indisputable fact.”
“We’re talking about a huge and
unprecedented increase – so massive that in the last 4 months alone, VAERS has
received over 40% of all death reports it has ever received in its entire 30+year
“The increase in VAERS death reports is
not due to more vaccination.”
“Most recently, the death count went from
2794 on April 5, to 3005 on April 12, to 3848 on April 26….1054 deaths in 21
(…) For prior years, we’re talking about
roughly 100 deaths a year from somewhere between 250 million and 350 million
vaccines administered. On the other hand, we’re talking about 3800 deaths from
about 150 million COVID shots—not in a full year; in only four months.» (Jon
Rappaport, «COVID Vaccine Deaths: The Numbers Point to a Catastrophe», in INFOWARS, May 10th 2021).
[7] A propaganda oficial actualmente
veiculada pelos media constitui, por
incrível que pareça, uma arma de guerra
psicológica que começou, curiosamente, a ser largamente utilizada nos EUA
após a Segunda Guerra Mundial para condicionar a todos os títulos a população
americana. E assim se explica o facto de a actividade propagandística ter
surgido originalmente como uma arma de guerra usualmente dirigida pela
Psychological Warfare division. Quanto à manipulação da propaganda na Escola de
Chicago e a teoria da comunicação de massas como arma de guerra, ver Cristina
Martín Jiménez, A Verdade sobre a
Pandemia, Oficina do Livro, 2021, pp. 85-90).
Em 1976,
o relatório da Church Commitee revelara inclusivamente ligações da Agência
Central de Inteligência (CIA) com dezenas de jornalistas, grupos civis e
empresas privadas, se bem que não sob a alegada “Operação Mockingbird”,
distinta, aliás, do “Projecto Mockingbird” iniciado por John F. Kennedy para
identificar possíveis fugas de informação confidencial através da vigilância
electrónica e do uso de escutas a jornalistas. De resto,
David P. Hadley, em The Rising Clamor:
The American Press, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Cold War, dera
como não fundamentado o papel da CIA na atribuída “Operação Mockingbird” pela
repórter Deborah Davis, em Katharine the
Great: "The Davis/Mockingbird theory, that the CIA operated a
deliberate and systematic program of widespread manipulation of the U.S. media,
does not appear to be grounded in reality, but that should not disguise the
active role the CIA played in influencing the domestic press's output".
Há, por outro lado, uma citação geralmente atribuída
a Willliam Casey, ex-director da CIA em 1981-1987: “We’ll know our
disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes
is false.” («CIA’s OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD», in The Truthers Journal, August 29, 2020). «While a majority of Mockingbird operations were overseas, the goal was
to have important, hard-hitting stories to be circulated in the American press.
Relationships with major United States media institutions certainly helped with
this goal. Bernstein lists The New York
Times, CBS and Time inc. as the most productive
relationships the agency cultivated. They also created front organizations
overseas who publicly maintained an appearance of free press but privately were
operated by the agency. An example of this is the Rome Daily American, which was 40% owned by the CIA for three
(…) While it is deplorable for citizens of
countries to be subjected to a state-owned media, at least they can be aware of
the biases and filter information accordingly. We have been taught a lie from birth that the U.S. press is free from
government meddling. In a situation where the manipulation is completely
covert, the American public has been left unaware of the propaganda they have
been ingesting for decades».
«As to the claims of the efficacy of the experimental “vaccines,” the
declaration of 95-percent effectiveness of the Pfizer product was shown to be
false by Dr. Peter Doshi, the associate editor of the British Medical Journal. After doing an independent review of the
data submitted to the FDA, Dr. Doshi reported that only about 19 percent of
test subjects experienced the slightest benefit (symptom reduction). Absolute
risk reduction — in other words, stopping transmission — he estimated at less
than one percent. Interestingly, his excellent critique has been scrubbed from
the Internet. (I have preserved a paper copy for any fact-checkers out
Every medical intervention is made after a risk-benefit analysis, i.e., do the potential risks outweigh the potential benefits? As seen above, the benefits have been highly overrated. During the first four months after the rollout of Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” in 2021, 97 percent of deaths from vaccines recorded in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) were for those agents, meaning only three percent of reported deaths involved all other vaccines combined. Here are the total deaths for all vaccines reported to VAERS, from January through April, during the years 2018-2021:
2018: 22 deaths
2019: 27 deaths
2020: 26 deaths
2021: 3,661 deaths
According to, as of this writing the VAERS database contains 5,888 reports of deaths following the COVID shots.
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In Israel, where the Pfizer “vaccine” is
being used exclusively and a major push is on to vaccinate the entire
population, an independent review of government data after two months of the
vaccine program was done by the Aix-Marseille University Faculty of Medicine
Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit’s Dr. Hervé Seligmann and
engineer Haim Yativ. They showed that when 12.5 percent of Israelis were
vaccinated, 51 percent of the deaths from COVID were in the vaccinated group.
Additionally, in the over 65-year-olds, vaccination resulted in death from
COVID 40 times more than in unvaccinated people. In other words, the Pfizer
shot is not protecting people from COVID, but increasing fatalities from the
disease — not to mention having other side effects.
If the truth were known, most sane,
thinking people would not likely take part in such an experiment. With the
truth suppressed, threats of travel bans, an unwarranted fear of COVID, and
pressure from employers and the politicization of COVID in general, Americans
have been throwing caution to the wind». (Lee D. Merritt MD, «Covid-19
Vaccines: A “Cure” Worse Than the Disease?», in The New American, Vol. 37, No. 13, 07/05/2021).
[9] «(…) a vaccine is supposed to prevent disease. By that definition,
these agents are not vaccines. They are more properly termed “experimental
unapproved genetic agents.” By admission of the manufacturers themselves, both
the Pfizer and Moderna products only lessen the symptoms of COVID; they don’t
prevent transmission.» (Lee D. Merritt MD, «Covid-19 Vaccines: A “Cure”
Worse Than the Disease?», in The New
American, Vol. 37, No. 13, 07/05/2021). Por outras palavras, «The Food and
Drug Administration approved all three COVID-19 vaccines — from Pfizer,
Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson — with “emergency use authorizations,” which
means they are still in trial phases and are not yet qualified for licensing
from the FDA. The FDA states that vaccines approved this way are
“investigational” and requires that “promotional material relating to the
COVID-19 Vaccine clearly and conspicuously … state that this product has not
been approved or licensed by the FDA, but has been authorized for emergency use
by FDA.”» (Raven Clabough, «More Colleges, Universities Announcing COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements», in The New
American, Digital Edition, April 29, 2021).
[10] «After the Fauci emails were released, it is
now clear that top public health officials conspired to conceal the origin of
the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, a laboratory toxin which is now being injected as
messenger RNA and translated in human cells. The inflammatory spike proteins
are now being replicated in human cells, subverting the natural protein
synthesis of the cells, while leaking into the bloodstream and accumulating in
vital organs. One study shows the spike protein can invade and live in the
neural tissue, infecting neurons and causing neurotropism.
The S1 sub-unit of the spike protein
enters the parenchymal tissue of the brain in murine models. The brain’s
endothelial cells attempt to hide the spike protein in the brain capillary
glycocalyx, which can lead to degradation of the glycocalyx, dysfunction of the
blood-brain barrier (BBB) and cerebral edema.» (Lance D Johnson, «Experimental covid vaccines are bioweapon delivery systems that flood vital organs and the blood stream with inflammatory spike proteins», in VACCINES.NEWS, 06/11/2021). Ver ainda «Top Equities Investor: There
Is No DELTA Variant, There Is No Pandemic», in INFOWARS, July 13th 2021; Alex Newman, «COVID Criminals WILL Be Held Accountable, Says Atty. Dr. Fleming in Warning Against Novavax», in The New American, Digital Edition, July
16, 2021;
[11] Cf. Patrick Herbert, «Coronavirus: A Breakdown on Current Testing Procedures»,
«The Norwegian System of Patient Injury Compensation (NPE) will make payments
to three applicants badly affected by the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, it
announced on Friday. It officially confirmed that the vaccine, currently
suspended in the European country, has resulted in severe cases of blood clots
and low platelet counts in these patients, one of whom died.» («Norway to pay
compensation for AstraZeneca side effects as patients who suffered from Pfizer
& Moderna watch and wait», in RT, 2 Jul,
2021). Ver ainda Adan Salazar, «Model Dies Days After Receiving AstraZeneca
Covid Vaccine», in INFOWARS, May 25th
2021; idem, «Mom-of-3 “Excited About Getting Vaccine” Dies from Blood
Clot in Brain Following Astrazeneca Jab», in INFOWARS, June
28th 2021; idem, «British Rocker Dies from Brain Hemorrhage 2 Weeks
After AstraZeneca Jab», in INFOWARS,
July 1st 2021.
Cf. Igor Kuznetsov, «Norway: Risk of Dying From AstraZeneca Higher Than of COVID-19», in Sputnik, 23.04.2021.
[14] Neste particular, Jon Rappoport
chegou a levantar algumas questões que aqui merecem ser registadas: «I’ve
written articles criticizing the COVID vaccine, from a number of perspectives. “Criticizing”
is too mild a word…
In this article, I want to examine a narrow
claim about the COVID RNA vaccine: It instructs cells of the body to
manufacture ONE AND ONLY ONE specific protein…
In fact, this is touted as THE major action
of the genetic vaccine. Supposedly, that protein is similar to a protein in the
purported SARS-CoV-2, and it “prepares and rehearses the body for the real
However, what guarantee do we have that the
cells of the body are manufacturing only the one desired protein during the
do we know the cells are always making the same protein?
Where is the proof? Where is the large
confirmatory study that has examined thousands and thousands of human cells,
from thousands of people who have been vaccinated?
I haven’t been able to find such a study»
(«Is the genetic COVID vaccine creating a hurricane inside cells of the body?», in Jon Rappoport's Blog, May 4, 2021).
[15] Esta agência, sedeada no Condado
de Arlington, Virgínia, EUA, foi criada em 7 de Fevereiro de 1958 sob a supervisão
do presidente Dwight D. Eisenhower, no objectivo de manter a superioridade
tecnológica dos Estados Unidos face à União Soviética, principalmente aquando
do lançamento por parte desta do primeiro satélite artificial, o Sputnik 1.
