terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2019

Da bicorporeidade e da transfiguração

Escrito por Allan Kardec

«Aristóteles diz que Pitágoras foi chamado de Apolo Hiperbóreo pelo povo de Crotona. O filho de Nicómaco acrescenta que Pitágoras foi visto certa vez por muita gente, no mesmo dia e à mesma hora, tanto no Metaponto como em Crotona; e que em Olímpia, durante os jogos, ele se pôs de pé em pleno teatro e mostrou que uma das suas coxas era de ouro. O mesmo escritor diz que Pitágoras, ao atravessar o rio Cosas, foi saudado por este, e que muita gente ouviu essa saudação.»


«A percepção das origens depende da inteira capacidade de nos transportarmos ao ponto pretendido. Até no caso paradigmático das matemáticas, a concepção clássica fora, sem dúvida, mais profunda do que a preconizada pela ciência moderna, a ponto de Oswald Spengler ter considerado, em A Decadência do Ocidente, a geometria euclidiana como uma forma estática de matemática em analogia com as coisas que permanecem fora do tempo, como que num eterno presente. A essa forma sucederia uma outra baseada na geometria analítica e no cálculo diferencial, designadamente uma matemática dinâmica secundada no tempo contado e medido em fracções mínimas de segundo.

Para Oswald Spengler, a cultura europeia ocidental seria apenas um fenómeno transitório plasmado numa certa imagem do mundo e da humanidade. Uma imagem, portanto, que se não coadunava com a mitogenia do homem antigo ou até mesmo com a consciência intensificada do índio para quem o mundo era propriamente a-histórico. A melhor prova disso pode, aliás, ser encontrada em don Juan Matus, um velho índio nagual que, entre 1960 e 1973, iniciara nos mistérios da percepção um jovem antropólogo da Universidade da Califórnia.

Esse jovem chamava-se Carlos Castaneda, cujos livros relatam o ensino ministrado por don Juan a fim de o iniciar no caminho do guerreiro, isto é, o caminho do conhecimento silencioso inerente ao mundo oculto e vulgarmente imperceptível do Espírito. O relato das experiências de Castaneda começaram por ser dadas a público em 1968, nomeadamente com o lançamento da sua dissertação de mestrado, intitulada A Erva do Diabo. De resto, 1968 fora o ano do movimento hippie e da contracultura, fermentos da New Age em cujo contexto os livros de Castaneda produziriam interesse acrescido, quanto mais não fosse em virtude das ervas medicinais utilizadas pelos índios nos rituais religiosos da América Central.

Contudo, as experiências perceptivas de Carlos Castaneda já de si superam larga e profundamente o movimento da New Age, a "cultura underground" ou o movimento estudantil em aparente ruptura ideológica com o establishment. Entretanto, António Telmo, outrossim inspirado na experiência da percepção dupla já compaginada em Carlos Castaneda, tão logo se dispusera a realizar experiências próprias particularmente relatadas nos seus livros, mormente em Filosofia e Kabbalah. Ora, as experiências perceptivas de António Telmo foram sobretudo traduzidas nos termos do esoterismo persa e da tradição sófica hebraica, isto é, da Kabbalah.

Posto isto, diremos que, em Carlos Castaneda, toda a percepção dupla não tem a mesma "clareza" da percepção normal, na medida em que esta pressupõe um eixo cujos extremos estão espacialmente polarizados. Por outras palavras, a percepção do homem vulgar limita-se ao "aqui" percebido de uma forma directa e instântanea, ao passo que toda e qualquer referência ao "ali" – assumido e deduzido como tal –, não é imediata e directamente apreendida pelos sentidos. Em suma, "aqui" e "ali" são apenas dois pontos de referência perceptiva, bidimensionais, portanto.

Mas há um terceiro ponto de referência que é somente perceptível "em dois lugares ao mesmo tempo", e mediante o qual se origina a percepção imediata do que, em condições normais e rotineiras, não seria de todo compossível porque, no limiar, há sempre um "ali" à espreita. Deste modo, sabemos que a percepção dupla não é da ordem do concebível e do racional, o que já de si implica que também nela não pode coexistir uma clareza linear e referencial circunscrita ao "aqui" da percepção normal. Por conseguinte, só na percepção duplicada por virtude individual, é que o lugar do conhecimento silencioso pode ser alcançado na esfera imponderável do miraculoso e do inconcebível.

Ora, se em Carlos Castaneda o indíviduo pode, como tal, criar uma imagem dupla de si mesmo, por que razão não haveríamos de ver no nome de Tomé Natanael, o misterioso antiquário de Estremoz, mais do que um simples anagrama do nome de António Telmo? Curiosamente, nos seus Contos Secretos, confessa António Telmo que teria criado a personagem de Tomé Natanael para compor o conto intitulado "No Hades", inserto em Filosofia e Kabbalah. Porém, é assaz provável que para além dessa criação do foro imaginativo houvesse algo mais, pois tudo indica que o Espírito, com suas artimanhas, lhe tenha pregado uma boa partida a avaliar pelo que relatara em "A Minha História", inserta em Contos Secretos:

"(...) o segundo acontecimento é ainda mais estranho e tem testemunhas. O António Cândido Franco, o glorioso autor de Memórias de Inês de Castro, quando leu O Antiquário de Estremoz, escreveu-me a dizer que gostava que eu lhe apresentasse Tomé Natanael, esse mestre ideal de Cabala que saíra, julgava eu, inteiramente da minha imaginação, como Athena do cérebro de Júpiter. Não era a primeira vez que me era formulado o mesmo pedido. Na minha penúria de alma, ficava todo contente e vaidoso por ter criado uma personagem com tal verdade que os leitores a julgavam um ser real e existente, não em qualquer mundo, mas neste que pisamos e onde vivemos.

