Escrito por Miguel Bruno Duarte
A nova Carta do Atlântico como pedra angular da “União Atlântica” e do sistema
federalista mundial
Com o advento da administração Biden, a América colocou-se inteiramente à mercê dos objectivos perseguidos pela elite globalista, ora no domínio duma forjada pandemia sob a compulsão de injecções de mRNA sintético sobre toda uma população dividida quanto aos reais efeitos daí resultantes para a saúde pública [66], ora ainda no que particularmente respeita à agenda globocrática das chamadas “alterações climáticas”, do terrorismo internacional meticulosamente programado e das novas, concomitantes e emergentes relações de poder económico e de estratégia militar a ter lugar com a China comunista. Quer isto, pois, dizer que os interesses nacionais americanos, sob a administração Biden, estão sendo cabalmente submetidos aos implacáveis trâmites da agenda mundialista, bastando para isso ver como, a título de exemplo, o tão aventado desmantelamento das redes terroristas internacionais tem sido largamente ensombrado pela entrega do Afeganistão aos talibãs com estreitas relações à Al-Qaeda, ou de como, no projectado domínio da “mudança climática”, “Sleepy” Joe Biden já prometeu duplicar o financiamento público internacional no montante de 100 biliões de dólares, para assim, na aparência, garantir auxílio aos países do terceiro mundo em matéria de cooperante e concertada “acção climática” [67]. Escusado será, no entanto, dizer que tudo isso será uma vez mais sobejamente implementado à custa do contribuinte americano.
A esta conjuntura não será certamente
estranha a precipitada tendência para a integração da tecnologia de identificação
biométrica no emergente sistema de comprovação vacinal e registo de dados digitais
bancários de modo a instituir e forçar a inoculação global sob pena de jamais se poder aceder aos mecanismos e infraestruturas de compra e venda em geral. Ora, é um
facto indelével de que a elite globocrata compreende perfeitamente todo o enorme
potencial aqui envolvido, pelo que só assim se explica que o establishment mundialista, mercê de fundações bilionárias,
nomeadamente a Fundação Rockefeller e a Fundação Bill e Melinda Gates, tenha sistematicamente investido nesse tipo particular de tecnologia de última geração [68]. No mais, é também essa a razão crucial por que o multilateralismo
globalista, firmado em corporações multinacionais, como a Mastercard, tem zelosamente procurado, por todos os meios à sua disposição, implementar um mundo de complexa
interdependência que caminha a pari passu para uma sociedade doravante livre do dinheiro propriamente dito.
O dinheiro é, por definição, um activo descentralizado, tendencialmente não-regulamentado e difícil de rastrear. Já os cartões e o numerário electrónicos podem, por seu lado, ser não só facilmente detectados mas sobretudo controlados [69]. Basta que, para o efeito, alguém seja negativamente catalogado em termos de rigorosa conduta social, ou simplesmente acusado de um pensamento-crime para que, ao simples movimento de um clique, os seus bens, fundos e aquisições pessoais sejam automaticamente congelados e confiscados. Neste sentido, não constitui nenhuma espécie de surpresa o facto acrescido de a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) ter tido a absurda ousadia de propalar que o dinheiro era mais um factor de contágio e disseminação do "coronavírus chinês", promovendo assim, a par da estratégia economicamente destrutiva do lockdown generalizado, o medo e o pânico psicologicamente induzidos com vista à premeditada consolidação de um governo mundial centralizado.
Ao norte da Cornualha jazem as ruínas do Castelo de Tintagel, lendariamente associado ao nascimento do Rei Artur. Em Historia Regum Britanniae, Godofredo de Mommouth narra que, mercê de um feitiço encantatório lançado por Merlinus (Merlin), o pai de Artur, Uther Pendragon, se disfarçara de Garlois, Duque da Cornualha, a fim de arpoar Igraine, a mãe de Artur. Ver aqui |
Parte integrante desta coerciva consolidação é a chamada “New Atlantic Charter”, já entretanto assinada pelo presidente dos EUA, Joe Biden, e o primeiro-ministro do Reino Unido, Boris Johnson, na antecâmara duma reunião do G7 na cidade litoral de Carbis Bay, situada no mítico e magnífico Condado da Cornualha, no sudoeste da Inglaterra. A nova e controversa Carta Atlântica, que por sua vez remete para a que foi assinada há 80 anos pelos antecessores de Johnson e Biden, Churchill e Roosevelt, representa indubitavelmente o velho sonho mundialista de fusão entre os Estados Unidos e as várias nações europeias sob um regime transatlântico não-eleito, desse modo configurando, não tanto o novo século anglo-americano que os vários críticos julgam entrever por oposição a Pequim, mas um admirável mundo novo em que o principal objectivo, não obstante as habituais promessas dirigidas à promoção do livre comércio, dos direitos humanos e da cooperação internacional apta a combater “aqueles que procuram minar nossas alianças e instituições”, passa por, num futuro imediato, atingir uma maior concertação da agenda internacionalista profusamente escudada em esquemas de Big Government, com especial destaque para o propalado “desenvolvimento sustentável, o alarmismo climático e um maior envolvimento em alianças militares transnacionais, de que a Aliança Atlântica (NATO), enquanto agência militar subsidiária da ONU para alegada defesa colectiva da América do Norte e da Europa, oferece ainda o paradigma do braço armado globalista em aparente e contumaz persecução da paz, segurança e estabilidade planetárias. Por outras palavras, a mais recente Carta do Atlântico é, por definição, um novo acordo destinado a estabelecer um conjunto de novas regras sobre a conduta a adoptar pelos subordinados Estados e regimes da nova era global, regras essas, para o efeito, absolutamente impostas pela denominada comunidade internacional em matéria de legislação, armamento, transportes, telecomunicações, protocolos pretensamente sanitários e tutti quanti.
Convém relembrar que a primitiva Carta do
Atlântico foi, a seu modo, a pedra de toque para o projectado planeamento das maiores
instituições multilaterais que adviriam na sequência da II Guerra Mundial,
designadamente a Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), o Fundo Monetário
Internacional (FMI), o Banco Mundial, entre outras mais. Posto isto, diremos
que a nova Carta do Atlântico aspira
a algo de similar, na medida em que preconiza uma nova forma de desenvolvimento global sustentável
basicamente inspirada na Agenda 2030 das Nações Unidas, que é, como se sabe,
uma agenda especialmente assente em acordos e objectivos supranacionais votados
à criação de uma autoridade mundial colectivista. E de facto assim é porque a
renovada carta lança e estabelece as bases de uma larguíssima intervenção
governamental na economia e na vida geral dos cidadãos, reflectindo, pois, a
mais contraproducente expansão do poder federal na história americana,
concretizada no New Deal de Franklin
D. Roosevelt, já por sua vez inspirado na política progressista económica do Square Deal, de Theodore Roosevelt.
Daí, consequentemente, o também já anunciado Green New Deal presentemente congregado
num extremado intervencionismo
sócio-económico em nome da luta contra as “alterações climáticas”, ou da urgente e impante necessidade de "mais e melhor justiça social”, bem como de um maior
aproveitamento das energias renováveis e da eficiência de recursos com vista à
protecção da biodiversidade mundial qual a supostamente preconizada pela
insidiosa retórica das Nações Unidas. Paralelamente, a centralizada
convergência do poder político, económico e financeiro vai-se constituindo cada vez mais nos termos duma aliança transatlântica já embrionariamente
esquematizada no proposto Acordo de
Parceria Transatlântica de Comércio e Investimento [70], ora então traduzível numa plataforma comum de livre comércio entre a
União Europeia e os Estados Unidos, em forma de tratado internacional. Indo
desta forma ao directo encontro dos desígnios
globais da nova Carta do Atlântico,
a referida aliança é nada menos do que a procurada fusão dos Estados Unidos e da União Europeia num regime
supranacional dalguma forma semelhante ao previamente estipulado para os unificados Estados-membros do actual supergoverno euro-mundialista.
