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«On Earth Day 2020, Pope Francis extended a much-needed message of hope during one of humanity’s most dire times.
Just kidding — he used it as an excuse to tell us we’re all terrible parasites destroying the planet.
On Wednesday, Francis warned from the Vatican that Earth itself would seek vengeance if it is harmed.
“If we have deteriorated the Earth, the response will be very ugly,” Francis stated.
“Because of our selfishness we have failed in our responsibilities to be guardians and stewards of the earth. We have polluted and despoiled it, endangering our lives.”
The pope also blamed humans for the “natural tragedies” currently plaguing the planet, in a not-so-subtle reference to the coronavirus pandemic.
“We see these natural tragedies, which are the Earth’s response to our maltreatment,” he said. “I think that if I ask the Lord now what he thinks about this, I don’t think he would say it is a very good thing. It is we who have ruined the work of God.”
Alluding to a one-world global solution to climate change, the pope emphasized, “only together… can we win global challenges.”
“There’s a Spanish saying that is very clear on this” the pope opined. “It says God always forgives…
The Earth never forgives.” Francis also urged leftist climate change activists to stay the course, saying “it will be necessary for our children to take to the streets to teach us what is obvious, that is, that there will be no future for us if we destroy the environment that sustains us.”
According to Reuters, Pope Francis hopes to add “a definition of ‘ecological sins’ in the Roman Catholic Church’s Catechism, a compendium of teachings and rules.”
During his message, the pope also reportedly mentioned two upcoming United Nations climate change events, the UN Biodiversity Conference, set to take place in China in October, and the UN Climate Change conference set for November.
UNESCO designated April 22 as “Earth Day” in 1969.»
«(…) Pope Francis, who has made environmentalism one of the hallmark issues of his papacy and heaped praise on teenage climate-change activist Greta Thunberg, accused humans of having “polluted and despoiled” the Earth.
“For this reason, various international and local movements have sprung up in order to appeal to our consciences,” he added, perhaps an allusion to groups such as Thunberg’s Fridays for Future, as well as the United Nations (the pope spoke at the UN Assembly in 2015 shortly before member states unanimously adopted Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, which he called “a great step forward for global dialogue, marking a vitally new and universal solidarity”).
“I deeply appreciate these initiatives; still it will be necessary for our children to take to the streets to teach us the obvious: we have no future if we destroy the very environment that sustains us,” the pontiff continued.
“We have failed to care for the earth, our garden-home; we have failed to care for our brothers and sisters. We have sinned against the earth, against our neighbors, and ultimately against the Creator, the benevolent Father who provides for everyone, and desires us to live in communion and flourish together.”
As if treating the Earth as a sentient entity in parity with God himself weren’t enough, Pope Francis went on to call on his listeners to undergo an “ecological conversion.” “We cannot heal the earth unless we love and respect it,” he declared.
The pope also touted two upcoming environmental conferences: COP15 on Biodiversity in Kunming, China, and COP26 on Climate Change in Glasgow, Scotland — both products of the UN.
Though these conferences ostensibly deal with climate change, they — like the climate agenda in general (as evidenced by the Green New Deal’s focus on sweeping economic, social, and racial reform) — use the environment as a springboard to promote a variety of socialist and globalist causes.
At COP25 on climate change, for instance, the convening parties deliberated matters such as “human rights, the right to health, the rights of indigenous peoples, local communities, migrants, children, persons with disabilities, and people in vulnerable situations, and the right to development, as well as gender equality, empowerment of women.”
The pope concluded: “In this Easter season of renewal, let us pledge to love and esteem the beautiful gift of the earth, our common home, and to care for all members of our human family.”
Pope Francis has become known for mixing the spiritual with the political, frequently using the pulpit to advance left-wing causes, particularly climate change and migration.
Last Christmas, he compared President Trump to the wicked King Herod from the Bible. He previously asserted that “a person who only thinks about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.”
And in December, the pope erected a migrant crucifix in the Vatican, replacing the body of Christ on the cross with a migrant life vest.
Pope Francis is also a critic of capitalism, writing of the free market in an apostolic exhortation:
Some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in the sacralized workings of the prevailing economic system.
The pontiff wasn’t the only public figure to preach environmentalism on Earth Day 2020. Former President Barack Obama crept out of his hiding place Wednesday to proclaim that climate change will be “far harsher” on humanity than the COVID-19 pandemic.
Greta Thunberg paired the two objects of fear — climate change and COVID-19 — saying they must be tackled together. “We need to tackle two crises at once,” the teenager stated. Her comments echoed those of UN Chief Antonio Guterres (formerly the president of the Socialist International), who on Earth Day urged governments to use the pandemic to address the “even deeper emergency” of climate change.
It’s not surprising that Guterres should be vocal on Earth Day. After all, the “holiday” is a United Nations creation first proposed by UNESCO in 1969.
What is tragic is that millions of faithful Christians eager to hear the Gospel are instead being given Social Gospel and indoctrinated with the new religion of climate alarmism, instead of Catholicism, which has until lately been resolute in its opposition to socialism as evil, or even Christianity in general, which calls for people not to covet thy neighbors' goods or steal, even you believe it's for a good cause.»
Luis Miguel («On Earth Day, Pope Rebukes Humanity - Calls for "Ecological Conversion"», in The New American, 22 April 2020).
«A driver in Lincoln Park, New Jersey wrecked their car after the N95 mask they were wearing cut off their oxygen supply to the point they passed out and hit a telephone pole.
The driver, who remains unidentified, wore the mask for several hours before the incident and had been breathing in too much carbon dioxide and not enough oxygen, according to a Lincoln Park Police statement on Facebook.
While the department maintained citizens should continue wearing masks when in public, they did admit that “in most cases, the wearing of this type of mask while operating a vehicle with no other occupants is unnecessary.”
“We do know that the driver had been wearing an N95 mask inside the vehicle for several hours and ultimately passed out while operating the vehicle,” the press release stated.
The department added, “We also know that nothing was uncovered at the accident scene that would suggest that the driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol.”
Concluding their statement, the police department told the community, “Motorists and the public alike are reminded that while masks should be used in public settings to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, they are not necessary outdoors when social distancing can be maintained, and especially not necessary when driving a vehicle with no additional occupants.”
Describing common issues associated with wearing face masks, independent journalist Akshita Nagpal explains, “A person wearing any kind of mask faces breathing resistance as air filters through the device, making the wearer work harder to inhale than he would without the mask.”
“This can have several adverse physiological effects when the mask is worn for long periods of time,” she continues. “Moreover, carbon dioxide that is exhaled can get trapped in the chamber of the mask the re-enter the body each time the mask user inhales. This delivers less oxygen into the body than when the person is not wearing a mask.”
Dr. Dipankar Saha, scientist and additional director at India’s Central Pollution Control Board, said, “It can lead to oxygen shortage, suffocation, respiration trouble, and heart attacks.”
Dr. Saha also pointed out that masks are a often sources of bacteria and viruses, saying, “The moisture from exhalation inside the mask, when in constant contact with the 37 degrees Celsius warm human body, becomes ideal place for virus and bacteria to thrive. This could result in the growth of microbes on masks and aid the spread of airborne diseases like influenza.”»
«A professor at King’s College London has warned that there will be more excess cancer deaths over the next 5 years than the number of people who die from coronavirus in the UK due to the disruption caused by the coronavirus lockdown, which is preventing cancer victims from getting treatment.
Richard Sullivan, professor of cancer and global health and director of its Institute of Cancer Policy, said: “The number of deaths due to the disruption of cancer services is likely to outweigh the number of deaths from the coronavirus itself over the next five years.”
Many people are avoiding hospitals, partly due to fear of coronavirus and partly due to the NHS implying that people should stay away so as not to burden doctors and nurses.
This means that routine cancer screenings have all but stopped and there will be a massive backlog once normality resumes.
“The cessation and delay of cancer care will cause considerable avoidable suffering,” said Sullivan. “Cancer screening services have stopped, which means we will miss our chance to catch many cancers when they are treatable and curable, such as cervical, bowel and breast.”
People didn’t suddenly stop getting cancer when the coronavirus outbreak started, but now they are not getting treatment.
One wonders what the point is in allowing such disruption in the name of saving lives, only to lose more lives to cancer in the long run.
“Some stroke and heart attack patients are routinely waiting more than two hours for an ambulance, while 2,300 cancer diagnoses are being missed each week because patients are not going to see their GP or because they are not being referred for urgent tests and scans at hospital,” reports the Daily Mail.
“Another 400 cancers a week are, it is estimated, being missed because breast, cervical and bowel cancer screening has been suspended. For any of these patients, delay can be a death sentence.”
As we previously highlighted, despite many predictions that the NHS would be “overwhelmed” by coronavirus, acute hospital beds across the United Kingdom are four times emptier than normal.
One of the overspill hospitals built to handle with an excess of patients due to coronavirus in the north east remains empty and will never be used.