Um dia, meses mais tarde, o António Cândido, que eu não via desde que recebera a sua carta, apresentou-me um pintor, o Délio Vargas, que, com grande espanto meu e alguma desconfiança, me disse que conhecera há alguns anos, Tomé Natanael, o misterioso antiquário do meu conto.

- Como assim? – exclamei. Tomé Natanael é uma invenção minha.

- Não é. – retorquiu ele. Não esteja a querer escondê-lo de nós. Eu conheci-o e troquei com ele correspondência durante algum tempo. Escrevia-me cartas que chegavam a ter oitenta páginas e sobre assuntos de Cabala.

Não desarmei.

- Deve estar a pensar noutra pessoa. A minha foi inventada, a partir, veja lá, do meu nome, trocando-lhe as letras. Como se chamava o homem?

- Rafael.

- Concedi que era, de facto, interessante, com a sua ponta de enigmático, que tivesse o nome do pintor italiano, autor do fresco que deu origem ao conto.

- Não é só isso. – replicou. Este Rafael vivia na Glória, uma aldeia a dois passos dos Arcos, onde o põe, no seu conto, a viver.

Tanta coincidência não era para teimar mais. Vimos depois juntos que, nos dias em que eu estava escrevendo em Estremoz a história do antiquário, uma criatura, em tudo semelhante, vivia ali, mesmo perto, numa aldeia, onde eu mais ou menos o imaginava. Pedi-lhe referências concretas. Só soube dizer-me que era casado com uma professora chamada Antónia. A minha mulher também se chama Antónia e também é professora.

Na minha escola, encontrei, numa turma que leccionava, uma rapariga da Glória que tinha sido aluna, na instrução primária, da mulher do cabalista. Perguntei-lhe pelo marido.

- Oh senhor professor, de dia nunca o víamos. Passava todo o dia fechado em casa, julgo eu. Só saía de noite e andava pelos campos. Fazia medo.

Este episódio deu-me que pensar. Fui levado primeiro a admitir, depois a acreditar que Tomé Natanael, que eu julgava ter inventado, existia realmente numa forma subtil que foi a que se imprimiu na minha imaginação e teria um duplo, esse de carne e osso, vivendo na Terra com uma professora de instrução primária. Mas eu dava-o no conto como o meu gémeo pela relação anagramática dos nomes. Será possível, interrogava-me eu, que haja dois mundos geminados, onde existimos simultaneamente em duas presenças separadas?"

Mas quem sabe, no entretanto, se António Telmo não se teria parcialmente inspirado nas experiências de consciência intensificada de Carlos Castaneda para narrar o seu conto, até porque parece ter porventura chegado ao conhecimento dos respectivos livros por sugestão intermédia de João Seabra Botelho. De mais a mais, tudo isso se reflecte primorosamente no modo como, "No Hades", procede ao deslocamento do seu foco de percepção mediante a formação de uma imagem dupla ou dobrada perante o célebre fresco de Rafael: A Escola de Atenas. E também já pode, eventualmente, constituir um ponto de admirável referência para o dom da ubiquidade de Pitágoras já descrito por Eliano, ou até para relembrar, nos precisos termos de Leonardo Coimbra, os fenómenos de bilocação protagonizados por Santo António de Lisboa e S. Francisco Xavier, a saber:

"Todos conhecem a lenda da aparição de Santo António de Lisboa para salvar a família injustamente acusada dum crime, tendo-se, ao mesmo tempo, conservado em Pádua, onde então habitava.

Este caso, embora mais dramático, é menos seguro, no entanto, que o caso do aparecimento no convento à mesma hora que se encontrava no púlpito da Catedral de Montpellier.

O Santo ia para pregar, quando se lembrou que devia estar no convento à mesma hora: cala-se, demora o tempo suficiente para os seus trabalhos do convento, onde é visto, e depois, como acordando, retoma o sermão na Catedral.

S. Francisco Xavier vem do Oriente num navio português. Uma tempestade separa uma chalupa com portugueses e dois maometanos do navio em que ia o Santo...

Este implora num recolhimento, e assegura ao comandante que antes de três dias, a chalupa viria ter com o navio.

A marinhagem espera, depois inquieta-se e insiste para partir, o Santo suplica-lhe que esperem mais um pouco e opõe-se à largada bradando pelo socorro divino.

Nisto uma criança grita que a chalupa se aproxima e assim acontece, até que os homens entram para o navio declarando que não tinham tido receio, porque ao leme os acompanhara S. Francisco Xavier.

Retrato japonês do período Nanban

Tal afirmação produz o maior assombro nos tripulantes do navio, pois sabiam que ele não tinha saído do navio, onde com eles sempre estivera." (in Dispersos, III).

Segundo os ensinamentos de don Juan, uma época houve em que a humanidade estivera centrada no lugar do conhecimento silencioso, transitando posteriormente para o lugar da razão. Tais lugares não se excluem, alternam-se e, ocasionalmente, coincidem uma vez realizada a devida ponte. De resto, o mundo da razão de modelo académico e científico é apenas uma pobre e triste ilusão num mar infinito de ilhas e continentes por descobrir.»

Miguel Bruno Duarte


Isolado do corpo, o Espírito de um vivo pode, como o de um morto, mostrar-se com todas as aparências da realidade. Além disso, pelas mesmas causas que temos exposto, pode adquirir uma momentânea tangibilidade. Este fenómeno, conhecido pelo nome bicorporeidade, foi o que deu azo às histórias de homens duplos, isto é, de indivíduos cuja presença simultânea em dois lugares diferentes chegou a comprovar-se. Aqui ficam dois exemplos, tirados, não das lendas populares, mas da história eclesiástica.

Santo Afonso de Liguori foi canonizado antes do tempo prescrito, por se ter mostrado simultaneamente em dois sítios diversos, o que passou por milagre.