Note-se, a este propósito, que a
estratégia-chave para a criação de um sistema federalista mundial começou a
dever-se sobretudo à unificação económica, política e cultural das várias
nações europeias para que, uma vez alcançado um estádio suficientemente
avançado da mesma, se venha finalmente a processar a instauração de um
super-regime transatlântico geralmente conforme à diligente agenda programática
do CFR e de todos os demais agentes e operativos globalistas curialmente
instalados no governo americano desde pelo menos a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Depois, num tal contexto, não fora por acaso que proeminentes globalistas dos
dois lados do Atlântico tivessem tido, inclusive, a perfeita consciência da
importante necessidade de se vir a constituir, numa primeira instância, uma
união económica e política no espaço europeu pela simples razão de que figuras
relevantes da política europeia, especialmente oriundas de antigas nações
historicamente orgulhosas do seu passado, estariam logo à partida renitentes
se não mesmo manifestamente desconfiadas perante a estranha possibilidade de
entrarem num eventual compromisso de união federalista com os Estados Unidos da
América, quanto mais não fosse pelo facto do seu absorvente poderio político e económico dominante. Logo, uma união
europeia comum tal como a que progressivamente viera à tona na segunda metade
do século passado até aos nossos precipitados e conturbados dias, lograria ser
a arquitectada forma de pôr em acção um mecanismo transnacional de estreita e
comprometedora interdependência política, económica e cultural entre as várias
nações europeias em objectivo e claro detrimento da sua autonomia, soberania e
independência doravante condenadas à mais vil, contraproducente e agonizante
Seja como for, os europeus, geralmente falando, acabaram sendo cabalmente ludibriados quanto a cruciais questões de soberania, mesmo quando julgando precaver-se perante o absorvente peso e domínio americanos, até porque há ainda a reter o papel da Agência Central de Inteligência (CIA) do governo dos Estados Unidos no financiamento do projecto euro-mundialista tal como oportunamente sumariado por Alex Newman em «The Real Agenda Behind the CIA Spawning the EU»:
«While the information about the CIA's major role in
foisting the superstate on Europe is not new, it is back in the headlines. The
latest large-scale exposure and discussion of the facts came from the U.K. Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, a
seemingly establishment-minded journalist who occasionally veers into the truth
about what happens behind the scenes. Referring to the “shattering
intervention” of the Obama administration in the British Exit (Brexit) debate on
the EU, the columnist noted that the supranational regime “always was an
American project.” “It was Washington that drove European integration in the
late 1940s, and funded it covertly under the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy,
Johnson, and Nixon administrations,” he explained, citing official documents
and other sources.
Evans-Pritchard does not go into detail about the broader globalist agenda, he
is right about the EU having always been a CIA project. There can be no doubt
that top U.S. globalists worked to unite Europe under a single government. In
fact, the evidence is all over the congressional record. The role of the CIA
and its predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), is also
indisputable at this point. As highlighted again in the Telegraph report and elsewhere, official documents from the agencies,
declassified in recent decades, show that the shadowy “intelligence” outfits
pumped vast amounts of money and resources into the creation of the European
federalist movement across the 1950s and 1960s.
One 1950
declassified memorandum, signed by General William Donovan, the former head of
the OSS, even details the plot, as well as instructions on imposing a “European
Parliament” on the formerly sovereign nations and peoples of Europe. Today, the
rubber-stamp pseudo-Parliament is a reality. Indeed, despite the wishes of
Europeans as expressed in numerous referendums, the superstate just keeps
usurping more and more power, with a bogus fig-leaf of public accountability
provided by the Soviet-style “Parliament” that does not even create legislation.
declassified CIA memo, this one from 1965, calls on the vice-president of the
“European Community,” as the proto-superstate was then known, to impose a
single currency on the nations of the continent. Today, the widely unpopular
and practically failed single currency is a reality, too, and is known as the
euro. Back then, U.S. officials warned their lackeys in Europe to impose the
scheme by stealth, and to avoid public debate until the “adoption of such
proposals would become virtually inescapable.” The plot appears to have been
followed. And it worked.
Ensnaring Britain in the superstate was also a high priority, the declassified documents confirmed. As the new Telegraph report put it, there are “declassified documents from the [U.S.] State Department archives showing that U.S. intelligence funded the European movement secretly for decades, and worked aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into the project.” Again, the plot succeeded, with the once proud and independent British people ruled largely by bureaucrats in Brussels, with little to no say over their own destiny as a thousand years of advancements in individual liberty get thrown by the wayside.
The so-called American Committee for a United Europe, founded in 1948, was a crucial vehicle for the U.S. government's secretive machinations in bringing about today's increasingly totalitarian superstate. The outfit was chaired by Donovan, by then the “former” OSS chief. Its vice-chair was globalist Allen Dulles, who led the CIA in the 1950s. And the board of directors was packed with “former” OSS and CIA officials.
along, the CIA-run front group was funding the so-called “European Movement,”
described in a 15-year-old article in the Telegraph
as “the most important federalist organization in the post-war years.” “In
1958, for example, it provided 53.5 per cent of the movement's funds,” the
paper reported in its 2000 article about the declassified CIA documents. The
“European Youth Campaign,” also a tentacle of the CIA-controlled outfit, was
entirely funded and controlled by U.S. officials, too. In exchange for selling
out his nation's sovereignty, the outfit's director was even receiving payments
into a “special account.”
Emblema do Office of Strategic Services (OSS) |
William Joseph ('Wild Bill') Donovan |
Bandeira do federalismo europeu adoptada em 1948. Ver aqui |
Ver aqui |
George Wildman Ball |
(…) In
the mid-1960s, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs John M. Leddy
summed up the reason for promoting an EU-style regime in very explicit terms.
“The simple, but decisive, fact is that our Atlantic allies do not wish to move
forward any type of federal political relationship with the United States, even
as an objective,” he said. “The fundamental reason why there is little European
interest in federal union with us at this time is, I think, self evident. It is
that Europe fears that it would be swallowed by a more powerful United States.”
A single regime might change that, even though, ironically, many Europeans were
convinced to surrender their sovereignty under the guise of being able to more
successfully stand up to America.
senior U.S. officials also acknowledged the goals of support for European
integration. On September 20, 1966, for example, then-Under Secretary of State
George Ball, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), testified
before Congress on the State Department’s view on forming an “Atlantic
Community,” essentially merging the United States with Europe. “I find little
evidence of any strong interest among Europeans for any immediate move toward
greater political unity with the United States,” he explained. “They fear the
overwhelming weight of U.S. power and influence in our common councils.... We
believe that so long as Europe remains merely a continent of medium- and
small-sized states there are definite limits to the degree of political unity
we can achieve across the ocean.”
The end goal of unifying Europe under a single regime, then, was to eventually build a transatlantic union merging the United States with the European superstate. In fact, that is the very same agenda envisioned in Obama's extraordinarily unpopular “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership,” or TTIP, with the EU. If approved by the U.S. Congress and European officials, the transatlantic regime created under the TTIP would serve as the nucleus of a future EU-style "Atlantic Union" government to rule over both the United States and the EU.
And that was the idea all along. “Whatever power they can achieve as two separate unions — a United States of Europe and a United States of America — they can achieve far better by forming one union,” explained influential globalist Clarence Streit in testimony before the U.S. Congress' House Committee on Foreign Affairs in 1948. The eventual goal, though, was to continue strengthening the UN until the various “unions” could be merged into a single global government, Streit explained. Back then, globalists were often more open about their agenda.
And for
decades, that was hardly a fringe idea. On July 4, 1962, for example, President
John F. Kennedy called publicly for a “Declaration of Interdependence.” “I will
say here and now, on this Day of Independence, that the United States will be
ready for a Declaration of Interdependence, that we will be prepared to discuss
with a united Europe the ways and means of forming a concrete Atlantic
partnership, a mutually beneficial partnership between the new union now
emerging in Europe and the old American Union,” he said. “For the Atlantic
partnership of which I speak would not look inward only, preoccupied with its
own welfare and advancement. It must look outward to cooperate with all nations
in meeting their common concern. It would serve as a nucleus for the eventual
union of all free men —those who are now free and those who are vowing that
someday they will be free.”
Even as
far back as the 1940s, the globalist-influenced U.S. government was pursuing
the subjugation of Europe under a single, ultra-powerful regime controlled by
globalist interests. In 1947, then-U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall
(CFR) — a key player in handing China to Chairman Mao's murderous communists,
and perhaps mass-murdering dictator Joseph Stalin's most important ally in the
world — strongly suggested in a speech that European “economic cooperation” was
a precondition for the desperately needed American aid after the war. The
scheme eventually became known as the “Marshall Plan.”
“It is
already evident that, before the United States Government can proceed much
further in its efforts to alleviate the situation and help start the European
world on its way to recovery, there must be some agreement among the countries
of Europe as to the requirements of the situation and the part those countries
themselves will take in order to give proper effect to whatever action might be
undertaken by this Government,” said Marshall, the man after whom the scheme
was named. “The initiative, I think, must come from Europe. The role of this
country should consist of friendly aid in the drafting of a European program
and of later support of such a program so far as it may be practical for us to
do so. The program should be a joint one, agreed to by a number, if not all
European nations.”
Committee of European Economic Cooperation, chaired by then-British Foreign
Secretary Ernest Bevin, officially responded with a major report that was
ultimately transmitted approvingly by the State Department to President Harry
Truman. Signed by government representatives from Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
Sweden, the United Kingdom, and more, the committee outlined efforts to create
a customs union that could eventually lead to even further “cooperation.” U.S.
officials were pleased.