In addition, the temporary Nightingale hospital in London has “remained largely empty since it opened,” according to HSJ.
Despite all this, the UK government has refused to even suggest when lockdown measures may end.
Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty also said that social distancing measures will have to remain in place until a vaccine is available, something that could take more than a year.
A graph also shows that, when population differences are factored in, Sweden, which hasn’t imposed any mandatory lockdown measures, has virtually the same death rate as England, which has been under lockdown for over a month.
«A California man who was let out of jail early due to coronavirus policies was caught stealing a car within an hour of being released, reports claim.
According to The Associated Press, Rocky Lee Music, 32, was facing charges for suspicion of stealing a car in Oakland when he was processed at the Santa Rita Jail and let out on zero bail.
Within forty minutes of his release, Music proceeded to carjack a Toyota Prius mere blocks from the jail then drove the car from Dublin to San Ramon, where he abandoned it and attempted to hijack another vehicle.
“He ran and was arrested with help from a police dog, authorities said,” reports the AP.
Music was initially let out on $0 bail “because of a court order meant to keep low-level offenders out of jail during the COVID-19 pandemic,” states The Mercury News.
Music wasn’t the only convict who caused trouble after being let out early.
The AP reports Selma resident Owen Aguilar, 27, who was released from the Fresno County jail on April 10 after facing animal abuse charges, now faces up to 46 years in jail after he was re-arrested less than a week later and charged with felony arson after setting multiple fires.
Aguilar’s damage was extensive, as reported by the AP:
Aguilar was charged with starting nine fires on April 16, including torching a tent occupied by a homeless man, several commercial dumpsters and a shopping cart, which caused a fire that spread to some brush and debris, authorities said.
No injuries were reported.
Convicted criminals have seemingly taken a cue from the chaos caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
The AP lists a spate of other crimes in California caused by inmates released from jail over coronavirus fears, including burglaries and car thefts.
“Others have been rearrested on accusations ranging from indecent exposure to burglary.”»
«New York’s governor Andrew Cuomo, who once said that “extreme conservatives … have no place” in his state and more recently derisively dismissed God’s influence, just issued another in his line of greatest pseudo-elitist hits:
He told anti-lockdown protesters that if they were upset about his putting them out of work with the increasingly discredited Wuhan-flu lockdown strategy, they should get jobs as “essential” workers.
And thus spake His Essentialship himself.
Cuomo, who has already released essential thugs from prison, lest the poor souls become ill, who are now committing essential crimes (in one case breaking an infirm man’s arm in a robbery), made his comments Wednesday after protesters flocked to the state capitol in Albany prior to his Wuhan virus briefing.
(…) The Mail also relates His Essentialship as saying, in what apparently was quite the lecture:
You wanna go to work? Take a job as an essential worker. Do it tomorrow. You’re working.
You’re an essential worker. There are people hiring. You can get a job as an essential worker.
Now you can get a job and you can go to work and you’re not going to kill anyone.
Now, perhaps there’s something about contagion escaping my non-essential self, but I didn’t know that diseases quite nobly spared the “essential.” “No, he’s a grocery store clerk. Let’s move on to the hairdresser over there.” Quite chivalrous, that Wuhan virus!
In reality, approximately 80 to 85 percent of employment-age Americans are working even now, according to radio host Mark Levin. Yet hospitals aren’t overwhelmed, and Wuhan virus deaths are declining. So why would Cuomo consider working a death sentence?
Moreover, a study just showed that lockdowns do not save lives (which would mean the politicians are destroying our economy for nothing); in fact, the data indicate that the lockdowns may actually cost lives.
(…) Consider: “How can the cure be worse than the illness if the illness is death?” Cuomo also said Wednesday. “It does not equal death. Economic hardship, yes, very bad — not death.”
This is a shallow but common analysis. The mainstream media generally present this debate as a matter of people’s health/human lives vs. the economy — or, as the even more demagogic (or dumb) put it, vs. “money.”
But what is money? Money represents resources, people’s capacity to obtain food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, education, and everything else that preserves life and makes it worth living. Note here that the lockdowns are impoverishing many and could possibly spark a great depression. And poverty is associated with a host of negative health and health-related risks, such as a higher incidence of manifold diseases, depression, anxiety, stress-related disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, domestic violence, child abuse, and crime.
Of course, we’re already seeing evidence of the above consequences.
Furthermore, even insofar as quarantines may be necessary, they should be targeted. By my count, 17 rural, upstate New York counties have zero to two Wuhan flu-related deaths each. So why are the restrictions that apply to virus hot spot New York City placed on these counties as well? Why is it one-size fits all?»
Selwyn Duke («Cuomo to Lockdown Protesters: Don't Like Poverty? Tough. Become "Essential"», in The New American, 24 April 2020).
«California doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi blow the whistle on the coronavirus hysteria, breaking down the real science behind the pandemic compared to what’s being presented by the mainstream media and governments around the world to keep economies in perpetual lockdown.»
«“A lie can get halfway around the world while the Truth is putting its boots on,” goes the apocryphal saying. This was proven by the media, again, late last week when “activists falsely claimed that Trump ‘urged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectant’ and ‘told people to drink bleach,’” as the Daily Wire relates it, to combat the Wuhan virus.
In reality, President Trump merely asked a question relating to possible medical interventions at his Thursday virus press briefing, and the media twisted it beyond recognition — and into a suggestion.
Here’s what actually happened at the briefing. Bill Bryan, Under Secretary for Science and Technology at DHS, articulated findings about how solar light quickly kills the coronavirus (in three minutes, according to one study) and how higher temperature and humidity aren’t “favorable” to it, either.
Bryan also stated that the “virus does not survive as well in droplets of saliva, and that’s important because a lot of testing being done is not necessarily being done, number one, with the COVID-19 virus and number two, in saliva or respiratory fluids.”
“And thirdly, the virus dies the quickest in the presence of direct sunlight under these conditions,” Bryan continued.
Bryan then addressed disinfectants’ utility, mentioning that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes and isopropyl alcohol will destroy it in 30 seconds — and even more quickly with rubbing.
Bryan further stated, “We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva.”
Now, you might think findings indicating that sunlight and higher temperatures and humidity degrade the virus — which could mean the disease is seasonal and won’t be a summertime threat — would be the story. But not with our mainstream media.
Instead, they seized upon what Trump asked in response, which was:
So, I’m going to ask Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing when we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.
Some may fancy this fanciful, and maybe it is, though CD Media claims otherwise. “There already exists these two therapies, called UV therapy as well as ozone therapy[,] and both are already being studied as a treatment to the novel Chinavirus,” the site writes. “The one that has CNN hyperventilating is ozone therapy which has been used successfully for cancer patients. O3 gas is infused into the body as a disinfectant to improve the intake of oxygen while ramping up the immune system and efficiently killing bacteria and viruses.”
I can’t comment on that science. I’ll also say that Trump didn’t do himself any favors by later claiming his remark was “sarcastic.” The correct defense is simple: The president asked a question. A question is not a suggestion. Full stop.
Moreover, although Trump’s above query is the kind better asked in private, he has always been the kind of man to often “think out loud,” speak conversationally, and engage in open, forthcoming dialogue. This very un-politician-like quality is part of his appeal.
Returning to the Thursday press briefing, a few moments after Trump’s comments, “ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, ‘The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging,” the Daily Wire further relates. “There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?’”
Bryan said no, of course, and Trump clarified his statement, saying that it “wouldn’t be through injections” and then talked about topical applications. But this didn’t matter to the mainstream media.
CNN’s Jim Acosta initiated the propaganda, according to CD Media.
(...) Insofar as leftists are being Machiavellian — and they often are — the goal here would be to resurrect the “narrative” they initiated when reporting on a prolific Democrat donor who poisoned her husband with aquarium disinfectant and then claimed she was heeding Trump’s words relating to malaria drug chloroquine.
But if the Left’s track record on science is any indication, the woman’s behavior is not surprising. As CD Media points out, the Left may mock Trump and other conservatives for allegedly ignoring science, but itself claims a boy can become a girl just by taking hormones and willing it (where there’s a will there’s a gay, I guess).
Also note that the left-wing mainstream media have consistently refused to report the truth on the Wuhan virus and instead facilitate the “lockdown” strategy’s perpetuation, which threatens to destroy our economy and destabilize our civilization. Most recently, they’ve ignored a study indicating that the lockdowns have no positive effect and may actually be a cure worse than the disease.
So what’s really scary here is not what Trump may say, but that the mainstream media endeavor to, in all things, lock down the Truth. For America will survive the Wuhan virus. Whether she can survive a dishonest media’s viral lies is another question.»
Selwyn Duke («Can We Disinfect the Media? Bleaching Out the Truth on Trump and COVID-19», in The New American, 26 April 2020). See here
«Following in lockstep with YouTube, Twitter suspended the account of a Colorado biotech company which is working to develop a potential coronavirus treatment using UV light inserted into the lungs. It appears that both social media sites have censored the legitimate research purely because President Trump mentioned it.