Originalmente criada sob a designação de Advanced Research Projects Agency
(ARPA), esta agência sob a jurisdição do governo federal responde directamente
ao Departamento de Defesa dos EUA.
[16] «Foi (…) em 2009, quando a OMS manipulou a palavra “pandemia”, alterando o seu significado original. Se antes se referia a uma doença que provocava milhões de mortes, agora designa a doença que alcança a maioria dos países do mundo, sem ter em conta o número de mortes que realmente provoque. Ou seja, alteraram o sentido quantitativo da palavra pelo qualitativo.» (Cristina Martín Jiménez, A Verdade sobre a Pandemia, p. 185).
Veronika Kyrylenko, «Pentagon Developing Technologies to End Pandemics“Forever”», in The New American, Digital Edition, April 13, 2021.
Já quanto ao financiamento americano ao Instituto de Virologia de Wuhan,
note-se, antes de mais, o seguinte: «Representative Cathy McMorris Rogers
(R-Wash.), a ranking member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee,
together with Brett Guthrie (R-Ky.) and H. Morgan Griffith (R-Va.), wrote to Secretary
of State Antony Blinken this week requesting documents to “assist” in their
investigation into the origins of COVID-19:
We [leaders of the Congressional Committee]
request that the U.S. Department of State release unclassified documents and declassify
other documents for public release, as appropriate, related to the assertion in
the Department’s January 15, 2021 Fact Sheet that the Wuhan Institute of
Virology (WIV) in Wuhan, China collaborated with the Chinese military in
conducting classified research, including laboratory animal experiments.
(…) According to the latest evidence that
has come to light, Chinese scientists were exploring coronavirus as biological
and genetic weapons for a future global conflict six years ago. That evidence,
a dossier by People’s Liberation Army scientists and health officials, examined
the manipulation of diseases to make weapons “in a way never seen before.”
According to the Daily Mail, the
bombshell dossier, accessed by the U.S. State Department, insists the viruses
would be “the core weapon for victory” in such a conflict. Similar reports have
appeared before.
Undoubtedly, Americans deserve to know the details and extent of the U.S. involvement in viral experiments in China that was a precursor to so many economic, social and medical implications at home and abroad» (Veronika Kyrylenko, «GOP Lawmakers Press Biden Administration on Wuhan “Lab Leak” Theory and U.S. Funding of the Lab», in The New American, Digital Edition, May 8, 2021). Ver ainda: «China was preparing for a Third World War with biological weapons - including coronavirus - SIX years ago, according to dossier produced by the People's Liberation Army in 2015 and uncovered by the US State Department», in Daily Mail, 8 May 2021; Tyler Durden, «Chinese Military Discussed Weaponizing COVID In 2015 'To Cause Enemy's Medical System To Collapse'», in Zero Hedge, May 9, 2021; Nicholas Wade, «The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?», in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, May 5, 2021; R. Cort Kirkwood, «Reports Suggest China Virus Created in Wuhan Lab, Might Be Bioweapon», in The New American, Digital Edition, May 11, 2021; Steve Watson, «Video: Communist Professor Declares That U.S. Was Defeated In ‘Biological War’ With China», in INFOWARS, May 19th 2021; R. Cort Kirkwood, «Forthcoming Report: China Virus Sprung From Lab», in The New American, Digital Edition, June 1, 2021; Steve Watson, «Video: Rand Paul, Pompeo Warn Wuhan Lab Still Running, Involved With Bioweapons», in INFOWARS, May 31st 2021; R. Cort Kirkwood, «Fauci E-mails: Wuhan Lab Researcher Thanks Fauci for Helping Stop “Myth” on China Virus Origin. Top Scientist Says Virus “Potentially Engineered”», in The New American, Digital Edition, June 3, 2021; Svetlana Ekimenko, «Fauci Reportedly Briefed Health Leaders in 2020 of Potential 'Lab Leak' of 'Unusual' COVID Strain», in Sputnik, 07.06.2021; Tyler Durden, «Watch: Fauci Pal Daszak Admits "Chinese Colleagues" Developing "Killer" Coronaviruses», in Zero Hedge, JUN 09, 2021; R. Cort Kirkwood, «Video Shows Bats at Wuhan Lab Despite Denials from Top Scientist, Gain-Of-Function Backer. Admission: Chinese Lacked Biosecurity Know-How», in The New American, Digital Edition, June 15, 2021; Tyler Durden, «Wuhan’s Bat Lady Found ‘All Genes’ Required To Genetically Engineer SARS-Like Coronavirus: 2017 Report», in Zero Hedge, JUN 19, 2021; Jamie White, «Bombshell: Google Funded Wuhan Lab Collaborator’s Research For Over A Decade», in INFOWARS, June 19th 2021; Steve Watson, «Washington Post Admits Chinese Military Involved In Wuhan Lab», in INFOWARS, June 23rd 2021; Kelen McBreen, «Smoking Gun! One Month Before COVID Outbreak, Fauci & Moderna Sent “mRNA Coronavirus Vaccine Candidates” to Wuhan Lab-Linked Doctor», in INFOWARS, June 23rd 2021; Oleg Burunov, «China’s ‘Bat Woman’ Involved in Military’s ‘Secret Programme’ on Coronaviruses, US Media Claims», in Sputnik, 30.06.2021; Tyler Durden, «Fauci-Funded EcoHealth Refuses To Give Wuhan Documents To Congress», in Zero Hedge, JUL 05, 2021; R. Cort Kirkwood, «Fauci Lies Again About Funding Wuhan Lab's Dangerous Research. Paul: Criminal Referral Will Go to DOJ», in The New American, Digital Edition, July 21, 2021.
«The nuclear saber rattling comes amid growing tensions between Washington and
Recently, Beijing was upset by the
increasing credibility of the Wuhan Institute of Virology being responsible for
the leak of SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. A mounting avalanche of
evidence suggests that the institute conducted gain-of-function research to
weaponize the virus by increasing its virulence and lethality. Beijing denies
any such accusations, and blames the United States for developing the virus in
its secret labs.» (Veronika Kyrylenko, «China’s Media Mouthpiece Says Country Must Prepare for Nuclear War with America», in The New American, Digital Edition, June 3, 2021).
[20] Cristina Martín Jiménez, A Verdade sobre a Pandemia, p. 43.
Luis Miguel, «Fauci’s NIAID Scientists Attended Wuhan Lab Summit Now Scrubbed from Internet», in The New American, Digital Edition, April 27, 2021. «The Republicans, led by Ranking Member Devin Nunes also want
access to any intelligence on the “gain of function” research that was
undertaken at the Wuhan lab in conjunction with US agencies.
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(…) Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Nunes
stated that “This gain of function is really weaponizing a virus and I’m sure
there are a lot of people who say on one hand well, it could weaponized a
virus. On the other hand, it could come up with the cures.”
“I’m sure both are true. But the question
is something like this that could be so dangerous and so deadly and turned into
a weapon, is that really something that we would want to be involved in or that
we would want taxpayer money being involved in?” Nunes added.
The GOP rep continued “We have zero
evidence that some dude ate a bat in a wet market. I think that’s important to
note because what we’re talking about here is very dangerous potential
dangerous leaks and also future biological warfare.”» (Steve Watson, «GOP
Reps Demand Intel Update From Biden On Wuhan Lab Leak Possibility», in INFOWARS, May 17th 2021). Ver ainda
Tyler Durden, «Politifact Quietly Admits COVID-19 Lab Escape Not 'Debunked
Conspiracy Theory'», in Zero Hedge,
May 20, 2021.
Cf. Steve Watson, «Report: Biden Admin SHUT DOWN Investigation Into Wuhan Lab
Leak Theory», in INFOWARS, May 26th
2021. «Don’t forget that Biden’s administration nixed a previous effort to
investigate the Wuhan lab started under Trump.
(…) According to President Trump‘s former
national security advisor Michael Flynn, COVID-19 “was a weaponized operation
by the nation of China with some collaboration… with other countries.”» (Paul
Steve Watson, «U.S. Intel Sitting on Large Amount of Evidence Concerning Lab
Leak Theory», in INFOWARS, May 28th
«Lab leaks have happened multiple times from such facilities in China, with
SARS escaping twice from the Chinese Institute of Virology in Beijing in 2004,
one year after its spread was brought under control.
Former FDA head Scott Gottlieb has also
urged that “These kinds of lab leaks happen all the time.”
Gottlieb recently warned that “In China, the
last six known outbreaks of SARS-1 have been out of labs, including the last
known outbreak, which was a pretty extensive outbreak that China initially
wouldn’t disclose that it came out of lab.”
“It was only disclosed finally by some
journalists who were able to trace that outbreak back to a laboratory,”
Gottlieb explained» (Steve Watson, «Report: A DIFFERENT Virus Leaked From
Another Chinese Bio-Facility AT SAME TIME As COVID-19», in INFOWARS, June 8th 2021).
[24] «Now that Pfizer and Moderna have demonstrated just how profitable a
vaccine business can be during a global pandemic, drug companies around the
world are rushing to prepare for either a resurgence of mutant COVID-19, or
perhaps some new virus, as Dr. Anthony Fauci and others concede that SARS-CoV-2
may have escaped from a Chinese lab, instead of emerging from the wild.
In a report published Monday, Bloomberg pointed to the efforts of GlaxoSmithKline, which is investing in its vaccine business in order to get ahead of the next pandemic, while continuing to develop the next generation of COVID-19 vaccines (since its international production capabilities could give it a leg up in catering to the developing world).
(…) Whether the next pandemic is bird flu, or ebola, Connor says GSK will be prepared: “We’ve got one of the widest range of technology platforms of any vaccine company,” he said. To prepare for a future pandemic, “you need to have fill-finish, you need to have bulk, you need to have technology choice, you need to have an R&D engine that connects very well to academia, to government monitoring of virus evolution, and GSK brings all of those things.”» (Tyler Durden, «Big Pharma Is Already Preparing Vaccines For The Next Global Pandemic», in Zero Hedge, May 25, 2021); «W.H.O. Chief: Future Virus ‘More Deadly’ Than COVID Will Spark New Pandemic», in RT, 24 May, 2021.