Ver aqui e aqui |
Members of Congress, especially Representative Walter Judd (R-Minn.), even tried to get language in the statement of purpose for the original Marshall Plan bill of 1948 explicitly declaring that it was the policy of the United States to encourage the economic unification and the political federation of Europe. In the end, language calling for the development of economic cooperation was included instead. The next year, the “political federation” amendment was pursued again, with the result being the addition of the sentence: “It is further declared to be the policy of the people of the United States to encourage the unification of Europe.” By 1951, Congress finally came out and said it openly, with a clause included in the 1951 Mutual Security Act stating that the goal was “to further encourage the economic unification and the political federation of Europe.”» [71]
Enfim, tudo passa, em última instância, por estabelecer um alargado conjunto geoestratégico de governos e superestados regionais de modo a interligá-los numa nova ordem transnacional sob a égide das Nações Unidas ou de uma outra entidade supranacional representativa do panteísmo “ecológico” hodiernamente característico da nova era globalista anticristã. Assim, já estritamente condenado o princípio de subordinação das nacionalidades a um universalismo de ordem transhumana, como é o da Igreja Católica, formula-se actualmente, sob a maré alta do internacionalismo, a derradeira ficção jurídica duma confederação totalitária de Estados e regimes unificados em torno de um governo comum em arrogada e categórica ambição de reger e determinar um mundo sem qualquer espécie de fronteira espácio-temporal de ora avante suspensa ante o imperativo e especioso enunciado de um direito público internacional assente em indefinidos poderes de abusiva intervenção na ordem da liberdade, autonomia e independência alheias. Basta, aliás, ver como semelhante intervenção simultaneamente abusiva e atentadora da soberania na esfera interna dos Estados-nação, tem constituído um recorrente processo ao abrigo da Carta das Nações Unidas sob a retorcida retórica do intervencionismo humanitário e da alegada salvaguarda dos direitos humanos, tornando dessa forma mutável o que por sua natureza superior e inalienável obedece a princípios de consagrada automoção política e espiritual própria:
«A Carta diz que a organização não pode
intervir em assuntos que são essencialmente da alçada nacional de cada país.
Tal provisão reflecte a regra clássica da não-intervenção nos assuntos internos
dos Estados. É um dos aspectos mais contestados e debatidos da Carta porque o
seu sentido não é claro. Além disso, a própria organização contrariou, em algumas
circunstâncias, este princípio. Já nos anos 20, o Tribunal Permanente de
Justiça Internacional afirmou que a linha divisória entre jurisdição interna e
internacional era mutável, dependendo da natureza das relações internacionais. [72] A
ONU tem vindo a estender a sua intervenção internacional, roçando assim a
esfera interna dos Estados, ao envolver-se em questões de Direitos Humanos,
desenvolvimento, regimes autoritários ou racistas.
A partir dos anos 90 do séc. XX, a
latitude da acção internacional tem vindo a alargar-se. A acção da ONU na
esfera interna dos Estados prende-se com o facto de muitos conflitos terem
actualmente uma natureza interna, e não serem conflitos entre Estados. O
Conselho de Segurança tem lidado com casos em que a violência tem a ver com
causas internas, em vez de resultar de lutas entre Estados. As intervenções nos
assuntos internos dos Estados têm acontecido quando a ONU reconhece que existe
uma ameaça à paz e segurança internacionais e se esgotaram os esforços
diplomáticos de resolução pacífica dos conflitos. Entre os Estados
prevaricadores contam-se os que são acusados de má governação, os Estados
fora-da-lei (“rogue states”) e os
Estados falhados (“failed states”).
Estas intervenções humanitárias têm como principal característica a ameaça ou
utilização da força por parte da ONU para pôr fim a graves violações dos
Direitos Humanos sem a permissão do Estado anfitrião. [73]
Os casos são numerosos: a intervenção
para estancar a repressão dos Iranianos pelo regime de Saddam Hussein (1991); a
força da ONU para criar um ambiente seguro para a distribuição da ajuda
humanitária na Somália (1992); a decisão de invocar o Capítulo VII devido à
repressão sobre os Albaneses do Kosovo.
Efectivamente, “os limites à acção da ONU... são políticos” [74] e dependem do ambiente internacional, bem como da interpretação do CS. A Carta das Nações Unidas confere ao Conselho de Segurança poderes de “auto-interpretação”. A intervenção nos assuntos internos, sob a forma de intervenções humanitárias, é um conceito ainda mal definido que dá margem a conflitos de interpretação. As intervenções humanitárias talvez sejam o melhor exemplo da necessidade premente de definir novos modelos para enquadrar a ordem internacional do pós-Guerra Fria. O Relatório da Comissão de Alto Nível sobre as Ameaças, Desafios e Mudanças recomendava que a ONU fosse reformada a fim de facilitar as intervenções em Estados enfraquecidos. O caminho que o painel defendeu é muito mais intervencionista, distanciando-se da tradicional ênfase da ONU de não se intrometer em assuntos internos de um Estado-membro. Boutros-Ghali afirmou que “a velha doutrina da soberania exclusiva e absoluta já não colhe e, efectivamente, nunca foi tão absoluta como foi concebida enquanto teoria. Um grande desafio intelectual do nosso tempo é repensar a questão da soberania.” 75]» [76]
Aqui, como se vê, “repensar” o conceito de soberania no plano das relações internacionais significa tão–só o poder de subjugar para abolir de vez a tradição e a fisionomia espiritual dos variegados povos, nações e culturas do orbe terrestre, um poder que nem sequer, aliás, obedece ao tão de si arvorado processo de transparência democrática formalmente reivindicado pelas superestruturas eurocráticas dominantes. Daí, pois, nas oportunas palavras de Kurt Williamsen:
«The EU
is massively undemocratic, with unelected
EU appointees dictating up to 80 percent of all rules and laws to member
countries, with the people of the EU having no say in matters. And the power of
the unelected bureaucrats was not ceded to them by the people of the EU through
popular vote: When voting on an EU Constitution was done in 2005, the French
and Dutch voted against it, so EU elitists simply renamed the EU Constitution
the Lisbon Treaty and mandated its adoption anyway.
O socialismo oligárquico globalista na capital olisiponense |
Ver aqui |
It’s true that people of the EU do elect EU representatives, but those representatives don’t have much actual power; they mainly serve as a rubber-stamp to edicts from the unelected personages above them. (So much for democracy and power of the people.)» [77]
agenda plandémica e o advento do culto transhumanista
Convicto e extremado globalista, António Guterres tem multilateralmente
propugnado, enquanto secretário-geral da ONU, por uma “acção colectiva”
centrada numa coligação de organismos internacionais em estreita cooperação com
os vários regimes regionais projectados em uniões transnacionais, coligação
essa tanto mais poderosa quanto mais submetida ao “controlo governamental
dirigido pela ONU” com vista a reforçar e transformar os ditos “países em
desenvolvimento” nos piores e mais perigosos regimes autocráticos do terceiro
mundo, quando não mesmo a transformar as denominadas “estruturas de governação
globais” no “Governo mundial” tão cínica e frequentemente negado, ou ainda a propagar o por
demais rebatido “desenvolvimento sustentável” a fim de se alcançar o “controlo
e redução da população mundial” mediante a procurada e premente “gestão de bens
públicos globais”, nomeadamente as “vacinas” de manipulação genética e as
injecções de guerra bioquímica largamente operadas à escala planetária para a paulatina esterilização em massa. Ora, tudo isso e muito mais encontra-se, sem dúvida,
subjacente nas palavras do testa de ferro mundialista, a saber:
«Os fundadores das
Nações Unidas viveram, eles próprios, uma pandemia global, uma depressão e uma
guerra, e aproveitaram a oportunidade para plantar as sementes de algo novo e
melhor. Hoje, enquanto mergulhamos na recuperação da pandemia, devemos fazer o
Peço que se crie um novo contrato social
a nível das nações. Este deveria abarcar uma nova geração de proteção [sic] social e de redes de segurança,
incluindo a cobertura universal de saúde e a possibilidade de um rendimento
básico universal. A educação e a tecnologia digital deverão ser os dois grandes
facilitadores e equalizadores.
A nível internacional, necessitamos de
um novo acordo global, de modo a assegurar que poder, riqueza e oportunidades
são partilhados mais equitativamente. Necessitamos de uma globalização justa,
uma voz mais forte para os países em desenvolvimento e reformas nas
instituições de Bretton Woods e das próprias Nações Unidas.
Faço também um apelo à ação [sic] sobre direitos humanos, abarcando
áreas-chave como a igualdade de género, proteção [sic] do espaço cívico, ameaças em tempo de crise humanitária e
problemas de fronteiras como os do ciberespaço. A própria pandemia realçou
graves desafios aos direitos humanos.
Não conseguiremos responder a esta crise
regressando ao que fomos ou escondendo-nos nas nossas conchas nacionais. Hoje,
temos um excedente de desafios multilaterais e um défice de soluções
multilaterais. O mundo necessita de mais, e mais eficiente, multilateralismo,
com visão, ambição e impacto. Ninguém quer um Governo mundial – mas devemos
continuar a trabalhar juntos para melhorar a governação do mundo.