Santo António de Pádua estava a pregar em Itália (1) quando o seu pai, em Lisboa, ia ser supliciado, sob a acusação de ter cometido um assassínio. No momento da execução, Santo António aparece e demonstra a inocência do acusado. Comprovou-se que, naquele instante, Santo António pregava em Itália, na cidade de Pádua.

(…) Tácito refere um facto análogo:

Durante os meses que Vespasiano passou em Alexandria, aguardando a volta dos ventos estivais e da estação em que o mar oferece segurança, muitos prodígios ocorreram, pelos quais se manifestaram a protecção do céu e o interesse que os deuses votavam àquele príncipe…

Estes prodígios redobraram o desejo, que Vespasiano alimentava, de visitar a sagrada morada do deus, para consultá-lo sobre as coisas do império. Ordenou que o templo se conservasse fechado para quem quer que fosse e, tendo nele entrado, estava concentrado no que ia dizer o oráculo quando percebeu, por detrás de si, um dos mais eminentes egípcios, chamado Basílide, que ele sabia estar doente, num lugar muitos dias distante de Alexandria. Perguntou aos sacerdotes se Basílide fora naquele dia ao templo; perguntou aos transeuntes se o tinham visto na cidade; por fim, despachou alguns homens a cavalo, para saberem de Basílide e veio a certificar-se de que, no momento em que este lhe aparecera, estava a 80 milhas de distância. Desde então, não voltou a duvidar de que tivesse sido sobrenatural a visão e o nome de Basílide passou a ter para ele um valor idêntico ao de um oráculo. (Tácito: Histórias, livro IV, capítulos LXXXI e LXXXII. Tradução de Burnouf.)

(…) Tem, pois, dois corpos o indivíduo que se mostra simultaneamente em dois lugares diferentes. Mas, desses dois corpos, apenas um é real, o outro é simples aparência. Pode-se dizer que o primeiro tem a vida orgânica e que o segundo tem a vida da alma. Ao despertar o indivíduo, os dois corpos reúnem-se e a vida da alma volta ao corpo material. Não parece possível - pelo menos não conhecemos disso exemplo algum e a razão, ao nosso ver, demonstra-o - que, no estado de separação, possam os dois corpos gozar, simultaneamente e no mesmo grau, da vida activa e inteligente. Além disso, no que acabamos de dizer ressalta que o corpo real não poderia morrer enquanto o corpo aparente se conservasse visível, visto que a aproximação da morte atrai sempre o Espírito para o corpo, ainda que apenas por um instante. Daí resulta igualmente que o corpo aparente não poderia ser morto porque não é orgânico, não é formado de carne e osso. Desapareceria no momento em que o quisessem matar.

Mosaico da Transfiguração do século VI (Mosteiro de Santa Catarina, no Monte Sinai).

Igreja da Transfiguração, no Monte Tabor (Israel).

(…) A transfiguração, em certos casos, pode originar-se a partir de uma simples contracção muscular, capaz de dar à fisionomia uma expressão muito diferente da habitual, ao ponto de tornar quase irreconhecível a pessoa. Temo-lo observado frequentemente com alguns sonâmbulos; mas, nesses casos, a transformação não é radical. Uma mulher poderá parecer jovem ou velha, bela ou feia, mas será sempre uma mulher e, sobretudo, o seu peso não aumentará nem diminuirá. No fenómeno com que nos ocupamos, há mais alguma teoria. A teoria do perispírito vai esclarecer-nos.

Está, em princípio, admitido que o Espírito pode dar ao seu perispírito todas as aparências; que, mediante uma modificação na disposição molecular, pode dar-lhe visibilidade, a tangibilidade e, consequentemente, a opacidade; que o perispírito de uma pessoa viva, isolado do corpo, é passível das mesmas transformações; que essa mudança de estado opera pela combinação dos fluidos. Imaginemos agora o perispírito de uma pessoa viva, não isolado, mas irradiando-se em volta do corpo, de maneira a envolvê-lo numa espécie de vapor. Nesse estado, torna-se passível das mesmas modificações de que seria se o corpo estivesse separado. Perdendo ele a sua transparência, o corpo pode desaparecer, tornar-se invisível, ficar velado, como se mergulhado numa bruma. Poderá então o perispírito mudar de aspecto, fazer-se brilhante, se essa for a vontade do Espírito e se este dispuser de poder para tanto. Outro Espírito, combinando os seus fluidos com os do primeiro, poderá, a essa combinação de fluidos, imprimir a aparência que lhe é própria, de tal sorte que o corpo real desapareça sob o envoltório fluídico exterior, cuja aparência pode variar à vontade do Espírito. Esta parece ser a verdadeira causa do estranho e, é preciso que se diga, raro fenómeno da transfiguração. (in O Livro dos Médiuns, Nascente, 2015, pp. 142-146).

(1) No original francês, este facto foi narrado por Kardec sob a seguinte versão: «Santo António de Pádua achava-se em Espanha e, no instante em que predicava, o seu pai, que estava em Pádua, era levado ao suplício sob a acusação de homicídio. Nesse momento, Santo António aparece, demonstra a inocência do seu pai e revela o verdadeiro criminoso, mais tarde punido. Comprovou-se que nesse momento Santo António não havia deixado Espanha.» Kardec justificou-se em compêndio de autor que evidentemente se equivocou, como aconteceu a outros escritores da época relativamente a este facto. [N. da E.]

Igreja de Santo António em Lisboa, erguida sobre a casa onde segundo a tradição nasceu o Santo português.

Local onde, segundo a tradição, nasceu Santo António, em Lisboa, situado na cripta da igreja a si dedicada.

domingo, 28 de abril de 2019


Escrito por António Correia de Oliveira

Liberdade, liberdade,
Livro de boa doutrina:
Mas quantos lêem por cima
O que ela tão fundo ensina!

Liberdade, liberdade,
Livro difícil de leres;
Uma lei: muitas justiças;
Um falar: dois entenderes.