«Professor Calum Semple, a member of the government’s Scientific Advisory Group
for Emergencies, said: “The risk of death [from COVID-19 in children] is one in
a million. That’s not a figure and plucking from the air, that’s a quantifiable
risk.” He added that “We know in wave one and wave two put together there were
12 deaths in children — in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, put together —
and that is rare because there are about 13 to 14 million children in the UK»
(Veronika Kyrylenko, «UK Unlikely to Recommend COVID-19 Shots to Children Aged 12-17», in The New American, Digital Edition, June
21, 2021).
«Doctors in Pennsylvania have reported the first known case of severe blood
clotting believed to be linked to Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine, after an
elderly man contracted the condition and died within days of his second dose.
(…) The report in Pittsburgh would be the
first known case of blood clotting linked to a vaccine based on messenger
[27] «Medical advocacy
organization America’s Frontline Doctors has filed a motion for a temporary
restraining order against the emergency use authorization of COVID vaccines on
children under the age of 16, citing numerous side effects and that the fact
that young people have 99.997% survivability rate against COVID.
(…) AFLDS founder Simone Gold stated, “We
doctors are pro-vaccine, but this is not a vaccine. This is an experimental
biological agent whose harms are well-documented (although suppressed and
censored) and growing rapidly, and we will not support using America’s children
as guinea pigs.”» (Gabriel Keane, «America’s Frontline Doctors Files Motion For Restraining Order Against Child COVID Vaccinations», in National File, May 21, 2021); Jamie White, «Canadian Government
Lures Children With Ice Cream To Take COVID Vaccine Without Parental Consent»,
in INFOWARS, May 22nd 2021; «Singapore
Doctors Urge Halt to Teen Vaccinations After Unexplained Death of Boy in US»,
in INFOWARS, June 28th 2021.
«Meanwhile, Pfizer is currently conducting clinical trials on healthy children
aged 6-months to 11-years old, which started back in late March» («FDA
Approves Pfizer Covid Vax for Children 12-15», in INFOWARS, May 10th 2021). E, no lance, igualmente alarmante se nos
afigura o seguinte cenário: «As the rollout of COVID-19 injection continues,
newly reported cases of the adverse reactions keep emerging across the United
States. Now, just weeks after the Pfizer-BioNTech shot was approved for use in
patients between the ages of 12 and 16, a few alarming cases of myocarditis, or
heart inflammation, were reported.
(…) On May 14, the CDC alerted clinicians to the possible link between myocarditis and vaccines, and state health departments in Washington, Oregon, and California have alerted emergency providers and cardiologists to the potential problem. A report on seven cases has been submitted to the journal Pediatrics for review.
On April 27, CDC director Rochelle Walensky said that the younger demographics seem to be more prone to developing myocarditis after the inoculation but refused to draw a link between the COVID vaccines and 14 cases of heart inflammation among older people who were vaccinated through the military’s health services.
On April 25, Israel’s Health Ministry said it is examining a small number of cases of heart inflammation in people who had received the Pfizer COVID vaccine. Most of the cases in Israel were reported among people age 30 and under.
As reported by the New York Times, some doctors encourage young people to get inoculated despite the “unusual reaction,” and emphasize that the potentially rare side effect of myocarditis paled in comparison to the potential risks of COVID, including the persistent syndrome called “long COVID” Acute COVID itself can cause myocarditis, they say. “The relative risk is a lot in favor of getting the vaccine, especially considering how many doses of the vaccine have been administered,” they say. In other words, let your adolescents play that Russian roulette; the odds of staying healthy and alive are on their side.
Other doctors have sounded an alarm on such a number of adverse reactions, including heart inflammation, following the vaccine. Dr. Ryan Cole said during an appearance on Rose Unplugged 1320 WJAS, “We’ve seen more deaths from this shot than all vaccines in the last 20 years combined — and that’s just in the first 4 to 5 months.”
(...) AFLDS doctors argue that “We’ve never seen this level of side effects for any vaccine without the FDA taking action… The Rotavirus vaccine was pulled for 15 cases of non-lethal side effects and the Swine Flu vaccine was pulled for 25 deaths. But now, by the CDC’s own data, we are seeing a 12,000 percent increase in deaths with these vaccines and they’re still talking about giving this to our kids.”» (Veronika Kyrylenko, «CDC Investigating Heart Inflammation in Adolescents Who Received COVID Shot», in The New American, Digital Edition, May 24, 2021). Ver ainda: Raven Clabough, «Doctors, Parents File Motion to Stop FDA Authorization of COVID Vaccines for Children», in The New American, Digital Edition, May 24, 2021; Tom Pappert, «San Francisco Allows Children To ‘Consent’ To COVID Vaccines Without Parents Knowing», in National File, May 27, 2021; Mike Adams, «FDA document reveals 86% of children who participated in Pfizer covid vaccine trial experienced adverse reactions», in Natural News, May 27, 2021; Ethan Huff, «Dr. Zelenko: Covid vaccine mandates for children are “coercive human experimentation, crimes against humanity”», in VACCINE.NEWS, 06/01/2021.
[29] C.
Mitchell Shaw, «Government Places Warning Labels on COVID Vaccines From Pfizer and Moderna; But Still Won’t “Follow the Science”», in The New American, Digital Edition, June 27, 2021.
[30] Carta a George Orwell, por
ocasião da publicação de Mil Novecentos e
Oitenta e Quatro (1949), in Aldous Huxley, Admirável Mundo Novo, Antígona 2013, pp. 305-307.
[31] Idem, ibidem.
[32] «De sublinhar que no final de
março, a Pfizer deu início também ao ensaio clínico com crianças entre os 6
meses e os 11 anos e espera poder ter resultados na segunda metade de 2021. No
entanto, a vacinação deste grupo não deverá começar antes de 2022, segundo o
jornal The New York Times» (Joana
Moraes Fonseca, «Dos Estados Unidos a Singapura quem está a vacinar
adolescentes?», in ECO economia online,
19/5/2021). «Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said the company expects to
see “durable demand” for its shot, similar to the market for influenza
vaccines. Big Pharma companies have significantly expanded their manufacturing
capacity, while seeking to expand their market to reach children as young as
two, and have started testing the vaccine on six-month-old infants. All three
pharmaceutical companies — Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson
— whose shots had received an FDA emergency use authorization are working on
the seasonal COVID booster shots expected to hit the market by fall» (Veronika
Kyrylenko, «COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturers Make a Fortune, Produce Nine New Billionaires», in The New American, Digital Edition, May 22, 2021).
«The Center for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday announced they’ve
received over 1,200 reports of heart inflammation following vaccination with
either the Pfizer or Moderna Covid vaccines.
(…) While the correlation between the
vaccines and heart issues appears to be strongly evident, the CDC is still
inexplicably hesitant to blame the vaccines.
However, CNBC reports: “The CDC’s vaccine safety group said Wednesday data available to date suggests there’s
likely association of myocarditis with mRNA vaccination in adolescents and
young adults.”
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Now the CDC is consulting the Food and
Drug Administration, which gave emergency use authorization for Pfizer to
administer their vaccine to children aged 12 to 15 last month, in a last minute
effort to defend the integrity of their precious experimental mRNA jab.
Meanwhile, the FDA has held off on granting similar approval to Moderna for
children aged 12 to 17» (Adan Salazar, «CDC Reports Over 1,200 Cases of
Heart Inflammation After Covid Vaccine», in INFOWARS,
June 23rd 2021). Por outro lado: «Dr. Robert Malone, a licensed physician in
Maryland and inventor of mRNA technology, during a podcast with host and
evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein and entrepreneur Steve Kirsh, sounded the
alarm on the potential risks of experimental “vaccines” on young people, and
Big Tech has punished him for it.
The episode of Weinstein’s DarkHorse podcast, censored by YouTube
but apparently still available on Apple podcasts, was shut down by the tech
company for Malone’s statements around the “toxic ‘spike protein’” used in the
COVID-19 vaccine, an element specific to the mRNA vaccines that makes them
According to reporting by the British Daily Mail, “Malone said he sent
‘manuscripts’ months ago to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration claiming the
spike protein used in the COVID-19 vaccine posed a health risk.”
Malone claimed that “their [USDA]
determination was that they didn’t think that that was sufficient documentation
of the risk that the spike was biologically active.”
Appearing on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight on Wednesday,
where he was “given a place to speak,” Malone bluntly told Carlson, “The
government is not being transparent with us about what those risks [of the
vaccines] are, and so I’m of the opinion that people have the right to decide
whether to accept the vaccine or not, especially since these are experimental
“This is a fundamental right having to do
with clinical research ethics,” continued Malone, “but we don’t have access to
the data, and the data hasn’t been captured rigorously enough so we can
accurately assess those risks, and therefore, for folks like you and your
audience … we don’t really have the information we need to make a reasonable
Carlson then raised the question all
Americans should be asking when considering any form of pharmaceutical
treatment: Do the benefits outweigh the risks? He pointed to college-aged
students (age 18-22) as the largest population being required to take the vaccine,
as many U.S. colleges and universities are mandating vaccination for students
to return to the classroom for summer or fall terms, even though young people
are statistically the least likely to die from COVID.
“I have a bias that the benefits probably
don’t outweigh the risks in that cohort, but unfortunately, the risk/benefit
analysis is not being done,” said Malone. “So that’s one of my other
objections, is that we toss around these words ‘risk/benefit analysis’
casually, as if it’s a very deep science. It’s not. Normally, at this stage,
the CDC ACIP [Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices] would have
performed those risk/benefit analyses, they would be data-based and
science-based. They’re not right now.…. Certainly, I can say that the
risk/benefit ratio for those 18 and below doesn’t justify vaccines, and there’s
a pretty good chance that it doesn’t justify vaccination in the very young
adults.”» (Annalisa Pesek, «“Government Is Not Being Transparent”: mRNA Technology Inventor Deviates from CDC, Sounds Alarm on Risks of COVID-19 Vaccines», in The New American, Digital Edition, June
24, 2021).
mais a mais, segundo «a EMA, há uma possível ligação entre a inflamação rara do
coração e as vacinas da Pfizer e Moderna e aconselhou as pessoas com um
histórico de uma doença rara do sangue a evitar a injeção [sic] de J&J.
doenças cardíacas, miocardite e pericardite, devem ser listadas como possíveis
efeitos secundários das duas vacinas de mRNA, diz o comité de segurança da Agência
Europeia de Medicamentos.» («EMA alerta para eventuais novos efeitos
secundários de três vacinas contra a covid-19», in SIC Notícias, 09/07/2021.