A reforma da governação global deverá
ser um passo em frente na criação de um mundo mais justo que possa resolver os
problemas partilhados antes de estes nos esmagarem. Necessitamos, mais do que
nunca, de estruturas de governação globais que desempenhem um papel na gestão
de bens públicos globais cruciais, incluindo a saúde pública, a ação [sic] climática, o desenvolvimento
sustentável e a paz.
O multilateralismo do século XXI deverá
ser interligado. Deverá ligar a família das Nações Unidas a outras instituições
globais, que vão desde as instituições financeiras internacionais até às
organizações e às alianças comerciais.
Além disso, o multilateralismo do século XXI deverá ser inclusivo. As Nações Unidas de hoje deverão ir além dos Governos, de forma a reconhecer o papel da sociedade civil, das regiões e das cidades, das empresas e das instituições académicas. Necessitamos de alargar o nosso círculo de envolvimento para tirar partido das perspetivas [sic] e da especialização de todos estes setores [sic].» [78]
Por outras palavras, o multilateralismo
do século XXI procura sobretudo envolver toda a humanidade sob uma gigantesca
teia digital susceptível de articular os invasivos esquemas de integração e
identificação biométrica com os comprovados registos de interoperabilidade bancária e vacínica [79]
mediante os quais qualquer pessoa poderá ser coagida a comportar-se desta ou daquela forma, a tomar todo o tipo experimental ou não convencional de droga farmacológica, ou, em último caso, a não mais poder
comprar ou vender por haver sido inesperada e subitamente bloqueada
pelo dominante sistema de vigilância electrónica global. A isto as Nações Unidas chamam
tecnicamente a sociedade interligada
e inclusiva, gestora de bens públicos globais em nome da paz e
do “desenvolvimento sustentável” [80],
pelo que doravante se justifica, sob o poder discricionário das autoridades supostamente competentes, o direito e o dever de um indivíduo ser inoculado vezes sem conta de acordo com as sempre recomendáveis exigências de uma "cívica" não obstante fictícia e abstracta saúde pública global [81].
Não admira, pois, que o sistema educativo já inteiramente corrompido e a
tecnologia digital sejam, à partida, os “grandes facilitadores e equalizadores”
– ou melhor dito: os grandes normalizadores
da horrenda tirania mundial em curso, no mais devida à “generosa filantropia”
de fundações globocratas, como a Fundação Rockefeller, a Fundação Clinton e a
Fundação Bill e Melinda Gates, prontamente apostadas na criação de um mundo de
superestruturas financeiras digitais [82]
aptas a dar por terminado o velho mundo dos Estados-nações em prol de um novo
supergoverno mundial plenamente blindado, regulado e centralizado.
Perante a iminência da economia digital, o meta-espaço virtual dispensará decerto toda a intermediação bancária e governamental no incessante fluxo de transações unicamente operadas sob virtuais unidades de cibermoeda descentralizada. O metaverso, na sua matriz digital multifacetada, disporá paralelamente de um número infindável de experiências digitais a juntar às que constituem já parte integrante da vida do dia-a-dia do comum dos mortais (e-mails, redes sociais, etc.), nomeadamente no imersivo acesso a conferências, concertos, centros comerciais ou ainda a investimentos imobiliários, entre outras inúmeras possibilidades. Contudo, instantes virtualidades acrescem curiosamente no novo e vislumbrante submundo Meta, particularmente relativas à aquisição de monumentos, edifícios e parcelas de terra propícias ao aparecimento de novos senhorios, não só digitalmente falando, mas também realmente materializados num universo híbrido onde factores fungíveis e não-fungíveis se intersectam, interagindo e interconectando-se em múltiplos e determinados pontos susceptíveis de maior ou menor sobreposição na esfera biológica, física e digital. [83]
A matriz digital do metaverso resume-se ademais à exponenciada distopia da elite globalista focada na anulação de toda a concreta identidade, individualidade e religiosidade que de sua conjunta natureza espiritual multissecular resulte inteiramente incompatível com uma República Universal e uma Religião Única tão inumanas quão profundamente inimigas da Tradição, do Magistério e da Civilização de inspiração cristã. Que o diga, pois, com toda a autoridade inerente à sua primaz condição de homem de Deus, o Arcebispo Carlo Maria Viganò:
YEARS NOW we have been witnessing a
global coup d’état, in which a financial and ideological elite has
succeeded in seizing control of part of national governments, public and
private institutions, the media, the judiciary, politicians and religious
leaders. All of these, without distinction, have become enslaved to these new
masters who ensure power, money and social affirmation to their accomplices.
Fundamental rights, which up until yesterday were presented as inviolable, have
been trampled underfoot in the name of an emergency: today a health emergency,
tomorrow an ecological emergency, and after that an internet emergency.
global coup d’état deprives citizens of any possibility of defense,
since the legislative, executive, and judicial powers are complicit in the
violation of law, justice, and the purpose for which they exist. It is a global
d’état because this criminal attack against citizens extends to the
whole world, with very rare exceptions. It is a world war, where the enemies
are all of us, even those who unwittingly have not yet understood the
significance of what is happening. It is a war fought not with weapons but with
illegitimate rules, wicked economic policies, and intolerable limitations of
natural rights.
Supranational organizations, financed in large measure by the
conspirators of this coup d’état, are interfering in the
government of individual nations and in the lives, relationships, and health of
billions of people. They are doing it for money, certainly, but even more so in
order to centralize power so as to establish a planetary dictatorship. It is
the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum, the Agenda 2030 of the United
Nations. It is the plan of the New World Order, in which a Universal Republic
enslaves everyone and a Religion of Humanity cancels Faith in Christ.
In the
face of this global coup d’état, it is necessary to form an international
Anti-Globalist Alliance, which gathers all those who want to oppose the
dictatorship, who have no intention of becoming slaves to a faceless power, who
are not willing to cancel their own identity, their own individuality, their
own religious faith. If the attack is global, the defense must also be global.
I call
upon rulers, political and religious leaders, intellectuals and all people of
good will, inviting them to unite in an Alliance that launches an
anti-globalist manifesto, refuting point-by-point the errors and deviations of
the dystopia of the New World Order and proposing concrete alternatives for a
political program inspired by the common good, the moral principles of
Christianity, traditional values, the protection of life and the natural
family, the protection of business and work, the promotion of education and
research, and respect for Creation.
This Anti-Globalist Alliance will have to bring together the Nations that intend to escape the infernal yoke of tyranny and affirm their own sovereignty, forming agreements of mutual collaboration with Nations and peoples who share their principles and the common yearning for freedom, justice, and goodness. It will have to denounce the crimes of the elite, identify those responsible, denounce them to international tribunals, and limit their excessive power and harmful influence. It will have to prevent the action of the lobbies, above all by fighting against the corruption of state officials and those who work in the information industry, and by freezing the capital used to destabilize the social order.
Nations where governments are subservient to the elite, they will be able to
establish popular resistance movements and committees of national liberation,
including representatives of all sectors of society who propose a radical
reform of politics, inspired by the common good and firmly opposed to the
neo-malthusian [sic] project of the globalist agenda.
I invite
all those who want to defend traditional Christian society to meet together in
an international forum, to be held as soon as possible, in which
representatives of various nations come together to present a serious,
concrete, and clear proposal. My appeal is made to political leaders and to
rulers who care about the good of their citizens, leaving aside the old systems
of political parties and the logic imposed by a system enslaved to power and
money. I call the Christian nations together, from east to west, inviting Heads
of State and the healthy forces of institutions, the economy, labor,
universities, health care and information to join a common project, disrupting
the old systems and putting aside the hostilities that are desired by the enemies
of humanity in the name of divide et impera [“divide and
conquer”]. We do not accept our adversary’s rules, because they are made
precisely to prevent us from reacting and organizing an effective and incisive
I call
upon Nations and their citizens to ally themselves under the Cross of Our Lord
Jesus Christ, the only King and Savior, the Prince of Peace. In
hoc signo vinces [“In this sign thou shalt conquer”].
Let us
found this Anti-Globalist Alliance, let us give it a simple and clear program,
and let us free humanity from a totalitarian regime that brings together in
itself the horrors of the worst dictatorships of all time. If we continue to
delay, if we do not understand the threat that looms over us all, if we do not
react by organizing ourselves into a firm and courageous resistance, this
infernal regime that is establishing itself everywhere will not be able to be
And may Almighty God assist us and protect us.» [84]
Enfim, conclua-se entretanto o corrente escrito invocando mais uma vez o lúcido e abençoado testemunho do Arcebispo Viganò sobre a emergente Nova Ordem Mundial, transcrevendo na íntegra a vital e tempestiva entrevista conduzida pelo jornalista italiano Cesare Sacchetti, intitulada «Viganò:”those who resist the NWO will have the help and protection of God”»:
«There is a man that in this moment terrifies the
hierarchy of the anti-Catholic church of Bergoglio. This man has been the
object of tremendous and evil attacks by the mainstream media. They have been
trying to smear him and depict him as a criminal or like someone who is putting
society in great danger. This man is Archbishop Viganò. His Excellency has
become like a polar star of hope for those Catholics and even non-believers who
have thirst for justice and common sense in this upside-down world. Viganò has
been speaking calmly but his gentle voice has terrified the powerful people of
the world. Viganò has exposed the Great Reset and the plan to destroy mankind.