Liberdade natural,
Numa prisão se contém:
Deve prender-se à nossa alma,
E, quanto mais, maior bem.

Cartilha da liberdade,
Ao princípio logo diz:
- Liberdade, como as árvores,
Vive presa a uma raiz.

Liberdade da nossa alma
E do nosso pensamento,
Quer-se presa ao coração,
Não a vá levar mau vento…


Liberdade! Liberdade,
Doce cativa do Amor:
Presa nas penas, é Asa,
Presa em raízes, é Flor!

Alma Religiosa

quinta-feira, 25 de abril de 2019

The Real Reason Why Globalists Are So Obsessed With Artificial Intelligence

Written by Brandon Smith

«Trans-genderism is being pushed as Trans-genic and Trans-human tech pushes boundaries of acceptable norms.

The barriers of biology are being blurred. The natural order of things is seemingly crumbling around us.

Gay marriage. Post birth abortion. Men becoming women and women becoming men. Human-animal chimeras. Genetic modification. Ectogenesis bypasses natural pregnancy.

Beyond the boundaries of the current debate, this agenda is about redefining what a human is as radical technology takes hold of mankind.

We are being prepared for a transgenic and transhuman future. The idea of the “personhood” of artificial intelligence or other genetically modified creatures is here.

“Upgraded” Humans the SJW’s of the Future?

This idea has made some headway into pop culture in a trailer for the video game Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. The video portrays technologically “augmented” humans as the downtrodden, outcast group of the future.


The transition from nuts and bolts A.I. that operates on racks of computers to humanoid beings with the trappings of consciousness is bringing with it a debate surrounding “personhood”. Transgenic, genetically modified creations are also included. Mice with half human brains have already been created. As the New Scientists reports, “The altered mice still have mouse neurons… But practically all the glial cells in their brains, the ones that support the neurons, are human.”

James Boyle published a paper for the Brookings Institution in 2011 that stated in part, “In the coming century, it is overwhelmingly likely that constitutional law will have to classify artificially created entities that have some but not all of the attributes we associate with human beings.”

Endorsed by the Church? 

Some religious leaders of today are attempting to argue that robots, cyborgs and other forms of artificial intelligence will in fact have consciousness, qualifying them for Christ’s redemption. Rev. Christopher Benek, an associate pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Fort Lauderdale, stated in a recent essay that,

“I am not talking about iPhone’s Siri, a Roomba vacuum, or one of those toasters that can make perfectly timed toast with a likeness of Jesus on it… I am talking about an autonomous creature that has self-awareness.” 

Benek continues,

“…An AI that is very much like us but exponentially more intelligent (could) participate in Christ’s redemptive purposes in the world” and “help to make the world a better place.” 

Ilia Delio, a Catholic nun who runs the Omega Center, said that,

“The difficulty with the church is that technology, like everything else, runs on the principles of evolution… Evolution runs on the principle of greater complexification, and that’s where the church is resistant.”»


See here, here and here

The Real Reason Why Globalists Are So Obsessed With Artificial Intelligence

It is nearly impossible to traverse web news or popular media today without being assaulted by vast amounts of propaganda on Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is perhaps the fad to end all fads as it supposedly encompasses almost every aspect of human existence, from economics and security to philosophy and art. According to mainstream claims, AI can do almost everything and do it better than any human being. And, the things AI can’t do, it WILL be able to do eventually.

Whenever the establishment attempts to saturate the media with a particular narrative, it is usually with the intent to manipulate public perception in a way that produces self fulfilling prophecy. In other words, they hope to shape reality by telling a particular lie so often it becomes accepted by the masses over time as fact. They do this with the idea of globalism as inevitable, with the junk science of climate change as “undeniable” and they do it with AI as a technological necessity.

The globalists have long held AI as a kind of holy grail in centralization technology. The United Nations has adopted numerous positions and even summits on the issue, including the “AI For Good” summit in Geneva. The UN insinuates that it’s primary interest in AI is in regulation or observation of how it is exploited, but the UN also has clear goals to use AI to its advantage. The use of AI as a means to monitor mass data to better institute “sustainable development” is written clearly in the UN’s agenda.

The IMF is also in on the AI trend, holding global discussions on the uses of AI in economics as well as the effects of algorithms on economic analysis.

The main source for the development of AI has long been DARPA. The military and globalist think tank dumps billions of dollars into the technology, making AI the underlying focus of most of DARPA’s work. AI is not only on the globalist’s radar; they are essentially spearheading the creation and promotion of it.

The globalist desire for the technology is not as simple as some might assume, however. They have strategic reasons, but also religious reasons for placing AI on an ideological pedestal. But first I suppose we should tackle the obvious.

In most white papers written by globalist institutions on AI, the thrust centers on mass data collection and surveillance. The elites are careful to always assert that their interests focus on the public good. This is why the UN and other agencies argue that they should be the leaders in oversight of mass data collection. That is to say, they want us to believe that they are objective and trustworthy enough to manage rules for data surveillance, or, to manage the data itself.

For the safety of the public, the globalists want centralized management of all data collection, ostensibly to save us from those evil corporations and their invasion of data privacy. Of course, most of those corporations are also run by globalists that fill the guest books of events like the World Economic Forum to discuss the advancements and advantages of AI. The WEF has made it a mandate that AI be promoted widely and that the business world and the general public be convinced of AI’s advantages. Bias against AI must be prevented…

So, what we have here is yet another false paradigm in which globalist institutions are opposed to corporations in terms of how AI is used. Yet, globalist corporations and globalist institutions both develop AI as well as pro-AI sentiment. The public, with its innate distrust of corporate moral compass, is supposed to be convinced to support UN regulatory reforms as a counterbalance. But in reality, corporate powers have no intention of fighting against UN control, they will ultimately welcome it.

This was the goal all along.