Cf. Paul Joseph Watson, «Government Adviser Says Fatigue, Headache, Sore Throat
and Diarrhoea Should be Added to List of COVID Symptoms», in INFOWARS, July 1st 2021;
«As we previously highlighted, government advisers admitted that their scare
propaganda was too effective and that it terrorized people to such a degree
that many have now developed a new mental illness called COVID-19 anxiety
Scientists acknowledged that they used
psychological manipulation techniques that were “unethical” and “totalitarian”
as methods of instilling fear in the population in order to control behavior
during the pandemic.
(…) some people are still so traumatized
by their brainwashing, they refuse to remove face masks not only in their own
homes, but also during sex.» (Paul Joseph Watson, «UK Records Zero COVID
Deaths, Pro-Lockdown Adviser Told to “Shut Up”», in INFOWARS, June 1st 2021).
«Siler, a Washington state physician with an internal medicine degree (the same qualification Dr. Anthony Fauci
has) and 37 years’ experience, asserts that “America’s COVID-19 counts are
almost certainly inaccurate.” Elaborating yesterday at American Thinker, he
America counts COVID-19 deaths differently
from other countries. According to Dr. Deborah Birx, speaking at the start of
the pandemic, “if someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death.”
However, we must acknowledge that there is
a difference between dying from COVID-19 and dying with
COVID-19. This is a familiar uncertainty for doctors during the winter flu
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In most states, 40-60% of the people dying
of SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, are elderly persons with
multiple medical problems who live in nursing homes. A portion of this same
cohort dies every year from the seasonal influenza virus. When that happens,
did the flu kill them or their cancer, heart failure, strokes, or liver
problems? Doctors use their best judgment to fill out the death certificate
correctly, but they do not categorize all of them as “flu” deaths.
According to the CDC, only 6% of those who
died with the COVID-19 infection had no other pre-existing health conditions.
The other 94% had an average of four medical conditions already affecting their
This does not mean that only 6% of these
deaths resulted from COVID-19. But it also does not mean that 100% of the
deaths among people with other medical conditions should be counted as death from
COVID-19 either. If we counted each death that tested positive for flu or had
symptoms of flu as an “influenza death,” we would also have hundreds of
thousands of flu deaths each year.
When it comes to the flu, though, we don’t
tally either the 6% or the 100%. The real answer is in the middle. Applying
that same logic to COVID-19 means that conservatively 25-50% of the deaths
labeled from COVID-19 more likely died with COVID-19.
Citing a study, Siler also states that in possible violation of federal law, the CDC changed the way it tabulated deaths — but only COVID deaths — in a way that greatly inflated the numbers. In fact, the CDC’s August 2020 new-system projection of 161,392 deaths would have been only 9,684 under the old system, he asserts» (Selwyn Duke, «Washington Doctor Demands“a Recount” — “of COVID Deaths”», in The New American, Digital Edition, May 13, 2021). Ver ainda Ryan McMaken, «Why Cause-of-Death Stats Aren't As Reliable as the CDC Wants You to Think», in Mises Institute, 05/25/2021; Ethan Huff, «SCIENCE FAIL: Portuguese court rules PCR tests are unreliable, unlawful “evidence” of alleged Covid-19 infections», in NATURAL NEWS, November 19, 2020.
[37] «No matter the results, the past few months have shown the “science”
no longer matters when it comes to the experimental Covid-19 vaccine, as health
officials and media pundits regularly ignore any negative vaccine side effects
while continuing to push ubiquitous, or even unnecessary, inoculation» (Adan Salazar, «Clinical Trial to Test Mixing & Matching Covid Vaccines», in
INFOWARS, June 22nd 2021».
[38] «It’s called SM-102» (Jon Rappoport, «Shocker: Why Is This Substance In The Moderna
COVID Vaccine?», in INFOWARS, May
20th 2021). «For example: “Suspected of causing cancer. Suspected of damaging
fertility or the unborn child. Causes damage to the central nervous system, the
kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated
exposure. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.”»
Tyler Durden, «Israel Sees Explosion Of Cases In Vaccinated Patients Caused By
"Delta" Variant», in Zero Hedge,
JUN 28, 2021; Steve Watson, «Senator Rand Paul Slams Delta Variant
‘Fearmongers’», in INFOWARS, June
30th 2021; Mike Adams, «DELTA variant hysteria exposes the sobering truth: Covid vaccines don’t work, and “variants” are pushed as scare stories to demand more vaccines, mask mandates and destructive lockdowns», in VACCINESWARS, 06/29/2021; «Pfizer
vaccine losing effectiveness amid Delta variant surge, Israeli Health Ministry
says as it mulls 3rd shot & new restrictions», in RT, 6
Jul, 2021.
«Pfizer Inc Chief Executive Albert Bourla has said people will “likely” need a
booster dose of the company’s vaccine every 12 months – similar to an annual
flu shot – to maintain high levels of immunity against the original SARS-CoV-2
virus and its variants» (Tyler Durden, «"There Is Zero Evidence"
- Scientists Question Need For COVID 'Booster Shots' As Vaccine Makers Lock In
Sales», in Zero Hedge, May 14, 2021).
[41] Porém, o virologista francês Luc
Montagnier, que chegou de resto a receber o Prémio Nobel da Medicina em 2008,
alertou para a possibilidade de o programa de vacinação contra o SARS-CoV-2,
para além de não suster a disseminação do mesmo, ter inclusivamente facilitado
a sua propagação como ainda o aparecimento de novas variantes cada vez mais
resistentes e susceptíveis de uma maior transmissibilidade. Resumindo:
«The vaccines don’t stop the virus, argues the prominent virologist, they do
the opposite — they “feed the virus,” and facilitate its development into
stronger and more transmittable variants. These new virus variants will be more
resistant to vaccination and may cause more health implications than their
“original” versions.
During the interview, professor Montagnier
referred to the vaccine program for the coronavirus as an “unacceptable
mistake.” Mass vaccinations are a “scientific error as well as a medical
error,” he said. “The history books will show that, because it is the
vaccination that is creating the variants.” Montagnier explained that “there
are antibodies, created by the vaccine,” forcing the virus to “find another
solution” or die. This is where the variants are created. It is the variants
that “are a production and result from the vaccination.”
Montagnier details that the mutation and
strengthening of the virus occurs owing to the phenomenon known as Antibody
Dependent Enhancement (ADE). ADE is a mechanism that increases the ability of a
virus to enter cells and cause a worsening of the disease. ADE occurs when the
antibodies generated during an immune response recognize and bind to a
pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies
act as a “Trojan horse,” allowing the pathogen to get into cells and exacerbate
the immune response» (Veronika Kyrylenko, «Nobel Prize Winner Warns Vaccines Facilitate Development of Deadlier COVID Variants, Urges Public to Reject Jabs», in The New American, Digital Edition, May 20,
2021). Ainda a propósito: «The first-ever postmortem study of a patient
vaccinated against COVID-19 has revealed that viral RNA was found in every
organ of the patient’s body, meaning that the vaccine is either ineffective or
the coronavirus actually spreads faster in vaccinated individuals.
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(…) “In summary, the results of our
autopsy case study in a patient with mRNA vaccine confirm the view that by
first dose of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 immunogenicity can already be
induced, while sterile immunity is not adequately developed,” the study
other words, although the COVID-19 vaccine triggered an immune response within
the body, it didn’t appear to stop the spread of the virus, and therefore the
spread of harmful viral spike proteins, throughout the body.
This is just more bombshell scientific
evidence that the COVID-19 vaccine likely does more harm than good, and may
actually even accelerate the spread of the coronavirus» (Jamie White, «First
Autopsy of COVID Vaccinated Patient Found Spike Proteins In Every Organ of Body»,
14th 2021).
[42] A meticulosa e sistemática perseguição a quem não se submeta ao
processo experimental de inoculação em massa será, sem dúvida alguma, uma
dessas medidas: «A Reuters adianta que (...) o porta-voz do Kremlin, Dmitry
Peskov, admitiu perante os jornalistas que as pessoas que não foram vacinadas
ou que não têm imunidade face ao SARS-CoV-2 representam uma “ameaça” nos seus
locais de trabalho e que podem ser alvo de discriminação.
realidade é tal que a discriminação vai inevitavelmente verificar-se. As
pessoas que não foram vacinadas ou que não têm imunidade não vão poder
trabalhar em todos os locais de trabalho. Não é possível. Vão ser uma ameaça
para aqueles que os rodeiam”, salientou Peskov.» («Kremlin diz que pessoas
não vacinadas podem ser alvo de discriminação», in Notícias ao Minuto, 23/06/2021). Entretanto, o cerco ao continente
africano aperta-se pelo recurso à União Africana, ao Fundo Monetário
Internacional (FMI) e ao Banco Africano de Desenvolvimento (BAD): «"África
precisa de soluções para ajudar a navegar através destes tempos muito
desafiantes devido à pandemia de covid-19", disse Adesina, vincando que
"a recuperação económica vai depender do acesso às vacinas".
O banco
está a preparar um apoio de 3 mil milhões de dólares, cerca de 2,5 mil milhões
de euros, à União Africana para o desenvolvimento da indústria farmacêutica no
continente, disse o banqueiro, argumentando que "África não devia mendigar
por vacinas, devia estar a produzir vacinas".
discurso, Adesina lembrou que variadas vezes nos últimos meses tem defendido a
necessidade de construir um sistema de defesa para o continente, não só para
esta pandemia, mas para eventuais pandemias futuras, e apontou a entrega de 2
milhões de dólares (1,6 milhões de euros) em assistência de emergência à
Organização Mundial de Saúde para aumentar a capacidade de prevenção das infeções [sic],
testagem e gestão de casos.» («Recuperação económica de África depende do
acesso às vacinas», in Agência Lusa,
22/06/2021). De resto, não é certamente por acaso que a «OMS alerta para
disseminação rápida de variante Delta nas pessoas não vacinadas», Agência Lusa, 25/06/2021.