AYTU BioScience, which is a publicly traded biotech company, has been working with world-renowned research and clinical care organisation Cedars-Sinai to test the revolutionary treatment.
According to a recent press release, Aytu’s “Healight” is a medical device which administers intermittent ultraviolet (UV-A) light inside a patient’s trachea, which has the “potential to positively impact outcomes for critically ill patients infected with coronavirus and severe respiratory infections.”
AYTU is specifically working with the Medically Associated Science and Technology (MAST) team at Cedars-Sinai medical center.
The Department of Homeland Security’s head of Science and Technology, Bill Bryan, also spoke last week about the potential for the UV light treatment to have a significant affect on viruses such as COVID-19.
When Trump mentioned the research, however, it suddenly became a dangerous unproven risk that needs to be banned, because… Orange man is bad.
At time of writing, the account now appears to have been re-instated. However, it is unclear why Twitter suspended it, and what specific rules AYTU violated (aside from the Orange man is bad so everything he mentions must be censored rules).
SCREEEEEEEEEEEE. Orange man said UV light treatment might be good, so it has to be bad. BAN IT.»
«In my first week in the House of Representatives in 1976, I cast one of the two votes against legislation appropriating funds for a swine flu vaccination program. A swine flu outbreak was then dominating headlines, so most in DC were frantic to “do something” about the virus.
Unfortunately, the hastily developed and rushed-into-production swine flu vaccine was not only ineffective, it was dangerous. Approximately 50 people who received the vaccine subsequently contracted Guillain-Barré syndrome, a potentially fatal form of paralysis. According to an expert with the Centers for Disease Control, the incidence of Guillain-Barré was four times higher among those who received the swine flu vaccine than in the general population.
That sad history may soon repeat itself. Right now, governments and private industries are working to rapidly develop and deploy a coronavirus vaccine. Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who is a major funder of these efforts, has suggested everyone who receives a vaccine be issued a “digital certificate” proving he has been vaccinated.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose record of wrong predictions makes him the Bill Kristol of epidemiology, also wants individuals to carry some proof they have been vaccinated. Another authoritarian proposal floated to deal with coronavirus is to force everyone to download a phone app that will track their movements. This would allow government officials to identify those who may have been near anyone who may have had coronavirus. Such mandatory “contact tracing” is an assault on our privacy and liberty.
Vaccines can improve health. For example, vaccines helped reduce the incidence of diseases like polio. But not all vaccines are safe and effective for all people. Furthermore, certain modern practices, such as giving infants multiple vaccines at one time, may cause health problems. The fact that vaccines may benefit some people, or even most people, does not justify government forcing individuals to be vaccinated. It also does not justify vaccinating children against their parents’ wishes. And it certainly does not justify keeping individuals and families in involuntary quarantine because they do not have “digital certificates” proving they have had their shots.
If government can force individuals to receive medical treatment against their will, then there is no reason why government cannot force individuals to buy medical insurance, prohibit them from owning firearms, dictate their terms of employment, and prevent them from taking arguably harmful actions like smoking marijuana or drinking raw milk. Similarly, if government can override parents’ wishes regarding medical treatment for their children, then there is no reason why government cannot usurp parental authority in other areas, such as education.
Proponents of mandatory vaccines and enhanced surveillance are trying to blackmail the American people by arguing that the lockdown cannot end unless we create a healthcare surveillance state and make vaccination mandatory. The growing number of Americans who are tired of not being able to go to work, school, or church, or even to take their children to a park because of government mandates should reject this “deal.” Instead, they should demand an immediate end to the lockdowns and the restoration of individual responsibility for deciding how best to protect their health.»
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«One indication of whether a policy is driven by principle or just politics, prejudice, and/or passion is if it actually relates to the problem it purports to solve. Given this, it could raise eyebrows that while New York City’s mayor Bill de Blasio has threatened to “permanently” shut down churches that dare hold worship services during the Wuhan virus pandemic, his municipality’s subway cars are dirtier than ever and are “transporting” the disease, as one MTA conductor put it.
Aside from the filth, a major problem is that the city’s subways have become de facto vagrant shelters, with derelicts living in close quarters crammed into the reduced number of train cars (service has been cut by 75 percent) and perhaps becoming disease vectors.
Making it worse is that while ridership is down to five percent of normal, this comprises “essential” workers such hospital and grocery-store employees — the very people de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo claim to appreciate so much.
CBS2 in New York reports on the story, writing that cellphone video “shows subway cars lined with people passed out, using shoes as pillows, not wearing masks, with trash piled in shopping carts.”
“‘There is an astronomical amount of homeless people now in the subway,’ MTA train conductor Tramell Thompson said,” the site continues. “The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is now the Metropolitan Transmission Authority. They are transporting this virus.”
As mentioned earlier, reducing the cars’ numbers has exacerbated the problem, as an anonymous conductor told CBS2.
“Because we have less trains to work with, the homeless in the system congregate on fewer trains, so it’s way more evident now than it’s ever been,” the site quotes the conductor as saying. “It’s causing a hazard to MTA employees and the people that we have to transport during this time.”
In fact, CBS2 reports that 50 transit workers have died from the Wuhan flu. (Note, however, that since authorities are encouraged to classify anyone who dies with the virus in his system as a Wuhan flu death — even if he was asymptomatic with regard to the virus and actually died of another cause — such numbers can’t be taken at face value.)
Moreover, while the MTA claims that all its subway cars and buses are sanitized every 72 hours, the conductors dispute this.
“‘The trash, the feces, the urine, is there. It’s just a very toxic, unsafe environment,’ Thompson said,” CBS2 further reports.
“‘We’ll get a call from someone on the train. They’ll press the passenger intercom and one of them is urinating in the cars,’ the anonymous conductor said. ‘And because we have so few trains, we have to ride back and forth.’”
CBS2 also relates that when asked, Mayor de Blasio just passed the buck, essentially blaming the situation on an underling. For sure, he certainly lacked the passion and resoluteness he showed late last month when threatening to shut down churches and other worship houses permanently if they violated his ban on gatherings of more than 10 people.
So one could wonder: Would Bolshevik Bill be spurred to action if, instead of being united in their public vomiting, urination, defecation, and substance abuse, the vagrants joined together in reciting the Lord’s Prayer?
Then again, his response certainly might be different if the transients prayed the Muslim’s Shahada, as the tweet below indicates.
“‘One of Ramadan’s most noble callings is to feed the hungry,’ de Blasio said Thursday,” reports the Blaze. (This might come as a surprise to the poor Pakistani Christians and Hindus currently being denied food by Muslims, who in this case “reportedly claimed that religious minorities were excluded from aid under Sharia law,” BosNewsLife tells us.)
As for the vagrants, The New American was one of the first outlets to report on the threat allowing rampant homelessness poses during this, or any, pandemic. In fact, while we know that the elderly and medically compromised are vulnerable to the Wuhan flu, a basic question remains unanswered: What percentage of the virus deaths are accounted for by vagrants, whose unhealthful, high-risk lifestyles weaken them?
Knowing this might lend perspective — but it also might indict the big-government Democrats who’ve facilitated vagrancy via policy.
Furthermore, the vagrants also serve as a “Petri dish” in which the virus is likely to “mutate” (which could render a vaccine ineffective), as radio host and trained epidemiologist Michael Savage pointed out last month.
Of course, de Blasio isn’t the only left-wing politician who preaches about Wuhan flu responsibility while practicing the contrary. While his governor, Andrew Cuomo, keeps the Empire State “locked down”; releases vicious thugs from prison so they can commit crimes and possibly spread illness in the wider society; and gives haughty, holier-than-thou, ill-informed lectures to those he rendered unemployed, telling them to become “essential”; his state health department has also forced nursing homes to accept Wuhan virus-positive patients.
That’s right: The man who issued the executive order “Matilda’s Law” (named after Cuomo’s nonagenarian mother), which places restrictions on people over 70 and those interacting with them — enforced via fines of up to $5,000 — has seeded elder-care homes with the virus.
Moreover and quite unbelievably, the first Wuhan virus patients admitted to a Queens nursing home under Cuomo’s state rules “arrived along with some grim accessories — a supply of body bags,” the New York Post reports.
Note that unlike the general population, whose Wuhan flu mortality rate has been exaggerated and may end up being similar to that of the flu, the vulnerable elderly’s death rate may be 80 times as high.
And, sadly but not surprisingly, 30 residents have now died at that Queens nursing home (the virus was previously absent there). But the city is remaining vigilant: Its officials are sending the home “five body bags a week — every week,” the Post also informs.
This left an executive at the facility with some choice words for his governor. “Cuomo has blood on his hands,” the paper quotes him as saying. “He really does.”