He clearly denounced the infiltration of Freemasonry into society and into the
In other words, Viganò is guilty of having said the truth like a humble pastor of God. In this interview that His Excellency granted us, he once again tells us in what kind of historical period we are living. He also consoles us by reminding us that being persecuted for loving God and having Faith is the greatest honor that we may have. This is probably why so many people look at this man in this historical period. He’s one of the few pastors that can speak simply to the hearts of the common men. Here you can find his words addressed to any one of us.”
Your Excellency, in recent days you have been the victim of harsh attacks in the Italian media, and the attacks seem to be increasing in intensity. Massimo Giannini, editor of La Stampa of Turin, went so far as to call you a “scoundrel.” Another prominent Italian journalist, Bruno Vespa, said God should “forgive you” for your statements about the vaccines and the so-called pandemic. Could you explain why Italy’s mainstream media increasingly seems to consider you a sort of “public enemy”? Why are they seemingly so afraid of you?
As I
have previously noted, it is typical of any totalitarian regime to seek to delegitimize
any and every form of dissent, at first by ridiculing the adversary, making him
the object of derision so as to discredit him before the eyes of the public
opinion. Then, after delegitimizing the person as pathological, or in need of
psychiatric care, suggesting that the adversary is mentally unstable who should
be hospitalized in a mental institution. Finally, this process ends with the
complete criminalization of all dissenters. In this way, the regime creates the
necessary premises to separate all its adversaries from civil society.
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John Elkann. Ver aqui |
insults and personal attacks — like the most recent that I have received from
the Italian magazine “Venerdì” (published
by the newspaper “La Repubblica”) — are part of this charade, a type of
theatrical production in which the “high priests” of COVID tear their
vestments, lamenting every objection to their lies. We should recall that “La
Stampa” and “La Repubblica” belong to the Elkann family, a family related to
the Rothschilds since the 1500s. As a matter of fact, John Elkann wrote the
preface to Klaus Schwab’s book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, in which the WEF (World Economic Forum) chairman
describes the “Great Reset” in minute detail. In their adherence to the
official narrative, the spokesmen for the elite also end up employing this
tactic of discrediting and smearing those who oppose them, a typical practice
of conspiratorial groups.
Certainly, given the deafening silence of the bishops and the propaganda of Santa Marta (Editor’s Note: the residence of Jorge Bergoglio), it is clear that a discordant voice that denounces the ongoing coup d’état being carried out by the globalist élite irritates and seems intolerable for those who ask for an unreasoning approval to their contradictory declarations.
In this context, the Italian media has gone so far as to send spies to attend the Masses celebrated by those priests, like Fr. Giorgio Ghio, who are denouncing the harm caused by the vaccines and the general anti-Christian spirit that seems to becoming ever more to dominate Western society. It seems that the spirit of the real, traditional Church is not only not dead, but even being rekindled. Do you believe that the globalist power is particularly afraid of this renewal of the traditional Catholic faith?
I would
like to point out first of all that intrusion by the civil authorities in
Church affairs is in direct violation of the Concordat between the Holy See and
the Italian Republic. Moreover, the Episcopal Conference of Italy (CEI) does
not have any authority to negotiate with the government protocols and
agreements, so such agreements, in so far as agreed to by those who have no
right to negotiate or ratify such agreements, have no validity whatsoever.
Having said that, I think that every priest has the right, or rather the duty,
to warn his faithful about the real danger – not at all merely hypothetical –
represented by the inoculation of this experimental medical product. This is
especially the case when the entire psycho-pandemic farce clearly aims to lead
toward the establishment of a dictatorship, whose purpose is to control the
citizens through a violation of their constitutional and natural rights under
the guise of a health emergency.
submission of the Catholic Hierarchy, of the Episcopal Conferences, of the
Bishops and the Priests to this official narrative, is so brazen and servile as
to make evident that infiltration by the “deep church” that I have denounced many
times. This infiltration began at least 70 years ago, and today has become
quite obvious due to its arrogance and to its persecution of all dissenting
voices concerning both the alleged pandemic emergency and the even graver
doctrinal, moral, and disciplinary deviations (of the present Church
leadership) and the disturbing complicities of this leadership with the “deep
This blatant betrayal by the Church’s pastors has sparked, as also has occurred in the area of civil government, a spontaneous opposition from the “base,” from the people, both ordinary lay people, and ordinary priests, and this opposition has concerned, significantly, both the response to the pandemic and the crisis of the Church hierarchy. On one hand, we have the promoters of the “Great Reset” with their anti-Catholic and anti-Christic ideology, supported by the Bergoglian church. On the other hand, we have those who are standing against the New World Order and who see their moral values and vision fulfilled in the perennial Catholic magisterium and in the traditional Catholic liturgy. The two cities, the City of the Devil and the City of God: the division is always the same because the opposing forces are drawn up based on positions that are ontologically opposed and inimical to one another.
A Russian Colonel who once served in the Soviet secret services, Vladimir Kvachov, has called the pandemic as a sort of “terrorist operation” that has been expressly conceived to enforce a global population reduction and usher in a global dictatorship. In an article published by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010 whose title is “Operation Lockstep”, the outbreak of a pandemic is expressly mentioned. This pandemic allows world governments to implement authoritarian and repressive measures against personal freedom that are essential to move toward a one-world government. These restrictive measures are basically the same that we have been seeing enforced during the last year and a half, such as face masks and social distancing, which have brought mass psychosis and social hate seemingly unprecedented in Western societies. Do you think that this entire situation is an engineered crisis conceived by the globalist powers to drag mankind towards a state of constant fear and pave the way for the global Leviathan?
I do
think so, and I have been saying this since the beginning of the
psycho-pandemic, when in May 2020 I exposed the dangers and the absurdities of
this grotesque farce. I am quite familiar with the scenarios of the Rockefeller
Foundation, as well as with the ones depicted by the “Great Reset” of the World
Economic Forum (WEF), whose president met the former Italian Prime Minister,
Giuseppe Conte, in November of 2019 and the present Italian Prime Minister,
Mario Draghi, just a few days ago. Likewise, I am also aware of the UN plan
called Agenda 2030.
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This operation required meticulous preparation and needed the participation of large parts of the public institutions and the private sectors, including the complicity of the Judiciary, of law enforcement and the media. These combined efforts are a real coup d’état and the pandemic is just a pretext – the profasis – through which is introduced the seeming inevitability of the violation of fundamental rights and the consequent establishment of the totalitarian regime of the New Order. In this New Order the pandemic superstition reigns supreme, with its magicians, its vaccine temples, its irrational rituals and its excommunications of sinners vitandi (“to be avoided” or “to be shunned”) — those who do not agree to give up their reason even before apostatizing from their Faith in order to embrace this insane ideological madness.
In the “Great Reset” society that Your Excellency has denounced on numerous occasions, the “transhumanist” ideology plays a fundamental role. Modern technology is advancing at a very fast pace and we are now speaking openly about the possibility of controlling human behavior through brain microchip implants. One who favors this new model of “human/robot” is Klaus Schwab, a character whom we have met in the previous questions, the head of the World Economic Forum. Do you think that the final purpose of transhumanism is really this, to deprive man of his God-given free will?
Transhumanism is a hellish project, in which the Devil mocks the creation of God by perverting and corrupting it. Obedience to the “easy yoke” of the Law of God is replaced by the enslavement and submission to Satan’s tyranny, in which there is no tolerance for good and everyone is forced to commit evil, accept evil, and legitimize evil. And despite the fact that only God can read our consciences, Satan tries to violate the sanctuary of our inner spiritual part in order to control it and induce us to commit evil even against our own will. In his recent book, The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab wrote the following:
“We are also studying new ways to use and implant internal devices that monitor our levels of activity, the hematochemical values and the ways in which these can be associated to wellbeing, to mental health, and to productivity at home and at work. We are also learning better the functioning of the brain and witnessing exceptional developments in the neurotechnology area.”
It is a
delirium that only Lucifer can conceive, and it is destined to complete failure
because of it Antichristic matrix, its defying of the divine Kingship of Jesus
Christ. It is a delirium where the creature, rebelling against the divine laws,
pretends to reach the place of the Highest and repeats, with the same
disgraceful determination, the “Non
serviam” (“I will not serve”) of
Satan is simia Dei (“an ape of God”): in everything that he does to keep us away from God and drag us toward Hell, we can always see his mocking attempt to imitate the Savior, to usurp His sovereignty, to pervert His teachings and to steal souls from Him. The Devil wants to be worshipped in the place of God. He wants the Antichrist to rule over the world and subjugate mankind to his tyranny by replacing the Church of Christ with the anti-Church of Satan, which is the Religion of Mankind, an ecumenical and ecological one.