«The World Health Organization says that even those who have been vaccinated
against COVID-19 should “play it safe” by continuing to wear face masks.
According to Dr. Mariangela Simao, WHO’s assistant director-general for access to medicines and health products, “Vaccine alone won’t stop community transmission” of the virus.
(…) According to Simao, the delta (Indian) variant of COVID circulating the globe means that mask mandates and social distancing should continue indefinitely.
“People need to continue to use masks
consistently, be in ventilated spaces, hand hygiene … the physical distance,
avoid crowding. This still continues to be extremely important, even if you’re
vaccinated when you have a community transmission ongoing,” she said.
Given that there are likely to be new variants of COVID for years to
come, this essentially means that facial coverings and social distancing rules
will not fully end at any point in the near future, despite many European
governments slowly beginning to lift restrictions.» (Paul Joseph Watson,
«WHO Says Even Vaccinated People Should “Play it Safe” and Continue to Wear
Masks», in INFOWARS, June 28th 2021); Steve Watson, «CONFIRMED: UK’s Return To
‘Freedom’ Will See Continued Use Of Masks, Government Tracking And Introduction
of Vaccine Passports», in INFOWARS,
July 13th 2021; Kit Daniels, «Fauci Demands Three-Year-Olds Wear Masks», in INFOWARS, July 13th 2021.
Paul Joseph Watson, «French Government Considers Making COVID Vaccine Mandatory
for Everyone Aged 24-59», in INFOWARS,
July 2nd 2021; Steve Watson, «Report: US Army Directs Commands To Prep For
July 5th 2021; James Murphy, «Biden Set to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccines for Military as Soon as September», in The
New American, Digital Edition, July 5, 2021; Kelen McBreen, «Biden Health
Secretary: “It Is Absolutely The Government’s Business” To Track Unvaccinated
Americans», in INFOWARS, July 8th
2021; Steve Watson, «Video: CNN Doctor Says It’s “Time To Start Mandating”
COVID Vaccines», in INFOWARS, July 9th
2021; Mike Adams, «Soon, FEMA squads and U.S. soldiers will be coming to your door to vaccinate you at gunpoint (or drag you away to a covid death camp)», in
VACCINEDEATHS, 07/08/2021;
[45] «Joe Biden, a true mask
zealot who wore a mask on Zoom calls with foreign leaders and insisted on
wearing one outside even after being fully vaccinated for months, now made an about-face
and celebrated the new CDC mask guidance, saying, “Today is a great day for
America.” The “Great day,” however, was spoiled by the following remark: “For
now, after a year of hard work and so much sacrifice, the rule is very simple:
Get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do.” To spread the word, he also
duplicated it on Twitter.
Of course, the legality behind making a
“rule” that says people have to “get vaccinated” with experimental injections
is questionable. The FDA has only granted emergency use authorizations (EUA)
for the experimental mRNA vaccines, and the clinical trials the FDA will rely
upon to ultimately decide whether to license these vaccines are still underway.
The FDA’s guidance on EUA specified that people “have the option to accept or
refuse the EUA product.”
Biden also did not provide any detail on the “rule” requiring unvaccinated people to wear masks — for a disease with a consistently low level of infection and a survival rate of 99.997 percent for 0-19-year-olds and 94.6 percent for those 70 and older — where state mandates are not in place. It seems that the President assumes unvaccinated people pose a threat and must be “punished” for rejecting the experimental jab.» (Veronika Kyrylenko, «CDC Lifts Indoor Mask Recommendation for Fully Vaccinated Americans», in The New American, Digital Edition, May 14, 2021); Steve Watson, «Report: Oregon To Demand Proof Of Vaccination To Enter Businesses, Churches Without A Mask», in INFOWARS, May 21st 2021; Gabriel Keane, «World Economic Forum Urges Companies To Fire Unvaccinated Employees As Part of ‘Jobs Reset,’ Deletes Tweet After Backlash», in National File, May 18, 2021; Jamie White, «‘Twisting the Arms of Citizens Works’: Bloomberg News Calls For Mandatory COVID Shots», in INFOWARS, May 22nd 2021; Paul Joseph Watson, «Macron Announces Those Without ‘COVID Vaccine Pass’ Will be Banned From Routine Life Activities», in INFOWARS, July 13th 2021; Pam Key, «Sebelius: Unvaccinated Americans Should Not Be Allowed to Work, Have Access to Children», in BREITBART, 13 Jul 2021; Paul Joseph Watson, «On 'Freedom Day', Boris Johnson Announces Mandatory Vaccine Passports», in INFOWARS, July 19th 2021; Steve Watson, «CNN: Segregate Unvaccinated, Make Them Pay For Tests Every Day», in INFOWARS, July 23rd 2021; idem, «Video: Alabama Governor Declares ‘It’s Time To Blame The Unvaccinated For COVID’», in INFOWARS, July 23rd 2021; Jamie White, «Israel PM Says Unvaccinated Endanger Country, Will Be Segregated From Society», in INFOWARS, July 24th 2021; «Only Vaccinated Can See Pope in Slovakia, But Many Vaccines Abortion-Derived», in INFOWARS, July 23rd 2021. «Only Slovakians who have taken a Covid-19 vaccine can see Pope Francis when he visits the country, despite the fact that many vaccines were tested on or developed using fetal cell lines.
This, of course, goes against traditional
Catholic anti-abortion teachings if the cell lines are from an elective
“The Pope will visit four cities in
Slovakia Sept. 12-15, after traveling to Budapest in neighboring Hungary to
celebrate the closing Mass of the International Eucharistic Congress,” reported
the National Catholic Register. “According to Slovakian media, Health Minister
Vladimír Lengvarský said at a news conference on July 20 that ‘the condition
for participation in Holy Masses and other events will be full vaccination.’”
“Lengvarský said that this decision was established in cooperation with the Slovakian bishops’ conference.”»
[46] Eis, consequentemente, o novo paradigma de “inclusão” comunitária: Steve
Watson, «Fauci: ‘There Are Now Two Americas, The Vaccinated and The
Unvaccinated’», in INFOWARS, July 1st
[47] Na prática, é assim que tudo
começa: «(…) a chanceler alemã, Angela Merkel, criticou a falta de regras
comuns na União Europeia relativamente às viagens, dando como exemplo a
situação de aumento dos contágios em Portugal, que “poderia ter sido evitada”.
“O que lamento é que ainda não tenhamos sido
capazes de alcançar um comportamento uniforme entre os Estados-membros em
termos de restrições de viagem, isto é um retrocesso”, declarou a
responsável...» (cf. «Merkel critica países que não restringem entrada a países
de risco», in Agência Lusa,
«Authorities in Abu Dhabi have deployed facial recognition cameras throughout
shopping malls and even in residential areas under the justification that they
can “detect COVID-19.”
“The technology allegedly detects the
virus through electromagnetic waves, which ideally change due to the presence
of the RNA particles in the body of an infected person,” reports Reclaim the
The government claims that a trial of the
technology involving 20,000 participants achieved a high degree of
effectiveness and has a 93.5% accuracy in identifying infected individual.
According to the EDE Research Institute,
which created the technology, “The EDE scanning system will be used at shopping
malls, as part of testing in some residential areas, and land and air entry
points, as part of efforts to enhance precautionary measures and curb the
spread of Covid-19 by establishing safe zone.”
This is yet another example of how the
pandemic has been exploited by governments to rapidly advance a bio-security
police state under the guise of stopping the spread of the virus.» (Paul
Joseph Watson, «Abu Dhabi Begins Using Facial Recognition Cameras at Shopping
Malls, in Residential Areas to “Detect COVID-19”», in INFOWARS, June 29th 2021).
[49] «Microsoft President Brad Smith recently spoke with BBC’s Panorama where he predicted a dystopian world reminiscent of George Orwell’s famous novel “1984” will rise within three years if artificial intelligence isn’t regulated soon.
“If we don’t enact the laws that will protect the public in the future, we are going to find the technology racing ahead, and it’s going to be very difficult to catch up,” he warned.
“I’m constantly reminded of George
Orwell’s lessons in his book 1984.
You know the fundamental story was about a government who could see everything
that everyone did and hear everything that everyone said all the time,” Smith
continued. “Well, that didn’t come to pass in 1984, but if we’re not careful that could come to pass in 2024.”»
(Kelen McBreen, «Microsoft President Warns Life To Become “Like Orwell’s
1984” If We Don’t Protect Public From AI», in INFOWARS, May 27th 2021).
«Scientists developed a new method of controlling certain nerve cells of the
brain to manipulate behaviors — and it’s delivered via viral injection.
In 2016, researchers at the University of
Virginia in Charlottesville genetically engineered a magnetized protein, called
Magneto, which is inserted into a virus that’s injected into an animal’s brain
to manipulate neural activity under the remote influence of magnetic fields.
(…) It’s also worth pointing out that
Canadian theology professor Dr. Pierre Gilbert during a lecture in 1995 warned
of a coming mandatory vaccine containing liquid crystals that, when exposed to
magnetic frequencies, turn vaccine recipients into “zombies.”
“In the biological destruction there are
the organized tempests on the magnetic fields,” Gilbert said. “What will follow
is a contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional
“This will be enforced via laws that will
make vaccination mandatory,” he continued. “And these vaccines will make
possible to control people.”
“The vaccines will have liquid crystals
that will become hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro-receivers
of electromagnetic fields where waves of very low frequencies will be sent.”
“And through these low frequency waves
people will be unable to think, you’ll be turned into a zombie.”