Meanwhile, as these statist politicians cite health concerns while trampling civil rights; shutting down the economy; destroying wealth, thus causing poverty related health problems and increased mortality; and threatening our Republic’s long-term survivability with their worse-than-the-disease “cure”; they’re also ignoring a study indicating that the lockdowns don’t save lives.
But it’s good to know they really care — about what, is the question.»
Selwyn Duke («As de Blasio Shuts Down Churches and Tramples Rights, He Lets Filthy NYC Subways Transmit Covid-19», in The New American, 27 April 2020).
«More than 100 illegal migrants have been fetched from the English Channel by U.K. authorities since Friday, despite strict coronavirus lockdowns in both England and France.
At least 476 migrants have reached the U.K. via the Channel in April, the most on record in a single month, according to the Daily Mail.
Following a massive search-and-rescue mission involving Border Force vessels, a helicopter, and lifeboats, 13 migrants were taken to Dover on Monday, bringing the number of illegal crossers to at least 124 since the start of the weekend.
On Friday, 76 migrants traveling in five boats were 'rescued' by border authorities in the Channel, and on Saturday, another 35 made the crossing. Most claimed to hail from Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Syria, and Kuwait.
"None of the migrants are being tested for coronavirus and are instead being observed for symptoms, the Home Office has confirmed," the Daily Mail reports, noting that "none of the migrants stopped since the outbreak of coronavirus have been tested."
“Instead, the Home Office says it will observe asylum seekers for symptoms of the virus and isolate those where necessary. That is despite reports that some of those living in migrant camps in France have been infected with the deadly virus.”
A government spokesperson told the Mail the decision not to test illegal aliens for coronavirus is 'in line' with Public Health England guidelines.
The number of migrants crossing the English Channel spiked by more than 600 percent in 2019, and the crisis has continued into 2020, as Infowars Europe regularly documents.
An estimated 850 migrants have already crossed the Channel this year amid a worldwide pandemic that has led to much of the European population being prevented from traveling between countries - or even leaving their homes.»
Dan Lyman («Migrant Channel Crossings Hits New Record Despite UK Lockdown», in INFOWARS, April 27, 2020). See here
«As I’ve described in previous articles, the CDC and WHO deploy several strategies to pump up the number of COVID cases. For example, the diagnostic test, which spits out many, many false-positive results.
After all, the authorities must somehow convince the dumbed-down public that the “epidemic” is alive and spreading.
Next up: we will see new symptoms added to the list of COVID indicators. In 1987, I watched the shameless manufacture of so-called AIDS-related diseases. The CDC definition of AIDS, which I printed in my book, AIDS INC., took up 15 pages. The only non-AIDS-related disease left after the CDC got through was infection by aliens from the Orion Belt.
So here we go again.
The Washington Post, April 25, “Young and middle-aged people, barely sick with covid-19, are dying from strokes.”
This is a bald attempt to counter the flood of data, from several countries, that indicates the people dying from the purported virus are, overwhelmingly, the elderly, who already have multiple, long-term, serious health conditions, for which they’ve been treated with toxic drugs. In other words, these elderly patients aren’t dying FROM the purported virus at all.
So according to the Post: “Doctors sound alarm about patients in their 30s and 40s left debilitated or dead. Some didn’t even know they were infected.”
“…Many doctors expressed worry that as the New York City Fire Department was picking up four times as many people who died at home as normal during the peak of infection that some of the dead had suffered sudden strokes. The truth may never be known because few autopsies were conducted.”
“…Jabbour said many cases he has treated have unusual characteristics. Brain clots usually appear in the arteries, which carry blood away from the heart. But in covid-19 patients, he is also seeing them in the veins, which carry blood in the opposite direction and are trickier to treat. Some patients are also developing more than one large clot in their heads, which is highly unusual.”
Of course, the Post says nothing about the worthless diagnostic tests on these unusual patients. The article assumes they are “infected with COVID-19.”
And the further assumption is, somehow the virus is attacking the heart, or the arteries, or the brain, or the blood.
This sets the stage for expanding the definition of the epidemic disease.
It reminds me a bit of so-called AIDS dementia, a fanciful add-on back in the 1980s. In that instance, a lunatic doctor could tell a patient, “I see you informed the nurse you’re feeling better. You’re recovering. But you see, the virus is lethal. You only imagine you’re getting better. Looks like you have AIDS dementia…”
These days, the public reaction to “unusual cases of stroke among the young,” will be: THE VIRUS MUST BE CAUSING IT. WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE?”
Newsflash: It could be any number of things, none of which is connected to a virus. The medical literature of the past hundred years is filled with reports of patients falling ill and dying in odd ways.
For official propagandists (professional liars), it doesn’t matter how many people are now perishing of “unusual strokes.” It only matters that reports of their dying can stoke fear and find their way into new sprouting branches of the definitional COVID tree.
Young people, teens, babies, pregnant mothers, exhumed bodies from decades ago—whatever the WHO/CDC need to do, to expand the meaning of COVID, whatever they need to invent, they’ll be there with “alarming findings.”
Don’t fall for it.»
«As the United States faces unprecedented meat shortages due to processing plants going offline in response to Coronavirus, a long-standing globalist agenda to halt meat consumption is being fulfilled.
Tyson foods recently warned that the food supply chain is “breaking.”
Lockdowns have created a situation in which farmers have nowhere to send their product, and in turn millions of animals are being slaughtered. Additionally, vegetables that would normally end up on store shelves are rotting in the field.
Despite this reality, Twitter has announced that talk of food shortages will be censored.
Lab-grown meat producers are hoping that the COVID-19 outbreak could boost public acceptance.
As Bill Gates was working to establish a worldwide digital ID system prior to the pandemic, he was also working to end meat production and push lab grown “meat”.
In this 2019 report, lab-grown meat was projected to hit store shelves by 2022.»
«Fox News’ Tucker Carlson slammed Big Tech for censoring a viral video of two California doctors questioning the science behind the state’s “stay-at-home” order.
YouTube claims the video violated their guidelines, but Carlson compares the anti-free speech move to something that would happen if a doctor in China were to speak out against the state.
America is becoming more like communist China every day and it’s being done on purpose.»
«WHO guidelines for sex education recommend that children aged 0-4 be taught about “masturbation” and “gender identity.”
The World Health Organization’s ‘Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe: A framework for policymakers, educational and health authorities and specialists’, advises children be taught about sexually pleasuring themselves and transgenderism before they’ve even fully learned to talk.
The WHO advises that children aged 0-4 are given “information about enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s body… masturbation.”
Toddlers are also to be encouraged to “gain an awareness of gender identity” and given “the right to explore gender identities.”
In the ages 4-6 bracket, educators are urged to “give information about same-sex relationships” and “help children develop respect for different norms regarding sexuality.”
Of course, in any sane world, no child of this age should be exposed to any kind of information about sex whatsoever.
Despite them being complicit in China’s cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak, the media has held up the WHO as an organization beyond reproach which cannot be questioned.
Social media networks are removing material and banning people who criticize the World’s Health Organization’s guidelines.
Given that the global health body is pushing such sickness onto toddlers, the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw funding is looking better every day.»
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See here |
«At-home abortions are on the rise during nationwide coronavirus lockdowns due to an experimental program which could theoretically supplant state-level abortion laws which focus on ‘brick-and-mortar’ clinics.
The TelAbortion program has so far mailed abortion drugs to women in 13 states, and over 600 at-home abortions have already been completed since April 22 after the program experienced an 30% upswing in interest, according to Live News, which stated that the program was FDA approved.
“One anonymous mother told the New York Times that the abortion group provided ‘just everything you could need. It was so comforting’ to be able to abort her unborn baby at home,” the outlet stated.
The program could make state-level abortion debates largely irrelevant if people can get abortion drugs sent to them discretely instead of relying on a brick-and-mortar abortion clinic operating within the confines of state law.
Case in point, the TelAbortion web site says women can qualify for the program if they “live in a state where the project operates, or [they] live elsewhere but are able to have [their] consult and receive the package in a project state.”
Additionally, women must have completed “all the necessary pre-abortion tests, receive the medications, and take the first abortion pill” within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.
Women in the program don’t have to go in-person to an abortion clinic for an evaluation since it’s all done on-line, although they still need to see a local medical facility to have the prerequisite tests (presumably blood work and other associated exams) done, according to the site.»
«Newsweek has highlighted that the Chinese Scientists who were said to have been doing ‘crazy’ things with coronavirus in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, were funded by the White House senior health advisor Dr Anthony Fauci just last year.
The report notes that in 2019 Fauci, as head of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), backed the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding commitment of $3.7 million for a further six years of research on bat coronaviruses in the Chinese lab.
The report also noted that the research outline included manipulating viruses in the lab in order to gauge the potential for infection in humans.
The funding, which has now been halted by the Trump administration, was in addition to the previous $3.7 million provided to the Chinese lab between 2014-2019.
Therefore, a total of $7.4 million had been provided for the Chinese coronavirus research, according to the report.