In your videos and articles, you have spoken about the threat represented by the New World Order (NWO). Several statesmen and prime ministers, such as George H. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Nicolas Sarkozy, and David Rockefeller – just to name a few– used this expression in their public statements. These politicians describe the NWO as a sort of “Eden” we all should aim for. During the COVID crisis, we have been often hearing these words. Can you explain the idea that drives the New World Order and why the vaccines play a very important role in the fulfillment of this goal?
The New World Order is neither New nor Order: it represents the foolish ambition of Satan to overthrow the providential plan of God, to cancel the true Religion that leads to eternal salvation and finally to replace the “ordo christianus” (“the Christian order”) with infernal chaos. In this disorder, the lie replaces the Truth, injustice and abuse of power replace justice, whim instead of obedience to the law of God, death instead of life, illness instead of health, the legitimization of Evil and the condemnation of Good, the persecution of good people and the praising of evil ones, ignorance in the place of culture and wisdom, ugliness and horror instead of beauty, division and hatred instead of harmony and love. Satan doesn’t want to be worshipped by adopting the qualities of God, but by demanding to be an object of adoration through everything that is evil, obscene, false, absurd, and monstrous. He seeks complete subversion, a subversion ontologically devilish and Antichristic: a “New Order” obtained by means of a global coup d’état imposed under the guise of an engineered planned emergency.
The vaccine campaign, lacking any scientific validity, serves first of all as the apparent legitimization for implementing global tracking and controls, today under the pretext of limiting COVID spread (a pretext which is false, because, among other reasons, the vaccinated can still become infected and be contagious). But tomorrow, this campaign aims to expand its reach, extending the “Green Pass” to include information used in a “social credit system” to confront a “green emergency,” which will be likewise false and specious. The “Green Pass” is being conceived as something like the Mark of the Beast mentioned in the Apocalypse of Saint John to allow or forbid people to buy, sell, travel, spend, eat and live.
Secondly, the inoculation of people with an experimental genic serum that provokes a weakening of our natural immune system represents a very grave crime, because it turns ordinary healthy people into chronically ill people, and consequently into customers of the health care companies and private care. This situation hugely inflates the profits of the globalist élite and brings a general impoverishment of the population. Even this aspect, apparently secondary, reveals the subversive character of the “Great Reset,” because the “Great Reset” does not represent only an attack against the health of an individual, but also an attack against the national security of the States, because their armed forces are harmed by the side effects of the vaccine, while the not-vaccinated soldiers are banned from active duty. I think that this is a point not enough considered by those who are analyzing the present crisis, and it shows the malice of those who. Once in power, cooperate for the destruction of nations in order to subjugate them to the New Order.
Speaking again about the New World Order, Your Excellency said in one of your videos that Vatican II played a fundamental role in the early 1960s in paving the way for this plan. In this regard, the Council may be considered as the event that built a “new liberal Church” separated from the Catholic tradition. This “liberal Church” has embraced the spirit of the modern world, rather than trying to contain it. Essentially, the institution that should have been the “katechon,” the force that impeded the manifestation of the Antichrist, instead became the spokesman and promoter of the Antichrist. Is it possible to say the masonic forces that infiltrated the Church planned this transition? Do you think that the present Church is living the apostasy predicted by Leo XIII in 1884, and predicted by other relevant prophecies such as the ones of Fatima in 1917 and Akita in 1973?
As one
of the main characters of Vatican II (1962-1965), Cardinal Leo Joseph Suenens
said, the conciliar revolution represented “the 1789 of the Catholic Church” [Editor’s note: The year 1789 was the
beginning of the French Revolution which overthrew the entire pre-French
Revolution society.] In this view, ever since Vatican II, the Church has
embraced the revolutionaries’ principles, liberal ideology, Communism,
collectivism, and more generally “the spirit of the world”; gender theory, and
the dissolution of Christianity, not only in the doctrinal area but also in the
moral and cultural area, that is, as the vital element of Christian
Civilization. This betrayal was accomplished in ways not unlike the ones that
were used by the masonic Lodges against the Catholic Monarchies, and it was
realized through an infiltration plan that was unfolded on two fronts: one
ideological, and one practical.
On the
ideological side, we witnessed the corruption of orthodoxy through heresies and
philosophical errors of which we are still suffering the nefarious
consequences; on the practical side, we witnessed the corruption of people’s
morality, subjecting individuals to passions to dominate them, enslaving them
to their own vices in order to blackmail them, promoting the most corrupt to
the highest posts of institutions which, through their outrageous conduct, were
delegitimized and discredited. What kind of credibility may the Church claim in
matters of moral sexuality when its highest prelates are corrupt perverts? What
kind of credibility may the Church claim, when officials of the Holy See are
implicated in financial scandals and obscure market speculations?
Therefore, a return to Tradition is necessary, and to those values that have today been removed and forgotten, such as honesty, the sense of duty, fidelity, love of Country, honor, discipline. It would be a return to the ordo christianus in the civil sphere, which would involve a radical reform of the States; the same should be done in the ecclesial sphere with the removal of the false pastors and the restoration of everything that was destroyed by the ideological fury of Vatican II. If we want to end the hard test that Providence is demanding of us, it is fundamental that we remove the cause of the chastisements that the Lord is inflicting upon us. And the inner cause is this entire Antichristic system that was conceived by masonic principles and by the Revolution.
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We must restore authority as an expression of the power of Christ, and we must give a moral and spiritual education to those who govern us. It is certainly a hard task, but we should do it if we really want to transmit to our children the values that make them good Christians and good citizens, accountable before God and desirous of obeying Him, of proclaiming Him King, and of giving Him public honors. Once we have acknowledged Him again as King, Our Lord will not allow His children to perish in battle, and He will reward them with a great victory. However, until we understand the error that lies at the base of the present horrors, we cannot hope in the intervention of God.
Recently, Bergoglio has clearly said that it will be necessary to give
birth to the “Great Reset,” and he has also pointed out that there will not be
a return to normal. Bergoglio has turned himself into an apostle of the
universal religion desired by the masonic lodges, whose ultimate goal is to
completely remove Christianity. Does it have sense to state that Bergoglio is
the natural conclusion of Vatican II? Do you think that the apostasy of the
Church, which was foreseen in several prophecies and in the visions of the
Venerable Holzhauser, has already reached its peak and is close to its
Bergoglio is one of the most convinced adherents of the globalist
religion: he embraces all of its goals, he pushes its plans, he promotes its
doctrines, and he fights its enemies. If he were not to have the role that he
has within the ecclesial hierarchy, he could be considered the prophet of the
New World Order and the main enemy of the Church of Christ. The fact that he is
universally considered as the head of the Church shows us an evident
contradiction, an extremely grave conflict of interests, a blatant betrayal of
the authority he possesses.
The same
ways that allowed him to replace the outgoing Benedict XVI reveal the
intervention of forces hostile to the Church. The manipulations of the
so-called Saint Gallen mafia are a direct proof of this hostile intervention, planned
beforehand also by the “deep state,” as emerges from the emails of John
Podesta, who spoke about a “springtime of the Church” in which the Church would
embrace the spirit of the world and abandon the proclamation of the Gospel.
“pontificate” is the coherent application of the principles of Vatican II, as
Bergoglio himself has proudly claimed. Everything that he has said and done
since 2013 is aligned with the errors woven into various ambiguous passages of
the Conciliar texts, from his intransigent silences to his misleading
ambiguities. But like everything that comes from the Devil, this project has no
hope to succeed and serves only to allow us to understand a very clear truth
that we are still not able to recognize: the only hope of Salvation rests in
the complete embracing of the Catholic Faith, as Our Lord taught it to the
Apostles and as the Holy Church has proposed it for belief for 2000 years. All
the errors, all the attempts to adapt the faith to the mentality of this age,
all the compromises to carve out a place for the Church in the world, and all
the betrayals in exchange for power come from Satan, and as such are destined
to failure.
Christ the King will return to reign in the Church, even before coming back to
reign in civil society, He will grant the Church good and holy Pastors, a
courageous Pontiff who will denounce apostasy, fight errors, gather around the
Cross of Christ the good. Because the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, is
also destined to suffer Her own Passion, but in the dignity and wholeness of
Her being, precisely, the Bride of the Immaculate Lamb, and not the concubine
of the eternal defeated.
This is why I hope and pray that Providence would grant the world a time of peace and conversion, in order to lead back the Pastors and the Flock to fidelity to the Gospel, so that they will be able to face with dignity the final persecution before the Universal Judgment. If this propitious time were to be ushered in by the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart, I think that we could truly read the present facts in that eschatological vision that finds fulfillment in the victory of Christ over the Devil.