The actual effectiveness of AI as a means to help humanity is questionable. AI is primarily about “learning algorithms”, or machines that are programmed to learn from experience. The problem is that a learning algorithm is only as effective as the human beings that program it in the first place. That is to say, learning is not always a cause and effect process. Sometimes, learning is a spontaneous epiphany. Learning is creative. And, in some cases, learning is inborn.

When a machine is pitted against a human in a system built on very simple and concrete rules, machines tend to prevail. A chess game, for example, is designed around hard rules that never change. A pawn is always a pawn and always moves like a pawn; a knight always moves like a knight. While there can be moments of creativity in chess (which is why humans to this day are still on occasion able to beat computers at the game), the existence of the rules makes AI seem smarter than it is.

Human systems and natural systems are far more complicated than chess, and the rules tend to change, sometimes without warning. As quantum physics often discovers, the only thing that is predictable when observing the universe and nature is that all things are unpredictable. How well would an algorithm do in a chess game where a pawn could suddenly evolve to move like a knight, without any specific predictable patterns? Not very well I suspect.

And this is where we get into the crux of how the image of AI is being inflated into a kind of half-assed electronic god; a false prophet.

AI is being inserted not only into chess, but into everything. Mass surveillance is impossible to manage by humans alone; the amount of sheer data is overwhelming. So, one core purpose of AI for the globalists becomes clear – AI is meant to streamline mass surveillance and automate it. AI is meant to scour social media or electronic mail for “key words” to identify potential miscreants and opposition. It is also meant to monitor public sentiment towards specific issues or governments. The goal is to gauge and eventually “predict” public behavior.

This becomes more difficult when we start talking about individuals. While groups are more easily observed and mapped in their behavior, individuals can be abrupt, volatile and unpredictable. AI mapping of personal habits is also prominent today. It is more visible in the corporate world where marketing is tailored to individual consumer patterns and interests. That said, governments are also highly interested in tracking individual habits to the point of creating psychological profiles for every person on the planet if possible.

This all boils down to the idea that AI will one day be able to identify criminals before they ever commit an actual crime. In other words, AI is meant to become and “all seeing eye” that not only monitors our behavior, but also reads our minds as a force for a pre-crime identification.

The question is not whether AI can actually tell us who is a future criminal. AI is obviously incapable of accurately predicting a person’s behavior to such a degree. The question is, WHO is setting the standards that AI is looking for when identifying potential “criminals”? Who gets to set the rules of the chess game? If an algorithm is programmed by a globalist, then AI will label anti-globalists as future or current criminals. AI does not truly think. AI does not enact the power of choice in its decisions. AI does as it is programmed to do.

The globalist obsession with AI, however, goes far beyond centralization and control of populations. As noted above, there is a religious factor.

In my recent article ‘Luciferianism: A Secular Look At A Destructive Belief System’, I outlined the root philosophy behind the globalist cult. The primary tenet of luciferianism is the idea (or delusion) that certain special people have the ability to become “gods”. But, there are some consequences of this belief that I did not explore in that article.

First, in order to become a god, one would have to have total observational power. Meaning, you would have to be able to see all and know all. Such a goal is foolish, because observing everything does not necessarily mean a person knows everything. Total observation would require total objectivity. Bias blinds people to the truth right in front of their faces all the time, and globalists are some of the most biased and elitist people on the planet.

Completely objective observation is impossible, at least, for humans and the algorithms they program. From physics to psychology, the observer always affects the observed and vice versa. That said, I think the globalists don’t really care about this reality. It is enough for them to pretend they are gods through mass surveillance. They aren’t actually interested in attaining godlike enlightenment or objectivity.

Second, to become a god, in a mythological or biblical sense, one would be required to create intelligent life from nothing. I believe that in the minds of the luciferians the creation of AI is the creation of an intelligent life form, rather than software. Of course, luciferians have a disturbed notion of what constitutes “intelligent life”.

As I examined in my article breaking down and debunking luciferian ideology, the existence of inherent psychological archetypes form the basis for the human ability to choose, or to be creative in their choices. The existence of inherent understanding of good and evil establishes the foundation of human conscience and moral compass – the “soul” if you will. Luciferians argue despite ample evidence that none of this actually exists. They argue that humans are blank slates – machines that are programmed by their environment.

To understand this ideology or cult built on blank slate theory, we must consider the fact that globalists often exhibit the traits of narcissistic sociopaths. Full blown narcissistic sociopaths make up less than 1% of the total human population; they are people who actually lack any inherent empathy or the normal personality tools that we would associate with humanity. It would not be an exaggeration to say that such people are more like robots than people.

I have also theorized that luciferianism is a religion designed by narcissistic sociopaths for narcissistic sociopaths. It is a kind of binding or organizing tool to gather sociopaths into an effective group for mutual benefit – A club of parasites. If this theory is true, then it represents something that is rarely if ever dealt with in mainstream psychological or anthropological observation; the existence of a cabal of narcissistic sociopaths conspiring together to hide their identities and to become more successful predators.

To summarize, luciferianism is the perfect belief system for narcissistic sociopaths. They are, in a way, inhuman. They are blank slates devoid of humanity, and so they adopt a religion which treats this notion as “normal”.

So, it makes sense that they would consider something as simple and empty as AI to be intelligent life. As long as it is able to be programmed to act “autonomously” (which they seem to consider sentience), their definition of intelligent life is fulfilled. There is nothing intelligent about artificial intelligence when it comes to moral or creative actions, but narcissistic sociopaths have no concept of this anyway.

I leave readers with this to consider; last year an AI program was given the task of creating its own works of art. The outcome was highly publicized and some of the art was sold for over $400,000. I invite you to look at this artwork here if you have not seen it already.