“Don’t think of this as a hypothesis. This
has been done. Think of Rwanda,” he added, suggesting this technology was
behind the 1994 Rwandan genocide.» (Jamie White, «Mind Control: Scientists
Engineer ‘Magneto’ Protein Capable Of Remotely Controlling Brain &
Behavior», in INFOWARS, May 17th
Note-se ainda a propósito: «Most recently, people have put out videos purporting to show they are now magnetic after taking the [COVID] vaccines. A physician colleague of mine confirmed that not only would a magnet stick to the injection site, but a paperclip would hold to the skin — suggesting that the vaccine material was itself magnetic. Before dismissing this as nonsense, consider this article published in August of 2019 at “Scientists Developed Magnetic Nanoparticles that can Remotely Modulate Neural Circuits.” Such iron-containing nanoparticles are already being used in oncology — they can be put into the blood vessel feeding a brain tumor, then MRI scanning of the area causes the particles to heat and burn out the cancerous mass. So, what will happen when these vaccinated people enter the MRI for other reasons? Without unbiased analysis and actually being told the full details of the components of the vaccine, how can we know? And should we give such a drug to the whole world without full disclosure?» (Lee D. Merritt MD, «Covid-19 Vaccines: A “Cure” Worse Than the Disease?», in The New American, Vol. 37, No. 13, 07/05/2021). Ver também Ethan Huff, «SURVEY: People vaccinated for covid become more “magnetic” over time… the vaccine appears to be assembling magnetic nanoparticles in the blood», in VACCINES.NEWS, 07/13/2021; Mike Adams, «IT'S REAL: Science paper documents "Self-assembled magnetic nanosystems" for cybernetic biocircuitry interface and control systems in humans, including "DNA hydrogel" tech», in VACCINES.NEWS, 07/20/2021.
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Cf. Rocco Loiacono, «German Judge Declares Mask Mandates Illegal And Harmful To
Children», in INFOWARS, May 31st
2021; Selwyn Duke, «Study: Rising CO2 IS a Deadly Problem — in Kids’ Bodies —Because of Face Masks», in The New
American, Digital Edition, July 2, 2021.
«A top WHO official says that mask mandates and social distancing should
continue indefinitely in order to protect against new variants of COVID-19.
The comments were made on Sky News by
Special Envoy on Covid for the World Health Organisation (WHO), Dr David
Nabarro suggested that there would be a
long list of mutations of the Indian variant which would in some cases evade
the protection offered by vaccines.
“We will go from Delta to Lambda and then
on to the other Greek letters, that’s inevitable, and some of these variants
will be troublesome,” he said.
“I’m basically saying variants are going
to go on coming. That’s part of life, we need to pick them up fast, we need to
move quickly if we see them in a certain location, we need to build the
management of variants into what we call our Covid-ready strategy, which is
going to be the pattern for the foreseeable future,” he added.» (Paul Joseph
Watson, «WHO Official Says Mask Mandates & Social Distancing Should
Continue Indefinitely», in INFOWARS,
June 23rd 2021).
«Social media networks have long censored and deleted information pertaining to
the efficacy of masks, or lack thereof, despite numerous credible studies
concluding that they are largely useless at stopping the spread of COVID-19.
A study in Denmark involving 6,000
participants found that “there was no statistically significant difference
between those who wore masks and those who did not when it came to being
infected by Covid-19,” the Spectator reported.
“1.8 per cent of those wearing masks caught Covid, compared to 2.1 per cent of the control group. As a result, it seems that any effect masks have on preventing the spread of the disease in the community is small.”» (Paul Joseph Watson, «In February 2020 Email, Fauci Wrote Face Masks “Not Effective in Keeping Out Virus”», in INFOWARS, June 2nd 2021); «Rand Paul Blasts Mask Mandates: ‘It’s About Submission’», in INFOWARS, July 10th 2021; Rachel Sharp, «Biden administration is 'considering urging vaccinated people to start wearing face masks again' as Delta variant spreads and vaccine rollout stalls», in Daily Mail, 22 July 2021; Tyler Durden, «Fauci Says New Mask Guidelines For Vaccinated Americans Under "Active Consideration" Amid Delta Outbreak», in Zero Hedge, JUL 26, 2021; C. Mitchell Shaw, «Fauci: Unvaccinated to Blame if Vaccinated Are Forced to Mask Again», in The New American, Digital Edition, July, 2021; «Whiplash: Psaki Flustered Trying to Explain CDC’s Sudden Reversal on Face Masks», in INFOWARS, July 27th 2021; «CDC announces Face Masks for All Americans - On Same Day Admits Vaccinated Can Transmit Covid», in INFOWARS, July 27th 2021.
[54] Cf. Adam Dick, «New York Governor: Impose Discrimination Against Unvaxxed People, Ban Discrimination Against Vaxxed People», in INFOWARS, May 18th 2021. Ver ainda Jamie White, «Former State Dept. Official Calls For Placing Vaccinated People In 'Safe Havens' Away From Unvaxxed», in INFOWARS, July 27th 2021. «According to CBS Sacramento, “A new analysis finds several counties with above-average vaccination rates also have higher COVID case rates, while case rates are falling in counties with below-average vaccination rates.”
The data, published on Saturday, shows
Los Angeles, San Diego, Alameda, Contra Costa and San Francisco counties have
rising COVID case rates as well as high vaccination rates.
In contrast, Modoc, Glenn, Lassen, Del
Norte and San Benito counties have below-average vaccination rates and are
seeing a drop in COVID cases.» (Kelen McBreen, «CBS Admits COVID Rise In
Counties With High Vaccination Rates», in INFOWARS,
July 27th 2021).
Paul Joseph Watson, «Dubai Nail Salon Installing Microchips on Customers’
Fingernails», in INFOWARS, June 22nd
2021. «The COVID-19 pandemic has evidently helped generate interest in the
procedure, with the beauty parlor already claiming it has marked 500 customers
with the chip.
The chips also make use of use near field
communication (NFC) technology to connect with other mobile devices.
Given the obsequiousness displayed by some
2.66 billion people around the world in taking the COVID vaccine, don’t be
surprised to see governments push implantable microchips for bio-security next.
Cellphone apps are already used as vaccine
passports, which are de facto identity cards, so it’s not a huge leap to
suggest that within a decade, a huge public relations campaign will be launched
urging everyone to get chipped.
(…) Don’t forget that ‘Great Reset’ pioneer
himself Klaus Schwab acknowledges in his own book that an implantable microchip
is the ultimate aim.
“Some of us already feel that our
smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external
devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost
certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains,” wrote the World
Economic Forum founder».
«Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted on
Friday that the federal government is “taking a very close look” at the idea of
creating federal vaccine passports for international travel. Mayorkas, who also
oversees the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) made the admission on
ABC’s Good Morning America.
The admission seems to contradict earlier
statements from the White House that the federal government was not looking at
creating vaccine passports for American citizens.
In April, Press Secretary Jen Psaki told
reporters that the White House was not considering vaccine passports.
“The government is not now, nor will we be
supporting a system that requires Americans to carry a credential,” Psaki said.
“There will be no federal vaccination database and no federal mandate requiring
everyone to obtain a single vaccination credential.”» (James Murphy, «DHS Secretary Admits: “We’re Taking a Very Close Look” at Vaccine Passports», in The New American, Digital Edition, May 28, 2021).
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[57] É certamente espantosa a
manifesta cegueira dos comentaristas de ocasião sobre o real alcance dos “certificados digitais” implantados à
escala global, dentre eles destacando-se precisamente aquele que já mal
consegue discernir o fundo e autêntico significado da palavra liberdade: «Se fosse possível haver
ainda dúvidas sobre o nosso fatalista medo da mudança, vejam-se as reações [sic] que
causou o certificado de vacina e a possibilidade de quem tenha a vacinação
completa poder fazer com ele uma vida normal, e que restaurantes e comércio
possam estar abertos sem limitações para quem o possua. Já acontece isso na
Áustria, Dinamarca e República Checa.
Há sempre
razões para recusar uma mudança. E desta vez é a desigualdade entre quem está
ou não está vacinado ou o desrespeito por quem não quer ser vacinado, o que
seria uma restrição à liberdade.
Mas é o
contrário: a medida vai no sentido de aumentar a liberdade, que não temos, e é
proporcional...» (cf. José Miguel Júdice, «As Causas. Portugal: resignação,
fatalismo e estagnação», in Expresso,
30/06/2021). Ver ainda Lance D Johnson, «Vaccine passport now MANDATORY in France, following more than a year of corporate media propagandists claiming the idea was a “conspiracy theory”», in VACCINES.NEWS, 07/15/2021; «People in
France who enter a bar or restaurant without a COVID pass face 6 months in
jail, while business owners who fail to check their status face a 1 year prison
sentence and a €45,000 fine.
Yes, really.
The punishments are part of a draconian
effort by the French government to force citizens to get the coronavirus jab
amidst multiple unruly protests across numerous major cities.
(...) We are now entering the phase of
the pandemic where it’s becoming clear that those who refuse to take the
vaccine will remain under the most onerous lockdown measures yet in perpetuity.»
(Paul Joseph Watson, «French Face 6 Months in Jail For Entering a Bar or
Restaurant Without a COVID Pass», in INFOWARS,
July 16th 2021).
[58] A pretexto dos desafios da
migração e da segurança no espaço Schengen, a União Europeia (EU) está já a
preparar-se para estabelecer um Sistema de Informação sobre Vistos (VIS) a fim
de monitorizar as autorizações de curta duração e de residência. Trata-se, ao
fim ao cabo, de um sistema de controlo
de quem entra e sai no espaço Schengen mediante a adopção de novas medidas de
autorização de viagem, doravante reguladas segundo uma base de dados
biográficos (nome, sexo e idade) inteiramente disponíveis em formato digital,
donde a substituição da fotografia em papel por uma imagem facial ao vivo com
resolução qualitativa de imagem prestes a ser utilizada na correspondência
biométrica automatizada. «Ao mesmo tempo, o VIS passará a estar interligado com
outros sistemas e bases de dados da UE, nomeadamente o Sistema de Informação
Schengen (SIS), o Sistema de Entradas e Saídas (EES), o Sistema Europeu de
Autorização de Informações de Viagem (ETIAS), os dados do serviço europeu de
polícia (Europol) e da Organização Internacional de Polícia Criminal (Interpol)
e ainda com o Eurodac, que armazena impressões digitais dos requerentes de
asilo e migrantes.» (cf. «Presidência UE: Conselho adota [sic] mudanças no sistema europeu de vistos para maior segurança»,
in tvi24).