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Your Excellency has launched a public appeal in recent days in which you call for the formation of an “anti-globalist Alliance.” Do you think that the headquarters of this alliance should be Italy, a country that is historically hated by Freemasonry and by the globalist powers?
Italy is a nation blessed by God and by the presence of the papacy. Its civilization — represented by the historical, cultural and artistic legacy of its cities, but also united in the bond of the Catholic Faith – has always been the object of the dissolving action of Satan and his servants. Freemasonry hates Italy, hates its glorious history, which is intrinsically tied to the birth of Christianity, first, and then its later spread. Freemasonry also hates the traditions of this country, which are impregnated by Christianity, hates its art, deeply Christian, hates its culture and civilization, which is an eloquent voice of the power of the Faith in influencing every walk of life. It hates its Saints, who through their preaching and their example drew away from hell millions of souls; it hates its people, whose character seems still to hint to show that authenticity and passion that is profoundly Catholic, expressed by small gestures, by generosity, by a moral sense that is truly Christian.
This is why I believe Italy should have a key role in the opposition against the tyranny of the New Order, by proposing itself as a natural headquarters for this World Anti-Globalist Alliance. And considering the fact that the return of a Catholic Monarch seems quite hard to imagine in this moment, I think that the form of government of the pre-Union Communes and States [Editor’s note: the form of government of the Italian city states prior to the Union of Italy in 1870] could greatly inspire those who would like a reform of Italian civil society aligned with Christian principles and, at the same time, compatible with the needs of modern society. In this regard, I think in particular at The Allegory of Good Government fresco in Siena’s town hall [Palazzo Comunale], in which the theological Virtues enlighten and guide the cardinal and civic Virtues.
Palazzo Pubblico e a Torre del Mangia (Siena). |
Allegoria ed effetti del Buono e del Cattivo Governo (1338-1339). Ver aqui |
A Justiça |
Allegoria del Cattivo Governo |
O Tirano |
Many people are suffering serious personal problems due to the discrimination caused by the “Green Pass” that was enforced by Draghi’s government. Many people are giving up their jobs and salaries to avoid taking this vaccination, and many others are protesting in the streets against this unprecedented authoritarian society. What would you like to say to those who are suffering the consequences of this dystopic society and to those who are giving in to loss of hope, indeed, to desperation?
I would like to answer with the words of Our Lord: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John, 16, 33).
To those who are suffering their own discrimination and the one of their beloved ones; to those who were forced to take a vaccination because the civil authority shamefully blackmailed them, with the outrageous complicity of the ecclesial authority; to those who with courage refuse to surrender to illegitimate and tyrannical laws; to those who are deprived of their means of support due to their coherence, I say this: you are the proof that the strength and the violence of Evil can possibly affect you in your belongings, in your body and in your family; but they cannot ever, ever, strip away from you the peace of having stayed loyal to the Lord.
Do you think that the martyrs were people gifted with special powers? The real martyrs were, are, and will be persons like you and I, persons with a thousand flaws maybe, but driven by the love for Christ, that is, driven by Charity, who are ready to sacrifice their lives in order to not renounce that supernatural and divine love. And if they were able, with the help of God, to face death accompanied by horrible pains, do you think that you today are not able, under the mantle of the most holy Virgin Mary, to stand up against these tyrants, as cruel as they are cowardly? Feel honored by the privilege that is granted to you of meriting Heaven: your fidelity, your strength against the impositions of a hostile power, will merit you the help and protection of Heaven even in the littlest things.
Remain in the Grace of God, which is the only good that no one can ever take away from you: all the rest will be in the hands of Her whom we invoke as the Help of Christians. And when the Virgin intervenes, Hell trembles.» [85]
[66] Os Estados Unidos, de uma
maneira geral, deixaram de ser de há muito a
terra dos livres e o lar dos bravos. Em vez disso, a América está cada vez
mais visivelmente transformada num opressivo Estado policial que, para o
premeditado e calculado efeito, exige a mais absoluta obediência e a mais
incontestável submissão perante os sucessivos éditos “sanitários”
governamentais que doravante estipulam, sem apelo nem agravo, o que cada
cidadão deverá ou não fazer para poder trabalhar, comer e viver. E daí melhor
se explica por que razão se assiste à progressiva imposição de um “novo normal”
largamente susceptível de ser caracterizado como uma espécie de “comunismo
sanitário”, em que o estado de saúde de cada pessoa em particular passa a
depender exclusivamente do estado de saúde de todas as pessoas em geral. Assim,
segundo o corrente colectivismo nominalmente sanitário, o constrangimento
coercivo funciona da seguinte forma: se uma pessoa é vacinada, todas as demais
devem igualmente sê-lo a pretexto irrevogável da salvaguarda do bem público.
Não há,
consequentemente, qualquer direito de escolha individual no que toca aos
infindáveis aspectos da própria existência humana, de modo que quem se preste a
violar ou, a simplesmente não acatar as novas instruções, normas e
“recomendações” instituídas, o governo, apoiado no seu aparato punitivo,
encarregar-se-á de tornar a sua quotidiana existência numa impossibilidade
prática a todos os níveis, bastando aliás ver como estão sendo inclusivamente
postas em causa as cadeias planetárias de abastecimento alimentar para conter, obstar e suprimir de vez qualquer indício, manifestação ou sinal de
resistência perante a inegável imposição do novo status quo, mormente no que às injecções experimentais
especialmente respeita. Ora, do que se trata aqui é de uma chantagem pura e dura, ou
seja: não te vacinas, não comes porque não tens mais direito à existência comunitária. Em
suma: de nada valem, neste preciso contexto, os chamados “direitos humanos” da
ONU e demais organismos e entidades internacionais aparentemente dedicadas ao
tão alardeado bem comum, como à não menos
proclamada paz mundial e à salvação alarmo-ambientalista do planeta.
De resto,
a chantagem é globalmente, regionalmente e localmente empregue quando a
psicologia comportamental das massas não surte suficientemente o efeito
desejado, o que o mesmo é dizer que nem sempre o
homem-massa se predispõe a prestar total e incondicional reverência perante a autoridade
determinada a estabelecer absurdas medidas de engenharia social e política
destinadas a conformar, humilhar e moldar o cidadão comum na compulsiva adopção
de um novo estilo de vida onde simplesmente reina a sistemática campanha do
medo, da intimidação e do terror. O rosto desta campanha também não oferece em
si qualquer espécie de dúvida, se notadamente atendermos à insidiosa propaganda
em curso sobre as alegadas “alterações climáticas”, a transição energética para
a designada “economia verde” e os previsíveis quão já anunciados lockdowns como forma bárbara e desumana de obrigar e fazer cumprir na íntegra a incisiva agenda globalista.
[67] Na verdade, vêm sendo globalmente adoptadas políticas governamentais visando o controle populacional consoante as
projectadas metas para as “alterações climáticas”, sob o pretexto de que a
prosperidade e o bem-estar generalizado encontram-se estritamente dependentes
das zero emissões de carbono, seja na oferta de habitação, seja na preservação
do ambiente natural face à actividade humana, seja ainda no âmbito do propalado
desenvolvimento dos chamados países do Terceiro Mundo.
[68] Gates tem, de resto,
particularmente investido num mecanismo subcutâneo de registo vacinal a ser
lido por telemóveis equipados de luz infravermelha, bem como na inserção
atreita ao sexo feminino de um microship contraceptivo
remotamente controlado. (Cf. Nolan Barton, «Bill Gates funded the creation of
a “vaccine passport” tracking system long before the coronavirus pandemic», in VACCINES.NEWS, 07/21/2021).
[69] Daí a actual tendência para a
instauração de um iminente sistema de controlo bancário em que a criptomoeda
centralizada substituirá definitivamente o dólar, providenciando assim aos
oligarcas globalistas a criação de um novo sistema monetário electrónico em que
serão estritamente vigiadas todas as transacções financeiras em tempo real.
Em inglês: Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnership (TTIP). As
negociações para o acordo começaram em Julho de 2013 e previa-se que pudesse
ser concluído até ao final de 2014. Contudo, não chegou a entrar
em vigor.
Alex Newman, «The Real Agenda Behind the CIA Spawning the EU», in The New American, Digital Edition, May
5, 2016.
Thomas G. Weiss et al, The United Nations
and Changing World Politics, Boulder, CO, Westview Press, 2004, p. 17.
[73] J. L. Holzgreffe, “The Humanitarian Intervention Debate”, in Robert
O. Keohane e J.L., Humanitarian
Intervention: Ethical, Legal and Political Dilemmas, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 2005, p. 18.
[74] Weiss et al, op. cit., p.
[75] Boutros-Ghali, “Empowering the United Nations”, Foreign Affairs, vol. 72, nº 5, Inverno 1992-93, pp. 98-99.
[76] Maria do Céu Pinto, O Papel da ONU na Criação de uma Nova Ordem
Mundial, Prefácio, 2010, pp. 32-33.