According to Rutgers University infectious disease expert Richard Ebright, the description of the research indicates that experiments were being carried out that would “enhance the ability of bat coronavirus to infect human cells and laboratory animals using techniques of genetic engineering.”
Ebright, has previously said that a lab leak causing the pandemic cannot be ruled out until it is properly investigated.
In addition, a world renowned Russian microbiologist claimed last week that the novel coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic was the result of Wuhan scientists doing “absolutely crazy things” in their lab.
The Newsweek report notes that over 200 scientists called for the work going on in the Wuhan lab, as well as other Chinese facilities to be halted, specifically warning that it “increased the likelihood that a pandemic would occur through a laboratory accident.”
However, Dr. Fauci defended the research, writing in the Washington Post on December 30, 2011 “[D]etermining the molecular Achilles’ heel of these viruses can allow scientists to identify novel antiviral drug targets that could be used to prevent infection in those at risk or to better treat those who become infected.”
The report notes that while the research was temporarily impeded due to such concerns in 2014, it began again in 2017 after secret reviews were conducted by the NIH.
Last year, the research again came under criticism from scientists.
“We have serious doubts about whether these experiments should be conducted at all,” wrote Tom Inglesby of Johns Hopkins University and Marc Lipsitch of Harvard. “[W]ith deliberations kept behind closed doors, none of us will have the opportunity to understand how the government arrived at these decisions or to judge the rigor and integrity of that process.”
Newsweek says that Dr. Fauci did not respond to requests for comment, however the NIH responded with a statement that said “Most emerging human viruses come from wildlife, and these represent a significant threat to public health and biosecurity in the US and globally, as demonstrated by the SARS epidemic of 2002-03, and the current COVID-19 pandemic…. scientific research indicates that there is no evidence that suggests the virus was created in a laboratory.”»
«The Clinton Foundation is working with leftist governors to create a “National Contact Tracing Corps.”»
«Deaths in New York City are being falsely attributed to the coronavirus, funeral parlor workers recently told Project Veritas.
In a new undercover investigation, Project Veritas spoke to funeral home directors throughout the five boroughs who said the COVID-19 death toll is being artificially inflated.
“To be honest with you, all of the death certificates are writing COVID on it, they’re writing COVID on all the death certificates,” the director of the Colonial Funeral Home on Staten Island, Michael Lanza, told an undercover Veritas journalist in late April.
Lanza went on to speculate Mayor Bill de Blasio could be inflating the death counts to receive more federal funding.
“Whether they had a positive test or didn’t, so I think again this is my personal opinion, I think like the mayor and our city–they’re looking for federal funding and the more they put COVID on the death certificate the more they can ask from the federal funds.”
The funeral director also hypothesized there was political motivation behind falsely labeling COVID deaths.
“I think it’s political, so, I’m going to turn around and say: ‘You know, like, not everybody that we have here that has COVID on the death certificate died of COVID.’ Can I prove that? No, but that is my suspicion,” Lanza said.
Another funeral home director discussed an incident that involved a woman who was so adamant her sister died of Alzheimer’s and not COVID that she ordered an autopsy. She discovered her sister in fact did not have COVID as originally reported.
“The sister refused to believe that her sister had COVID-19 and like I said, she was the one that said to me she says well my cousin is you know, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,” said DiMiceli & Sons funeral home president Josephine DiMiceli. “We’re gonna get an autopsy,’ and I said do what you gotta do, you know and she did what she had to do and sure enough I called her and I said to her that the doctor signed the death certificate did the autopsy – no COVID-19.”
In another interview, a funeral director in Brooklyn claimed the city was “padding the numbers” of COVID deaths merely because it was convenient.
“Two weeks ago, I had a 40-year-old man that died in his house, okay? They didn’t even go to the house, the guy had no underlying causes, no medical conditions, they released him from the house without even going, saying he had COVID-19 because he had a fever,” Daniel J. Schaefer Funeral Home director Joseph Antioco told Veritas.
“But now, how do you know that’s what he had? You don’t. But, now the death certificate showed shows that he had COVID-19.”
“If you don’t have a private doctor and you weren’t under any medical care, they’re automatically putting down on the death certificate COVID-19, because they don’t wanna go–they’re so overwhelmed,” the man told reporters, adding, “They’re putting everything as COVID-19, so they’re padding the numbers.”
“They’re not going out to houses anymore,” Antioco continued, saying normally “They would go out to the house, they would investigate the scene, they would do some testing at the scene and then come up with a conclusion as to: ‘He had heart disease.’”
Antioco wonders whether the deaths are inflated simply because a medical examiner didn’t want to go out and conduct testing on deceased individuals.
“How many of them are actually COVID-19? Or is the M.E.(Medical Examiner) just putting that because they don’t want to go to the scene?”
Veritas says more undercover reports concerning questions surrounding the coronavirus are forthcoming.»
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See here and here |
«Day by day, Bill Gates is revealing himself in his own words as he calls for strict lockdowns, which cannot and must not be lifted until the vast majority of the global population is vaccinated…
Last week a top WHO official stated that it is time for authorities to come into your home to see who is infected and take them away, for the greater good of course.
At the same time, a top White House Coronavirus Task Force Doctor who has serious conflicts of interest and appears to be on Bill Gates’ payroll, just admitted the mortality rate of this outbreak is being inflated. How could this be?
Take a peek behind the curtain as we explore the latest information that the corporate media is paid not to report on…»
Spiro Skouras («WHO Official: It's Time to Remove People From Their Homes & COVID Task Force Admits Inflated Numbers», in Activist Post, April 11, 2020).
«Officials in Knox County, Tennessee, are telling local churches to stop conducting communion, to remove Bibles from the pews and to even discourage singing during service.
The county released a “phased reopening” plan which, ironically enough, references several New York City guidelines for its models on how churches should conduct worship even though Knox Co. has no where near as many cases as NYC, nor does it even have the most cases in Tennessee, according to a case map by Tennessean.com.
According to Knox Co.’s own data, the county has had 232 positive cases of Covid-19, with 199 reported recoveries as of the time of this writing.
Now, according to the reopening plan:
– The physical taking of communion/sacrament should not be performed due to the serial breaking of physical distancing across a congregation. Consider guiding parishioners in how to connect with the spiritual aspects of these practices during this phase.
– Singing is discouraged as it is thought to be an activity that expels significantly more virus than talking.
– Deep cleaning should occur between services. Remove all communal items (for example, tithe plates, hymnals, bibles, etc.). If applicable, use a donation box instead of tithe plate.
We’ve reached out to the county to see why New York City guidelines were used instead of guidelines by the State of Tennessee.
The county could potentially put itself at risk for litigation given that government officials are basically telling churches how to conduct worship, especially with the claim about singing.
At some point it might be more prudent for churches to remain closed instead of allowing the government influence over their theology.
This story does bring to mind an incident in China in which Christian churches were forced to replace the Ten Commandments with quotes from Chinese President Xi Jinping.
“Some congregations have been threatened to be blacklisted by the government, meaning that their travels will be restricted and schooling and future employment of their offspring will be impeded if they refused to overhaul their churches according to the current national policies,” according to a journalist who covered the story. “Disobeying the orders means opposition to the Communist Party, officials claimed.”
Now while that incident didn’t take place amid a pandemic, it does underscore the dangers of allowing government inside the church, regardless of the reason.»
«Despite being one of the first countries to begin relaxing its lockdown laws, authorities in Austria have said that police may intervene if they see people kissing.
Yes, really.
From May 15th onwards, Austrians will once again be permitted to visit re-opened bars and restaurants. As of today, they are already allowed to visit friends.
Fearing that this will incentivize a rash of dating, which in turn will lead to couples being very physically affectionate, Austria’s Health Minister Rudolf Anschober warned that the love police will be watching.
In an interview with Ö3, Anschober made clear that kissing is prohibited for couples who don’t live together.
Not only is kissing in public prohibited, Anschober even said that a kiss between lovers who don’t live together indoors is also a violation of the law.
“Existing rules do not override this either,” remarked Anschober.
“Kissing is therefore also prohibited in your own four walls,” reports UnserTirol.»
«Despite widespread reporting that coronavirus has killed over 66,000 Americans to date, data from the Center For Disease Control’s website shows that approximately 37,000 people have died from the virus, meaning the media is over reporting the deaths by 60%.
As of May 1, the CDC website states that 37,308 people died from the Wuhan coronavirus, which includes confirmed and presumed deaths from the pathogen.
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The data also shows that the coronavirus pandemic peaked in the U.S. the week of April 11.
Additionally, the number of coronavirus deaths have been decreasing since April 25, with about 93% of all coronavirus deaths happening to individuals over 55 years old.
As Newsmax journalist John Cardillo noted, the data reported on by the media and Worldometer is a “scam” for likely attributing other causes of death to inflate coronavirus fatalities.
The new set of data further undermines health experts’ coronavirus projection models, which claimed in March that over 1 million people would die from coronavirus in the U.S.»