«The British government has been accused of aiming to covertly implement a
national ID programme, after it partnered with a company [Entrust] that has
advocated turning vaccine passports into a multi-purpose document.
(… ) Health Secretary Matt Hancock stated
last month that proof of vaccination will be “necessary” for international
travel, and in recent weeks reports have emerged claiming that the UK
government may require the document of people attending sporting events or
other large gatherings.
Judging from Entrust’s own stance on the issue, it’s possible that the government may have even more ambitious plans for the digital certificate. In a February blog post published on the company’s website, Jann Markey, Entrust’s product marketing director, argued that the advent of the vaccine passports could be used as an opportunity to roll out a national ID as part of “the infrastructure of the new normal.”
“Consider a national ID strategy: With the infrastructure and investment necessary to ensure a viable vaccine passport, why not redeploy this effort into a national citizen ID programme that can be used for multiple purposes including the secure delivery of government services, secure cross-border travel, and documentation of vaccination,” the blog, which explores vaccine passports in the “post-pandemic world,” states.
(…) Big Brother Watch, a privacy and civil liberties group, said the Entrust contract represents an attempt by the government to issue ID cards “by the backdoor.”
“The fact that the government has done a
deal with Entrust, a company which is openly plotting a route from vaccine
passports to digital identity cards, only underlines what a serious threat
Covid passes would be to our civil liberties and our privacy,” the
organisation’s head of research, Jake Hurfurt, warns.» («UK Gave Contract to IT
Firm That is ‘Openly Plotting’ to Turn Vaccine Passports Into A National ID
Card, Privacy Group Warns», in INFOWARS,
June 21st 2021). «“With the infrastructure and investment necessary to ensure a
viable vaccine passport, why not redeploy this effort into a national citizen
ID program that can be used for multiple purposes, including the secure
delivery of government services, secure cross-border travel, and documentation
of vaccination,” [Jenn Markey] suggested.» (Kurt Zindulka, «‘New Normal’: Vaccine Passports Could be ‘Redeployed’ as National ID Cards in the UK», in BREITBART, 14 Jul 2021).
[60] Segundo Cristina Martín Jiménez, existem actualmente «no mundo ocidental seis grandes corporações transnacionais, geradoras de conteúdos de entretenimento e software mediático com redes globais de distribuição:
– Viacom-
CBS (Estados Unidos).
NBC-Comcast-Vivendi Universal (França, Canadá, Estados Unidos).
Bertelsmann (Alemanha).
– Time
Warner-AT & T (Estados Unidos, Inglaterra).
– News Corp. (Inglaterra, Estados Unidos,
– Disney Company-ABC (Estados Unidos)» (idem, ibidem, p. 132).
[61] «Esta estrutura de comunicação e
poder global é completada com as cinco empresas tecnológicas com maior cotação
na bolsa: Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Facebook, Apple e Microsoft, que já são
também meios de comunicação. São referidas pelo acrónimo GAFAM. A estas
junta-se a Netflix» (idem, ibidem,
[62] Aldous Huxley, Regresso ao Admirável Mundo Novo, p.
[64] Idem, ibidem, p. 161. Curiosamente, já a respeito do incontornável
emprego de substâncias químicas pela humanidade em geral, averba Aldous Huxley
em As Portas da Percepção: «Parece
muito pouco provável que a humanidade em geral possa dispensar Paraísos
Artificiais. A maior parte dos homens e mulheres têm vidas no seu pior tão
dolorosas e no seu melhor tão monótonas, pobres e limitadas que a necessidade
de fugir, a ânsia de se transcenderem, quanto mais não seja por breves
instantes, é e sempre foi um dos principais apetites da alma. A arte e a
religião, os Carnavais e as Saturnais, a dança e a oratória – tudo isso tem
servido de Portas no Muro, na expressão de H. G. Wells [a partir do conto The Door in the Wall (1911)]. E para uso
privado e quotidiano, houve sempre substâncias químicas. Todos os sedativos e
narcóticos de origem vegetal, todas as substâncias euforizantes que crescem nas
árvores, os alucinogénios que amadurem nas bagas ou que podem ser extraídos das
raízes – todos, sem excepção, foram conhecidos e sistematicamente usados pelos
seres humanos desde tempos imemoriais. A estes alteradores da consciência
naturais a ciência moderna acrescentou a sua quota-parte de substâncias
sintéticas – o cloral, por exemplo, bem como a benzedrina, os brometos e os
a maioria destes alteradores da consciência só podem ser consumidos mediante receita médica ou
ilegalmente, implicando um risco considerável. O Ocidente só permitiu o uso sem
restrições de álcool e do tabaco; todas as outras Portas no Muro químicas são
etiquetadas de Droga, e os seus consumidores ilegais de Toxicómanos.
(...) A
ânsia por transcender o eu, universal e desde sempre presente, não deverá ser
suprimida batendo com as Portas no Muro presentemente em voga. A única atitude
razoável será abrir outras e melhores portas na esperança de induzir homens e
mulheres a trocarem os seus velhos hábitos por novos hábitos menos nocivos.
Algumas destoutras e melhores portas serão de natureza social e tecnológica,
religiosa ou psicológica, outras ainda de natureza dietética, educacional ou
atlética. Mas não há dúvida de que a necessidade de umas frequentes férias
químicas do intolerável si-mesmo e do seu entorno repulsivo permanecerá. O que
é preciso é uma nova droga que alivie e console a nossa espécie sofredora sem
trazer mais danos a longo prazo que benefícios a curto prazo. Tal droga terá de
ser potente em doses ínfimas, bem como sintetizável. Se não possuir essas
qualidades, a sua produção – como a do vinho, da cerveja, das outras bebidas
alcoólicas e do tabaco – interferirá com as culturas dos alimentos e fibras
indispensáveis. Terá de ser menos tóxica que o ópio ou a cocaína, menos
susceptível de produzir consequências sociais indesejáveis que o álcool ou os
barbitúricos, menos prejudicial ao coração e aos pulmões que os alcatrões e a
nicotina dos cigarros. Além do mais, na sua vertente positiva deverá produzir
alterações na consciência mais interessantes e mais intrinsecamente proveitosas
que a mera sedação ou o escapismo, as ilusões de omnipotência ou de
desinibição.» (Aldous Huxley, As Portas da
Percepção / Céu e Inferno, Via
Óptima, 2013, pp. 72-74).
«Since the U.S. government – and many others – began funding the creation of
often-experimental and controversial COVID-19 vaccines, then devoted
considerable effort to making the vaccines free to consumers and readily
available to all who want them, the pharmaceutical industry has minted 9 new
billionaires from previously obscure companies.
Per CNN, the 9 new billionaires include CEOs and investors from Moderna, BioNTech, and China’s CanSino Biologics. Perhaps the most unexpected change in financial situations comes from the CEO of Moderna, Stéphane Bance, and the company’s early investors. Prior to its mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, Moderna had never received FDA approval or authorization for any of its drugs. Around the time the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine was approved for emergency use, MarketWatch reported “that Moderna “has seen its market capitalization increase to about $54.3 billion in recent trading from just $6.6 billion at the end of 2019, according to FactSet data. In comparison, Pfizer’s market cap was $211.1 billion.”
Similar is the story of BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin and the company’s many investors. Prior to its role in the creation of the BioNTech Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, BioNTech was described as “a relatively little-known biotechnology company” created “by husband and wife duo Ugur Sahin and Ozlem Tureci” in Mainz, Germany. “Both Sahin and Tureci are the children of Turkish immigrants,” noted CNBC. “Sahin’s father worked at a Ford factory in Cologne while Tureci’s was a doctor.” BioNTech originally attempted “to develop a broader range of cancer immunotherapies” and “research centered on messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules.” With the skyrocketing price of BioNTech’s stocks, “Sahin and Tureci now rank among the 100 richest Germans.”» (Tom Pappert, «SOARING PROFITS: COVID-19 Vaccine Mania Produces 9 New Big Pharma Billionaires», in National File, May 29, 2021).
[66] Quanto ao papel da Organização
Mundial de Saúde (OMS) neste particular aspecto, diz-nos Cristina Martín
Jiménez: «A OMS é acusada por várias frentes científicas, políticas e cidadãs
de colaborar com os laboratórios farmacêuticos para criar alarmes globais com o
objetivo [sic] de se enriquecer com a venda de vacinas. (...) o objetivo [sic] último não
é o dinheiro, mas o controlo social. O engano passa por fazer-nos crer que o
fazem por dinheiro. Essa é a grande mentira.» (A Verdade sobre a Pandemia, pp. 184-185).
« In truth, neither COVID “vaccine” recipients nor their doctors know what is
in these shots. Only a few people at the top of the Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson
& Johnson, and AstraZeneca research groups really understand them. These
injections produce a potentially deadly pathogen — a spike protein — in your
cells. The FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer product says that
the shot contains “a nucleoside-modified messenger RNA (modRNA, or mRNA)
encoding the viral spike glycoprotein (S) of SARS-CoV-2.” If your immune system
is strong enough to withstand this onslaught and create some immunity, you may
survive the injection. But even if you live in the short term, mRNA is an
epigenetic controller of DNA. Though this foreign synthetic mRNA doesn’t
actually become part of your DNA to make you a “GMO human,” as some people have
been worrying about, it can control DNA in ways we have yet to completely
understand. We literally have no idea whether these gene products are going to
express cancer genes, or turn off cancer-fighting genes. In the world of your
complex DNA, there are thousands of other potentially damaging “unknowns.”
and Moderna “vaccines” include all types of other ingredients that may by
themselves create ailments. The Pfizer shot contains “lipids
2-[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide,
1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, and cholesterol), potassium
chloride, monobasic potassium phosphate, sodium chloride, dibasic sodium
phosphate dihydrate, and sucrose.”
I insert this list just for completeness —
don’t expect to make sense of it. Your doctor can’t either. I understand
“sucrose” (sugar) and “sodium chloride” (salt), but who doesn’t get lost in the
“hydroxybutyl” and “distearoyl” lipid list?» (Lee D. Merritt MD, «Covid-19
Vaccines: A “Cure” Worse Than the Disease?», in The New American, Vol. 37, No. 13, 07/05/2021).