From what I have witnessed, the common human reaction to this “art” is for people to recoil in horror. It seems like a strange parroting of human elements of art, but with none of the soul. Intuitively, we understand that AI is not life; but for globalists it is the very definition of life, probably because the soulessness of the creation is reflective of the soulessness of the creators. Just as Christians believe that mankind was made in the image of God, luciferians in their pursuit of godhood have created a “life form” that is perhaps ironically just like them. (in INFOWARS, MARCH 3, 2019).

domingo, 21 de abril de 2019

New Report Exposes Rockefeller Dynasty's Role in “Climate” Scam

Written by Alex Newman

«[…] With the emergence of new technology and extraction methods, such as “fracking,” America is undergoing an energy revolution that threatens to defund various socialist and Islamist dictatorships, while breaking the Kremlin's energy stranglehold on Europe. Millions of high-paying U.S. jobs have also been created.

Plus, with President Donald Trump working to facilitate the energy boom after eight years of Barack Obama doing his best to quash it, America is now on the road to energy independence and beyond. But obviously, the Kremlin, which depends on energy exports for more than 50 percent of its government revenues, would be unhappy about the geopolitical implications. And so, it seems that Russian strongman Vladimir Putin's government got to work.

“Documents that the American social media companies produced for the Committee confirmed that Russian agents were exploiting American social media platforms in an effort to disrupt domestic energy markets, suppress research and development of fossil-fuels, and stymie efforts to expand the use of natural gas,” explains the report, headlined “Russian Attempts to Influence U.S. Domestic Energy Markets by Exploiting Social Media.”

Among other findings, congressional investigators uncovered almost 10,000 social media posts or tweets regarding U.S. energy policy or an energy-related event across three of the largest online platforms. That propaganda came through almost 4,500 separate accounts linked back to the Kremlin, the report found.

All of the scheming was traced to an increasingly high-profile “troll farm” based in Russia that was set up by Putin's government, the report said. “Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram were able to identify Russian accounts linked to the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a Russian company based in Saint Petersburg established by the Russian government for the purpose of deceptively using various social and traditional media platforms to advance Russian propaganda,” the congressional report explains. “The information received from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram shows that Russian agents indeed sought to disrupt U.S. energy markets and influence domestic energy policy by exploiting American social media platforms.”

Among the targets of the Kremlin's online propagandists were U.S. pipelines, fossil fuels, alleged man-made “climate change,” and “other divisive issues to influence public policy” in the United States. Ironically, the environment- and energy-related posts represented more than four percent of all the content pushed by the Russian trolls — compared with just eight percent having anything to do with the 2016 election.

In short, congressional investigators found that it was indisputable that Russia “exploited American social media as part of its concerted effort to disrupt U.S. energy markets and influence domestic energy policy.” The reason, the report said, is that “America's emergence as a global energy exporter presents a significant threat to Russian energy interests.” That means Hillary Clinton's and Obama's policies aligned with the Kremlin's agenda, while Trump threatened all of it by opening up U.S. energy.

Lawmakers boiled it all down. “This report reveals that Russian agents created and spread propaganda on U.S. social media platforms in an obvious attempt to influence the U.S. energy market,” explained Congressman Lamar Smith (R-Texas), who chairs the U.S. House committee that produced the report. “Russia benefits from stirring up controversy about U.S. energy production. U.S. energy exports to European countries are increasing, which means they will have less reason to rely upon Russia for their energy needs.”

“This, in turn, will reduce Russia’s influence on Europe to Russia’s detriment and Europe’s benefit,” Smith continued. “That’s why Russian agents attempted to manipulate Americans’ opinions about pipelines, fossil fuels, fracking and climate change. The American people deserve to know if what they see on social media is the creation of a foreign power seeking to undermine our domestic energy policy.”

While the establishment media spreads debunked conspiracy theories about Trump and the Kremlin, they have carefully avoided highlighting the real Russia scandals. But in fact, the new report by the House Science, Space and Technology Committee is not the first time evidence of Russia's meddling in U.S. energy has emerged. Reports from 2017 confirmed that the Kremlin had been using social media to undermine various U.S. energy projects.

[…] Earlier this year, meanwhile, a number of U.S. lawmakers started making noise about shocking revelations showing that Russian money was being funneled to American “environmental” groups via a shell corporation registered in Bermuda. In particular, it emerged in a 2014 Senate investigation that “Klein Ltd.,” the shell corporation controlled by Putin cronies and Russian energy interests, had funneled almost $25 million to the “Sea Change Foundation.”

This shady San Francisco-based foundation is then used to distribute Russian dark money to American “environmental” groups dedicated to promoting the man-made global-warming hypothesis and opposing the use and extraction of oil, coal, and other energy resources. Lawmakers are now working to end loopholes in the Foreign Agent Registration Act that allow these Kremlin-backed “environmentalist” groups to push Russian interests in America without oversight.

A number of anti-American, anti-freedom globalist bigwigs dubbed the “Billionaires' Club” have also been bankrolling the pseudo-environmentalist movement in the United States, according to a Senate investigation. Investigators found that this network of mega-wealthy establishment globalists funding the “green” movement may have even been doing so in violation of federal laws.

The investigation determined that the lawless figures had actually managed to capture entire federal bureaucracies, hijacking them to write policies that benefit the “Billionaires' Club” at America's expense. The Rockefeller dynasty, and especially late patriarch and confessed anti-American conspirator David Rockefeller, have been key players, according to an investigation by the Energy and Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal).

Of course, U.S. energy policy is hardly the only area in which the Russian government has been trying to manipulate Americans. As The New American reported last year, the Kremlin was also caught trying to inflame racial tensions in the United States by promoting “Black Lives Matter” propaganda through social media.»

Alex Newman («Congress: Kremlin Used Green Propaganda to Undercut U.S. Energy», in The New American, 07 March 2018).