«While Brits remain on lockdown and most domestic flights are cancelled, it has been revealed that 100,000 people are arriving at British airports from abroad every single week.
The detail was revealed in a London Times article about three British airports requiring passengers to cover their faces from this week onwards.
“While most domestic flights are grounded, more than 100,000 passengers a week are still arriving at UK airports,” reports the newspaper.
A policy for those arrivals to be asked to quarantine themselves for 14 days has yet to be put in place.
The fact that Britain’s borders are still very much open despite the movements of the country’s population being tightly restricted is obviously a massive double standard.
As we have previously highlighted, there have been numerous instances of police officers getting the lockdown law wrong and harassing people for perfectly legal behavior.
In one case, a family received a police visit because their children were playing in their own front garden.
Police surveillance drones have also been used to track people taking their dogs for a walk in remote countryside.
Meanwhile, travelers from abroad are allowed straight in and immediately able to use Britain’s public transport network having gone through little or no health checks.»
«Scientists in countries around the world are racing against the clock to develop an effective vaccine for COVID-19, the novel coronavirus which originated in China in late 2019 and spread across the globe, causing millions of infections and wreaking havoc on the world economy.
The distribution of a vaccine, not its development, is the key challenge in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, World Health Organization director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has stated.
“The ultimate measure of success will not be how fast we can develop tools. It will be how equally we can distribute them. None of us can accept a world in which some people are protected while others remain exposed,” the WHO chief said, speaking at a fundraising conference Monday which aims to raise at least €7.5 billion ($8.2 billion) for research into a vaccine and treatments for the coronavirus.
The US is not taking part in the event, which is also being attended by United Nations General Secretary Antonio Guterres.
Guterres called for the development and production of inexpensive testing kits, vaccines and treatments. “These new tools will help us to fully control the pandemic and must be treated as global public goods available and affordable for all,” he said.
Scientists from around the world, including Russia, China, the United States and Europe have been working on potential vaccines against the virus since January, sequencing its genome and beginning lab testing.
Questions remain however regarding when a safe COVID-19 vaccine can be delivered to market, with many observers believing it could take up to 18 months, or possibly even longer.
US President Donald Trump has made a more optimistic prediction, however, saying Sunday that he believed a vaccine would be ready “by the end of this year.”
Organizers of Monday’s virtual fundraising conference include the European Union, the UK, Norway, Canada, Japan and Saudi Arabia. Ahead of the conference, leaders signed an open letter emphasizing their support for global vaccination efforts.
“We support the WHO and we are delighted to join forces with experienced organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the WellCome Trust,” the letter noted. “If we can develop a vaccine that is produced by the world, for the whole world, this will be a unique global public good of the 21st century,” the appeal added.
Last month, Bill Gates’ foundation called for global solidarity to ensure the capability to vaccinate up to 7 billion people (i.e. pretty much the world’s entire population) against the coronavirus.
However, such calls have faced resistance, particularly in the US and Europe, where groups opposed to mandatory vaccines have staged protests, and spread conspiracy theories accusing governments of seeking to use the pandemic to make a profit or implant microchips in people.»
«Watch this censored David Icke video that they don’t want you to see or share. This is the explosive interview between Brian Rose and David Icke that got Icke banned on Youtube. Please share and spread this banned broadcast, and prove to the world that no information can be suppressed and no one spoken word or conversation can be silenced.»
«France will use its existing network of surveillance cameras to monitor how many people are wearing masks and track how citizens are complying with social distancing after its coronavirus lockdown is eased next week, according to reports.
The BBC notes that “The resort city of Cannes on the Côte d’Azur has trialled the monitoring software, installed at outdoor markets and on buses.”
Datakalab, the French firm behind the software says its algorithms “can be incorporated into existing surveillance systems in other public spaces, such as hospitals, stations, airports and shopping centres.”
The company claims that the software being installed to work with existing cameras does not violate EU data privacy laws because “No image is stored or transmitted.”
Cannes Mayor David Lisnard said, “This technology doesn’t identify people but just gives us mathematical analysis to meet people’s needs.”
So, essentially, it’s ok to track you everywhere you go to ensure you comply, so long as they don’t keep your picture on a hard drive.
France already announced that face masks will be compulsory on public transport and in schools from next week. The country’s lockdown has been more severe than most, with anyone traveling outside their home needing papers approved by the authorities. Anyone found outside without the relevant documents is subject to a fine of €135 upwards.
The case in France highlights how the framework of surveillance that has already been in place and rapidly expanding for two decades is now being used to enforce the removal of freedoms.
We also recently highlighted how tech companies all over the world are developing more sophisticated tools that will allow law enforcement to more effectively police social distancing rules.»
«United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres shared his thoughts on social media censorship and free speech on Friday, suggesting that all content he doesn’t like should be unilaterally removed as part of “an all-out effort to end hate speech globally.”
(…) Guterres demanded that social media “remove racist, misogynist and other harmful content,” and called on schools to install “digital literacy” programs in their curriculum.»
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«Three US universities are responding to the coronavirus crisis by creating (irony of all ironies) a Chinese style social credit surveillance system that will ‘score’ people based on their exposure to the virus.
According to a report from Tech site dot.LA, researchers at the University of Southern California, Emory University, and the University of Texas Health Science Center are jointly working on the system after receiving federal grant funding.
Like the Chinese social credit system, the scheme will consist of a mobile app for contact tracing the virus, and promises to track the real-time location and symptoms of individuals to calculate “personal risk scores”.
The score would be used to determine the need “for quarantine and decontamination,” according to the report, with “aggregate risk scores” also assigned to “locations like your neighborhood grocery store.”
The universities hope to have a working mobile app by August, in time for the start of the fall semester.
Welcome to the new normal. Surely the fallout of this system will all be positive.
When the coronavirus vaccine eventually comes along the system will presumably be updated to show who has had it and who hasn’t.
High social credit points for those who have taken it, no travel privileges for those who refuse!
The report notes that “Countries such as South Korea or China have used location-based digitized contact tracing. However, it has only been successful because citizens are forced to download it, opt into location monitoring, and regularly check in or otherwise be visited by enforcement authorities.”
“In that setting where there’s 100% mandated compliance, it’s been shown it can work, in our setting in the United States, I don’t see that really happening,” said Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, a professor of medicine at UCLA.
“We have enough problems with governors issuing orders and denying free personal movement, that the idea that people are going to be ordered to download apps to monitor their movement is highly unlikely and probably not constitutional.” Klausner added, conceding that “It’s going to be difficult to get Americans to agree to involuntary surveillance.”
The report further notes that the social credit scoring could “become problematic if a school or employer requires students or workers reveal them as a condition of receiving a benefit, entering a building or returning to their office.”
“When you introduce ‘scoring’ that takes other factors into account, it complicates everything, and increases the risk that users will be misinformed or discriminated against due to factors beyond their control,” noted USC’s Cyrus Shahabi, a professor of computer science.
Indeed, the Chinese social credit system has reportedly blacklisted more than 13 million citizens as “untrustworthy,” state media recently bragged.
And what heinous behaviour led to the distinction? Well, jaywalking for one. According to Chinese media, other violations stretch to the following:
– Bad driving.
– Smoking on trains.
– Buying too many video games.
– Buying too much junk food.
– Buying too much alcohol.
– Calling a friend who has a low credit score .
– Having a friend online who has a low credit score.
– Posting “fake news” online.
– Criticizing the government.
– Visiting unauthorized websites.
– Walking your dog without a leash.
– Letting your dog bark too much.»
«The Mayor of Nice has called for citizens to be required to carry “health passports” if they wish to travel.
“Christian Estrosi, the mayor of Nice, posted a letter on Facebook one day after (Prime Minister Edouard) Philippe unveiled plans to ease stay-at-home restrictions for the country that would start in May, these rules could limit a person’s travel distance to 62 miles from their home,” reports Zero Hedge.
Estrosi says the passport would work by showing that the owner had tested negative for coronavirus within the 48-hour period before travel.
The next layer of draconian control is likely to be people having to prove they are either immune to or have taken a vaccine for coronavirus in order to be allowed to exercise freedom of mobility or freedom of assembly.
As we previously reported, Germany is also considering mandating “coronavirus immunity cards” that would allow those who have developed antibodies to COVID-19 to have more freedom than the as-yet uninfected.
After being told to obey drastic lockdown and social distancing rules in order to get back to normal, the public is now being told they will never get back to normal and that the “new normal” is relentless surveillance and state restrictions on basic freedoms.
Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people from foreign countries continue to land at European airports with little or no health screenings whatsoever.»
«Dr. Carol Baker of Houston is caught on tape proposing that society “get rid of all the whites in the United States” to reduce the number of “vaccine refusers.”