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«A New Zealand doctor has come out against compulsory Covid vaccination citing
US adverse reactions and a duty to the code of medical ethics.
In an open video explaining his position,
New Zealand general practitioner Dr. Damian Wojcik asserts he’s obligated to
speak up in the face of evidence the vaccine is causing thousands of deaths.
(…) According to Wojcik, doctors are put in
a tough spot when they’re expected to promote the vaccine despite its limited
development and evidence of fatal side effects.
“In the five months from the 14th of
December 2020 there have been 4,434 deaths reported to the USA Vaccine Adverse
Event Reporting System,” he says.
“This is more than the combined total for
all other vaccines for the entire preceding 10 years and between 113 and 165
times higher than the annual influenza vaccine death rate.”
(…) “It is now considered unprofessional
to discuss risks and dangers in case we dissuade our hesitant patients from
receiving their Covid-19 injections,” he says.
“This means we are in breach of our duties
under the code of health and disability legislation there is a world of a
difference between the standard vaccines on the schedule, all of which have had
at least 4 to 10 years of clinical trials and several years usage in the field,
and a new medicine, in effect a novel gene therapy, with few if any of these
safety checks.”
“It seems to me as doctors we cannot be
true to our code of medical ethics and at the same time remain silent in the
face of an experimental treatment compelled under duress, fear, threat of
losing livelihood, travel restrictions, potential loss of medical, nursing, or
university education, and state overreach,” Wojcik states.
“I swore to uphold the hippocratic oath.
First: Do no harm. Next: Cure if you can. And, last: Care for always,” he says.
“Some in New Zealand would say this harm
is the price we must pay for halting the Covid-19 pandemic and returning to
normal. My reply to them is, ‘Not on my watch, and not in my patients.’”» (Adan Salazar, «Doctor Slams Covid Vaccine: ‘My Patients Are Not Laboratory Rats To Be Sacrificed in a Global Vaccine Experiment!’», in NEWSWARS, May 31st 2021).
Ethan Huff, «CDC caught removing Covid vaccine injury reports from VAERS», in VACCINEDEATHS, 06/01/2021.
[70] Trata-se de um facto que tem
sido geralmente objecto de pouca ou nenhuma visibilidade pública, por vezes
suscitando nas redes sociais algumas genuínas preocupações logo censuradas pelos
gigantes tecnológicos de Silicon Valley (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), além de
frequentemente suprimidas pelos algoritmos de pesquisa do Google. «Two
Facebook insiders have come forward to investigative reporting outlet Project
Veritas with leaked internal documents that reveal Facebook has been testing a
“Vaccine Hesitance Comment Demotion” system and suppressing both truthful news
stories and personal testimony on the vaccine.
The leaked documents state that the goal of this Vaccine Hesitance Comment Demotion system is to “drastically reduce user exposure to vaccine hesitancy (VH) in comments” and reveal that the system is being run on 1.5% of Facebook and Instagram’s collective 3.8 billion worldwide users. They add that during this test phase, likes on these so-called vaccine hesitant comments have been reduced by 42.5% and that around 176,000 total likes have been removed.
According to one of the Facebook insiders, a Facebook data center technician, this system uses classifiers in its algorithm to secretly determine “vaccine hesitancy” and assign a score called the “VH Score” (“Vaccine Hesitance Score”) to content. If the algorithm can’t make a decision, human raters step in and decide whether content is “vaccine hesitant.” This VH score then determines whether content gets demoted.
of the leaked documents also revealed that these human raters only watch 60
seconds of a video, regardless of its length, before deciding whether it’s
vaccine hesitant.» (Tom Parker, «Whistleblowers expose Facebook’s secret algorithm to suppress negative vaccine experiences», in NEWSWARS, May 26th 2021).
«There seems to be no end to the bad news about COVID “vaccines.” First, we
have the unprecedented number of deaths. Over the past 20 years among all forms
of vaccination, there have been 4,206 total deaths recorded in the government’s
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). But in 2021, after only five
and a half months of COVID vaccination, 4,406 deaths have occurred — more than
the previous 20 years of all vaccines combined. In addition to deaths, there
have also been issues with bleeding and thrombocytopenia. If one enters the
search terms “bleeding,” “hemorrhage,” “thrombocytopenia,” and “pancytopenia”
into VAERS, one finds zero reports for 1980, five for 1990, 22 for 2000, 32 for
2010, 34 for 2020 (18 of which were from COVID vaccines), and 493 for the first
five months of 2021 alone — 492 of which were from COVID vaccines!
We are also hearing about myocarditis — an
inflammation of the heart — affecting an unexpected number of young people.
Enter the search terms “myocarditis,” “heart attack,” “heart inflammation,” and
“myocardial” into VAERS, and there are zero reports for 1980, three for 1990,
seven for 2000, 21 for 2010, 27 for 2020 (18 of which were from COVID
vaccines), and 385 for the first five months of 2021 — 380 of which were from
COVID vaccines!
But these new gene-based experimental
unapproved agents (not properly called “vaccines” because they do not actually
protect a person from getting COVID) are the gift that keeps on giving. Studies
on the Pfizer vaccine showed that the spike proteins — structures projecting
from the surface coating of a virus that help the virus bind to and invade a
host cell — collect in the ovaries of vaccinated individuals.» (Lee D.
Merritt MD, «Are “Vaccines” Harming More Than the “Vaxxed”?», in The New American, Vol. 37. No. 13,
Cf. Steve Watson, «Video: White House Says “STRIKE FORCES” Being Sent To Get
Kids Vaccinated», in INFOWARS, July
8th 2021.
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[73] As doenças prioritárias da CEPI
incluem o coronavírus da Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave (SARS-CoV-2), o
vírus do Ébola, o vírus de Lassa, o coronavírus da Síndrome Respiratória do
Médio Oriente (MERS-CoV), o vírus de Nipah, a febre do Vale do Rift e o vírus
de Chikungunya.
[74] Idem, A Verdade sobre a Pandemia, pp. 236-237.
Idem, ibidem, p. 282.
«Brad Hazzard, the “Minister for Health and Medical Research” in New Wales,
Australia, has announced that the latest “wave” of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19)
lockdowns marks the beginning of the “new world order.”
(…) Keep in mind that Australia has had
only one – yes, one – death so far in
2021 that has been blamed on “covid.” Because of this, the entire country is
now being plunged into an even worse tyranny than what was imposed last fall.
In other words, one person dies, the
government blames it on Chinese Germs, and now 25 million people are being told
that they must remain locked down and imprisoned inside their homes forever as part of the new world order.
It is highly likely that American politicians will soon attempt the same thing here in the United States, using
the same nonsensical fearmongering about scary “variants” as an excuse to
torture the nation with anti-social restrictions and stay-at-home mandates.
What was the point of the injections,
again? Oh yeah, there never was a point other
than mass depopulation and slavery. Welcome to the new world order and the
“great reset.”» (Ethan Huff, «Latest round of Australian covid lockdowns announced as beginning of “new world order”», in OBEY.NEWS, 16/07/2021).
[77] Idem, ibidem, pp. 286-289.
[78] Trata-se mais propriamente do
controlo efectivo de todos os sectores produtivos e industriais como forma de
domínio e apropriação de todas as matérias-primas e fontes de energia económica
susceptíveis de, por seu turno, impossibilitar toda e qualquer soberania e
independência nacionais.
[79] O secretário-geral das Nações Unidas, o socialista António Guterres, não se coibiu inclusivamente de usar a figura da própria mãe para levar
avante o pacto global para o fenómeno da irrestrita e forçada migração em
massa: «"A minha mãe tem 98 anos de idade e tem graves problemas de saúde,
como podem imaginar, e nós temos um apoio permanente de 24 horas à minha mãe na
sua casa em Lisboa. Quando eu vejo as pessoas que estão a apoiar a minha mãe,
não encontro muitos portugueses - e Portugal não é um país muito rico, como
sabem, somos um país de emigração há séculos", disse António Guterres»
(cf. «Guterres dá exemplo de ajuda à mãe para destacar importância de migrantes»,
in Agência Lusa, 21/06/2021). Ora,
perante um “exemplo” deste jaez, vindo especialmente de quem vem, é caso para
perguntar que autoridade moral tem um sujeito destes para vir constantemente a
terreiro condenar o populismo extremista em nome da paz, do desenvolvimento e
dos direitos humanos?
[80] O alegado imperativo de um novo
modelo global de habitação é, sem dúvida, uma das componentes paradigmáticas da
aludida sobreposição, já que a pretexto da crise pandémica os modelos de
habitação futura terão que ser obrigatoriamente
multifuncionais “uma vez que
"as casas não podem contribuir para o aumento das emissões ou para o
consumo de energia, e têm de ajudar a combater os efeitos das alterações climáticas."
(cf. "Disponibilizar mais habitação social exige esforço público e
privado", in Notícias ao Minuto,
25/06/2021). Ora, para bom entendedor, a denominada “habitação multifuncional”
equivale, pura e simplesmente, a um processo global de controlo e centralização
da propriedade pública e privada em que o património familiar será finalmente
abolido e substituído por espaços arrendados numa sociedade inteiramente
colectivizada, monitorizada e automatizada.
«A final big clue that globalists do not have the “good” of everyone and
everything at the heart of their plans is that to achieve these plans they are
evidently going to try to ruin the world’s largest currencies by simply
printing trillions of dollars to spend on globalist goals. There are to be trillions
for “green energy,” trillions for “COVID relief,” trillions for new
infrastructure, trillions for Third World countries, and on and on. When
governments simply print money, they cause inflation and even hyperinflation,
hurting the world’s poor and middle classes who can’t afford the consumer price
increases.» (Kurt Williamsen, «What is “Build Back Better” Globalism?», in The New American, Vol. 37, No. 14,
[82] Cf. Cristina Martín Jiménez, ibidem, p. 294.
[83] Ethan Huff, «Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warns that Fauci, Gates are committing mass genocide against humanity», in VaccineInjuryNews, 06/16/2021.
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A que ponto chegamos, Miguel! Muito obrigado por mais este grande texto. Me pergunto se logo não inventarão um pretexto "justo" para censurarem o seu blog, já que aqui as informações estão dispostas numa coerência realista, perfeitamente fundamentada.