New Report Exposes Rockefeller Dynasty's Role in “Climate” Scam

An unfathomably wealthy banking and oil dynasty has been hijacking governments, media organs, universities, non-profits, and other power centers to expand its control over the economy and the energy sector in particular, according to a recently released investigation by a watchdog group. That dynasty, of course, is the Rockefeller family. In essence, they have largely created, bankrolled, and weaponized what is known as the “green” movement “as a means to expand their empire over the past three decades,” the report found.

Under the guise of fighting alleged “man-made global-warming,” the Rockefeller family and its billions have been bankrolling everything from “climate” journalism (propaganda) efforts, politicians, and “academia” to politically motivated “investigations” of energy companies and non-profit organizations by government officials. Billionaire extremist George Soros also helped fund the efforts, according to the report by the Washington, D.C.-based watchdog Energy and Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal) entitled The Rockefeller Way: The Family's Covert "Climate Change" Plan.

The billionaires' goal, according to the report, was to crush the oil and gas industry, using government power as the weapon of choice, to ultimately gain greater control over the energy sector once again. “Not surprisingly, the Rockefellers are heavily invested in renewable energy,” the report explains, offering examples. But Rockefellers are no strangers to underhanded machinations to gain market share. Using extremely shady tactics, the report also details how John D. Rockefeller Sr., the founding patriarch of the Rockefeller dynasty, gained a virtual monopoly over the U.S. energy industry by the 1880s — at least until the feds broke it up into smaller companies.

However, the Rockefellers never went anywhere, using their massive wealth to accumulate massive amounts of power across society. And today, their agenda is almost certainly more nefarious than simply the greedy pursuit of total energy-market dominance. Indeed, the Rockefeller dynasty and its allies have a long track record of promoting tyranny and globalism using whatever pretext might be most convenient, whether that be the environment or anything else. The report by E&E Legal, a market-oriented environmentalist group, does a great service by highlighting some of the history of the Rockefeller dynasty's unbridled lust for power and control.

One of the key players involved in the latest phase of scam, whether wittingly or not, was New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. Seizing on Rockefeller-funded propaganda masquerading as “journalism” alleging that Exxon knew man-made “global warming” was supposedly real, the state attorney general joined with other states' chief prosecutors to launch the “AGs United for Clean Power.” As reported by The New American and other sources, the radical coalition of rogue prosecutors immediately began going after non-profit groups in what critics said was an outlandish attack on free speech, scientific inquiry, American jurisprudence, and basic common sense. Critics and legal experts blasted Schneiderman's group as a "criminal conspiracy" to deprive Americans of their rights.

That scheme had its genesis in the summer of 2012, when two Rockefeller-funded climate-alarmist groups held a meeting in California. There, the Rockefellers' pawns and minions, including leading “climate” alarmists, plotted how best to demonize energy companies. “During the meeting, leading climate activists crafted a strategy to simultaneously target ExxonMobil through the criminal justice system and national media,” the report explains, noting that the agreed-upon tools to pursue that agenda included New York's Schneiderman and the largely Rockefeller-dominated Columbia “Journalism” School. The Rockefellers had also “long urged” Schneiderman to investigate Exxon, according to, ironically enough, a Rockefeller-funded “climate” propaganda organ run by a Rockefeller minion known as InsideClimate News.

Next came a January 2016 meeting at the Rockefeller Family Fund's headquarters that brought together key “climate” alarmists and political hacks to strategize. It was all organized and led by Rockefeller Family Fund Director Lee Wasserman and other statist radicals. The agenda of the secret meeting, according to a memo obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, was to wage war on oil companies. That would be pursued by, among other tactics, manufacturing a “scandal” by using a state prosecutor to get internal company documents, pushing efforts to have investors divest from oil companies, and applying as much political pressure as possible.

Ironically, among the goals outlined in a memo to attendees were the painting of Exxon as a “corrupt institution” in the public mind, a bid to “delegitimize” the company, and “to drive Exxon and climate into the center of the 2016 election.” They almost certainly could never have imagined that Exxon would indeed be in the center of the 2016 election — with the company's CEO, Rex Tillerson, officially nominated by president-elect Donald Trump for the powerful Secretary of State post.

Unfortunately for climate realists and skeptics tempted to laugh at the Rockefellers' failed scheme, though, Exxon and its chief have a long record of peddling climate alarmism, promoting ludicrous and totalitarian “solutions” to the alleged “problem” of CO2 (“gas of life”) emissions, and more. And of course, Exxon is actually a corporate member of the dangerous Council on Foreign Relations — a globalist and statist institution that also peddles climate alarmism and United Nations schemes, and is intimately tied to the Rockefeller dynasty.

Basically, the Rockefeller clan is the head of the climate snake. “The Rockefeller family, whose track record of advancing the climate change agenda is unrivaled, appears to have orchestrated the simultaneous media and legal assaults against ExxonMobil,” the E&E Legal report concludes. “Through their financial influence, it is posited that the Rockefellers planned, coordinated, and subsidized the combined efforts of the Columbia Journalism School and New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s investigation into ExxonMobil.”

But the worst may be yet to come if the schemes are not exposed and stopped. “The battering of ExxonMobil is only the beginning of a large, widespread, and coordinated effort to collapse the fossil fuel industry in the United States,” the report continued, pointing to e-mails from Schneiderman and his cohorts outlining a scheme to abuse the criminal justice system to “investigate” scientists and non-profit groups under fraud and anti-mafia RICO laws. (Conservative AGs noted that if “downplaying” supposed risks of alleged man-made global-warming is “fraud,” so is exaggerating the alleged risks.)

“This oppressive infringement on constitutionally protected free speech is unprecedented, and demonstrates the lengths the climate change movement will go to force their narrative down the throats of the American people,” E&E Legal concluded. “When one follows the money, the major initiatives of the green movement always lead back to the usual suspects: activist billionaires such as the Rockefellers seeking control of the energy industry.”