(…) “So I have the solution. Every study published in the last five years, when you look at vaccine refusers. I’m not talking about…hesitance, most of them we can talk into coming to terms. But refusers. We’ll just get rid of all the whites in the United States,” Baker said at the “Achieving Childhood Vaccine Success in the U.S.” expert panel discussion sponsored by the National Meningitis Association in New York City on May 9, 2016. “Guess who wants to get vaccinated the most? Immigrants.”»
«(…) It feels selfish. It feels scary. It feels borderline dangerous. As they pass, limbs moving like pistons, chugging forcefully out through the mouth like an unstoppable steam engine, I think about how I would feel if I lived with someone vulnerable or was vulnerable myself. I think about the courage it would take to get outside, and the fear I would experience every time I stepped out of my front door – fear that I could catch the virus and take it home. And I think about the menace I would feel if a 6ft sprinter was bearing down on me, making no concessions to social distancing, no effort to slow down, his audible “CHUH” of exhalation triggering a surge of panic as his spittle flew towards me through the air.
Following the editorial, cartoon artist George Alexopoulos created a comic illustrating the absurdness of Coffey’s anecdote. «Just as 9/11 greatly altered our society on a permanent basis, many of our social engineers now intend to make “social distancing” a permanent part of our lives.»
«If they have their way, there will be written or unwritten rules about how close you can get to other people virtually everywhere that you go.
Can you imagine a world where you have to constantly be concerned about walking, standing or sitting too close to someone else?
Already, there is talk of putting physical markings on sidewalks in order to constantly remind all of us not to walk too closely to one another…
(…) And Wal-Mart and other major retailers are already starting to put arrows on the floor to remind us which direction to shop so that we can maintain proper “social distancing”.
We are being told that restaurants may have to start putting empty tables between customers, sports stadiums may have to keep at least half their seats empty, and churches may have to start holding services in shifts.
Just like in the days after 9/11, we will be told that the changes are just “temporary measures”, but once we accept “temporary measures” long enough they have a way of becoming permanent...»
«Thousands of criminals, including violent criminals, have been released from jails and prisons across the country to protect them from the coronavirus.
Even a pedophile rapist was released from prison, in Massachusetts. But, a mother and small business owner in Dallas, Texas who reopened her hair salon in defiance of local shutdown orders, was sentenced to seven days in jail and ordered to pay a $7,000 fine.»
«UK Ministry of Defense 2010: “Choosing to be disconnected may be considered suspicious.”
Brigadier General Robert S. Spalding said in a 2019 interview that humans will not be able to opt out of the pervasive 5G system:
12 years ago Old-Thinker News asked the question: “Could dissidents potentially be electronically blacklisted and denied access to cashless payment systems and transit systems as if they were a banned web page in the ‘internet of things‘”?
A sobering reality has emerged since this report was published. The infrastructure for this system of control has been built.
The 5G network will enable the rollout of a vast command and control grid that will monitor people, places and things wirelessly in real-time. Humans will not have the ability to opt out and live a normal life.
The Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure will be organized by the 5G network. Trillions of objects made “smart” by embedded computer chips will be “alive” in the grid.
In 2012, CIA Director David Petraeus said that the technology will be “transformational… particularly to their effect on clandestine tradecraft“. Petraeus explained:
“Items of interest will be located, identified, monitored, and remotely controlled through technologies such as radio-frequency identification, sensor networks, tiny embedded servers, and energy harvesters – all connected to the next-generation internet using abundant, low-cost, and high-power computing.”
The UK Ministry of Defense said in a 2010 report that a vast surveillance network would overtake the planet:
“The virtual networks will consist of communications servers linking individuals and objects, many of which will be networked through individual Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.”
Ultimately, as stated in the paper, it may become difficult to “turn the outside world off,” and “…Even amongst those who make an explicit life-style choice to remain detached, choosing to be disconnected may be considered suspicious behaviour.”
As Coronavirus accelerates trends toward automation through robotics and artificial intelligence, rapid adoption of 5G can be expected as well.
The monumental shift to this anti-human system will not happen without resistance.»
«A goat and a piece of fruit tested positive for COVID-19 in Tanzania’s National Referral Laboratory, leading the President of that country to suspend the head of its national health lab and order an investigation, according to Reuters.
Tanzania’s president John Magufuli believes that the spike in COVID-19 cases there is due to faulty testing technology.
President Magufuli, requested secuirty forces to take samples from random non-human sources such as a goat, sheep, and papaya fruit. These samples were given fake human identities and sent off to Tanzania’s National Referral Lab, who was not aware they were not receiving samples from humans.
“There is something happening. I said before we should not accept that every aid is meant to be good for this nation,” says Magufuli.
President Magufuli, who holds a doctorate in chemistry, believes that the false positives from these test prove that it is possible many of his citizens who testes positive never had COVID-19.
“I have always raised my suspicions about how our national lab has been conducting the Covid-19 cases,” he said during a recent event in Chato...»
«More than 150 illegal-alien rapists, murderers, and other criminals might get away with their crimes, thanks to judges who have loosed the border-jumping thugs from detention.
As of April 24, Immigration and Customs Enforcement reported yesterday, judges have freed nearly 200 illegals as the Chinese coronavirus keeps Americans out of work and locked in their homes. About 90 percent of the illegals have one or more convictions or criminal charges pending.
Like state and local officials who have freed criminals from jails and prisons to protect them from the Asiatic pathogen, these judges are imposing what the late Sam Francis called anarcho-tyranny. Judges and elected officials permit criminals and illegal aliens to run loose in the streets, but weave an ever-widening web of laws, rules, and regulations, some of them unconstitutional, to ensnare law-abiding citizens for prosecution.
Safety Risk
“There is a growing number of individuals who have been released as a result of judicial orders,” ICE reported yesterday. “These are non-discretionary releases on the part of ICE, and as a result, they do not necessarily undergo the same public safety, flight risk, and/or medical analysis.”
ICE and the department of Justice and Homeland Security are fighting the decisions in court, the agency reported, which won’t stop the released thugs from committing crimes.
“Many of the individuals ordered released by federal courts have extensive criminal histories and pose a potential public safety threat,” ICE reported.
ICE field offices in Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Newark, Philadelphia, and San Francisco report that judges have ordered the release of 192 illegals, 171 of whom, or 89 percent, either face or were convicted of one or more crimes, including rape and murder.
Almost all — 163 of the 192, or about 91 percent — came from field offices in Los Angeles, Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. And nine out of 10 of those were convicts or face charges.
The Los Angeles field office reported the release of 52 illegals, 43 of whom have charges or convictions for crimes that include homicide, child cruelty or molestation, or assault with a deadly weapon.
Almost every illegal released from detention by the Boston field office, 42 of 44, is charged with or was convicted of crimes including rape, assault, drug trafficking, or domestic violence.
The story was the same in the report from New York, ICE reported: 32 of 34 have charges or convictions that include rape, sexual assault, child cruelty, drunk driving, or drug possession.
Philadelphia: 29 of 33 have charges or convictions. The number from San Francisco is small compared to the other four. Eight of 10 face charges or have convictions.
ACLU: Time for Anarcho-tyranny
The releases are hardly a surprise.
As Breitbart.com reported on Sunday, one of the groups using the virus as a stalking horse to free criminals is the subversive American Civil Liberties Union, which last week sued the jail in Orange County, California, to force the release of 500 criminals. ACLU says the jail must free them because they might catch the Chinese Virus.
As well, the Orange County Court Commissioner has freed seven sex fiends since April 7, Breitbart reported, one of whom immediately committed another crime.
Anarcho-tyranny is how Francis, the award-winning late conservative columnist, described the end game of leftist elected officials, the ACLU, and the left-wing judges who do their bidding. Criminals go free and the law-abiding are punished.
“What we have in this country today, then, is both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny,” Francis wrote in 2005.
What’s the tyranny?
The enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes; the criminalization of the law-abiding and innocent through exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation, the invasion of privacy, and the engineering of social institutions, such as the family and local schools; the imposition of thought control through “sensitivity training” and multiculturalist curricula, “hate crime” laws, gun-control laws that punish or disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens but have no impact on violent criminals who get guns illegally, and a vast labyrinth of other measures. In a word, anarcho-tyranny.
Thus, anarcho-tyranny is a central feature of the government’s response to the virus: On the one hand, free criminals, including illegal-alien rapists and murderers; on the other, force the law-abiding to stay home and wear masks when they go out, then arrest small business owners who try to work, or Christians who hold or attend a religious service.»
R. Cort Kirkwood («Anarcho-tyranny: Judges Free Illegal-alien Felons; Law-abiding Locked Down», in The New American, 07 May 2020).
«Elon Musk may have chosen a bizarre, cyborg-like name for his newborn child – just try pronouncing “X Æ A-12” – but the billionaire entrepreneur says spoken language itself may soon become obsolete with the rise of new brain tech.
Appearing on another episode of the Joe Rogan Experience on Thursday, the UFC-commentator-slash-podcast-host congratulated Musk on the birth of his sixth son this week, but couldn’t help but ask about the infant’s unique, headline-grabbing name.