Kurt Williamsen, «Will Globalists Keep Their Promises?», in The New American, Vol. 37, No. 14,
[78] Prefácio de António Guterres em Portugal nas Nações Unidas: 64 anos de
história, Tinta da China, 2021, pp. 14-15.
[79] «GAVI, formerly the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, is a self-described “global health partnership of public and private sector organizations dedicated to immunization for all.”
GAVI is also funded by other elite foundations, such as the Rockefeller Foundation. It has formed a partnership with Mastercard to create a biometric digital identity platform known as Trust Stamp, which will be integrated into GAVI-Mastercard “Wellness Pass,” a digital vaccination record and identity system.
The National Pulse further reports:
In May 2020, the foundation sent $600,000 to China’s CDC “to support emergency response and evaluation, and prepare China for the potential pandemic, which will not only help disease control and containment but contribute China’s experience to global health.” An additional $400,000 was sent to CanSino Biologics Inc. “to support international collaboration on development of anti-coronavirus vaccines, which will increase the availability of safe and effective vaccines for sustainable, global distribution and use” in April 2020.
The Gates Foundation has also funded
projects aimed at expanding China’s role in Africa, including a $170,410 grant
to the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences “to support targeted researches
and consensus building activities for the drafting of China-Africa Ag
Modernization Plan with the aim of better leveraging China’s expertise to
facilitate Africa countries’ agricultural transformation.”» («Luis Miguel,
«Gates Foundation Sent $54 Million to CCP-aligned Groups Since COVID», in The New American, Digital Edition,
November 28, 2021).
«The biometric digital identity platform Trust Stamp, which claims to “evolve as you evolve,” is to be introduced in “low-income, remote communities” in West Africa as part of a partnership between the Bill Gates-supported GAVI vaccine alliance and Mastercard.
According to a profile by Mastercard, Trust Stamp uses biometrics to verify your identity without revealing any information:
The process is simple: The customer takes
a photo of their face, palm or fingerprint and shares it with Trust Stamp. The
company uses AI to create a 3D mask of it — and then throws away the data and
adds encryptions in place of the name or records. “Only a small percentage of
the data that originally existed is in the hash,” [Trust Stamp co-founder
Gareth] Genner says. “What you have is something safer for storing because it
can’t be used to directly identify you. No one would recognize you in this huge
jumble of numbers.”
The new program to be tested in West
Africa will see Trust Stamp’s technology integrated into the GAVI-Mastercard
“Wellness Pass,” a digital vaccination record and identity system.
GAVI, the Global Alliance of Vaccines and
Immunizations, is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the
Rockefeller Foundation, and other elite foundations. Mastercard has stated its
commitment to a “World Beyond Cash” and created a suite of services known as
“Digital Wellness” to facilitate digital transactions.» (Luis Miguel, «Gates-funded Program to Begin Tests on Biometric ID Vaccination Records in Africa», in The New American, Digital Edition, July
20, 2020).
[80] Os previstos esquemas de coerciva
“sustentabilidade” começam, na verdade, por assentar no exaustivo e absoluto controlo da produção e da contenção
energéticas, de antemão materializado no sector imobiliário para que os
proprietários se vejam coagidos a
alinhar com um discricionário conjunto de directivas legislativas que
prontamente os proíbe de vender e arrendar casas que não estejam de acordo com
os chamados “padrões mínimos de desempenho energético” pressupostamente
destinados à redução das emissões de gases com efeito estufa, e, nessa medida,
aos propalados objectivos de descarbonização até 2050. Trata-se, pois, de um progressivo
e deveras efectivo açambarcamento dos direitos de propriedade pública e privada
a pretexto de uma melhor qualidade de vida baseada na redução de custos
energéticos e na subsequente eliminação dos combustíveis fósseis, bem como na construção de edifícios que no maior rigor obedeçam a
impostas normas de alegada eficiência energética com diferentes graus de
classificação obrigatoriamente discriminados em certificados energéticos na hora de vender, comprar ou arrendar
casa, ou ainda aquando de renovações de edifícios totalmente alinhados com as
estratégias ambientais prescritas nos planos locais, regionais e globais tidos
como inevitavelmente necessários para o devido efeito. Em suma: sem certificado
ou passaporte de renovação, qualquer proprietário ver-se-á, num futuro próximo,
imediatamente desapropriado perante
estipulados padrões de crédito energético
burocraticamente impostos à revelia dos naturais e invioláveis direitos de
Por definição, os governos
não têm propriamente direitos, pois só os indivíduos, por contrapartida, os têm
de facto e de direito. Os direitos, por conseguinte, são por princípio
inerentemente constitutivos da pessoa humana, logo intrinsecamente próprios da
natureza humana inviolável, e, como tal, preexistentes a toda e qualquer forma
de governo. Pode, no entanto, dizer-se que a propriedade enquanto direito inviolável pode e deve ser assegurada
pelo Estado presidido à luz do direito, conquanto não extravase da sua própria finalidade
à imagem de uma instituição que limita, prende e oprime a existência comum dos
homens. Caso contrário, o Estado ficará apenas entregue à «tirania dos homens demasiado
envilecidos», conforme já a seu modo notara o ilustre e incomparável
[82] Também não é de somenos importância o facto de a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) ter recentemente imputado o dinheiro como uma fonte de contaminação devido à alegada pandemia de SARS- CoV-2, incitando sobremaneira à utilização dos meios e dispositivos de pagamento digital. Não obstante, milhões de dólares continuam a ser impantemente transferidos para a Aliança das Vacinas (GAVI), uma organização internacional já de si conluiada com a OMS e não por acaso financiada e liderada por Bill Gates e o governo do Reino Unido, ou, caso se prefira, Her Majesty's Government. Pelos críticos igualmente designada como o Cartel das Vacinas ou o Cartel Farmacêutico, a GAVI Alliance tem sido particularmente acusada de ter no mínimo causado 38 milhões de mortes prematuras em todo o mundo.
[83] Significa isto que, num mundo
destituído de governos e Estados-nação, a previamente impensável possibilidade de se
poder vir a comprar virtualmente as Pirâmides do Egipto, o Mosteiro dos
Jerónimos e, porque não, a Casa Branca ou o edifício da Organização das Nações
Unidas, é quiçá meio caminho andado para a sua correspondente aquisição no mundo da concreta realidade vivida.
Convento de Santa Maria de Belém |
[84] Cf. Selwyn Duke, «Archbishop Viganò Calls on People of Faith to Unite in a “WORLD WAR” Against the “New World Order”», in The New American, Digital Edition, November 21, 2021. Ver ainda a propósito: «A German cardinal has sparked controversy by claiming that the coronavirus pandemic has been used by the likes of George Soros and Bill Gates to create a global “surveillance state.”
The Covid-19 pandemic has sparked “chaos” and “turmoil” stemming not only from the “lacking knowledge” about the transmissibility and danger of the virus itself, but from the will of the super-rich to “snatch an opportunity to bring people in line,” Gerhard Ludwig Mueller said in an interview with Austria’s St. Boniface Institute last week. He is a high-ranking judge at the Vatican court.
The world’s financial elites are now using the pandemic and the measures governments take to fight the spread of the virus to subject people to “total control” and establish a global “surveillance state,” he added. The St. Boniface published a video showing a small part of the interview and the cardinal has since confirmed to the German dpa news agency that the footage is genuine.
“People, who sit on the throne of their wealth,” see an “opportunity to push through their agenda,” the cardinal said, naming Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, billionaire George Soros and the head of the Davos Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, among those behind the alleged global control scheme.
The cardinal then accused the global financial elites of an attempt to bring forth “a new man” created “in their own image and likeness,” adding that he would not wish such a fate on himself. “That has nothing to do with democracy,” the former Regensburg bishop, who once headed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said.
The cardinal’s statements, which only recently surfaced in the media, sparked a wave of criticism from German media outlets, which quickly branded his words “conspiracy theories.”» (Cf. «Vatican Court Judge Slams Gates, Soros for Using COVID to Impose ‘Total Control», in INFOWARS, December 14th 2021).
«Mueller is not the first prominent figure in the Catholic Church to warn about the dark objectives behind the Great Reset.
Cardinal Raymond Burke, one of the most powerful Catholics in the United States, gave a homily in which he savaged “secular forces” who want to “make us slaves to their godless and murderous agenda.”
“Then there is the mysterious Wuhan virus about whose nature and prevention the mass media daily give us conflicting information,” said Burke. “What is clear, however, is that it has been used by certain forces, inimical to families and to the freedom of nations, to advance their evil agenda. These forces tell us that we are now the subjects of the so-called ‘Great Reset,’ the ‘new normal,’ which is dictated to us by their manipulation of citizens and nations through ignorance and fear.”» (Steve Watson, «Senior Cardinal Warns Elites Ushering In “Total Control Surveillance State” Through COVID», in INFOWARS, December 14th 2021).
Cesare Sacchetti, «Viganò:”those who resist the NWO will have the help and
protection of God”», in The Eye of the
Needle, 3 December 2021.
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