According to the report, the Rockefellers' ambitions go far beyond energy, though. The family members “are intent on controlling nearly every major institution in America, using philanthropy as a means of increasing their influence on the world stage under the guise of advancing various social causes,” the report found. “Their avid opposition to the very fossil fuel industry that made John D. Rockefeller America’s first billionaire shows that the Rockefellers are not political ideologues. Instead, they are mere opportunists who support political agendas convenient to enhancing their leverage in the global arena.”

Indeed, the report notes that, through the Rockefellers’ sprawling web of “family foundations, universities, and institutions, as well as huge grants to other charities,” the dynasty has “gained unprecedented influence in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, energy, and the environment.” And they are using these schemes to hijack and weaponize policy to benefit themselves, with a few exceptions who have publicly distanced themselves from the more prominent Rockefeller bosses.

“Their highly complex integration of hedge funds, interlocking boards positions, and non-profit organizations has steered public policy on these issues and provided them with foreknowledge of emerging markets and access to the developing world’s natural resources,” the report said, highlighting the Rockefeller fingerprints on everything from state and federal policies to UN social-engineering schemes such as Agenda 21.

Considering the evidence, there can be little doubt that the Rockefeller cabal's exploitation of alleged man-made “global warming” as the justification for its totalitarian agenda is just that — a pretext for tyranny and greedy self-interest masquerading as environmental concerns. Indeed, even back during the discredited man-made global-cooling hysteria of the 1970s, when Obama's forced abortion-touting “Science Czar” John Holdren claimed global cooling would kill a billion people, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund was pushing the exact same anti-oil agenda.

In the organization's 1977 report The Unfinished Agenda: The Citizen's Policy Guide to Environmental Issues, for example, the Rockefeller outfit demanded, among other schemes, more population control measures, a “progressively increasing gasoline tax,” an “escalating tax on natural gas consumption,” and a “similar tax” to “be applied to all fossil fuels.” Similar schemes have been promoted by the dynasty ever since, though the ostensible justification for them has changed.

Separately, the the Rockefeller Family Fund has long showered its largess on fringe “environmental” groups willing to spout the party the line ranging from the Environment Policy Institute and Friends of the Earth Foundation to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund. The Rockefeller Foundation has also donated to the NRDC, the anti-human Population Council, the World Resources Institute, and countless other “environmental” groups working to shackle humanity under the guise of “protecting” the “environment.”

Just since the year 2000, tax documents cited in the report show, the four primary Rockefeller foundations have showered tens of millions of dollars on “green” activist groups. Beneficiaries include the Energy Foundation, the Tides Foundation, the New America Foundation, the World Health Organization, the Wildlife Conservation Society, the National Resources Defense Council, the Alliance for Climate Protection, the Center for International Environmental Law, the Southern Environmental Law Center, and more.

A U.S. Senate report exposing what lawmakers described as the “Billionaires Club” and its role in the “Green” movement also revealed, among other information, that the Rockefeller Foundation is among the largest donors to “environmental” causes in the United States. Much of the funding is routed through shady “pass through” entities such as the “Energy Foundation” to shower the billionaires' money on lobbyists and unsuspecting “green” useful-idiot activists while concealing the source of the funds. Some of the outfits that have benefited, according to the report, include the American Lung Association, the Blue Green Alliance, the Environmental Defense Fund, the League of Conservation Voters, the NDRC, the Sierra Club, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and more.

See here

Another key financier of the green scam has been Soros, a protege of the unimaginably wealthy Rothschild dynasty who admitted on TV to having no guilt about helping the National Socialists (Nazis) steal Jewish property. Through his “Open Societies Foundations,” Soros has dumped billions into “green” outfits such as the Aspen Institute, Defenders of Wildlife, Earthjustice, Green for All, the New America Foundation, Presidential Climate Action Project, the Tides Foundation, ClimateWorks Foundation, the Global Green Grants Fund, the NDRC, and more. Soros also bankrolled Schneiderman's political career, with the disgraced New York AG receiving more Soros loot than any other politician in the state.

But supposed Rockefeller concerns about the “environment” are almost certainly a ruse concealing more sinister motivations. The real agenda is more establishment control over humanity, less freedom, and a globalist system of governance. Indeed, billionaire extremist David Rockefeller, the dynasty's current patriarch, has revealed his true totalitarian colors on multiple occasions. In his 2002 autobiography Memoirs, for example, he boasts of being a conspirator working against America in favor of a one-world system.

“Some even believe we [the Rockefellers] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will,” Rockefeller explains in his book. “If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Before that, he showered praises on the most murderous dictatorship to plague humanity in all of recorded history. “Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded, not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering a high morale and community purpose,” Rockefeller claimed in a 1973 New York Times piece about a psychopath's “revolution” that murdered tens of millions of people in cold blood. “The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.” It is no surprise that leading climate alarmists agree.

Late Hollywood filmmaker Aaron Russo, a longtime friend of Nick Rockefeller, also revealed what the dynasty was up to. After being invited by Rockefeller to join the Council on Foreign Relations, Russo refused. “The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world,” Russo said Rockefeller had told him, adding that the establishment wanted to track and control everyone on the planet.

As American citizens, the Rockefellers have a constitutionally protected right to speak freely, even to promote kooky, absurd, dangerous, deadly, and totalitarian ideas to enrich themselves. However, the “mainstream” media also have a duty to expose the dynasty's totalitarian machinations, and they have so far failed miserably. Meanwhile, members of the political class have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, which specifically prohibits much of the Rockefellers' self-serving totalitarian agenda from being implemented.

As the man-made global-warming theory implodes amid decades with no warming, and the theory's backers are left with egg all over their faces, it is time for Americans and perhaps even Congress to take a more serious look at the Rockefeller machine. In addition to the “climate” scam, the Rockefellers have bankrolled everything from racist eugenics and abortion to the deliberate dumbing down of the American people via so-called “education.” It is time for the light to be shined on their machinations. (in The New American, 04 January 2017).

See here