“How do you say the name? Is it a placeholder?” Rogan asked, drawing an awkward laugh from Musk.
“Well, first of all, my partner is the one that mostly came up with the name… She’s great at names,” Musk said, adding: “It’s just X, the letter X, and then the Æ is pronounced ‘ash,’ and A-12 is my contribution” – which he says stands for “Archangel-12,” the CIA recon aircraft later developed into the SR-71 Blackbird, the “coolest plane ever.”
As the conversation drifted into neural nets and artificial intelligence, Musk said “Neuralink” technology – a battery-powered device implanted directly into the skull – could be rolled out within the next year, and potentially “fix almost anything that is wrong with the brain.” Eventually, in addition to curing disorders like epilepsy, he said language itself could be made obsolete thanks to the new tech – and perhaps unpronounceable baby names along with it.
“You would be able to communicate very quickly and with far more precision… I’m not sure what would happen to language,” he said, explaining that human beings are “already partly a cyborg, or an AI symbiote” whose ‘hardware’ is merely in need of an upgrade.
Asked about how long it might take before mankind goes mute, Musk said it could happen in five to 10 years in a “best-case scenario” if the technology continues to develop at its currently rapid pace. Of course, even in the entrepreneur’s brave new world, he said some might still choose to speak for “sentimental reasons,” even when “mouth noises” are but a primitive vestige of the past.»
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As Microsoft News peddles self-congratulatory stories about the Gates Foundation’s reorientation of its priorities to devote “‘total attention’ to the pandemic,” Fauci—making the rounds of talk shows—pledges that a vaccine will make its debut in January 2021. Not to be outdone, the White House has now unveiled “Operation Warp Speed”—a joint pharmaceutical-government-military effort aimed at “substantially shrinking the development time for a vaccine”—and President Trump promises one by the end of the year.
Planet-wide COVID-19 vaccination—the overt objective that has all of these players salivating in anticipation—ignores a number of irrefutable obstacles. For one, the RNA virus being targeted, SARS-CoV-2, already “has mutated into at least 30 different genetic variants.” The variants include 19 never seen before as well as “rare changes that scientists had never imagined could happen.” Knowledge about these mutations may prove useful to clinicians wanting to better tailor their COVID-19 treatments, but the proliferation of mutations makes the chances of developing an effective vaccine immensely more uncertain.
Not to worry, say the entities funded by Gates (and also the Pentagon). Scientists working in the burgeoning field of synthetic biology are confident that they can “outdo” and outsmart nature using next-generation vaccine technologies such as gene transfer and self-assembling nanoparticles—along with invasive new vaccine delivery and record-keeping mechanisms such as smartphone-readable quantum dot tattoos. Does it matter that the researchers who have been experimenting with these approaches have never been able to overcome “nasty side effects”? Apparently not. Aided and abetted by the generous Gates and military funding, high-fanfare COVID-19 vaccine planning is proceeding apace.
Speed, not safety
In the 1980s, manufacturers were elated when scientists developed new genetic engineering techniques (recombinant DNA technology) that—through the use of “expression systems” (bacteria, yeast, insect cells, mammalian cells or plants such as tobacco)—made it possible to jumpstart vaccine production and produce so-called “subunit vaccines.” The hepatitis B vaccine was the first to employ this “entirely new” vaccine production approach, and a number of the COVID-19 vaccines currently in the works are deploying these techniques. However, a complicating factor of subunit vaccines is that they must be bundled with “immunopotentiating” adjuvants that tend to trigger an imbalanced immune response.
Desirous of streamlining vaccine technology still further and enabling vaccine stockpiles in an even shorter time frame, researchers began tinkering in the mid-1990s with nucleic acid vaccines, which include DNA vaccines and messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines. As a form of gene therapy, both represent a significant departure from classical vaccines. Whereas the latter introduce a vaccine antigen to produce an immune response, nucleic acid vaccines instead send the body instructions to produce the antigen itself. As one researcher explains, the nucleic acids “cause the cells to make pieces of the virus,” with the goal being that the immune system then “mounts a response to those pieces of the virus.”
Researchers quickly learned that both the DNA and mRNA vaccine options have serious downsides, and as a result, vaccines of this type have never been licensed. Nonetheless, almost one-fourth (20/83) of the vaccines listed by the World Health Organization as COVID-19 “candidate vaccines” as of April 23—including two of the leading contenders—are DNA (Inovio) or mRNA (Moderna) vaccines (see table).
DNA vaccines
A second aspect of DNA vaccines—their gene-altering properties—is even more troubling and remains unresolved. DNA vaccines, by definition, come with the risk of “integration of exogenous DNA into the host genome, which may cause severe mutagenesis and induced new diseases.” Framed in more understandable terms, “disruption from DNA is like inserting a foreign ingredient in an existing recipe, which can change the resulting dish.” The permanent incorporation of synthetic genes into the recipient’s DNA essentially produces a genetically modified human being, with unknown long-term effects. Speaking of DNA gene therapy, one researcher has stated, “Genetic integrations using viral gene therapies . . . can have a devastating effect if the integration was placed in the wrong spot in [the] genome.” Discussing DNA vaccines specifically, the Harvard College Global Health Review elaborates:
Potential side effects could include chronic inflammation, because the vaccine continuously stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Other concerns include the possible integration of plasmid DNA into the body’s host genome, resulting in mutations, problems with DNA replication, triggering of autoimmune responses, and activation of cancer-causing genes.
MRNA vaccines
Companies are enamored of the mRNA approach despite observations that the large mRNA molecules are “intrinsically unstable,” “prone to degradation” and may overactivate the immune system. On the plus side, from vaccine scientists’ standpoint, mRNA vaccines need only reach the cell cytoplasm rather than the nucleus—an apparently “simpler technical challenge”—although the approach still demands “delivery technologies that can ensure stabilization of mRNA under physiological conditions.” Formulations such as Moderna’s mRNA-1273 vaccine tackle these challenges by using “chemical modifications to stabilize the mRNA” and liquid nanoparticles to “package it into an injectable form.”
mRNA approaches seem to attract researchers with a highly mechanistic view of human beings. One such individual praises mRNA for its “inherent ‘programmability,” stating “Much like [a] computer [operating system], mRNA therapy can reprogram [one’s] body to produce its own therapies” [emphasis in original]. The CEO of Moderna describes mRNA approaches—which use “custom-built” strands of mRNA to “turn the body’s cells into ad hoc drug factories”—as being “like software: You can just turn the crank and get a lot of products going into development.” Likewise, the journal Nature (commenting on mRNA technology from “a biotech and industrial perspective”) enthuses that the approach “allows rapid refinement with almost limitless combinations of derivatives.”
Vaccine researchers familiar with both DNA and mRNA vaccines like to play up mRNA vaccine safety, citing the fact that the vaccines do not have to penetrate the cell nucleus. However, with years of mRNA vaccine experimentation behind them, none of these researchers has yet achieved licensure. Why? One answer may be that in preclinical studies, mRNA vaccines have displayed an “intrinsic” inflammatory component that makes it difficult to establish an “acceptable risk/benefit profile.” mRNA enthusiasts admit that there is, as yet, an inadequate understanding of the inflammation and autoimmune reactions that may result. This raises many questions about what will happen if regulators grant the manufacturers of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines their wish for “a fast-track process to get mRNA vaccines to people sooner.”
Racing toward profits
When China quarantined an entire megacity in January, People said “only China can do that.” Then we saw similarly drastic measures in several democratic countries. I think it says something about our trust in medical solutions. Today, we expect to be able to develop medicines and vaccines against different diseases in a way we didn’t in the past.
The rush to develop gene-tampering COVID-19 vaccines is also accelerating the conjoined-twins fusion of pharma and biotech. The lucrative biopharma sector is now the fastest-growing segment of the global drug industry, currently representing 20% of the worldwide market and displaying an annual growth rate that is more than double that of conventional pharma. And COVID-19 vaccines are helping rescue some biopharma companies’ shaky bottom lines. In 2017, for example, Moderna was struggling to “keep afloat its brash promise to reinvent medicine” after an experimental therapy that it was counting on proved too unsafe to test in humans. Fast forward to 2020, when “bad news about the coronavirus is good news for Moderna stock.” Other biopharma companies formerly on the skids are likewise poised to make record profits from COVID-19.
As biopharma pursues its unfettered, medical-ethics-be-damned race toward a COVID-19 pot of gold, the public needs to take a critical look at the industry’s disincentives for safety and also take a firm stand against the horrifying prospect of coronavirus vaccine mandates. Otherwise, genetically engineered COVID-19 vaccines are likely to start permanently altering genes, triggering autoimmunity and serving as the catalyst for other vaccine injuries or deaths, and—unhampered by any legal liability—none of the commercial or government actors responsible will likely care. (in INFOWARS, May 8, 2020).
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